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Learning Objectives

List different methods used to separate mixtures

Label a diagram of apparatus used including where the filtrate and residue can be found

Write a simple method to separate salt from rock salt

Justify each stage of the process, explaining their role in the separation process

L3 & 4 Separating rock Salt

Separating mixtures
• Mixtures need to be separated sometimes, so that we can use one of the substances in the

• Filtration is used to separate a solid and a liquid
• This only works if the solid is not soluble in the liquid

• If we want to separate a solute from a solvent, we can use
• The solution is heated until the solvent evaporates and
leaves behind the solid solute

Separating Rock Salt by Filtration and Evaporation

Rock salt is a mixture of grit (rock) and sodium chloride (salt). The mixture can be separated using
filtration and evaporation.
The salt is called the _____________________ and it dissolves in the water which is the
___________________. When all the salt dissolves in the water it makes a
__________________________. This solution of salt and water is called _____________________.
If something dissolves in water it is _______________________ and if it does not it is
Method Equipment
Number these statements into the correct order.

Fold the filter paper and fit it inside the


Crush 6 heaped spatulas of rock salt into a

powder using the pestle and mortar.

Stir the mixture of rock salt and water for
about 3 minutes.

Pour the filtered solution into an

evaporating dish.

Carefully filter the mixture into a conical


Set up the Bunsen burner with a gauze and

heat proof mat underneath.
1. What did the original mixture look like?
Dissolve the crushed rock salt in a beaker 2. What did the solution contain after filtering?
containing 30ml water. 3. What was left on your filter paper?
4. What happened when you heated the filtrate?

Gently heat the filtrate in the evaporating

dish until all of the liquid has gone.

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