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JPII 9 (2) (2020) 248-256

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia



W. Widodo*1, E. Sudibyo2, Suryanti3, D. A. P Sari4, Inzanah5, B. Setiawan6

Natural Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Elementary Education Department, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Graduate of the Postgraduate of Science Education,Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Student of Department of Education and Human Potentials Development, National Dong Hwa University,

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v9i2.23208

Accepted: January 25th 2020. Approved: June 25th 2020. Published: June 30th 2020


Scientific literacy is very important to generation Z (Gen-Z), while Gen-z’s scientific literacy in Indonesia needs
to be improved. The use of gadgets by Gen-Z almost all the time in their daily lives enables research to improve
scientific literacy by using gadgets. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of gadget-based interactive
multimedia to improve Gen-Z scientific literacy and describe the Gen-Z response to interactive multimedia. This
research was a pre-experiment study with one group pretest and posttest design. Interactive multimedia was de-
signed to be applied on gadget, consists of Socioscientific Issues (SSI) which was relevant to pressure concepts.
This research involved two junior high schools in East Java, Indonesia. Scientific literacy test instrument was
designed based on scientific literacy aspects of PISA 2015. The inferential test results showed that posttest score
was significantly greater than the pretest in the two schools. Results showed that the mean score of students’ sci-
entific literacy at School I increased from 39.6 to 74.0 and N-gain score was 0.57 which was in medium category.
In addition, the average scientific literacy score of students in School II also increased from 31.5 to 59.9 and N-
gain score was 0.41 which was in the medium category. The inferential test results also showed that there were no
significant N-gain differences in the two schools. It can be concluded that interactive multimedia developed ef-
fective to improve students’ scientific literacy. However, Gen-Z students cannot be satisfied with the multimedia.
Students suggest several multimedia enhancements in terms of visual, audio, and music, so that they can enjoy
the multimedia all the time by using the device.

© 2020 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: scientific literacy; generation Z; gadget-based interactive multimedia; socioscientific issues

INTRODUCTION Scientific literacy is included in digital li-

teracy domain (Lemke et al., 2003). Knowledge
The 21st century is a time in which humans and understanding of the concepts and processes
live in a world that seems borderless. The flow of science are needed by everyone to make de-
of globalization, internationalization, and the cisions, participate in social life and cultural di-
development of information and communicati- versity, and also increase economic productivity.
on technology happens so rapidly (Pendidikan &
Scientific literacy is very important in modern
Perak, 2013). There are four domains needed to
be able to live in the 21st century, namely digital society life which encountered issues related to
literacy, inventive thinking, effective communica- science and technology (Pacific Policy Research
tion, and high productivity (Lemke et al., 2003). Center, 2010). Thus, this literacy is needed for
students nowadays.
*Correspondence Address
W. Widodo, E. Sudibyo, Suryanti,
D.A.P Sari, Inzanah, B. Setiawan / JPII 9 (2) (2020) 248-256 249

Science education in Indonesia is in prog- learning (Clayton & Murphy, 2016). Gadget be-
ressing. Since 2006 to 2018, scientific literacy comes a tool that makes students productive as
score of Indonesian students was fluctuated from long as directed by proper usage rules (Anshari
time to time (Organisation de coopération et de et al., 2017). This is in accordance with 21st cen-
développement économiques, 2019). However, tury information, media, and technology skills.
it is still below average level. This shows that This skills demand students to be able to access,
scientific literacy of Indonesia students need to understand, and analyze media messages to find
be improved with some efforts during learning information and using technology (Pacific Policy
process in school. Furthermore, this improve- Research Center, 2010).
ment can be achieved by applying creative ways Interactive multimedia is one of media
that attract students’ interest, so students become that can use gadget in the form of digital applica-
interested in reading, thinking, conducting inves- tion. Digital applications contribute significantly
tigations, and making decisions related to the is- to the implementation of didactic principles and
sues given. For example giving an issues related achievement of educational goals (Shi, 2013).
to culture and daily life (Dewi et al., 2019; Ratini, Learning and teaching process supported by mul-
et al., 2018; Alim et al., 2019). timedia attracts students and the creation of cor-
Meanwhile, junior high school students, rect conceptions (Chen, 2012). Multimedia and
known as generation Z (Gen-Z), have a tenden- virtual reality makes the world more visible in
cy cannot be separated from their gadget. An ways that others have never known before (Bilek,
amount of 171.17 million active users utilize 2012; Aberšek, 2013). Students prefer to learn so-
gadget to search for apps, games, and other digi- mething that facilitated by animation than facili-
tal content. More of that, almost every student of tated by other representation (Naqvi et al., 2013).
Primary to Senior High School Student already Theoretically, animation is more effective to port-
have gadget and operates it for daily activities. ray movement or dynamic process. Thus, anima-
The result of survey conducted by Indonesia In- tor becomes attractive option for educators. Rese-
ternet Service Provider Association (2018) sho- arch of Taufiq, et al. (2016), Ismail et al. (2016),
wed that 91% of people aged 15-19 year old use and Moore et al. (2014) confirm these statements.
internet. In addition, the average time they spent Socioscientific Issues (SSI) learning based
to use internet daily via any device is 8 hours 36 on issues in society related to science that stu-
minutes (APJII, 2018). dents will investigate, has been studied can imp-
Those data suggested that junior high rove students’ understanding, argumentation
school students in Indonesia are addicted to skills, empathy, and reasoning effectively about
gadget. Unfortunately, this addiction brings nega- science in various life contexts (Wulandari et al.,
tive impact for students. They will be busy with 2017), decision making (Siribunnam et al., 2014),
their gadget, so they will not study over again or proposed argument (Bilican, 2018), as well as en-
do their assignment. Nonetheless, their addiction vironmental literacy (Kinslow et al., 2019). Ho-
to gadget can give students some advantages if wever, SSI learning to increase scientific literacy
they also use gadget to do something more pro- is still limited.
ductive, such as for learning some skills, for ex- Some research were done in developing
panding the material they have learned at school, science learning media to enhance students’
etc. achievement, most of these studies showed posi-
Based on preliminary research conducted tive outcome (Chee et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2012.
in two junior high schools in East Java by inter- However, research about gadget based interactive
viewing teachers, it showed that they utilize the multimedia on pressure concepts, expecially to in-
internet sometimes to access or look for some in- crease students’ scientific literacy, is still limited.
formation related to learning. Teachers give stu- Even though there are many SSIs are related to
dents assignment or homework and students try the concept of pressure, for example tourists who
to finish their assignment or homework with the died while diving in the Gili Meno Waters of
help of the internet. Teachers never use a certain Lombok, tourists can’t wear high heels at ancient
application or software as a media of learning. sites in Greece, and smoke from Indonesia’s fo-
However, they are interested on using application rest fires to neighboring countries due to wind.
or software to accomplish learning objectives. The SSIs can be used as a context for further in-
These conditions can be utilized and pro- vestigation and decision making by students.
vide a large space for teachers to use gadget as Interactive multimedia can be used as a
a tool to support science learning. Utilization of platform to provide information, direction for in-
devices appropriately tends to generate student vestigations, and challenges for students to make
W. Widodo, E. Sudibyo, Suryanti,
250 D.A.P Sari, Inzanah, B. Setiawan / JPII 9 (2) (2020) 248-256

decisions. By making interactive multimedia as The gadget-based interactive multimedia

an application program on gadgets, students can developed contains SSI that is relevant to the
learn anywhere and anytime, something that concepts of pressure. Thus, students can find
Gen Z-likes. Furthermore, this will be answered out the applications and benefits of the concept
through this research. Besides, there is limited in- of pressure they learn to respond to problems
formation about students’ feedback on a learning around them. These issues contain problems that
media, expecially their desire from those media. require investigation and require students to be
Based on this reason, the author has designed able to make decisions based on their knowledge.
gadget-based interactive multimedia as a tool to The programs used in making apk consist
enhance Gen-Z scientific literacy. Thus, it is ne- of i-Spring, is software that can convert .PPT files
cessary to conduct a research about the effecti- into .swf. The Software Development Kit (Air_
veness of gadget-based interactive multimedia to SDK) is used to build Android applications, such
improve students’ scientific literacy and describe as editing HTML and source code. Andaired, is
their response about interactive multimedia as ge- software that can convert flash games into .apk.
neration Z. The features of multimedia contain The IM-SSI-Gadget that has been developed has
of SSI relating to material pressure and its appli- been declared feasible by 3 science education ex-
cation in daily life, the relevant concepts to issues perts in terms of content, construction, and lan-
that are used as the topic, experiments to strengt- guage (Widodo et al., 2019).
hen students’ knowledge regarding concepts, the Data on student literacy skills were ob-
test used to measure students’ scientific literacy, tained through scientific literacy tests related
and it is equipped with a page link that can be
to pressure concepts. The scientific literacy test
used to determine the level of students’ scientific instrument was developed from the aspects of
literacy. PISA 2015 scientific literacy. The scientific li-
Based on the description, the problems are: teracy test used consisted of 15 multiple choice
(1) How is the effectiveness of gadget-based inte- questions consisting of six questions with low
ractive multimedia to increase scientific literacy cognitive demand (Lo), 4 questions with mode-
of Gen-Z students? (2) What is the response of rate cognitive demand (M), and 5 questions with
Gen-Z students to the gadget-based interactive
High cognitive demand (Hi).
This research aims to determine the effec- The instrument was declared valid on con-
tiveness of gadget-based interactive multimedia tent and construction by 3 experts and reliable
to improve students’ scientific literacy and to with Cronbach’s Alpha reliability of 0.555 in
describe students’ response about multimedia. By the significant category. The data were analyzed
utilizing gadget to use interactive multimedia and descriptively using cognitive demand level cate-
involving socioscientific issues during learning gories (Inzanah et al., 2017). The effectiveness of
process, it is expected to improve students’ scien- multimedia is seen from the increase in scientific
tific literacy and to get students’ response about literacy of students. The increase in scientific li-
the multimedia. teracy of students was tested by inferential mean
difference test. In addition, a normalized gains
METHODS (N-gain) descriptive analysis is also carried out,
as well as the N-gain mean difference inferential-
This research was a pre-experimental stu- ly test between the two schools using SPSS 19.0.
dy as a continuation of the designing phase and
development of interactive multimedia in gadgets RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
based on SSI, called gadget-based interactive
multimedia (Widodo et al., 2019). The research Socio-Scientific Issues in Gadgets-Based
design used was one group pretest and posttest Interactive Multimedia and its Learning
design (Fraenkel et al., 2012) to determine the Process
effectiveness of the gadget-based interactive mul- Android platform gadget is needed to ope-
timedia in increasing students’ scientific literacy. rate the interactive multimedia which is develo-
The gadget-based interactive multimedia is dec- ped. Figure 1 shows the appearance of interactive
lared effective if there is a significant increase in multimedia.
scientific literacy of students after learning with The gadget based interactive multimedia is
the multimedia. The pre-experimental activity packaged in the form of an application file (.apk)
was replicated in 2 schools in East Java Indone- that can be installed into an Android-platform
sia, involving 30 students in School I and 25 stu- gadget. The features contained in the interactive
dents in School II. multmedia include: the initial display (contains
W. Widodo, E. Sudibyo, Suryanti,
D.A.P Sari, Inzanah, B. Setiawan / JPII 9 (2) (2020) 248-256 251

the Home, Experiments, Exercises, and About tific literacy pages. In addition, it also comes
menu), Home (contains the aims, concept map, with a Home, Returns, and Checks Your Level of
and material menu), and check the level of scien- Scientific Literacy icon.

Figure 1. The Appearance of Gadget-based Interactive Multimedia

The gadget based interactive multimedia is levels in scientific literacy assessment. Figure 1
packaged in text, image, and audio-visual-motion shows the appearance of the interactive multime-
formats, contains SSI issues related to pressu- dia.
re concepts and its application in everyday life. Learning activities carried out three times, out-
These issues raise the problem used to investiga- side of the pretest and posttest. Previously, students
te and learn the pressure concepts as well as its were given the opportunity to install gadget-based
application in everyday life. Thus, students can interactive multimedia into their gadget. At the first
find out the applications and benefits of the con- meeting, students discussed SSI about the prohibiti-
cept of pressure they learned to respond to issu- on of using high heel in ancient Greek monuments,
es around them, for example prohibiting the use investigated the pressure on solid substances, and dis-
of high heels when visiting a number of ancient cussed the reasons for the prohibition. At the second
monuments in Greece related to solid pressure meeting, students discussed SSI about the death of a
material, the death of foreign tourists in Komodo tourist while diving on Komodo Island, investigating
Island is related to hydrostatic pressure concept, the pressure on liquid, and discussing the relation of
and the Indonesian submarine is surrounded by a the event to the pressure on liquid and its effect on gas
NATO joint fleet in the Mediterranean Sea rela- in the blood. As an extension, students discuss sub-
ted to Archimedes’ Law. marines in the “meeting” of Indonesian and NATO
The gadget based interactive multimedia submarines related to Archimedes’ Law. At the third
facilitates training and scientific literacy test. The meeting, Students discussed SSI about smoke from
scientific literacy test contains issues and allow forest fires that could reach neighboring Indonesia,
students to use their knowledge to solve prob- related to changes in air pressure. Students investiga-
lems or make decisions related to the issues. The te more detailed information on weather patterns at
test consists of 15 multiple choices compiled and the time, related to the dry or rainy season in Indo-
combined using new features in the PISA 2015 nesia. Students are also encouraged to read and learn
framework that incorporate the previous PISA gadget-based interactive multimedia anytime and
frameworks, namely by using cognitive demand anywhere, according to their habits.
W. Widodo, E. Sudibyo, Suryanti,
252 D.A.P Sari, Inzanah, B. Setiawan / JPII 9 (2) (2020) 248-256

Gen-z’s Scientific Literacy racy (Gen-Z’s scientific literacy) for each cogniti-
The percentage of students’ scientific lite- ve demand is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Percentage of Students’ Scientific Literacy for Each Cognitive Demand

School Percentage (%)

L1 L2 N-Gain M1 M2 N-Gain H1 H2 N-Gain
School I 55.3 88.0 0.73 23.3 86.7 0.83 21.7 37.5 0.20
School II 44.0 65.6 0.50 23.3 54.0 0.40 28.0 60.0 0.44

The results of the scientific literacy test (posttest). Based on the table, it is known that the
are represented in the form of scoring and leve- scientific literacy of students from 2 pilot schools
ling. The analysis carried out included pretest has increased during learning process in medium
and posttest data analysis which then calculated category.
N-gain scores to determine the increase in scores Students’ scientific literacy of low and me-
between before and after learning activities. Data dium cognitive demand at School I increased and
processed from the pretest and posttest aims to its N-Gain was 0.73 and 0.83 respectively, at high
determine the scientific literacy skills of students category. Scientific literacy on high cognitive de-
before and after learning activities. mand also increased and its N-gain was approxi-
Table 1 provides information regarding the mately 0.20 at low category. Meanwhile, N-gain
percentage of students' scientific literacy from 2 score of students’ scientific literacy of low, me-
pilot schools in solving questions in each cogni- dium, and high cognitive demand were increase
tive scientific literacy requested, which includes by 0.50, 0.40, and 0.44 at School II, at medium
low cognitive demand, namely L1 (pretest) and category.
L2 (posttest), moderate cognitive demand, na- The data on the results of overall students'
mely M1 (pretest) and M2 (posttest), and high scientific literacy tests from the two schools can
cognitive demand, namely H1 (pretest) and H2 be seen in the following tables.
Table 2. Results of the Scientific Literacy Test of Students
No. School Name N-gain Score Criteria
Pre-test Post-test
1 School I 39.6 74.0 0.57 Medium
2 School II 31.5 59.9 0.41 Medium

Table 2 provides information regarding In addition, difference test of pretest and

overall scientific literacy scores that were ob- posttest scientific literacy skills were performed
tained before and after participating in learning with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The non-
activities using the developed SSI Gadget. The parametric inferential test was chosen because
average score of scientific literacy of students in the data did not meet the normality and homo-
School I was from 39.6 to 74.0 with N-gain of geneity assumption test. Based on the results of
0.57 in the medium category. While the average the difference tests with SPSS 19.0, it was found
score of scientific literacy of students in School II that for School I: the value of Z = -4.787, p =
was from 31.5 to 59.9 with N-gain of 0.41 in the 0.000 which indicated the posttest scores was
medium category. significantly higher than the pretest. Meanwhile,
The results of the analysis show that the for School II, the value of Z = -4,383, p = 0,000
higher the cognitive demand, the smaller the N- which showed the posttest scores was significant-
gain. In other words, it is more difficult to imp- ly greater than the pretest. Thus, it appeared that
rove students’ high-level cognitive skills. These the posttest scores of students from the two pilot
results are consistent with Crompton et al. (2019) schools were significantly greater than the pretest.
study which found that from the subjects integ- These results indicate that Socio-Scientific Issues
rating mobile devices, literacy studies had the in gadgets-based interactive multimedia and its
highest percentage of students working in low learning process are effective for increasing scien-
cognitive levels (45%). tific literacy of Gen-Z students.
W. Widodo, E. Sudibyo, Suryanti,
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These results indicate, the learning process science concepts well (Turiman, 2012). The con-
that discusses SSI, investigates, and practices ma- venience is seen from the change from the way of
king decisions, which is driven by gadget-based abstract thinking to the concrete way of thinking.
interactive multimedia can improve students’ So, it can indirectly increase students’ interest in
scientific literacy. With gadget-based interactive learning science process skills and the learning
multimedia, it turns out learning activities tend process becomes more effective.
to be student-centered, students investigate and The learning material prepared in accor-
learn to make decisions using real context. The- dance with the multimedia model supported by
se results are in line with studies of Ardianto & 7E positively influenced academic achievement
Rubini (2016) about using investigating methods and the information learned was more impressive
to improve students’ scientific literacy, Bustami et (Sarac & Tarhan, 2017). On the other hand, the
al. (2018) about the use of context and Cahyarini results of the study show that using the Socio-
(2016) research that SSI allows students to enhan- Scientific Issues approach can improve students’
ced critical thinking skills. ability to improve their decisions on environmen-
To study the consistency of treatment re- tal problems and the results show four patterns of
sults at two schools, and N-gain difference test student decisions (Zo’bi, 2014). Learning in the
was conducted between two schools with the 21st century should be linked to community life so
Mann-Whitney U Test. The result was the value students learn something like in real life. Integra-
of Z = -0,657 (p = 0.511) which showed no signi- ting science subject on technology, such as using
ficant difference in the two schools. gadget, helps students to gain their skills both
The results of the analysis showed the in science and technology (Asrizal et al., 2018).
achievement of N-gain of the students from the Thus, students can be prepared for future life.
two schools were not significantly different. This
shows that the gadget-based interactive multi- Gen-Z’s Response to SSI-Gadget
media developed resulted an increase in scienti- Gen-Z’s response is the student’s opinion
fic literacy that was relatively consistent in both on the quality of gadget-based interactive multi-
schools. These results indicate the power of inte- media, which is viewed from the aspects of ap-
ractive multimedia to improve scientific literacy, pearance, content, material, images/ animation/
in addition to positive responses from students, video, operations, links, audio (narration), scienti-
helped students to make connections between fic literacy tests, and menu instructions contained
content and context (Mylott et al., 2016), critical within gadget-based interactive multimedia. The
thinking disposition (Gunawan et al., 2019), and overall student response can be seen in Table 3.
meaningful understanding and retention of the Based on Table 3 it can be seen that the
conceptual structure of the domain, the concepts, percentage of students’ average responses to
and their relations (Marée al., 2013). the quality of gadget-based interactive multime-
The impact of the interactive multime- dia from the two schools of testing was > 80%,
dia used in learning activities was that students which means that students give positives respond
could explore new concepts that were closer to to learning activities using the developed gadget-
their daily experiences and were able to explain based interactive multimedia.
Table 3. Student Response to Gadget-based Interactive Multimedia Quality
No. School Name
1 Meeting
2 Meeting
Exercises Response
1 School I 88 88 79 87
2 School II 95 95 88 95

In addition to the questionnaire, an open that teacher’s explanation during the learning
questionnaire also be given to students that ask activity was clear and easy to understand. It was
students’ impressions of learning activities using also not boring.
the developed gadget-based interactive multime- This gadget-based interactive multimedia
dia. The learning activities that have taken place helps students to understand the concept of sub-
were very interesting and exciting (“…The lear- stance pressure and its application in daily life.
ning activity is different than usual because involving This application also helps students to solve the
mobile phone or gadget as a media, so it became more problem while sharpening their scientific litera-
interesting and is not monotonous). They also said cy by providing students with some videos (“…
W. Widodo, E. Sudibyo, Suryanti,
254 D.A.P Sari, Inzanah, B. Setiawan / JPII 9 (2) (2020) 248-256

the gadget based interactive multimedia is really good CONCLUSION

for learning because some videos help us to understand
more about the concept…”). Furthermore, it helps Based on the results of data analysis, it can
students to do self-study and apply concept that be concluded that gadget-based interactive mul-
they learn into their daily life. timedia that contain SSI on pressure concepts is
‘Check Level’ feature also got positive res- effective in improving Gen-Z’s scientific literacy.
pond. Students can measure their scientific lite- However, Gen-Z is not easily serviced or not ea-
racy level easily and get the result just after they sily satisfied using the developed gadget-based in-
finish their test (“… the result of posttest in appli- teractive multimedia. This can be seen from the
cation makes me know the test result.”). This featu- suggestions and comments given which indicate
re support learning assessment, especially assess that they want a multitasking media, excellent
students’ scientific literacy which is the goal of graphic quality and illustrations, and so on. That
learning process. This is relevant to some studies is because Gen-Z grow up in the online world and
that said that mobile device, in this study gadget- spend thousands of hours in cyberspace by play-
based device, can support a wide range of assess- ing online games, sending messages and sociali-
ment practices, such as self-assessment (Chen, zing using social media, using blogs, and so on
2010; Lai & Hwang, 2015), high-stakes summati- with high-quality content. Future research can be
ve assessment (Arthur et al., 2014), formative as- done by utilizing SSI to improve literacy by using
sessment (Hwang & Chang, 2011), performance programs that are more interactive and multitas-
assessment, or game-based assessments (Wang, king so that the interactive multimedia developed
2015). Most of the result reported that positive can meet expectations of Gen-Z.
student attitudes and perceptions about mobile-
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