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MG201- organizational

behavior [case study]

Student ID: s11196065
Campus: Laucala
Mode: Print
Assignment 1 questions

1. Force field analysis of world food manufacturing

Driving force Restraining force

1. Financially beneficial. 1. Noise and general

[ Disruption to work.

Rearrange to
“open space”
2. Expansion into European 2. Privacy and fear of leaking classified
Market. Information.

Fig no. 1:

Subsequently, before any decision is made in an organization or any initiatives the whole
organization goes through a phase of survey where there are driving forces which are in favor
of the changes ongoing in the organization and restraining forces which are not in favor of the
ongoing changes in the organization. Hence, the above diagram shows the driving and
restraining forces for the change of event at world food organization. The Driving Force
provides focus, the reason for upper hand, guidance on the extent of products and markets,
sign of "must-have" key abilities, a method for binding together an association, a wellspring of
dynamic measures and a method for assessing contenders' techniques. The driving force also
goes about as a channel for new learning experiences that show up and guide the phasing out
of products and markets (Faust, 2022). As a matter of fact the driving forces identified at world
food organization were, “financially beneficial” which genuinely is a driving force for the
organization as it saves a huge amount of expanses from incurring into the organization, which
at this stage in time is important for the organization as they are already in debt after taking a
sizeable loan to support the expansion. Another driving force for the organization is “expansion
into European market” this is another reason why the employees and all heads of department
should agree to rearrange into open space, so that world food organization has leverage over
their competition by enterprising into the European market and becoming recognized around
the world. On the other hand Restraining forces include conformity to norms, an unwillingness
to take risks, and a fear of the unknown (Huston, 2022). The restraining forces identified at
world food were, “noise and general disruption to work” which meant that if open space were
to be accomplished some employees would not want to entertain unnecessary noise during
working hours as it is not per their preference. Another restraining force at the world food
organization was “Privacy and fear of leaking classified information” this was mainly from the
HR and finance department as genuinely there are some features of work which needs to be
done privately as it falls under employee rights for instance. Therefore due to these forces the
world food had to suspend the rearrangement into open space for a while.


A "symptom" is an indicator or a sign that an issue exists. For example, assuming that your
group has low assurance, it is an indication of an issue. Low assurance doesn't occur without
help from anyone else and can't be settled without help from anyone else (Mochal, 2005).
Problem and symptom are two words that are frequently confounded as words that give
comparable indicate, yet they are really not so. A problem has an answer while a symptom
assists you with distinguishing a problem (Ramsey, 2011). For instance Bolognese states that
“we must first define the meaning of resistance in order to understand it better. For the
purposes of this article, resistance may be defined as a cognitive state, an emotional state and
as a behavior. The cognitive state refers to the negative mind set toward the change. The
emotional state addresses the emotional factors, such as frustration and aggression, which are
caused by the change. As a behavior, resistance is defined as an action or inaction towards the
change. Resistance in any form is intended to protect the employee from the perceived or real
effects of change. Understanding the different types of resistance will help managers in
preparing employees for change” (Bolognese, 2007). That is why before moving into an open
space arrangement the heads of world food need to consider the main factors which are
leading towards staff resistance. The main factors identified are “noise and general disruption
to work Privacy and fear of leaking classified information”, for instance HR department they
would want a private room to do one to one counselling and not in front of their employees
and the finance department would not want the other employees knowing the amount of
money their colleagues earn without their consent.

Stress is characterized in terms of how it impacts physical and mental wellbeing; it incorporates
mental, physical, and emotional strain. Stress happens when an interest surpasses a singular's
adapting capacity and upsets their mental harmony. Stress happens in the work environment
when a worker sees what is going on to be too difficult to even think about taking care of, and
consequently threatening to their prosperity. While it is by and large concurred that pressure
happens at work, views contrast on the significance of worker attributes as opposed to working
circumstances as its essential cause. The contrasting perspectives propose various ways of
forestalling pressure at work. Different individual qualities, similar to character and adapting
abilities, can be vital indicators of whether certain work conditions will bring about pressure. All
in all, what is unpleasant for one individual may not be an issue for another person (Boundless
Management, 2018). Assuming workers are encountering unfortunate degrees of stress, an
administrator can acquire an objective outsider, like an expert, to recommend a new
methodology. Yet, there are numerous ways chiefs can forestall work pressure in any case. A
mix of authoritative change and stress management is in many cases the best methodology.
Among the wide range of methods directors can use to really forestall representative pressure,
the vitally fundamental subjects are consciousness of conceivably unpleasant components of
the work environment and mediation when important to moderate any stress that emerges.
Some stress management techniques are as follows; Interpersonal communication- How we
speak with individuals is so significant for how we coexist with them, how we get what we
really want from them, and that it is so upsetting to associate with them. So constructing our
relational abilities is likely one of the main pressure the executives’ methods for the work
environment (Krajewski, Sauerland and Wieland, 2011). Exercise- Since exercise builds the
interest for energy and cortisol, keep away from extreme focus exercise while attempting to fix
your pressure. All things being equal, do low-power practice like strolling, swimming, or yoga
(Krajewski, Sauerland and Wieland, 2011). Ditch the caffeine - On the off chance that we've
been focused on for some time, we might be depleted and feel like we truly need caffeine. As a
matter of fact, the more we believe we want caffeine, the more probable it is that we simply
need to rest and assist our body with recuperating from past pressure. Be that as it may,
surprisingly more dreadful, caffeine initiates our HPA pivot, causing us to feel more restless. So
ditch the espresso, charged tea (like green and dark teas), and caffeinated drinks (Krajewski,
Sauerland and Wieland, 2011). Hence the technique being used by the world food was
“mindfulness at work”, a management technique used for the wellbeing of employees where a
workshop was being held for employees to attend and experience a much nosier and busy
working environment. After the workshop the feedback given to Lu Chau was that some
employees found it useful whereas most of the employees complained that it was all in all a
waste and they could’ve used that time for much more constructive work. Thus, this stated that
the method used was a fail in the organization to relive stress. I would recommend the heads of
the organization to provide a day for all employees to work for half a day and the rest of the
day go out and relax their mind with some light physical exercise to freshen up all minds which
are going through a lot.

Mindfulness is the human capacity to be completely present right now with next to no
judgment of the circumstance. It implies being mindful of your actual sensations,
contemplations, and sentiments without stamping them as negative or positive. Despite the
fact that mindfulness is as of now a piece of all of us, it at times appears to be muddled to get
to it. Our brain strays previously or makes suppositions about what's on the horizon for us, and
we miss a second that is directly before us (Van Dam et al., 2017). The aim of mindfulness isn't
to quit thinking, or to discharge the mind. Rather, the point is to give close consideration to
your actual sensations, contemplations and feelings to see them all the more plainly, without
making such countless presumptions, or making up stories (Gelles, 2022). The reason this
program failed at the world food organization was that Lu Chau took her colleagues for granted
and anticipated that if she could’ve done the mindfulness method of stress management and
resolve her problems so could the employees at world food but that was not entirely the case,
as she did not bother to have a interpersonal communication with the employees to first try
and know their reason for stress and pressure on the rearrangement of their office layout. That
is why some employees found it useful to attend the workshop and other found it as a waste of
time as a result making the method unsuccessful at world food.

Action research is an authoritative change conduct model that use direct contributions to
determine viable business results through representative coordinated effort. Action research
distinguishes the information peculiarities that are happening in the working environment and
separates them into a significant arrangement in view of employee feedback. The employee
information lays out another business cycle in the organization and a way to ceaselessly screen
and give understanding into the result of the action plan through continuous improvement
(Shani and Coghlan, 2019). The action research system has five intertwined advances: diagnosis,
analysis, feedback, action, and evaluation. Every one of the five stages in the process assemble
and supplement each other and act as a guide for the change specialist. The initial phase in the
process is the data gathering and analytical stage. Phase one, during the underlying stage a
point by point investigation of the objective environment, the change agent will accumulate
itemized data about the individual, gatherings, and association. Evaluating existing approaches
and systems, talking with workers and the executives, as well as surveying the current
hierarchical business processes. Phase two, analysis of the information and preliminary
discoveries is a basic second step. Objectifying and catching important examples that portray
what is happening is a vital action. For instance, is there an indicative example of conduct that
drives the group to a similar unwanted outcome on a successive premise? (Durcikova, Lee and
Brown, 2018). Phase three, feedback is the most common way of sharing the data found in the
conclusion and examination stages with the internal partners and the change agents forming a
go-ahead technique to smooth out the association (Collatto, Dresch, Lacerda and Bentz, 2017).
Phase four, Action is executing the proposed plan to decide whether the methodology amends
the distinguished issues. Action plans are done in two phases. The underlying stage is finished
by directing pilots that are intended to avow the proposed approach in the last rollout (Lakiza
and Deschamps, 2019). Final phase, evaluation this is where effective execution is basic and the
change agent should regulate a way to gauge the outcome of the change. Typically the actions
are done at the individual, group, and authoritative level (Lakiza and Deschamps, 2019). As the
consultant of hired by world food I would delegate Lu Chau to emphasize on all five phases as
there is a dispute within the firms employees on wheather they should or should not opt for
the rearrangement of their office space. Therefore, I would recommend Lu Chau go through all
the phases discussed above to systematically come to a solid conclusion towards the
organizations future.
Fig. no 2:
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