Adisanto Tambunan 043939987 Tugas 1 BAHASA INGGRIS II SKOM4209

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Nama: Adisanto Tambunan

NIM: 043939987


Tutorial ke- : 3
Nama Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS II SKOM4209
Kode Mata Kuliah : SKOM4209
Jumlah sks : 3 SKS
Nama Pengembang : Budiyanto, S.Pd,
I. Mention the part of speech of the underlined words below.
1. We have to count on ourselves if we want to win the game.
2. You left home just before five o’clock in the morning.
3. He first came to his grandmother’s house to make sure that everyt
hing’s fine.
4. They had a lunch at a restaurant where they met for the first time.
5. My sister wasn’t weak to lift her heavy backpack.
6. I tried to help my father paint the wall.
7. Your coffee is already cold.
8. Have you ever been to Australia
9. I can’t spend the night with you.
10. Fifi can’t drive slowly


1. Pronoun
2. Verb
3. Preposition
4. Noun
5. Adjective
6. Noun
7. Possessive pronoun
8. Noun
9. Pronoun
10. Adverb

II. Put in ‘can’, ‘can’t’, ‘could’ or ‘couldn’t’ may, might.

1 …………. you swim when you were 10?
2. We …………. get to the meeting on time yesterday, because the train was dela
yed by one hour.
3.He …………. arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was
very pleased.
4. He’s amazing, he …………. speak five languages, including Chinese.
5. I …………. drive a car until I was 34. Then I moved to the countryside, so I had
to learn.
6. There …………. be something wrong with the fridge! It’s making a very unusual n

7. David …………. drink a lot of coffee. He’s finished two packets already this wee
8. you please call my mom for me?

9. Don’t forget to take an umbrella today. It . . . rain.

10. . . . I ask you a question?


1. [ Could ]

2. [ couldn’t ]

3. [ was able to ]

4. [ can ]

5. [ couldn’t ]

6. [ was able to ]

7. [ could ]

8. [ can’t ]

9. [ couldn’t ]

10. [ can ]

III. Isilah titik menggunakan my, your, his, her, its, our, mine, yours, his
hers, ours, theirs.
1. My friend is friend of . . . .
2. My niece is sure that she can finish . . . study on time.
3. They usually have . . . lunch at the Cafetaria
4. This book belong to me. It is
5. Mr Sigit and I teach …… students at LIA.
6. Mr and Mrs Kuswita are sleeping . . . . room now.
7. These are ypur cars. These are . . . . .
8. The student’s book. . . . . books are on the table.
9. Tis is Rini’s purse. This is .. . .
10. That woman always takes care of . . . . house.


1. Mine

2. Her

3. Theirs

4. Mine

5. Our

6. Theirs

7. Yours

8. Theirs

9. Hers

10. Her

IV. Isilah titik-titik dengan myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves,

themselves, yourselves

1. My niece lives in an apartment in Hongkong . . . . .

2. Everday, I always wash my clothes . . . .
3. Someone can buy the book by . . . .
4. Can they operate that machine . . . .
5. Ms Rini practices at the gym . . . .
6. Do all of you want to do it . . . .
7. Dr Lintang and I will make the proposoal . . . .
8. Our boss, Mr Teguh is typing a proposal . . . .
9. Susi must be proud of . . . .
10. The cat can lickits fur by . . . .


1. Herself

2. Myself

3. Themselves

4. Themself

5. Herself

6. Yourselves

7. Oursleves

8. Himself

9. Herself

10. Themselves

V. Isilah titik-titik dengan Demontrative pronouns dan Indefinte Pornouns

1. I didn’t tell her . . . . last week.
2. I need to talk to . . . . in connection with this difficult problem.
3. Do you know the writer of . . . . exciting novels.
4. I want to buy . . . . wallet but I don’t have enough money.
5. If . . . . wants to meet me, just ask them to wait a few minutes.


1. Either

2. Something
3. More

4. This

5. Everyone

VI. Isislah titik-titik dengan am, is are atau do/does/doesn’t

1. Excuse. Me . . . . you speak English?
2. What time . . . . your father finish working ion the evening?
3. What’s funny? Why . . . . .you laughing?
4. I . . . . watch television very often.
5. How much . . . . .it cost to phone Japan?


1. Can
2. Does
3. Do
4. Don’t
5. Does

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