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• mythical hero of Troy and Rome,

son of the
goddess Aphrodite and Anchises.
Aeneas was a member of the royal
line at Troy and cousin of Hector
• He played a prominent part in
defending his city against the
Greeks during the Trojan War,
being second only to Hector in
• the leader of the Trojan survivors after Troy
was taken by the Greeks.
• In the journeying of Aeneas from Troy
westward to Sicily, Carthage, and finally to the
mouth of the Tiber in Italy, Virgil portrayed
the qualities of persistence, self-denial, and
obedience to the gods that, to the poet, built
• The Aeneid (written c. 29–19 BCE) tells in
12 books of the legendary foundation
of Lavinium (parent town of Alba Longa and
of Rome) by Aeneas. When Troy fell to the
Greeks, Virgil recounts, Aeneas, who had
fought bravely to the last, was commanded
by Hector in a vision to flee and to found a
great city overseas.

• The hero Aeneas led the Trojan

people through many wanderings
to settle in Italy.

• Taking in marriage Lavinia,

daughter of the king Latium.
Aeneas set about building a new
city which he called lavinia in honor
of his wife.

• Aeneas had a son he named


• When Ascanius came of age

he desired to found a new city
of his own, he therefore
travelled south and when he
found a suitable place at the
foot of the seven mount he
began to build this city which
he named Alba longa.

• Eleven generation after Ascanius, Proca

became king and had two sons Numitor
and Amulius.
Founding Rome

• Numitor was the elder and king Proca

made him his heir but amulius was
power hungry, and greedy.

• Numitor Takes the kinship, but Amulius

then uses his wealth to dispose him and
seize the power himself.
Founding Rome

• Fearing vengeance, Amulius arranges

to have numitor’s son killed and
appoints numitor’s daughter Rhea silvia
as a princess of vesta.
Founding Rome

• One day rhea silvia is in the sacred

grove of mars getting water from the
spring. The sky suddenly darkened, and
a male figure of supernatural size and
beauty apprears Mars (God of war)
came down from the heaven and
ravishes her.
Founding Rome

• She soon found out that she was

pregnant, although she strove to keep
this secret for the penalty against a
vestal who broke her vows were severe
she could not hide her stay forever and
in time she gave birth to twin boys.
Founding Rome

• When amulius discover this he fell in to

a rage he locked away rhea silvia in a
• He ordered that the two boys be put
into reed basket and set adrift on the
river tiber.
Founding Rome

a she-wolf coming down the

river to drink came across the
basket and seemed that
there were two small
motherless babies inside
offered her own tits for them
to suckle.
Founding Rome

A shepheard found the two

children being cared for gently by
the she-wolf.
Taking pity on the children he
took them home and gave them
to his wife to nurse.
Founding Rome

Under the care of the couple the

boys who were named Romulus
and remus grew up in to young
men, tall and strong.
They have gather their loyal bands of
young man would gladly do anything the
brothers ask them.
Reunion of Numitor and Remus.

A group of robbers decided to take

their revenge upon the twins, and lay
an ambush.

Romulus was able to fight his way free

but Remus was taken captive by
numitors men and brought before king
amulius .
Remus was found guilty of the
charges brought against him by
numitors men, and sent to
numitor’s house for punishment.

Seeing remus had been taken by the

king. Faustulus — the shepheard who
took the twin to his home. Poured out
his story to Romulus telling him the
whole truth about his parentage.
The return of the real king of alba longa
• After hearing the truth Romulus
feared the life of his brother and
desired to have reveange uncle .
• Romulus assembled a band of
his friends and headed to the
palace of amulius where they
were soon joined by remus, who
was being freed by Numitor after
gradually came to the same
conclusion as faustulus.
• And there Romulus killed the king.
• The twin later proclaim Numator as the
king .
• Numitor told the nobles the story of
how Amulius stole the throne and killed
all Numators heirs and how he imprison
Rhea silvia and condemn his grandsons
to exposure.
They searched for a place closer to where they had fostered
to find a new settlement along the river tiber they found a
place that seemed good where the river ran among seven

• Romulus thought the palatine hill by

far the best place but Remus
• The Aventine hill had the better
aspect according to remus. And also
there is an issue to who would be
ruling the city once it was built.
• Brothers argue about what was to be
done yet neither would yield to the

• Wishing yet to resolve their

quarrel peacefully they went to
Numator to ask for his advice.
• King numitor suggested they
determine which course to follow
by augury since surely a sign from
a God would be the best guide in
such a great undertaking as the
foundation of a city.
Remus declared the Aventine hill the place
where he will look for augury, while Romulus
took the Palatine.
This time the quarrel did come to blows and
in the fight Romulus killed his brother thus
becoming the sole ruler of the new city.

Romulus built a city and

instituted laws in the
system of government, he
also appointed 100 senators
to help make the laws.
Romulus becomes a great
king of Rome and ruled the
city wisely.
Until one day Romulus
His people believe that
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