A Bird That Doesnt Sing/ Story Telling

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A Bird That Doesn’t Sing

By: Kindi Atha Baruna

Once upon a time in the Han dynasty period, there was an emperor named Yi Han
who had a bird as a pet. The bird was beautiful and colorful, so Yi Han took a good care of it.
The bird used to sing beautifully every morning. But one day, the bird suddenly stopped
singing with no reason. Yi Han thought that his bird was sick, so he asked somebody to cure
his bird. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

“What is happening to my precious bird? It stops singing. I’ve tried to cure it but it
didn’t work.” Said Yi Han to his wife. “Well, I don’t know. Probably your bird needs a new
type of food. The food that you usually give to it is not appetizing anymore.” Said Xiu Han. “
That makes zero sense. My bird always eat the food that I usually give to it.” Yi Han was
very confused. He wanted his bird to sing again but he didn’t know what to do. Three days
later, one of his guard told him that there was an ascetic who lived in a cave named Fangfa.
The guard told him that he might help him solving this problem. Yi Han went to the cave by
himself. He disguised as a peasant so Fangfa wouldn’t know that he is an emperor.

When he arrived at the cave, Fangfa was making a Chinese calligraphy. “Excuse me,
may I ask you for a help?” Asked Yi Han. Fangfa stopped doing the calligraphy and looked at
Yi Han. “Oh, come in. I will help you.” Said Fangfa to Yi Han. “Who are you and what is
your problem?” Asked Fangfa. “My name is Li Wei. I have a bird. It used to sing beautifully
every morning but now it stops singing. I’ve tried to cure my bird but it didn’t work. Can you
help me solve this problem?” Asked Yi Han. Fangfa was thinking for a couple of minutes.
”Li Wei, before I give you the answer, I am going to give you some foods.” Said Fangfa.
”Thanks but, I am not hungry” Li Wei replied politely. “You must eat it. It will help you
solve this problem.” Said Fangfa. Fangfa walked into the darkness of the cave to prepare the
food. “I don’t get it. Well I think I have to wait him. It’s rude if I leave now.” Said Li Wei.
After that, Fangfa came out with some foods. He gave the foods to Li Wei. He said that Li
Wei must eat it.

After eating the foods, Fangfa asked Li Wei to make a Chinese calligraphy. “Excuse
me, but you said that by eating the foods my problem will be solved.” Said Li Wei. “It’s not
the end Li Wei. Now, let’s make some calligraphy together.” Said Fangfa calmly. While
making the calligraphy, Li Wei felt uncomfortable he just want to leave the cave and go
home. “Fangfa, may I go home now?” Asked Li Wei. “Not yet, you have to finish the
calligraphy first then I’m going to take you outside.” Fangfa answered it calmly. After the
calligraphy is finished, Fangfa took Li Wei outside and let him to see the beautiful scenery.
Li Wei felt relieved after he saw the beautiful sunset. “Li Wei, everyone loves freedom. I
know you felt uncomfortable before but now it’s different. Do you get it?” Asked Fangfa. Li
Wei was thinking for a couple of seconds. Then, he came out with an answer. “If everyone
loves freedom, does it mean that I have to let my bird go?”. Fangfa said, “Yes, you have to let
your bird go. Your bird needs freedom. It doesn’t like to stay in a cage forever.” Li Wei
realized that he had been keeping his bird in a cage. The cage had been blocking the bird’s
freedom that is why his bird didn’t sing lately.

“Thank you so much Fangfa, I wouldn’t let my bird go if I didn’t meet you.” Said Li
Wei. “Your welcome Li Wei. You can ask me if you have a problem again.” Li Wei went
back to his castle. The next day, he freed his bird. Everyone wants to be free. Sometimes you
have to let someone to be free if you want them to be happy.


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