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Day 19(March 27, 2023)

Today is Monday, we didn’t have a flag ceremony because it was raining. During the
morning, before we do our assigned task, Ma’am April told me to arranged the parent
consent in alphabetically form. After there was a student for authentication. And also, we
check the student grade sheet if there were instructors who didn’t signed yet. Then after
doing the task, we went together with my co-intern to the Municipal Hall for the signing
of the student grade sheet to Mr. Gonzales, Ms Talaro and Engineer Sumastre their at
Barangay San Jose. Since the office of the Engineering is located at Barangay San Jose.

Day 20(March 28, 2023)

This day we start of scanning to all BSBA Sugbongcogon documents like Report Card,
Form 137, Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, and the results of Entrance Exam for
the application for graduation. After doing the task, there are some students scanned, and
me the one renamed to all the file where saved at the USB and connect to the computer.

Day 21(March 29, 2023)

During this morning, there are some students needed of authenticate their COR. After the
authentication, we compile the files of BSBA Talisayan graduating students like Report
Card, Form 137, PSA Birth Certificate/Marriage Certificate, Transcript of Record and the
results of Entrance Exam.

Day 22(March 30, 2023)

We continue for scanning the files of BSBA Talisayan like Report Card, Form 137, PSA
Birth Certificate/Marriage Certificate, Transcript of Record and the results of Entrance
Exam. And then afterwards, there are students who need for authentication of COR. And
in the afternoon, we reviewed the output if there are some errors to the file scanned.
Day 23(March 31, 2023)
During in the morning we attended the program about distributing of the results of the
psychological exam and also the orientation in which hosted by the Main Campus. In the
afternoon, we assist the visitors to those who apply for CAT/College Admission Test,
which is the last day for application. During that time we were busy because many were
coming. And then we clean the office before leaving home.

Day 24(April 03, 2023)

This day our supervisor went for leave. So what we are doing was, we do our assigned
task. Since BPA 4th Year has wide coverage, we did not finished of scanning, so we
continue to this day of scanning the documents like TOR, Exam Results, PSA Birth
Certificate/Marriage Certificate and ALS Certificate of Rating. And in the afternoon Ms.
Karel told me to continue for renaming every students according to their files.

Day 25(April 04, 2023)

This day activities, we continue for scanning to all BPA graduating students to their files
together with my co-intern. And also we entertaining some students who need like
authenticating their Certificate of Registration and giving the COR to the student who
lost his COR.

Day 26(April 05, 2023)

Our Supervisor were still on his short vacation or let’s say on his leave. During this, we
do the re-scanning all the documents to the students for there are some errors during
scanning. We only a half day work because of the Holy week and yet we finished the
scanning of files to the BPA 4th Year Students.
Day 27(April 11, 2023)
After the Holy Week break, this day, Tuesday which the resume of our on the Job
Training and also our supervisor finally here after on his leave. We’re not so busy
because we did finished scanning to the BPA graduating students documents last week.
So, what I did this day is, I entertained those students needed for authentication. And we
do received any documents especially to those who were applying for the graduation.

Day 28(April 12, 2023)

This day is the first day of filing for graduation. Where BSBA 4A & BSBA 4B
scheduled. And in it followed I’m the afternoon the filing also for graduation BSBA
Block C. Afterwards, our supervisor told me and my co-intern to go to the building Room
3 to tell all the graduating students who were late of coming for filing for the graduation.
So they went and they filled out the form. And what I did during the process of filing
which is I checked their forms if it is complete or not and then I give it to Ms. Karel for
the evaluation.

Day 29(April 13, 2023)

Since I came first, so I cleaned first the office, where I am assigned. And afterwards I
entertained the students for applying the graduation as follows; BSBA 4C & 4D in the
morning and BSBA 4E in the afternoon. And then after filing. I checked and put a mark
to their application to make sure if they completed all the requirements like: Report Card,
Form 137, PSA Birth Certificate/Marriage Certificate, and also ALS Certificate of Rating
of he/she ALS Graduated. And then, after checking and marking, I submitted to Ms.
Karel for the evaluation if they have any lacking documents.

Day 30(April 14, 2023)

I assist students filing for graduation application to the BPA Students Block 4A & Block
4B in the morning session and in the afternoon, I assist also to the BPA Block 4F. And
after filing the application for graduation. I put a mark to their application form to make it
sure if they have lacking or not to their files/documents for graduation. We also received
a documents to those students who are lacking like Affidavit of Loss for the lost Card or
Form 138. In the afternoon also, our supervisor’s scheduled for his pictorial. So he told
me to evaluate or to continue the evaluation of the grades in which he started and he let
me to continue because he went for the pictorial and also I checked out if they already
filing through online database.
Day 31(April 17, 2023)
Since today is Monday, what I did was we went to Mr. Billy Ramos for signing the
Student Grading Sheet at the Admin Office. And also we went to BSBA Department for
signing also the Students Grading Sheet to Ms. Gonzales the BSBA Program Head. And
then we re-checked the students grading sheet from S.Y. 2018 up to this present, if all the
instructors had signed or not to the student grade sheet. In the afternoon we assist some
students for the application for graduation. Putting check mark to their forms if they
already completed to their documents for the graduation requirements.

Day 32(April 18, 2023)

We assist the students who are candidates for graduate to fill out the application form
according to their block both BSBA and BPA which block A,B and E and its section. But
supposed to be this application were scheduled last April 12 this year for some reason.
And also we received documents to some students who are lacking for their requirements.
I put checkmark to those who finished filing the application for graduation. And
afterwards, I submit to our supervisor for the evaluation. And another thing, I taught and
guide the BSBA intern on how to operate the photocopier for producing a photocopy of
the instructors/teachers evaluation.

Day 33(April 19, 2023)

In the morning, we do a photocopy for Teacher's evaluation which 350 copies to produce
but along the process of printing the teacher's evaluation the toner went empty. So, we
ask for toner refill at the Admin office. Mr. Bobong give us the toner but we don't have
any idea how to put the toner inside the photocopier. To make sure, we read the guide on
how to put toner inside the photocopier. Very shortly, we make it. And we continue to
produce a copy for Teacher's evaluation. And in the afternoon we re- scanned the BSBA
Sugbongcogon files individually because the computer that we used can't be open. And
after the re-scanning, I renamed the BSBA Sugbongcogon files to find out whether it is
form 137, report card , TOR, PSA Birth and etc.
Day 34 (April 20, 2023)
This day, our Supervisor went to Medina Buksu to inform also the students there to those
who are graduating students concerning about the requirements to be submitted before
the deadline. So, what we did, we're continue to re- scan together with my co- intern the
BSBA files Talisayan 4th year to ensure that there will be no errors. And also I checked
the files/documents of Sugbongcogon students and Talisayan 4th year Students if they
already completely comply all the requirements and find out what are their lacking

Day 35 ( April 24, 2023)

Today we're just doing re-scanning for some documents for the students who newly
submit their lacking documents to find out if they're lacking or complete. And afterwards,
we transfer the unnecessary documents to the old envelope.

Day 36 (April 25, 2023)

Helping our Supervisor finding out the Student Grading Sheet from S.Y 2021-2022 for
the first Semester record. And later on, Ms Karel told me to re-scanned the documents
which has an errors to ensure that the documents to be prepared will be presentable. And
also I transfer the unnecessary documents to the old envelope.

Day 37 ( April 26, 2023)

During the morning session, there are some students bringing their C.O.R for
authentication. And after authenticating I re-check few envelope to students to find out if
they're already complete with their requirements. And at quarter to 5 pm we clean the
Registrar Office before we left.

Day 38 ( April 27, 2023)

Today we're just receiving any lacking documents for some students who submit their
requirements like affidavit of loss. And also we do the authentication and after that I
transfer unnecessary documents to the old envelope that indicates each 4th year students.
And for the documents that has errors, we re-scan it once again to ensure that the
documents is at good condition.

Day 39 ( April 28, 2023)

This day of my on the Job Training, I just only received for some lacking documents
especially to those who are candidate for graduates, and also compiling the evaluation
form alphabetically. And we do the preparation also for the entrance exam to all coming
1st year. And our Supervisor taught us and aware us about what we are going to do
during the entrance exam. After that, I and together my co-intern were assigned
individually to the different classroom to arrange chairs to be used during entrance exam.
And each room from 1 to 5 consist 30 chair per room for the preparation to all coming
first year.

Day 40 ( April 29, 2023 )

Today is Saturday this day scheduled for the entrance exam and our Supervisor requested
us, we the intern assign in the Admin office, Registrar Office both BPA and BSBA intern
to come at school to assist those 1st year who will take the entrance exam which called
College Admission Test. My assignment, is to assist students who don't have Exam
permit and don't have any application form. So, first I download the exam permit &
application form and I printed it out and give it to the student who will take the entrance
Day 41 ( May 02, 2023 )
Today I just keep arranging the Results of Ratings alphabetically to all coming first year
who took the entrance exam last April 29 2023. And I separate the Results of Ratings to
all BPA and BSBA first year examinee. And while I separate the Results of Ratings, one
of the BSBA intern approach me asking for help to print out the test paper. And after that,
I check and review the database to all graduating students to ensure that there will be no
error with their requirements and to make sure that there will be no error when making
TOR and Diploma.

Day 42 ( May 04, 2023)

Today our task is, we are told to go to Mr. Ricky B. Redondo the BPA PROGRAM
HEAD for signing a signature for the Student Grading Sheet including Mr. Bernard A.
Monteron the Campus In charge to sign also the Students Grading Sheet. And after that,
there are some students who submit their TOR and any related documents. And since we
are not too busy we approach Mr. Hermenio Jr. B. Cabusog to sign a signature for our
school clearance.

Day 43 ( May 05, 2023 )

Today we're not to busy, so we approach our school nurse for signing a signature to our
school clearance as part our internship requirements, Mr. Billy Ramos sign also to our
clearance. And then afterwards, our Supervisor told us to photocopy for school clearance
both Satellite and Main Campus.

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