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1. In IELTS Writing Task 1, you need to take special care to avoid repetition of words
and phrases. If you simply copy your introduction directly from the Writing task on
the question paper, this will not be considered as part of your writing. Instead you
need to reword, or paraphrase, the information. This is an important academic

2. Become aware of the areas in which you make mistakes and focus hard on trying
to avoid them. Many students can use more complex structures accurately but still
make careless mistakes with subject/verb agreement or articles, for example.
Always leave a few minutes when you finish to check for basic errors. It is amazing
how often you will discover simple mistakes that you have made which will reduce
your grammar score.

Adjectives can be used to demonstrate your range of vocabulary. Adjectives
describe nouns and usually come before the noun.

Note: these verbs are also commonly used as nouns.

to rise / a rise
to increase / an increase
to decline / a decline
to fall / a fall
to drop / a drop
to peak / a peak
to decrease / a decrease
to dip / a dip

4. asasas

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