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AR-109 Computer Applications

Design principles are the guidelines that help designers to create effective, aesthetically pleasing,
and functional designs. They provide a framework for designing and arranging design elements to
achieve visual harmony, balance, and coherence.

There are 8 principles of design and they are :

1) Emphasis- Emphasis is all about bringing attention to certain elements in the design. This can
be done through size, colour, texture, shape, or any other visual element. The goal is to
create a focal point in the design that will draw the eye and stand out from the rest. Using
contrast, a designer can make an element stand out from the rest of the design. By using a
bright colour, a bold font, or a unique shape, the element will draw the eye and become the
focus of the design.

2) Balance- Balance is the idea of distributing elements in a design in an equal or harmonious

way. This can be done through symmetrical or asymmetrical design. Symmetrical balance is
when elements are evenly distributed on both sides of a design while asymmetrical balance
is when elements are distributed unevenly. Using balance, a designer can create a visual
harmony and create an aesthetically pleasing design. This can be done by pairing elements
with similar shapes, colours, or textures, or by using different elements to create an
interesting visual contrast.
3) Contrast- Contrast is the idea of using different elements to create a visual difference. This
can be done through colour, size, shape, texture, or any other visual element. By using
contrast, a designer can create an interesting and dynamic design. Using contrast, a designer
can create a visual hierarchy and draw attention to certain elements. By pairing elements
with different shapes, colours, or textures, the designer can create a dynamic and interesting
design that will draw the eye.

4) Unity- Unity is the idea of creating a sense of cohesion in a design. This can be done through
consistent use of colour, size, shape, texture, or any other visual element. The goal is to
create a design that is visually cohesive and unified. Using unity, a designer can create a
visually pleasing design that is easy to understand. By using consistent elements throughout
the design, the designer can create a sense of harmony and create an aesthetically pleasing

5) Harmony- Harmony is the idea of creating a sense of balance and unity in a design. This can
be done through consistent use of colour, size, shape, texture, or any other visual element.
The goal is to create a design that is visually cohesive and unified. Using harmony, a designer
can create a visually pleasing design that is easy to understand. By using consistent elements
throughout the design, the designer can create a sense of harmony and create an
aesthetically pleasing design.
6) Movement- Movement is the idea of creating a sense of flow in a design. This can be done
through the use of lines, shapes, colours, or any other visual element. The goal is to create a
design that is visually dynamic and creates a sense of motion. Using movement, a designer
can create an interesting and dynamic design. By using lines, shapes, and colours, the
designer can create a sense of motion and create an aesthetically pleasing design that will
draw the eye.

7) Hierarchy- Hierarchy is the idea of creating a visual order in a design. This can be done
through the use of size, color, shape, texture, or any other visual element. The goal is to
create a design that is visually organized and easy to understand. Using hierarchy, a designer
can create a visually pleasing design that is easy to understand. By using different elements
to create a visual order, the designer can create a design that is organized and easy to

8) Scale- Scale is the idea of creating a sense of size in a design. This can be done through the
use of size, colour, shape, texture, or any other visual element. The goal is to create a design
that is visually interesting and creates a sense of depth. Using scale, a designer can create an
interesting and dynamic design. By using elements of different sizes, the designer can create
a design that is visually interesting and creates a sense of depth and perspective.

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