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Name : Day/date :
Class : Subject : Biology

I. Multiple Choices (Choose one correct answer)

1. The following picture below shows human nerve cell, look carefully to answer question
number 1 and 2.

What type of neuron from the picture above?

A. Sensory neuron.
B. Relay neuron.
C. Motor neuron.
D. Effector.
E. Receptor.

2. Type of neuron from picture above involve in carrying electric impulses. At which organ
does the parts labelled X and Y are found?
A Small intestine Eye
B Spinal cord Hand
C Hand Brain
D Spinal cord Brain
E Eye Small intestine

3. The diagram below shows a simple structure which is involved in reflex action?

Which of the sequence correctly describe the pathway of nerve cells impulse during a reflex
A. S  P  Q  T  R.
B. P  Q  R  S  T.
C. P  T  Q  S  R.
D. P  S  T  Q  R.
E. R  T  Q  S  P.
4. The following picture below shows the impulse movement across synapse.
Which of the following correctly describes the condition in synaptic cleft?
A. Vesicles containing the neurotransmitter are only present in the presynaptic neuron.
B. Synapses ensure multidirectional of nervous impulses.
C. Receptors only present in presynaptic neuron.
D. Presynaptic neuron receive neurotransmitter.
E. Vesicles containing the neurotransmitter are only present in the postsynaptic neuron.

5. The statement below describes the movement impulse between neuron across synapse.
I. The neurotransmitter diffuses across the synapse.
II. Vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane.
III. Releasing a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.
IV. Impulse arrives at the presynaptic neuron.
V. Neurotransmitter binding to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron.
Which of the following shows the correct order of how impulse travel between neuron
across synapse?
A. I  II  III  IV  V.
B. II  III  IV  I  V.
C. IV  III  II  I  V.
D. V  IV  III  I  II.
E. IV  II  III  I  V.
6. The table following below shows the time taken for a driver to stop the car in an emergency
before and after drinking alcohol.
Time taken to decide to stop (s) Time taken to stop (s)
Before drinking alcohol 1.5 2.2
After drinking alcohol 2.1 3.6

The results show that alcohol decrease the respond to the stimulus because alcohol …
A. Stimulate adrenal gland to release more adrenaline.
B. Slowing breathing rate then makes the muscle less energy.
C. Slowing heart rate then makes the muscle less energy.
D. Bind to postsynaptic receptor then inhibit stimulus carried by neurotransmitter.
E. Bind to postsynaptic receptor then help neurotransmitter carry impulse.
7. The following picture below shows the structure of brain.
Which region control muscle coordination, heart rate and balance?
Muscle coordination Heart rate Balance

8. The following picture below shows the structure of eye. Which part of the eye that control
how much light enter the pupil?

9. Human lens will bend the light to focus the image vision in the retina. When a person looks
at an object which is close to eye, which of the following takes place?
Suspensory ligament Ciliary muscle Lens
A Tighten Contract Becomes thinner
B Tighten Relax Becomes fatter
C Slacken Contract Becomes fatter
D Slacken Relax Becomes fatter
E Tighten Contract Becomes thinner

10. The diagram below shows the muscles that control the size of the pupil in an eye.
What happen to the structure X and Y when looking at dim light?
X Y Diameter of pupil
A Contract Contract Increase
B Contract Relax Decrease
C Relax Contract Increase
D Relax Relax Decrease
E Contract Contract Decrease

11. The following statement below describe the part of human coordination related with
specific type of gland.
I. Endocrine gland is ductless gland.
II. The example of endocrine gland is saliva gland.
III. The example of endocrine gland is adrenal gland.
IV. Secrete hormone as chemical messenger which target specific group of cells.
V. Secrete enzyme as the biocatalyst to increase chemical reaction in body.
Which of the following shows correct statement about endocrine system?
A. II and V only.
B. I, III and IV only.
C. I, II, III and V only.
D. II, III, IV and V only.
E. I, II, III, IV and V.

12. Pituitary gland is the master of glands as its function to control most other endocrine gland
to secrete hormone. What is the relation between Hypothalamus as the center of
osmoreceptor and pituitary gland to control water balance in human body?
Osmoreceptor Hypothalamus Gland Hormone Target Cell
A Too much water Secrete RH Anterior Pituitary Less ADH Kidney tubule
B Too much water Secrete IH Posterior Pituitary More ADH Glomerulus
C Less water Secrete IH Anterior Pituitary Less ADH Kidney tubule
D Less water Secrete RH Posterior Pituitary More ADH Kidney tubule
E Less water Secrete IH Anterior pituitary Less ADH Glomerulus
13. The secretion of ADH hormone play important role in homeostasis in human body. What is
other example of homeostasis in human body?
A. Food digestion.
B. Breathing in oxygen
C. Regulating blood glucose.
D. Urinating to empty bladder.
E. Removing undigested food through anus.

14. Two persons having medical checkup, both of them shows different condition of blood
glucose content. The data shows the blood glucose concentration in mg/100ml. Use the data
below to answer question number 14 and 15.
Blood sample taken Person X Person Y
Before meal 88 95
After meal two hours later 120 127
After meal four hours later 108 118
after meal six hours later 92 107
What is the reason behind the result of blood glucose concentration from person X?
A. Trigger insulin secretion to convert glucose become glycogen
B. Trigger glucagon secretion to convert glucose become glycogen
C. Glucagon secretion will increase glucose absorption in liver.
D. Adrenalin secretion will decrease glycogen conversion to glucose.
E. Insulin secretion will increase glycogen conversion to glucose.

15. Person Y has healthy issue based on table number 14. His previous medical record showed
that person Y have immune system problem that cause the system immune attack specific
cell in pancreas. What type of cell and what substance is missing if the cell is damaged?
Type cell Substance
A Delta cells Somatostatin
B Alpha cells Insulin
C Beta cells Glucagon
D Alpha cells Glucagon
E Beta cells Insulin

16. The body of the sprinter will release adrenalin soon as the referee start the race. Which rows
below shows the effect of increased adrenalin release?
Heart beat rate Breathing rate Blood glucose
A Increase Decrease Decrease
B Increase Increase Increase
C Decrease Increase Increase
D Decrease Decrease Decrease
E Decrease Decrease Increase

17. The following picture below shows the endocrine glands in human body. Which gland
secrete adrenaline hormone?

18. Use the following graph below to answer question number 18 and 19.

The graph above shows the person change in body temperature during 24 hours. What could
cause the changes in body temperature period III and how body regulate the temperature
back to normal body temperature at period IV?
Period III Period IV
A Rising air temperature Shivering
B Reduced air temperature Vasodilatation
C Rising air temperature Increased sweating
D Reduced air temperature Increased sweating
E Rising air temperature Vasoconstriction

19. The person body temperature was dropped at the beginning of the day in period I but it back
to normal body temperature in period II. How body regulate temperature homeostasis if the
body temperature dropped?
A. Skin will open the pore and release sweat.
B. The capillary in the skin will dilate.
C. More blood flowing just below the skin.
D. Skin will close the pore then body will shiver.
E. Less blood going to the heart and lungs.

20. The diagram below shows some blood vessels near the surface of the skin.

If vasodilatation occurs at X, what happens to the blood flow at Y and Z?

A Decrease Decrease
B Decrease Increase
C Increase Decrease
D Increase Increase
E Stay constant Decrease

Essay (Answer question briefly and correct)

1. A sprinter gets ready to race in the race track. The refeere will blow the whistle when
the race begins to start.
a) Describe the pathway of how stimulus taken and proper respond in sprinter body
after the referee blow the whistle! (3)
b) The referee conduct blood test to check the sprinter condition after race and take an
hour rest. Predict the result from the referee by completing the table below.
After finish Take an hour rest
Blood glucose Decrease
c) What is adrenaline and explain why adrenaline is important during the race! (3)
d) After the break the sprinter decide to take a meal with high carbohydrate diet,
predict the blood glucose concentration of the sprinter after take meal then
how the body respond to maintain blood glucose concentration! (3)
2. Human skin is very important to control the body temperature. The following picture below
shows a diagram of the skin.

a) Complete the table below based on the diagram above and give the function to
respond hot body temperature!
Stucture name Function to respond hot temperature
R …. Lay flat on the skin and trap less air
S …. ….
U …. ….
b) A boy touches a hot surface then suddenly his arm conducts reflex arc.
i. Which part of the skin that pick up thermal stimulus based on the diagram? (1)
ii. Describe the pathway of nerve cells impulse during a reflex action? (3)
c) Describe three ways body respond to control cold temperature! (3)

3. Doctor saw a patient fainted after accident. Then he took quick check to diagnose the
condition of the patient by giving flash light into the patient eye.
a) Explain the proper response of the eye’s pupil during the check! (2)
b) Name the muscle that involve in the movement of pupil! from the case above how
was the proper movement of the muscle to respond the flash light! (4)
c) The next patient suspected having issue in far sighting, because her habit always
watching phone in short distance.
i. What cause the eye of the patient become like that? (1)
ii. Draw the shape of the lens and the light rays to correct the patient vision
based on the diagram below! (3)

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