Book Review

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Book Review: Pulse to Planet, by K Srinath Reddy

The book “Pulse to Planet” highlights the plight of our times by bringing out live and
relevant issues emphatically. The problem statement lies in the fact that materialistic growth
which humans have brought about, is result of indiscriminate exploitation of natural
resources and at the cost of fellow species, flora, and fauna. By linking human body and
health with planetary health, the argument is made in favor of collective action for
sustainable global development with compassion and care for others being the basis of such
Appreciating the interconnectedness of human body and surrounding environment
Human health is a function of the underlying behavior which is influenced or shaped by
cultural, economic, and environmental factors operating at societal level. The air we breathe
in, the quality of food we intake, lifestyles (active or sedentary) we lead, income we earn
directly or indirectly impact our health. Human organs are deeply integrated and get
influenced by the surrounding environment and individual living habits. We make our body
weaker by our own choices like unhealthy diet and leading stressful lives, polluting our
environment in the process. Our brain, as the driver of our lives, is connected to other
brains who supply us with resources vital for our life.
Impact of climate change on agriculture and our food systems
As planetary health deteriorates, humans will face countless obstacles which will hamper
their lives. Rising temperatures are expected to reduce the quantity and quality of staple
crop yields while marine life and fish stocks will be affected by increasing aquatic
temperatures. Overall, our nutrition security will be in peril.
Achieving holistic and sustainable development of the entire ecosystem by improving
individual health
As the human body cannot exist in vacuum, it is crucial to maintain harmony with our
surroundings for a positive and favorable reaction. Even the tiniest microbe or bacteria has a
role carved out in nature’s design and even in human biology. How a mother passes
immunity to a newborn is truly nature’s gift. Understanding gut biology well can help
control diseases better, arising due to multiple factors including drug overuse. Managing
stress levels by harmonizing well with environment can improve overall mental and physical
health substantially. Climatic changes because of human actions are an apt example of how
by changing our individual habits, we can avoid global warming. In the words of Toni
Morrison, “If we do not create the future, the present extends itself”.
The book takes the reader through the beautiful journey of micro to macro, from cell to
universe, from individual to all, and from pulse to planet. Conversely it goes on to establish
that by understanding and ensuring our health first, we can help the environment grow
sustainably. In other words, we need to care for the environment not in a parochial sense,
limiting to needs of only one species but in a holistic manner encompassing the entire

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