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Contents Module 1 1 anon ~ Module 2 10 nN Module 3 Face-to-face meetings Back in the office Visitors to the company Down to business The presentation Questions and answers at the presentation Closing the meeting Phoning, telephone conferencing and emails On the phone to Australia Emailing Australia Starting the telephone conference call Ending the telephone conference call Making plans by email Phoning, telephone conferencing and emails Telephone small talk Arranging the business trip Priorities for the business trip Dealing with questions in the conference call Written invitations Business trip details Changes tothe schedule Face-to-face meetings and video conferencing Welcome back to the office The project review Starting the video conference Discussing problems in the video conference Finding solutions in the video conference Ending the video conference 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 7 80 84 88 92 96

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