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Self-Check: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Is education today relevant to the needs of the community? society? Explain.

The education today is indeed relevant to the needs of the students. As far as I can remember,
the K-12 curriculum is set on what is relevant and important to the 21st century learners. Various
subjects that is being taught today can help us in solving real-life problems. I remember way
back senior high school, my social studies teacher always connects the subject matter on what
is happening to the society and he will asked us about our opinion on how will we solve a
particular problem. I the society that we’re living in, all of us are facing societal challenges and
as the future leader of this country, it is a NEED for us to know how to overcome and solve
these challenges. In my given example, my teacher helped me a lot on critical thinking which is
highly needed today.
2. Cite at least 3 ways by which you, as a future teacher, can contribute to the education
community in tackling important challenges facing society.
As an educator, we will definitely have a contribution to our learners way on facing societal
challenges and because of this we, must keep in mind to teach them on how can they overcome
such. First thing to do is to open the eyes of our learners to the reality of the world. I learned this
from my senior high school teacher and it really helped me a lot in facing problems. How can a
learner know the challenges if we haven’t introduced them? When we are presenting a subject
matter, it is highly recommended to connect it with what’s happening around us. Learners
nowadays are active when it comes to this matter and during our discussion, I will surely give
them a chance to voice out their opinions and how can they help in solving a particular problem.
Of course, when we are tackling this kind of topic, I will use multimedia presentation. 21st
century learners are into visual so presenting different illustrations presenting societal
challenges will definitely caught their attention and focus.

3. As education student, what is the relevance of PLCs and SLACs in the improvement of
the quality of teachers in the country?
In our discussion, Ma’am Juco told us that one of the reasons of conducting PLC’S and SLAC’s
is to update our co-teachers of what is the trend in teaching. If we use the traditional way of
teaching, it might be effective but it will be lesser due to the development of the learners. With
the help of these seminars, teachers will know how and what to teach to our 21st century
learners. Additionally, PLC and SLAC will help us to gain more knowledge and understanding
of a particular subject. Let say, some of the Grade 3 teachers are not that effective in teaching
Mathematics, therefore, the subject that the PLC or SLAC will focus is in that subject. With the
help of this, we will not just learn but we will also be able to give quality education to our

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