Eng Stories

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“How the jackal got his stripe” 41-45

Idiot Jackal gets karma’d
(cool animal tho)

So basically, yk, there’s this sun baby (yk everyday happenins). A group o’ dudes approached it. The first
one was abt to pick it up (because the baby can talk and it said hey could you pick me up, yk as one sun
baby in the middle of nowhere would) he said woah it’s rlly hot?? The second one approached and said
the eyes!! Yowch the eyes are so bright omg!! And the third one picks it up but drops it and the guy
burns himself. They all run away bc why would you still be near a scaringly scorching talking sun baby on
the side of the road? Anyway a (now I’ll call “the”) jackhals went near the baby, after hiding in the
bushes, waitin 4 the men to leave. He thought “why would the men leave behind a baby lol free food”
and talked to the baby. Convo is essentially this:

“why would they leave u lol”

“pick me up”
“ok. Where to?” Jackhals lied down and let sun baby go on his back
“anywhere far”

Then jackhals goes and journeys to bring the baby to his crib (which is on a cliff) BUT! The sun baby is
hot and burns jackhals. Jackhals begs the baby to go further down his back so he won’t get super burnt
and die. This keeps happenin til the sun baby is grabbing onto jackhals’s tail. Jackhals begs the child.
Like. //begs// the child to let go but naw man the sun baby doesn’t want to. Jackhals turns around to
bite the baby but stopped and shivered back as if beaten cuz the baby is glowin so bright jackhals cant
handle it. Bby threatens him and jackhals is traumatized. From then on, the jackhal with the black stripe
down his back only ever comes out at night, when the brightass talking sun baby isn’t up in the sky.


..sun baby IDK ITS NAME


Side of the road and path to a cliff


The jackhal wants to eat the baby. The baby is scorchin.

Tonie’s rating: 8/10, nice BACKstory bahdumtss. Very creative but what did that jackhal do bro it just
wants to feed him and his family.

“the little red tortoise” 7-10

tortoise kids: get outta here, you red stuck-up!
red tortoise: w- why?
tortoise kids: because this is a metaphor for racism
-og joke from bo burnham

(let’sactually start lol)

Red tort(oise) gets birthed. Red tort listens to old torts but decides to do things his own way when his
tort classmates? Kabatch? Acquaintances?? tell him to do something in a particular way. Bc of this, the
tort kids bullied him and called him a red stuck up. Bc he is red n stuff yk. Uhhh then boom rumor comes
that there is a tort-eating giraffe in town. (aka the old blue one, aka the oubaas giraffe) Tort kids bullied
red tort to go get eaten by it. Red tort makes a plan to choke the giraffe to death by goin down its throat
and slowly going down so the giraffe cant breathe properly. He does this and succeeds. He becomes the
hero of the town, his tort mom still loves him, tort kids love him the end.


The little red tortoise

Oubaas giraffe

Th little red tortoise’s mom


In Africa, Schilpad/Tortoise Nation


Tortoise-eating giraffe

Tonie’s Rating: 5/10 love the anti-racism but could you be less obvious that that’s the lesson? Also what
did that giraffe do homie’s just doin what he gotta do.

“the cruel hunters” 144-147

a badly written story with a shapeshifter and an unequal showing of the golden rule, thus not getting the
point across

(copy psted from gc)

"an old man has three sons that are basically sporty rebel jocks. the three went outside (along with a lot of
other young ppl) to hunt and encounters old man with white garments. omwwg (old man with white
garments) told them that he has 7 children and would like for the three to not hunt or set anything on fire
as he has no place to evacuate his 7 children (fnaf /j). the party, being jocks, and possibly himbos, didnt
quite understand but promised that theyll do that. omwwg leaves and some of them thought that woah that
guy prolly isnt human and is a spirit of a wild animal in the mountains. (i dont understand paragraph 5, it's
written so weird) after some of this said this, they see "him"* enter a cave, spread a net around it, and set
a fire in the entrance. then there was a white stag that transformed into an old man. appearantly the party
has killed the guy's 7 daughters (young) and now has to face punishment (family dying is the punishment)
the three amigos try to shoot him but failed. later, a taoist monk went to their house and said great fortune
is upon them through imperial career and great prosperity . so, the they organized a rebellion w/ their
friends (friendship goals) there was a traitor and they and their families all were executed. no one knows
what happened to the taoist monk who was in charge of this scheme as well as the traitor"
simplified even more, "old man has three jock sons. the 3 went out to hunt with their friends and
encountered an old guy with white garments (omwwg) who told them no dunt hunt or set anything on fire
here i want peace and i have seven daughters that idk where to evacuate. the party's like ok but some of
them thought omwwg was a spirit of an animal chilling in the woods. later, they followed him to a cave,
spread a net, and set the entrance on fire. a white stag cam up to them and transformed into an old man.
apparently, the party has killed the 7 children/daughters of the guy (how??? I don’t remember this being
talked abt) and has to face punishment (their familys' befall). later, a Taoist monk came up to their door
and said imperial career and good fortune+prosperity is upon them in the future. the three told their
frineds and started a rebellion (like, their own goivernmmetn) but there was a traitor so they got caught
and now them and their families are sent to b executed so they all die."


The three hunters/brothers

Old man with white garments




The hunters have apparently killed the seven daughters of the old man with white garments

Tonie’s Rating:

2/10 oh.my.god. it doesn’t tell us how the hunters killed the 7 children tho?? Did I miss that or
something?? Also, 7 children do not equal 70 familes. Old man in white sucks at math. Emphasize old
cuz these hunters are young and have a lot to live for. They didn’t even do anythun like, they’re literally
called the hunters what do you think they do, old man???? They ain’t called the empaths bro, +ppl need
food to live so like,,,,,,, bro,,,,,,,,,, additionally, old man shapeshifts into everything in this story oh my
godddd this story doesn’t need a white stag you flaunty ass b////////////

Thank you 4 readin

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