Writing Workshop 1 2022 - 1 JLRP

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Name: Luisa Fernanda Ardila Valenzuela ID: 0000275899 Group: ________

Watch the Class Preparation Session Video (Cause/Effect Essay) and answer the following questions.
Complete ALL the points (A-H) before class.

A. Read the following essay example and identify its parts. Use different colors to highlight each

Have you ever felt you care too much about your physical image,
especially when you are at work? Excessive worrying about physical - Hook
appearance is sometimes an ‘obsession’, and it is a problem that has
- Background
affected both, women and men, especially over the past fifteen years.
Nowadays, more and more people have become too concerned about - Thesis
their appearance due to the need for professional success, and the
pressure that the mass media puts.

Firstly, people generally think that the body image is necessary for - Topic sentence
professional success. In fact, some recent studies affirm that the
physical appearance is the most important fact which determines if a - Supporting idea
person is hired or not at a company. It is common to hear that people - Closing sentence
feel at a disadvantage when competing for a job promotion with
physically attractive people, fact that affects their career possibilities.
In brief, a person’s necessity to be successful is a cause of an
exaggerated interest in their self-image.
- Topic sentence
A second cause for people to be too concerned about their appearance
is the pressure of social media. People are active consumers these - Supporting idea
days, and the media take advantage of this fact showing stereotypes of - Closing sentence
‘perfect’ women or men which people imitate, fact attributed to
different psychological processes. For instance, public commercials
are currently exposing a ‘perfect life’ and a false need for people to
pursue it, and that starts with an attractive physical appearance. In
short, social media has presented ‘beauty’ as a priority for
professional success.
- Restatement thesis
On the whole, the need for career success, and the pressure by social
media are the main causes of an exaggerate worry by people about - Summary main of
their appearance. First, the speed at which the world goes nowadays point
has put pressure on everyone to look attractive as part of their success,
- Concluding sentence
and, second, stereotypes shown on commercials also make people
believe they must be ‘beautiful’. In conclusion, families should
promote critical thinking and strong values; if that occurs, societies’ - Linking words
attention will turn to what really matters to be successful.

B. Identify if the following topics and questions refer to Causes (C) or Effects (E).
- Reasons for the World War II C
- Why do people become obese? C
- Consequences of Free-Trade Agreements E
- Reasons for low grades in schools C
- What causes unemployment? C
- Effects on the intake of alcoholic drinks E
- Why do enterprises fire their employees? C


The hook is the first sentence of your introduction which captures the attention of the reader. There
are various types:

1. A definition: While dictionary definitions are ok, it is better to try to paraphrase whenever you can.

Luke (1990) affirmed that business is more than just an exchange of funds for services or goods.

2. A quotation or paraphrase: If you use a quote, make sure that it is relevant to your topic, background
information or your thesis. Avoid overused quotes or clichés. The film director Woody Allen said “Those
who can’t teach, teach gym.”

3. A little-known or striking fact: Try to surprise and impress your reader with an interesting fact related to
your topic. Don’t forget to cite! “A cockroach can carry more than 40 different pathogens that could
spread to humans” (Stevens, 2008).

4. A question: Make sure it will catch the reader’s attention and lead toward your thesis topic:

Have you ever stayed up all night to study for an exam, only to sleep through your exam the next

D. Read the following sentences and determine what kind of hook they are (definition, striking
fact, etc)
a. Can you imagine how much a single day can cost if you live in Shibuya, Tokyo? Question
b. The pentagon has twice as many bathrooms as are necessary Definition
c. Schindler's List portrays the horrific acts of German concentration camps in World War II A little-known
d. “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” (John F Kennedy)
e. Cigarettes are the primary cause of cancer Definition
f. Did you know that only 2.5% of the earth water is drinkable? A question


What are some signal words to focus on causes or effects? Write C (cause) or E (effect) next to each
word. Use your dictionary when necessary.
to cause __E___ due to C is the result of E to affect E

to result in E to promote E to provoke E because of E

is caused by C to impact C are reasons for E to lead to E

to have effects on E is a consequence of E are causes of C to result from E

F. Identify the parts of the following thesis statements: (Keep in mind: the sentence organization
of the Thesis is not always the same)

Example: Pollution and unemployment are consequences of industrialization in cities.

Topic: ___industrialization in cities__ Focus: are consequences of Effect 1: _pollution Effect 2:


- Offshoring results in economy efficiency, on the one hand, but also in loss of local jobs, on the other hand.

Topic: economy efficiency Focus: results Effect 1: Offshoring Effect 2:loss of local jobs

- Industrialization and lack of jungle protection are causes of excessive logging.

Topic: excessive logging Focus: causes of Cause 1: Industrialization Cause 2: lack of

jungle protection

- Two consequences of excessive intake of fast food are people’s health and psychological problems.

Topic: excessive intake of fast food Focus: Two consequences Effect 1: health problems Effect 2: psychological

- Lack of potable water in the world is caused by social inequality and destruction of the environment
Topic: Lack of potable water Focus: caused by Cause 1: social inequality Cause 2:

G. Now it is your turn!

STEP 1: Write your essay topic that you chose in the CPS (example: causes of unemployment). Go to
“Teams or One Drive”, and look for the Topic, it should also be in your portfolio.

TOPIC FOR YOUR ESSAY: What are the causes of students’ low grades at university?


STEP 2: Brainstorm: Complete the following boxes with general ideas or keywords. Remember to read
and look for information to support your causes/effects.

Cause / Effect 1

Topic: Lack of recognition of

student efforts./
What are the causes of
students’ low grades at


Write the parts of your thesis statement based on the previous diagram (G, Step 2). Remember it must
have 3 parts: Topic, Focus, 2 Causes or 2 effects. Look at examples in point F (no more than 25 words)

Your topic:

Focus on words that you want to use (check in point E): are reasons one the most important reasons for

Cause or Effect 1:

Cause or effect 2:

Write your thesis here

H. Finally, copy-paste this completed workshop onto your Writing Portfolio (Teams), with today’s

Excellent job! You are ready for class 😊

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