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The British sense of humor is another characteristic I'd like to analyze.

what makes this movie funny while being a depressing one and exposing
society's darker side. Humour is also one personal trait that most Britons cling
to above all others. That is why humor may be found in everyday life in the
United Kingdom, even in the most official situations. People strongly value and
expect the capacity to take a joke and laugh at oneself. The manner the British
enjoy making fun of themselves is a certain indicator of their sense of humor. It
is also a way the British display their modesty. In the movie Oliver Twist, Mr.
Fagin's bang with the orphaned kids who lived in run-down homes and
supported themselves by stealing are typically amusing and upbeat when
talking about their life. When we see a movie portraying a terrible moment like
that, that humor makes us feel less stressed. For instance, Mr. Fagin referred to
their group as a "little happy band", called the run-down houses in which they
lived "humble digs" and "cozy little hovels", described their thieving work as
"fun," "peace," and "quiet contemplation," and emphasized how much they
"liked" their place of residence and their line of work. Or Dodger - Jack
Dawkin and perhaps a large number of abandoned children in Mr. Fagin's bang
shared that the dilapidated house is a "delight corner of London.". Additionally,
they typically came from unhappy family, but they never felt uncomfortable,
sad, or miserable when discussing their families. In the same way that Dodger
described his parents as "a rum pot" and "a feast for the worms," so did Fagin
when he remarked, "My mother's dead." Even though they occasionally
perceived their existence as "a strenuous life," they also saw it as "a merry
one.". Moreover, while they took every precaution to avoid detection and tried
to elude the police, they referred the jail as "one of the finest institutions of
learning in the country." where they could be "locked up with the greatest
thieves in London", and just thought of "all the knowledge accumulating
there.". That shows us their fortitude when facing adversity, but I also disagree
with how they chose to handle their unlucky lot in life. They became criminals
and bad kids in the community as a result of their thieving behavior.

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