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Apu Of The Inca

In the beginning, there was darkness. Then Viracocha created the first humans out of stone, peopling
his dark world with a race of giants. The giants became unruly, so Viracocha washed them away in a
great flood, transforming those in Tiahuanaco and Pucara into stone — a cautionary tale for those that
followed. Viracocha tried anew, creating a second race of humans out of clay, painting each a different
color to make them unique. He breathed life into them and placed them deep in the earth with
instructions to re-emerge at the appointed time. The world was still dark, so Viracocha created the sun
and moon, watching them rise high into the sky from the islands of Lake Titicaca. Soon after, the sun
and moon had children, peopling the sky with constellations composed of their virgin daughters. So
united, their light banished the darkness of the prior world, creating the World of today. Viracocha set
out from Lake Titicaca with his brother-sons Imaymana and Tocapo to spread civilization. They
traveled in disguise as beggars, naming the trees and plants of the World, calling forth humanity from
its caves, and instructing them in the ways of agriculture and civilization. Most willingly accepted
Viracocha’s visions of a new world, but others scorned his teaching, forcing him to call down rivers of
fire from the sky upon them until they acquiesced. The trio traveled north until they reached the coast
of present-day Ecuador, looked upon their works, and judged them complete. Soon after, they walked
across the sea, vanishing over the horizon to places unknown. After Viracocha’s departure, Inti and
Mama Killa bore eight children on the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca. Inti selected Ayar Capac as
their leader and admonished him to establish dominion over the World as his favored intercessor. Ayar
Capac was equipped with a golden staff that would sink into the earth when he reached the Promised
Land. Ayar Capac and his siblings traveled through a series of underground tunnels to a trio of caves in
a hill southeast of Cusco containing the peoples that became the core of the Inca state. The eight
emerged from the caves with their mortal allies and began their trek toward Cusco, stopping along the
way to plant the golden staff in different locales to see if they had arrived. Their Band consisted of four
brothers and their sister-wives, all Scions born of Inti and Mama Killa. They were Ayar Cachi, Ayar
Uchu, Ayar Auca, Ayar Manco (later Manco Capac), Mama Ipacura, Mama Raua, Mama Huaco, and
Mama Ocllo. Ayar Manco was soon rebranded Manco Capac, and the wanderers negotiated peace with,
or destroyed, the natives of the Cusco Valley and watched the golden staff sink into the earth at Cusco
showing them they had arrived in the Promised Land. Manco Capac became the first Inca leader, the
literal “Son of the Sun,” marrying his remaining sisters upon the death of his final brother and
establishing a royal bloodline of Scions, each acting as intermediary between Inti and the World. The
Scions of Inti ruled first as kings, then “Sapa Incas,” or emperors, conquering what came to be known
as Tawantinsuyu, the Realm of Four Parts: An empire divided into four suyu’s, or regions, centered on
Cusco and encompassing parts of Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. While ultimately
conquered by outsiders, their traditions persist among the peoples of their former empire and are
intimately interwoven among the cultures of western South America. Inti’s Scions and their allied Apu
never abandoned their faith and simply disappeared from view among their conquerors, blending in and
perpetuating Apu worship and traditions among their conquerors. As night gives way to dawn, Inti’s
Scions rise yet again to take their rightful place in the World and forge Tawantinsuyu anew. Sometimes
called the K’uh by themselves and others, the Apu are purpose manifest, born of Viracocha’s desire to
bathe a dark world in the light of civilization. All serve, or at least respect, Inti’s position as Viracocha’s
intercessor, considering it their sacred duty to subdue the World in his name. Those who accept Inti as
their master are welcomed to Tawantinsuyu as honored subjects under the Apu’s protection. Those who
oppose the Apu are swept aside, consumed by their radiance. With few exceptions, the Apu prize order
and stability, scorning chaos in all its forms as they use their superior organizational abilities to
prosecute campaigns against titanspawn, rogue Scions, and their less orderly neighbors in an endless
quest to keep the fires of civilization burning. The Gods of the Apu pantheon include: Chasca (dawn,
twilight, Venus), Coniraya (fertility, trickster), Illapa (thunder), Inti (sun), Kuychi (messenger,
rainbow), Mama Cocha (ocean), Mama Quilla (moon), Pachacamac (creation, disaster), Pachamama
(earth, fertility), Supay (death), Vichama (death, judgment), and Viracocha (creation).
Virtues: Conviction, Expression, Harmony, Order
A.K.A.: The Disheveled One
Chasca is Goddess of dawn, twilight, and Venus, an Andean Aphrodite whose beauty is
suffocating to behold. She bestrides the heavens, dispensing stories of freshness and loveliness
written in clouds and scatterings of morning dew shaken from her luxurious hair. Chasca takes
virgins and young girls under her protection but defends love and beauty with equal vigor.
Chasca is always dressed to perfection. She often manifests as a wealthy Peruvian socialite,
telenovela star, or kindly teacher. She splits her time in the World between Cusco and Lima,
living in penthouse suites decorated in the warm hues of dawn. Chasca is actively involved in
the lives of her Scions and mortal wards, frequently checking on them to ensure their safety,
passing along warnings and guidance as needed. She operates subtly when possible, observing
her charges from afar and providing just enough information to steer them out of harm’s way.
When she does take to the field, she uses her stunning beauty and divine abilities to great effect.
Scions of Chasca are visions of profound loveliness selected for their beauty and strict devotion
to love. Like their divine mother, they are relentless in their defense of virgins and young girls,
often selected for their ability to protect them. They embody the best attributes of love and
attractiveness, fanning the flames of healthy relationships through their efforts and promoting
beauty in every way possible. This often involves the construction of temples, movie sets,
schools, and even clothing lines that incorporate Chasca’s chosen symbols of the sun, fire, and
flowers into their creation. Chasca’s Scions are models, actors, life coaches, police officers,
bodyguards, relationship counselors, teachers at all-girl academies, wedding planners, romance
novelists, school guidance counselors, online relationship advice coaches, and beauticians.
Associated Epics: Epic Manipulation, Epic Appearance
Associated Purviews: Guardian, Pachakutic, Sky, Stars
Associated Abilities: Art, Control, Craft, Empathy, Integrity, Presence
A.K.A.: Cuniraya Viracocha
Coniraya is the God of trickery and fertility. Plants grow, flowers bloom, animals multiply, and
humans conceive wherever he fixes his ever-wandering gaze. For all the benefits he provides
Tawantinsuyu, his mischievous nature earns Coniraya notoriety and praise in equal measure.
Cavillace was a virgin Goddess of astonishing beauty desired by most of the Apu, yet she
scorned their affections. Coniraya coveted her and hatched a plan to earn her favor. He noticed
Cavillace reclining under a lucuma tree and transformed his semen into a lucuma fruit, dropping
it at her feet. Coniraya ate the fruit and became pregnant, giving birth to a child nine months
later. She summoned the Apu to determine which one impregnated her, and they assembled in
all their divine finery, except Coniraya who arrived in peasant’s rags. When no God stepped
forward to take responsibility, Cavillace set her baby down and it crawled straight to its father,
Coniraya. Horrified at Coniraya’s disheveled state, Cavillace walked into the sea and
transformed herself and her child into stone in disgust. Coniraya is a bedraggled man dressed in
rags but affects divine finery when it suits him. He is far too mercurial to adopt a regular
position in the World, choosing instead to wander from place-to-place as it pleases him,
spreading life wherever (and with whomever) he wishes. Scions of Coniraya are an admixture
Coniraya (cont.)
of trickery, honeyed words, and oblique action. They revel in travel and new experiences,
eschewing the ordered dictates of Inti and his fellow Apu. They are masters of seduction, but
horrible at romance, shunning responsibility in all forms, seldom choosing fight over flight.
They are receptive to the prayers of others requiring their fertility-enhancing talents, and can be
cajoled into helping fellow Scions, but are quick to move on when the task is complete.
Coniraya’s Scions are often doctors at fertility clinics, botanists, farmers, animal husbandry
specialists, prostitutes, lotharios, and tricksters of all stripes.
Associated Epics: Epic Manipulation, Epic Wits
Associated Purviews: Fertility, Illusion, Moon, Pachakutic
Associated Abilities: Animal Ken, Craft, Empathy, Larceny, Medicine, Presence
A.K.A.: Apu Illapu, Ilyap’a, Katoylla
If Vichama is Inti’s enforcer, Illapa is his fist. He is the foremost warrior of the Apu, God of
thunder, lightning, clouds, rain, whirlwinds, and hail. He wields a great sling with unerring
accuracy, its stones lightning, its crack thunder. He listens carefully to the people of
Tawantinsuyu’s prayers for rain and ascends skyward to find the sister he charged with holding
a water jug filled with the cool waters of the Milky Way. Upon sighting her, he unlimbers his
sling and casts a stone at the jar, shattering it to provide rain for the people below. Illapa is
respected by all and is a fearsome warrior, garbed in lightning, who wields the sling and war
club with equal skill. His face may be veiled in clouds and thunder, but his courage and warrior
spirit are unmatched. He is a trusted member of Inti’s inner circle with a temple in the
Coricancha and is his foremost warrior and general in the war against the Titans and all who
defy the Apu. When Illapa descends to the World, he wraps himself in the garb of a soldier, law
enforcement officer, or even a gang member, whatever is necessary to project his formidable
might. Like their divine parent, Scions of Illapa are seldom subtle, trending toward a core of
courageous extroverts with substantial martial prowess. They are loyal, dutiful, and abhor
anarchy and disorder. They patrol Tawantinsuyu, battling rebels, titanspawn, and agents of
Pachacamac in addition to bringing rain to farmers in need and defending the mortal populace
of Inti’s dominion. Illapa’s Scions form an integral part of any group of Apu Scions and are
seldom shy to voice their opinion (loudly) on any course of action. They are soldiers, warriors,
law enforcement officers, gang members, meteorologists, and anyone involved in a material
Associated Epics: Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity
Associated Purviews: Guardian, Pachakutic, Sky, War, Water
Associated Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Integrity, Marksmanship, Melee, Thrown
A.K.A.: Apu Inti, Churi Inti, Inti Huaoqui
Inti is the fiery heart of the Apu, son of Viracocha, emperor among Gods, and master of
Tawantinsuyu. Inti is Viracocha’s chosen intercessor between the Apu and the World, holding
court from his golden palace in Hanan Pacha, or from the new Temple of the Sun in Cusco. He
is attended by his loyal court, each of which has their own temple in the sacred Coricancha, and
Hanan Pacha. This court consists of Viracocha, Mama Killa, Chasca, Illapa, and Kuychi. Inti’s
word is law among the Apu, and he brooks no defiance to his rule, using his court and others to
maintain order throughout the three Pachas. Inti’s natural form alternates like the phases of the
sun, appearing as Apu Inti, the “Supreme,” “Lord,” or “Father” sun, Churi Inti, or “Son Inti,”
and Inti Huaoqui, or “Brother” Inti. Each form varies in appearance slightly from golden-
Inti (cont.)
skinned youth to older man and are surrounded by a golden nimbus of light. A powerful host of
lions and serpents attends each aspect. Inti is a benevolent God who brings rain, fertility,
protection, and order to his realm with the aid of his queen and court. It was he who established
his son Manco Capac as the chosen Scion and leader of his people, and it is his Scions who lead
today. He weeps tears of gold when his people suffer and solar eclipses attend his rage, but he is
unflinching in his quest to bring order to Tawantinsuyu and expand his realm. Inti’s Scions are
natural leaders. Many are raised with their fellow Scions to form lifelong bonds that serve them
well in the future. Inti’s mandate is to lead, maintain, and protect the people of Tawantinsuyu,
defeat any threats to his reign like titanspawn, Pachacamac’s children, or the machinations of
foreign Scions, and to expand the boundaries of Tawantinsuyu. They are warriors, soldiers,
oracles, astrologers, CEO’s, community leaders, fertility doctors, farmers, meteorologists,
astronomers, and leaders of all stripes.
Associated Epics: Epic Strength
Associated Purviews: Fertility, Fire, Justice, Pachakutic, Sun, War
Associated Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Command, Integrity, Melee, Politics
A.K.A.: Coichi, Cuichu, K’uycha, K’uychi, K’uyuchiy
Kuychi is a noble, if somewhat mercurial, member of the Apu who is respected by God and
mortal alike. He bestrode the stage of Tawantinsuyu with unmatched flair, appearing as a
brilliant rainbow to Manco Capac, showing him that the World was safe from a second flood,
and that the Promised Land was near. Kuychi has been the Apu’s divine messenger ever since,
earning the honor of a temple in the Coricancha whose seven-colored rainbow is visible for all
to see. Kuychi scorns subtlety, appearing as a radiant young Peruvian man resplendent in an
ever-changing wardrobe of diverse hue. He maintains absolute dominion over rainbows and the
power they wield, using them to convey messages and create bridges between the Pacha of the
Apu and other Terra Incognita. These rainbows take the form of great serpents of light that are
either called down from Hanan Pacha, or roar upward from the springs of Que and Uku Pacha,
before racing back down to bury their heads in a destination spring creating a bridge between
realms. Kuychi hears wishes made upon his rainbows, granting or discarding them at his
pleasure. He happily acts as a messenger or guide between realms, but can be capricious at
times, shifting his rainbows to confound passage, or directing them to steal precious objects or
inflict disease. The wise petitioner offers flattery or gifts when enlisting Kuychi’s service.
Scions of Kuychi span the colors of the rainbow, hailing from lands near and far as befits their
well-traveled father. They are seldom introverted, skewing toward personalities that have a
certain verve, flair, and lust for life. They bear the message of the Apu, showcasing its glories
through social media, television, music, and live events. They are the Apu’s missionaries,
messengers, and guides through the realms of this World, and beyond. They are actors,
telenovela stars, telecommunications workers, bike messengers, flamboyant CEO’s of media
conglomerates, musicians, artists, wilderness guides, military scouts, meteorologists, and social
media influencers.
Associated Epics: Epic Dexterity, Epic Intelligence
Associated Purviews: Guardian, Justice, Magic, Pachakutic, Sky, Water
Associated Abilities: Academics, Control, Integrity, Investigation, Occult, Science
Mama Cocha
A.K.A.: Mother of Doves, Mama Qucha, Sea Mother, Urxayhuachac
Mama Cocha was born of the sea, rising from its waves in a cloud of seafoam to claim
dominion over the Pacific and the creatures within. Her power has increased dramatically since
those early days, expanding to encompass the rivers, lakes, and manmade waterways of
Tawantinsuyu and all the creatures within. She defends sailors, fishermen, and coastal
communities with great potency, acting as their guardian and patron in times of need and is
always alert for the presence of aquatic Titans. Mama Cocha is a beautiful woman swathed in
the blues and greens of her watery realm. She moves with a fluid grace, her mortal form
concealing the barely contained power of the sea behind a gaze that alternates between dead
calm and fury incarnate. She spends the majority of her time manifest in Que Pacha, preferring
the company of sailors and mortals from coastal communities to her fellow Gods. Her temples
are dressed in the colors of the sea and bedecked with offerings of shells that surround a
ceremonial fish tank containing a fish that represents Mama Cocha’s bounty. She is content to
follow Inti’s lead on most issues, but her antipathy toward Coniraya is legendary. Coniraya’s
crimes toward Mama Cocha include defiling her eldest daughter, forcing her friend Cavillace to
turn herself and her child to stone, and destroying her fishpond. Coniraya has avoided water
ever since, but it is only a matter of time before Mama Cocha gets her due. Scions of Mama
Cocha are creatures of the sea. They cling to the coasts and waterways of Tawantinsuyu,
protecting sailors, coastal communities, and the environment. Their temperament ranges from
the placid mountain lake to the furious hurricane. They defy all encroachment by waterborne
titanspawn and watch for signs of Coniraya and his Scions. Mama Cocha’s Scions are sailors,
fishermen, marine biologists, navy and marine personnel, scuba enthusiasts, ocean activists, and
anyone affiliated with water.
Associated Epics: Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina
Associated Purviews: Animal (Aquatic Creatures), Guardian, Health, Pachakutic,
Psychopomp, Water
Associated Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Control, Fortitude, Medicine, Science
Mama Killa
A.K.A.: Mother Moon, Mama Quilla
Mama Killa is the moon to Inti’s sun and empress of Tawantinsuyu. Born of Viracocha, she
holds an honored position among the Apu as sister-wife of Inti and Goddess of the moon. She
stands as patron and guardian over women, marriage, the menstrual cycle, and the lunar
calendar. As mother of Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, she takes pride in the empire they forged
and has every intention of seeing her other Scions go much, much further. Mama Killa is a
hauntingly beautiful woman clad in the silver and black of the moon, wreathed in argent light,
that weeps tears of pure silver when saddened. When manifest in the World, she takes the form
of a kindly doctor with a successful chain of hospitals and clinics across Tawantinsuyu. She and
her Scions go to great lengths in their defense of women, protecting them as they walk home at
night, easing their birth pains, and healing them of their ails. Her hospitals, clinics, and temples
are staffed exclusively by women of her choosing and always incorporate a disk of beaten silver
on an onyx field into their décor. Scions of Mama Killa are healers and guardians who bring a
sense of compassion to all their endeavors. They crisscross Tawantinsuyu and beyond in search
of women in need, offering their healing talents and physical protection wherever they are
required. They also stand vigilant for threats to Mama Killa because Titans and their spawn in
the form of darkling mountain lions and serpents often attack her. Lunar eclipses result from
these attacks, inspiring Mama Killa’s mortal followers to scream and hurl stones heavenward to
Mama Killa (cont.)
scare the attackers off, while her Scions battle the creatures head-to-head. The most honored of
her children earn the privilege of defending Mama Killa from these attacks, for they never
cease, particularly when she visits Kay Pacha. Mama Killa’s Scions are doctors, faith healers,
clinicians, self-defense instructors, police officers, security guards, paramedics, and midwives.
Associated Epics: Epic Stamina, Epic Appearance
Associated Purviews: Fertility, Guardian, Health, Moon, Pachakutic
Associated Abilities: Brawl, Empathy, Fortitude, Integrity, Medicine, Presence
A.K.A.: Pacha Kamaq, Pachakamaq
Pachacamac is a creator God born of Inti and Mama Killa whose power rivals that of Inti on the
coasts of Peru. He transformed the first humans of his region into jaguars, foxes, monkeys, and
parrots, replacing them with a man and a woman of his own design, but forgot to feed them. The
man died of starvation and the woman petitioned Inti for aid. He impregnated her with his rays,
and she bore a son. Jealous of Inti’s power, Pachacamac slew the boy, scattering the parts to
become maize, yucca, and other fruits and vegetables. Inti responded by taking the boy’s
placenta and creating a new boy — Pachacamac’s bitterest enemy, the God Vichama.
Pachacamac manifests as a wizened older man, but his visage conceals a powerful God,
confined to his former seat of power at the temple of Pachacamac in the Lurin Valley by
Vichama and his Scions. Pachacamac’s physical mobility may be restricted, but his oracles,
Scions, and divine power are not. Those who neglect their offerings or openly antagonize him
are visited with earthquakes, crop failure, or the wrath of his agents. Pachacamac chooses his
Scions with an eye toward furthering his varied schemes. Some continue his rivalry with his
fellow creator-God Viracocha, undermining his works and power whenever possible. Others
seek to diminish Inti’s power for checking Pachacamac’s power through the creation of
Vichama. His primary goal is to strike back at Vichama and all his allies to free himself from
Vichama’s eternal hatred so he can continue to further his ultimate aim of conquering
Tawantinsuyu. It is not unheard of for Pachacamac’s Scions to work with those born of other
Apu, but it is typically in the execution of Pachacamac’s greater objectives. They are oracles,
fortune tellers, soldiers and warriors of all stripes, executioners, assassins, farmers, gang
members, and people of the Peruvian coast.
Associated Epics: Epic Strength, Epic Perception
Associated Purviews: Animal, Earth, Justice, Pachakutic, Prophecy, War
Associated Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Awareness, Craft, Melee, Occult
A.K.A.: Mother Earth, Mama Pacha, Mama Sara (Corn Mother),Queen Pachamama
Pachamama is the raw, untrammeled, power of nature. She has few priests, temples, or formal
shrines, trading them for the majestic simplicity of open fields, soaring mountains, sacred
stones, and hidden groves. She is the foremost Goddess of nature, the Incan mother earth who
brings fertility to the land, holds dominion over planting and harvesting all plants and animals,
and summons earthquakes to destroy her foes. She is the embodiment of nature in all its forms,
eschewing the patronage of the wealthy and powerful in favor of poor farmers, herders, and
common people. Pachamama is a stunningly beautiful woman with untamed hair that embodies
her free spirit. She is extremely influential among the poor of Tawantinsuyu, whose adoration of
Pachamama rivals that of even Inti. Pachamama is easily one of the most powerful Apu. She is a
witch, attended by a variety of spirits and has the uncanny ability to cast enchantments and
speak with the earth, trees, rocks, and natural features of the World. She is a shapeshifter with
Pachamama (cont.)
the ability to communicate with the dragons of Tawantinsuyu. She is also an oracle with a
dedicated cult of female shamans who read the future in the lungs of llamas or fallen foes. She
is also a berserker of unimaginable fury, tearing her enemies limb-from-limb as she charges into
battle with their lungs in her teeth. Pachamama’s Scions take after their divine mother, free,
unbound, and uncontrollable. They abandon the order of Inti’s court in favor of Tawantinsuyu’s
natural places, although the wilds of the urban jungle appeal to a few. Pachamama’s Scions, like
their mother, respect the power of Inti and his Scions because the natural world cannot survive
without light, but prefer to stay at the periphery of his power until needed. They are as varied as
the aspects of their mother, but include witches, oracles, astrologers, environmentalists, farmers,
herders, mountain climbers, seismologists, berserk warriors, savage gang members, and
Associated Epics: Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina, Epic Perception
Associated Purviews: Animal (Serpents), Earth, Fertility, Justice, Pachakutic, War
Associated Abilities: Brawl, Craft, Fortitude, Marksmanship, Melee, Survival
A.K.A.: Diablo
Born in darkness and shadow, Supay is the God of death and unchallenged ruler of Uku Pacha,
the Incan Underworld. Supay rules the realms beneath the earth, including mines and the
mineral wealth within. Attended by a race of hideous servants who bear his name, Supay strikes
fear into the hearts of the people of Tawantinsuyu, inspiring them to feats of wailing and
supplication to avert his notice. Miners and anyone venturing into deep caves or mines are well
aware of the prayers, cajoling, and propitiatory sacrifices necessary to purchase Supay’s
inaction. Supay is a hideous, horned, creature of darkness whose monstrous aspect is rivaled
only by the beasts that attend him. He has plenary power over Uku Pacha, guarding the springs
and waterways leading to the other Pachas, and torments the living when they disturb anything
beneath the earth without his permission. Supay keeps a keen eye on miners and spelunkers
who violate his realm but turns a blind eye if they propitiate him with a series of rituals and
offerings of food, alcohol, and creature comforts. Supay is not inherently malevolent but is
willing to visit any number of horrors upon those who do not show him proper obeisance. His
vice-like grip over the spirits of the dead in Uku Pacha is seldom loosed but does not prohibit
the prayers and offerings of their family from reaching them. Supay’s manifestations take the
form of a wealthy South American mine owner whose face is shrouded in darkness, clad in a
black-on-black business suit of superior quality with gold jewelry to match. Scions of Supay
tend to embrace his dark and unforgiving nature. They are comfortable in darkness, often taking
jobs involving night or underground work and are fearsome to behold when fighting the Titans
and their spawn. They punish recalcitrant miners who defy Supay’s edicts, hunt down escaped
spirits, and pioneer better mining techniques that are less likely to disturb Uku Pacha. They are
miners, spelunkers, morticians, commodities, traders, tunnel rats, sewer workers, and jewelers.
Associated Epics: Epic Charisma, Epic Wits
Associated Purviews: Darkness, Death, Earth, Illusion, Pachakutic
Associated Abilities: Awareness, Command, Integrity, Larceny, Stealth, Presence
A.K.A.: Villama
Vichama is the son of Inti, born of his rays and a mother created by Pachacamac. He returned
from a quest to learn that Pachacamac had dismembered his mother and peopled Vichama’s
homeland with new humans of his own creation. Vichama gathered the remains of his mother
and reassembled her body, breathing life into her anew. He then turned his attention to his half-
brother, stalking Pachacamac in a haze of rage and fury until he ran him to ground in his temple.
Vichama asked Inti for vengeance against Pachacamac and Inti obliged, transforming
Pachacamac’s people to stone before sending three eggs to Vichama that repopulated Vichama’s
land. Vichama is a young man with a fighter’s build and kind, but resolute, eyes. He is the God
of death in Que Pacha in addition to delivering justice to all who defy his sense of honor and
Inti’s edicts. He acts as his father’s bloodhound and enforcer, maintaining Pachacamac’s
captivity and battles rebels and titanspawn in equal measure. Vichama’s will and sense of honor
are unassailable and there is no length he will not go to when defending the Apu. Scions of
Vichama are chosen for loyalty, integrity, and honor, seeking to maintain peace in Tawantinsuyu
through direct action whenever possible. They are diametrically opposed to the actions of
Pachacamac’s Scions and are always skeptical of their motivations. In many ways, they
represent the righteous anger of the Apu, venting their fury on the evil and unrighteous in their
never-ending quest for justice. They are soldiers, police officers, private investigators, doctors,
trauma counselors, wilderness guides, vigilantes, morticians, and paramedics.
Associated Epics: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina
Associated Purviews: Death, Health, Pachakutic, Psychopomp
Associated Abilities: Athletics, Craft, Fortitude, Integrity, Medicine, Melee
Pantheon Purview
By calling upon the cosmic energies flowing through huacas, ceyce lines, mountains, their follower’s
sacrifices, and the stars themselves, the Apu fuel their prodigious powers. The Apu and their Scions
summon fire to warm mortal followers or turn it upon their foes. Lightning heralds much-needed rain
for crops or is woven into clothing. Earth is summoned to reduce opposing strongholds to dust or
drawn into the Apu’s very being to make them hard as stone. The Apu feel the energies flowing through
every stone, tree, mountain vista, and star, changing and being changed by the Apu in an endless cycle
of birth, death, and renewal. Pachakutic works differently than most of the other Pantheon Purviews.
Rather than each dot of the Purview giving the Scion a unique boon, each dot of Pachakutic gives the
Scion a choice of taking a boon from a short list of general purpose purviews.
* The Scion chooses a Dot One boon from among the following General Purpose
Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal.
** The Scion chooses a Dot Two boon from among the following General Purpose
Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
*** The Scion chooses a Dot Three boon from among the following General Purpose
Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
**** The Scion chooses a Dot Four boon from among the following General Purpose
Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
***** The Scion chooses a Dot Five boon from among the following General Purpose
Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
***** The Scion chooses a Dot Six boon from among the following General Purpose
* Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
***** The Scion chooses a Dot Seven boon from among the following General Purpose
** Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
***** The Scion chooses a Dot Eight boon from among the following General Purpose
*** Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
***** The Scion chooses a Dot Nine boon from among the following General Purpose
**** Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.
***** The Scion chooses a Dot Ten boon from among the following General Purpose
***** Purviews: Animal, Earth, Fertility, Fire, Frost, Sky, Sun, Water. The Scion only chooses
once, and keeps the boon they choose permanently. The boon works exactly as written,
and the Dice Pool/Cost to use the Boon is the same as normal. The choice does not have
to be the same Purview as the choice made for previous dots.

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