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Module 2

Instructional Materials and Resources

Though teachers are hailed as the best instructional materials, the uprising needs
of 21 Century learners continue to challenge teacher’s creativity and resourcefulness.
Instructional materials are indispensable in the teaching-learning process and required
teachers to produce materials suited to the needs of the learners. Thus, the role of the
teacher is vital in the selection and preparation of instructional materials up to its
utilization. The innate desires of teachers to make learners experience a variety of
learning engagement serves as the basis for innovations and discoveries that
revolutionize the way how teaching-learning process is done. The overarching functions
of teachers laid opportunities to exhibit exemplary skills in designing and productions of
instructional materials. These skills are inevitably important to apply in integrative
teaching that requires contextualized materials. The paramount of this module will enable
Pre-Service Teacher like you, to decide appropriate instructional and online resources that
will address to the unprecedented demands of time like this pandemic (COVID-19).

Module Outcomes
At the completion of this module, you will be able to:
✔ Present evidences in assisting the Cooperating Teachers in the
preparation of instructional materials and preparation of the Bulletin Board.
● Prepare contextualized instructional materials for a subject
● Design an interactive Bulletin Board;
● Integrate electronic applications as educational resources.

Lessons in the module

For you to gain competencies in this module, it has been prepared and structured into
three lessons as follows:
● Lesson 1: Preparing, selecting, and utilizing instructional materials and Online
● Lesson 2: Contextualizing Instructional Materials in Integrative Teaching
● Lesson 3: Designing a Bulletin Board
Are you ready? Let’s start the lessons now.

Lesson 1: Selecting, Preparing, and Utilizing Instructional materials and Online


Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
● Apply principles of selecting, preparing, and utilizing instructional
materials and online resources.
● Prepare one instructional material for a subject area/content.
Time Frame: 1

week Introduction

A key feature of effective teaching is the selection of instructional materials that

meet the needs of students and fit the constraints of the teaching and learning
environment. The preparation of instructional materials is quite a tedious task. It really
demands for your time and effort for its preparation. This lesson will unfold the principles
of selecting, preparing, and utilizing instructional materials and online resources.

Picture of a Thousand Words. There are two pictures given. From that pictures, share
your thoughts of what the pictures portrayed? Fill the table below.

Picture 1 Picture 2

In the first picture, it portraits a group of In the second picture, it is already the
students who were not listening to their results of having the hobby of not
instructor who is trying to teach them listening carefully to your speaker and
which it will will be used in the future. you're getting used of it and you brought
the hobby of not listening in your work
which it will result something bad like
getting fired.

1. What is the disparity of the two pictures?

The age of the actors who's portraying the message.

2. Can you tell which picture depicts an effective way of teaching? Why?

For me between the two pictures, I don't see anyone from them that shows an
effective way of teaching because if it is effective, the should have been an
interaction between the students and the teacher and they should have shown
an interest of listening

3. Do you have any experience similar with the picture? How did you overcome it?

Yes of course when I was in highschool. I only overcome the problem of

being bored from listening were when I was in Senior high school because
it became more strict when it comes to teaching.

4. As a future Teacher, how will you addresses the problem like this?

As a future educator, I will deal this kind of problem as fast as I can and of
course I must start with my teaching skills or the way I teach my students. I
will change the way I teach the students, and I think the best way to teach is to
catch their feelings and interest of the students and in that way I can have
there attention and they might listen to me and start to learn.

Instructional Materials are all materials designed for use by students and their
teachers as learning resources to help students to acquire facts, skills, and/or to develop
cognitive processes. These instructional materials, used to help students meet state
learning standards, may be printed or digital, and may include textbooks, technology-
based materials, and other educational media.
Why should teachers prepare teaching materials?
There is strong evidence that the choice of instructional materials has large
effects on student learning—effects that rival in size those that are associated with
differences in teacher effectiveness. The evidence suggests that choice of instructional
materials can have an impact as large as or larger than the impact of teacher quality
(Whitehurst, 2009).
Of course, teachers may use teaching materials prepared by other people. For
example, books and manuals have been written specifically for teachers. When these are
available and suitable, they should be used. But often the books and manuals are written
for different categories of teachers or for use in different countries. So, teachers often
need to adapt these books or even write their own books or manuals for their own
students. Volts, Sims, and Nelson (2010) mentioned that classroom materials should be
designed to follow the basic tenets of learning process – providing students with multiple
means of representation, engagement, and expression. It is equally important to select
materials that help students retain the information. Learning is not useful if students
forget what they have learned.

Fig. 1. Influences on Student Learning

Why Do We Need Instructional Materials?

Information received by the brain comes through our senses in following
It is
that our sense
of sight plays
a vital role in
learning. It
is followed by
our sense of
in processing

information from our environment as stimuli. Instructional materials bridge the needs of
the learners and the limitations of the teacher. According to Instructional aid theory that
during the communicative process, the sensory register of the memory acts as a filter. As
stimuli are received, the individual's sensory register works to sort out the important bits
of information from the routine or less significant bits. Within seconds, what is perceived
as the most important information is passed to the working or short-term memory where
it is processed for possible storage in the long-term memory. This complex process is
enhanced using appropriate instructional materials that highlight and emphasize the main
points or concepts.
Therefore, it is essential that the information be arranged in useful bits or chunks
for effective coding, rehearsal, or recording. The effectiveness of the instructional aid is
critical for this process. Carefully selected charts, graphs, pictures, or other well-
organized visual aids are examples of items that help the student understand, as well as
retain, essential information.

Reasons for Use of Instructional Materials

1. It helps the students remember important information.
2. When properly used, they help gain and hold the attention of students.
3. Audio or visual aids can be very useful in supporting a topic, and the combination
of both audio and visual stimuli is particularly effective since the two most
important senses are involved.
4. Good instructional materials also can help solve certain language barrier
5. Another use for instructional materials is to clarify the relationships between
material objects and concepts.
6. To encourage your student in their lesson and get their attention Improve the
delivery of instruction Creation of effective, meaningful lessons.
7. Helps students make sense of information to have a clear view of what is being
Principles of Selection of Instructional Materials (Corpuz, 2015)
All instructional materials are aids to instruction. They do not replace the teacher.
Choose the instructional material that best suits your instructional objectives.
Decide what you want to accomplish and then employ the tools that are most likely
to achieve results.
Do not let the media that is available to you determine how or what you will teach.
If possible, use a variety of tools. Using videos, computers, overheads and the
chalkboard not only keeps students’ interest but also responds to the needs of
those who receive information in different ways.
Check out your instructional materials before class starts to be sure it is working
Learn how to use the instructional material. Before using it, make sure you know
how to manipulate it to obtain the desired product. Listen to the record or view the
film ahead.
Planning for the Preparation of Instructional Materials (Abbatt, 2000)
Before you start to write any teaching material, there are some questions that you
should consider. The questions are given below:
✔ Is the material needed?
Teaching materials will only be worth writing/preparing if they fulfill a need. It is
important to decide exactly what the need is, so that the material can be prepared for this
specific purpose.
● You may find that you have to explain how to use a particular piece of equipment
very frequently. It might be easier to write down the instructions for its use, so that
the students can learn how to use the equipment by themselves.
● You may find that students find part of the course very difficult. So, you could
give them some exercises to practice what they have learned during that part.
● You might prepare a list of the tasks that you expect students to be able to do.
This would guide them and help them to make sure that they had learned all the
necessary skills.
● If you find that there is a need for a manual or some other type of written
material, you should also check that:
no other suitable materials are available
the people who you want to read the material are able and willing to use it.

✔ How will the material be used?

There are different ways in which teaching material may be used. The style of
writing, layout, and amount of explanation will all depend on the way in which you expect
the students to use the material.
1. Used as training materials. Materials can be used to present new information or to
describe skills that need to be learned by the students. In this case, the material
should have detailed explanations, step-by-step instructions, a lot of examples and
possibly some exercises.
2. Used as reference materials. Materials can also be used to remind health workers
about facts or skills that they learned during the training course.

✔ For whom the material intended for?

Teaching materials must be designed to suit the people who will use them.
Therefore, you will need to find out about the audience. Below there are some questions
that you should be able to answer before you start writing.
How much does the health worker know already? Ideally, the material should not
repeat information that is well known to the students. Nor should it assume
knowledge that the students do not have.
How well can the health worker read? Even though all the people who use the
manual will be able to read, they will not be able to read equally well. This is
especially important if the language of the manual is not appropriate toy our
audience. So, the language and writing style must be simple enough for students
to understand.
Can the student understand the diagrams? Diagrams are usually used to make an
explanation clearer. A good diagram can save hundreds of words and can be
remembered more easily. However, understanding diagrams is a skill that is
learned, and some students may not have developed this skill fully. You should
check whether the students can understand your diagrams.
Will the students have time to read the material? There is no point in producing
long and detailed manuals which are not read. It may be better to write a less
complete manual which the students have time to use. Alternatively, you could
write several shorter manuals instead of one long one. If you do this, the students
may feel more encouraged to start using at least one of the shorter manuals.

✔ How will you organize the preparation and production?

When you have decided on the general features of the material, you need to
prepare a plan for writing and producing it. This will not be necessary for handouts or very
short material used by one teacher. But when a larger manual or several different people
are involved, a plan is essential.
Stages in writing manuals and written teaching materials
1. Make the initial planning decisions.
2. Decide on the overall content of the manual and what will be covered in each
3. Write out a rough draft.
4. Discuss this with colleagues and some of the people for whom you are writing
5. Rewrite the draft using the layout you want in the final version. Add diagrams,
illustrations and index.
6. Evaluate the material.
7. Rewrite the material.

Online Educational Materials and Resources

Online tools and resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students,
and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents.
These "Web 2.0" teaching tools aren't magical, but they may seem to defy definition at
times since they save time, help you to stay organized, and often take up little space on a
computer. Some of these applications are Web-based, which means that they can be
accessed from any computer. The following list is filled with tools that will make a
teacher’s and students’ life easier (Open Education Database, 2020).

1. Aggregators. Tools that gathers materials from a variety of sources. The following
list includes free tools that you can use to stay on top of current events, including
headlines and blogs.
A. Aggie: it is an open source news aggregator that is also a desktop
application. It downloads the latest news and displays it in a Web page.
B. Awasu: is a state-of-the-art feed reader that comes loaded with features for
both casual personal use and professional, high-powered information
management. Use this tool for content archiving, coupled with an advanced
search engine, and use advanced features to manage your configurable
channels. The personal edition is free to download and use.
C. Bloglines: This is more of a personal news aggregator than a bookmark
tool, but it's sophisticated and highly useful for teachers who want to stay
on top of current events in any given topic.
D. FeedReader: this is a free reader that is simple to use. It supports podcasts.
E. RSS Reader: is able to display any RSS and Atom news feed (XML).

2. Classroom Tools. These are tools to help assess class progress. You need tools to
help keep students and parents apprised of the students' progress.
A. Animoto: This web tool completely simplifies the creation and sharing of
videos. Teachers will have no trouble creating lesson plans or presentations
for students.
B. Charles Kelley Quiz Generator: Create multiple choice or bilingual tests.
Though some of the quizzes generated here can only be used on this
website, others can be put on your own website.
C. Crocodoc: This web tool allows teachers to convert Microsoft Office and
PDF documents to HTML5, making them easily viewable. Teachers can
display students' documents in their browsers and edit as needed.
D. CuePrompter: This free service allows teachers to use their browser as a
teleprompter. All users have to do is write or cut and paste their script
online and press a button to start the prompter.
E. Engrade: It is a free online gradebook that allows teachers to manage their
classes online as well as post grades, assignments, attendance, and
upcoming homework online for students and parents to see. It is free and
easy to use.
F. Forvo: This online pronunciation dictionary comes in handy for foreign
language teachers. Users can hear any word pronounced in any language.
G. Grammarly: Several universities use this tool as a grammar checker.
Students can use this as a method to improve the process of peer editing
because it checks for more than 250 points of grammar.
H. My Project Pages: Built by teachers for teachers, use
to create structured online inquiry-based learning activities for the courses
you teach that enable your students to engage in meaningful learning
experiences while online.
I. Online Stopwatch: This tool is a web-based stopwatch teachers can use for
timed exams and other assignments.
J. Schoopy: You can post homework in more than one location on SCHOOPY.
The first place you should consider is the calendar, where you can post
important dates and notices. However, you may choose to use the
Assignments/Quizzes/Files tool depending on how you would like to
contact students.
K. Slideshare: This site takes your .ppt file (also works with Open Office and
PDF files) so you can share it with your students (and the world at large).
You can add music, embed videos in comments and more – all for free.
L. Teacher Planet: Teacher Planet is a one-stop spot for teacher resources.
Teachers can download any number of lesson plan templates, worksheets,
ESL-specific resources, and other tools.
M. Web Poster Wizard: This free tool allows educators to create a lesson,
worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online.
N. Yugma: Teachers can use the free web conferencing feature with Yugma
and also share their entire desktop in real-time with one student. This can
be extremely helpful in one-on-one advising with students.

3. Collaboration. Part of teaching is collaboration. Teachers need to communicate

with peers, administrators, and students. The tools listed below will help you stay
on top of your projects with ease through open channels for collaboration.
A. Basecamp: Projects don't fail from a lack of charts, graphs, stats, or reports,
they fail from a lack of clear communication. Basecamp solves this
problem by providing tools tailored to improve the communication between
people working together on a project.
B. Edmodo: Extremely like Twitter, except specifically designed for educators,
Edmodo facilitates collaboration and content sharing among students,
teachers, and school districts.
C. Gliffy: This diagram editor is easy to use, and you can save your work on
their servers for free. Gliffy Online has two ways to make document sharing
simple. Collaboration enables others to see and edit your work by simply
entering their email address. Publishing creates a read-only, or public,
image of your diagram that you can easily embed in a wiki, blog, or other
type of web software.
D. Mindomo: It is a highly productive method of visual brainstorming that you
can use to plan projects or to map out a knowledge base. Mindomo has an
interface and feature set that rivals other free standalone mind- mapping
applications such as Freemind. Maps are shareable but require you to
register and login to save them.
E. NoteMesh: Add some social flavor to your note taking with this
collaborative wiki style class note taker. Users can post their lecture notes
or contribute to existing lecture notes. NoteMesh wants to get classmates
to collaborate to create a single definitive source for lecture notes.
F. Schoology: Teachers can use this tool to share their instructional resources
and connect with other educators.
G. Skype: Teachers can collaborate on classroom projects while having their
students visit a classroom in another part of the world using the interactive
Skype in the classroom. Skype is a part of Microsoft, and it's free to use.
H. Google Meet: is built to let dozens of people join the same virtual meeting,
and speak or share video with each other from anywhere with internet
access. Any participant can turn their own audio and/or video feed off at
any time, participating however they want.
I. Zoom: is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an
easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and
webinars which helps businesses and organizations bring their teams
together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Easy, reliable cloud
platform for video, voice, content sharing, and chat runs across mobile
devices, desktops, telephones, and room systems.

There are so many resources available to be used by teachers and students. In this
unprecedented time of pandemic, it is a challenge for teachers to unleash their skills in
selecting, preparing, and utilizing instructional materials that suits to the needs and
learning styles of the students. Indeed, instructional materials are aid for teaching. It
cannot replace a good and productive teacher; however, it is better than a dull teacher.

Now you are filled with information, let us check your understanding about the
topic. Apply all the concepts you have gain and do the task assigned for you.

IM’s Making. Filled the table below. Get a copy of your curriculum guide on your
respective subject area. Choose a learning competency. Conceptualize an appropriate
instructional material for your subject and students.

Standard Learning Instruction

s Competency al
c Materials
Content Performance
Naipapahayag Visual Aid
Elemento ng By group Role ng maayos ang Laptop
Mitolohiya. playing. kaisipan TV
tungkol sa Papers and
Mitolohiya Mga Kilalang By group nilalaman at Ballpens
Diyos at diyosa quizzes. pananaw sa
ng Mitolohiya. Mitolohiya. Empty Manila
Paper and
Bond Paper

Let’s Craft it. After completing the table above, plan for your chosen instructional
materials. Document your preparation and the final output of your instructional materials
through a short vlog and submit it in your respective google classroom or any platform
your using. You will be rated through the given rubric.

Rubric for Instructional Materials

Criteria Proficient (3) Developing (2) Novice (1)

Shows an organize There is planning on Preparation is not

Planning and planning and preparation of the organized, and the
Preparation preparation of the materials; however, planning is not
there things to be properly prepared
materials improved.
Alignment with Standard/outcomes Standard/outcomes/obj Standard/outcome
Standards and /objectives ectives partially s/objectives not
Objectives addressed and use addressed and use of addressed and use
of media should media may enhance of media does not
enhance student student learning enhance student
learning learning
Age- Language used is Language used is nearly Language used is
Appropriate age appropriate and age appropriate and not age
Language vocabulary is some vocabulary is appropriate and
understandable above/below student vocabulary is
age clearly
inappropriate for
student age
Ease of Use Media are easy to Media are easy to use Media are not easy
use with nothing to most of the time, with a to use and most of
confuse the user few things to confuse the time the user is
the user very confused
Multisensory The media The media incorporate The media
Experience incorporate the some senses to incorporate few of
appropriate number promote learning senses to promote
of senses to learning
promote learning
User Guide and The user guide is an The user guide is good The user guide is
Directions excellent resource resource to support a poor resource to
to support a lesson. lesson. Directions may support a lesson.
Directions should help teachers and Directions do not
help teachers and help teachers and
students use the media
students use the students use the
media media
Accurate and Information is Information is correct Information is not
Current correct and does and does contain correct and does
Information not contain material material that is out of contain material
that is out of date date that is out of date

Well-done! You have just finished Lesson 1 of this module. Should there be some
parts of the lesson which you need clarification, please ask your teacher during your
consultation or virtual interactions.

Now if you are ready, please proceed to Lesson 2 of this module which will discuss
about Contextualizing Instructional Materials in Integrative Teaching.
Lesson 2: Contextualizing Instructional Materials in Integrative Teaching

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
● Apply principles of contextualizing instructional materials in integrative
● Prepare one contextualized instructional material for an integrative

Time Frame: 1

week Introduction

Success in the teaching-learning process is always attributed to the creativity of

the teachers. Being the pilot of the classroom educative flight, the teacher must choose
and design what strategy suits the kind of learners present therein. To be creative,
teacher must consider the diversity of learners in every learning episode to make it more
meaningful. Contextualizing an instructional material for an integrative teaching is one of
the arduous tasks of a teacher. This lesson will unveil the guiding principles of
contextualizing instructional materials in integrative teaching.
Read the scenario given below. Share your thoughts what is the problem encountered by
Teacher Zava Diha? Why? Be specific with your answer. Then write your answer in the box

Teacher Zava Diha is a 3rd grade Teacher in a secluded barangay. She teaches
English subject to her students. One morning, she entered to her class and prepared a
lesson about noun. As part of her activity, she presented some pictures of objects as
examples of her lesson.

She calls a hand from the group to identify the object in the picture. However, no
one dares to raise their hands. Thus, she calls a student to answer the question. “What
fruit is this, Marcus?” she asked. The student replied: “Inday sagaw ma’am! Di ka nak
matigam nan ma’am. (“I don’t know ma’am! I’m not familiar with that.)” So, she is
wondering why students do not want to participate. She is frustrated since the students
do not know the pictures. She feels a little disappointment since she prepared her
lesson well. She also has materials for that day.

Answer: Share your thoughts here!

It doesn't mean that you already have prepared your materials and lesson plan, it
will go as what you expected or planned. If something like teacher Zava happens
to you, the first thing you need to do is adjust and prepare a second plan so that
you still can continue you lesson . Example, explain to them the content of the
topic, you don't need to call each one of them to answer you question because
they still don't have any ideas of what you are talking. The only thing you need to
do is do a performance task after the discussion like role playing because it really
helps them to understand more about the topic that you discussed.
After answering, please consider the questions below:

1. Why students encountered difficulty in understanding the lesson?

There are two things why students encountered difficulty in understanding the
lesson. First, there are fast learner and a slow learner that we should never
disregard because in teaching you must not be unbiased. Second, there is a
problem with your teaching skills because I do believe that no one is an idiot,
they just need an exact and a proper way to teach them.

2. What is the problem with the material prepared by Teacher Zava Diha? Why? There
is no problem with the materials prepared by teacher Zava, the problem is
lesson. If it is kind of hard to understand, then it takes time to learn, you
cannot force the students to learn what you taught. Be patient and think
something else that might help you to help students learn effective adn faster.

3. If you are in the place of Teacher Zava Diha, what will you do to resolve the
As what I have said I while ago that the only thing that I can do is to discuss
the topic without asking their participation or own ideas about the topic
because it might be new to them, and also they can have their time to think and
absorb the topic and lastly do an assessment and a performance task to see if
they learn something even though it is just a small amount of ideas.

4. Do you have any experience like teacher Zava Diha? How did you manage the
Yes I did when I was on duty in Matiao National Comprehensive Highschool. I was
teaching Grade 7 and we all know that from garde 4 to grade 7 they are only using
modular method. It is very hard to learn with a blended learning method especially
they are just a kid. They cannot learn through modules effectively because they
must an interaction between the teacher and a student. I adjusted when it comes
to their behavior and I used a different way

Integrative Teaching is a well-organized strategy anchored on real life situation
that include learners’ interests and needs creating a variety of meaningful activities and
learning experiences.
Integrative Ladder

Make learning more meaningful

Make the long way learning worthwhile

Make all the pieces fit



Several ways to sustain learner’s interest:

1. Use diverse learning activities or experiences;

2. Relate clearly to individual learning modes; and
3. Recognize group’s success through appreciative remarks and rewards.
Three Modes of Integrative Teaching
1. Thematic Teaching. It provides a broad framework for linking content and
process from a variety of disciplines. The theme provides coherence; it gives a “focus” to
the activities that accompany by the unit. The theme also helps learners see the
meaningful connection across disciplines or skills areas. It conveys a clear, compelling
purpose to learners, teachers and parents, linking ideas to actions and learning to life.
(Zulueta, 2006)

Steps for the Integrated Unit Design (Thematic Teaching):

1. Decide on a unit theme that will allow all group members to enter to the
integration process.
2. Identify a major concept to serve as a suitable “integrating lens” for the study.
3. Web the topics for study, by subject or learning area, around the concept and
4. Brainstorm some of the “essential understanding” (generalization) that would
expect learners to derive from the study.
5. Brainstorm “essential questions” to facilitate study toward the essential
6. List processed (complex performance) and bullet key skills to be emphasized
in a unit instruction and activities.
7. For each week and discipline in the unit, write instructional activities to engage
learners with essential questions and process.
8. Write the culminating performance to show the depth of learning.
9. Design the scoring guide (rubric-criteria and standard) to assess the
performance task. Additional types of assessment may be used to measure
progress throughout the unit.
2. Content-Based Instruction. It is the integration of content learning with language
teaching aims. It refers to the concurrent study of language and subject matter, with the
form and sequence of language presentation dictated by content material. The language
curriculum is centered on the academic needs and interests of the learner and crosses
the barrier between language and subject matter courses.
3. Focusing Inquiry. It is an interdisciplinary approach that uses questions to
organize learning. Like most disciplinary teaching, it crosses conventional knowledge
boundaries. The teacher guides learners to discover answers to questions, whether
answers the pre-exist. Learners become creators of knowledge rather than recipients.
Concepts and content are less important than the governing process investigating and
communicating what was learned to others. The process of “inquiry” is the organizer of
the instructional design while “content” is transferred to an ancillary place. (Zulueta,
Steps for Inquiry Process:
1. Frame a focusing question.
2. Present a field of facts.
3. Help learners connect or relate facts.
4. Help learners generate explanatory ideas.
5. Help learners find answers.

The nature of integrative teaching is linking topics from other discipline or same
discipline in one preparation. Thus, instructional materials must be contextualized to
address the needs. But how to contextualize instructional materials? In contextualizing
instructional materials, it is necessary to contextualize first the curriculum to be taught
and align the materials to be used.
Flexibility of the K to 12 curriculum allows for curriculum enhancement in relation
to the diverse background of learners. In the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (RA
10533), Sec. 5 states that the DepEd shall adhere to the following standards and
principles in developing the enhanced basic education curriculum: h)...flexible enough to
enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and enhance the same based on their
respective educational and social contexts. The production and development of locally
produced teaching materials shall be encouraged, and approval of these materials shall
devolve to the regional and division education units.
Key Concepts Contextualization
It refers to the educational process of relating the curriculum to a particular
setting, situation or area of application to make the competencies relevant, meaningful,
and useful to all learners. The degree of contextualization may be described and
distinguished into the following as defined in DepEd Order N. 32 S. 2015:

1. Localization. It refers to the process of relating learning content specified in the

curriculum to local information and materials in the learners' community.
Examples of Localization: 1) Examples used in lessons start with those in the
locality; 2) Names, situations, setting needed to give context to test questions or
problem-solving exercises are those of the immediate community; 3) Local
materials are used as often as possible in making instructional materials; 4) Local
stories are used in the language learning areas; and 5) Translating a story written
in another language to the language of one's learners for use in MTB-MLE.

Examples of Localization
● Use local information and materials while maintaining the suggested
structure, themes and activities in curriculum guide.
● Use easily observable examples of ratio in the community — One jeep, 4
wheels; one kariton, 2 wheels, one tricycle, 3 wheels (depending on what is
most common in the community)
● Use the community's name for prominent stars, if they have, while retaining
the use of the Greek constellations and its background in discussing star

2. Indigenization. It refers to the process of enhancing curriculum competencies,

education resources, and teaching-learning processes in relation to the bio-
geographical, historical, and socio-cultural context of the learners' community.
Indigenization may also involve the enhancement of the curriculum framework,
curriculum design, and learning standards of subject areas, guided by the
standards and principles adhered to by the national curriculum. Example: discuss
the community's own calendar of star patterns and its background before
discussing the Greek constellations
Examples of Indigenization
● Enhancing the themes and activities of the curriculum guide by modifying,
reorganizing, or highlighting certain aspects in relation to the community
context (e.g., socio-economic realities, cultural practices, local knowledge)
● Community activities or cultural practices that inherently use the concept of
ratio — Ex. Bringing products to the market entails using a carabao carrying
sacks (one carabao is to x sacks)
● Discuss the community's own calendar of star patterns and its background
before discussing the Greek constellations

NOTE: Localization and indigenization are degrees or levels of doing contextualization.

When we localize, we do not necessarily indigenize. When we indigenize, we localize.
Contextualization Process
1. Establish dialogue and community engagement mechanisms with the
communities for purposes of contextualized education
A. Immersion in communities
B. Collaboration with elders' group (e.g., council, committee)
C. Formulation of cultural standards
2. Situation Analysis leading to community vision, mission and goals for education
A. Contextualized learning design
3. Planning with Communities about designing Learning Resources.

The primary goal of teaching is to provide appropriate and effective instruction to

students. Thus, a teacher is responsible to devise and provide necessary instructional
materials (IM) in teaching. Teaching is more productive when there is available, sufficient,
and strategically designed instructional materials suited for the different types of
students. Also, teachers must consider the students’ needs and their approaches to
learning. Moreover, according to Dahar & Faize (2011), developing instructional materials
play an integral role in the teaching – learning process and it has a strong relationship
with academic performance of the students

Using localized materials in instructional material (IM) will enhance the creativity
of the IM developer and will lessen the cost of the IM. On the other hand, using
contextualized and indigenized IM will easily understand the students of the concept
being taught especially if the students are not familiar with some words. This problem
always encountered by some teachers, especially in the country that English is not their
primary language.

It is undeniable that learning competencies are easier to learn when students

understand the importance and relevance in their lives. Creating contextualized materials
should not be difficult for teachers. In the same manner, it will make things easier for the
learners to learn the concept.

As defined in the LRMDS Framework v. 2, Series 2010 as stated in DepED

Order No. 76 S. 2011 Re: National Rollout and Implementation of LRMDS:
● Learning Resources. Refers to any of the text-based materials (print or non-print)
or non-text—based materials (devices, tools, equipment, manipulative toys) aligned
to the K to 12 curriculum used as primary bases or supplements to teaching and
learning process. It is any educational resource with a learning purpose designed
to be used directly by the student/learners and or integrated into teacher-
developed lesson plans.
Classification of Learning Resources
Print-based Learning Resources
● Activity Sheets (AS) are consumable learning resources with practice
exercises for learners to work on.
● Learner’s Materials (LM) is a prototype learning resource that is completely
and sufficiently developed based on the prescribed learning competencies and
curriculum standards for a specific grade level in a target subject area.
● Modules are learning resources that provide course materials in a logical,
sequential order, guiding the learners through the content and assessments in
the order specified by the learning facilitators. It is conceptualized as a self-
contained, self-instructional, self-paced, interactive learning resource for learning
a specific topic or lesson.
● Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs) are meant to re-teach the concept(s)
and skill(s) (Least Mastered Competencies). It is a material given to the
learners to help them master a competency-based skill which they were not
able develop during regular classroom teaching (Bunagan, 2012).
● Storybook is a contextualized teacher-made reading learning resource that
supports the implementation of the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education (MTB-MLE) and the development of literacy domains in the K to 12
● Reader is a comprehensive but brief learning resource that provides
authoritative information on a specific topic representing the best example of
knowledge in a discipline and presentation of specific ideas of authors with
different perspectives. A reader is used by learners to read, reflect, and
respond. Teachers use readers to guide discussions with consideration for
age appropriateness and time allotment. It is most suitable for topics with
general coverage and not sequential or are stand-alone topics. Materials are
already written about the topics and are available.
● Workbook is a compilation of worksheets used by the learners to practice
what they are learning in a class.

Non-text based/ Learning Tools and Equipment

Learning Tools and Equipment are the constructed prototypical tools or equipment
patterned to an object which can be used in the teaching-learning processes to help
improve learning outcomes. These are learning resources for science, math, and TVL i.e.,
manipulative, models, devices, safety equipment and first aid kit, hand tools and power
tools, machines and another laboratory equipment.
● Model is a reproduction of a real object in a small scale, large scale or exact
size but made of synthetic, indigenous and/or recycled materials. It is a
substitute for a real object which may or may not be operational.
● Diorama is a three-dimensional representation of events, ideas or concepts
either in miniature or a large-scale by placing objects, figures, etc., against a
scenic background.
● Teaching Resource is any educational resource digital or nondigital that
supports teachers in curriculum development, delivery and pedagogy or
teacher trainers in the delivery of professional development programs such as:
o Daily Lesson Log
o Daily Lesson Plan
o Lesson ExemplarTeacher’s Guide

Professional Development Material (PDM)

It is any digital or non-digital education training and development resource, or
program designed with a training and development purpose. Such programs may contain
or reference LRs and TRs.
● Manual contains step-by-step instructional procedures in the development of
a skill.
o Professional Development Workbook
o Professional Development Activities for Teachers

Now you are filled with information, let us check your understanding about the
topic. Apply all the concepts you have gain and do the task assigned for you.
Task 1: Select one learning competency in the curriculum guide in your assigned area/grade
level and integrate in 3 subject areas. Fill in the table below.
Describe locale/place
the your
A very friendly and one of the prestigious school of Matiao, Matiao National Compr
Language of
the Filipino/Bisaya/Mandaya
people or students
Resources available Water/Food/ Equipments/ and more
in the community
Describe the They are united as what I've observed because they always
culture of the follow the instructions given by the principal and they are
community respectful.
Topic/Content MITOLOHIYA

Learning Naipapahayag ng maayos ang kaisipan tungkol sa

Competency nilalaman at pananaw sa Mitolohiya.
(Integrate into 3
subject area) Able to express thoughts about the content and perspective
on Mythology.

Makahimo sa pagpahayag sa mga hunahuna mahitungod

sa sulod ug panglantaw sa Mythology.

Localization MATIAO, MATI CITY


Task 2: After filling out the table, design your contextualized instructional materials.
Select what instructional materials you want to craft (storybook, worksheets,
workbook, diorama, model). Document your process through a video presentation
and submit it in your respective google classroom or any platform your using.You
will be graded based on the given rating scale.

Legend: 4 – Very Satisfactory 3 – Satisfactory 2 – Fair 1 – Needs

Rating Scale for Storybook (Big Book or Picture

FACTO 4 3 2 1
1. Content/Language/Social Content of the story
1.1 The story has a catchy title
1.2 The story focuses on one main theme
1.3 The story arouses the interest of the child
1.4 The story length is appropriate to the age group, type and
content of the material
2. Socio-cultural sensitivity
2.1 The material is free from ideological, cultural, religious, racial,
and gender biases and prejudices
2.2 The material is related to one's own cultural experiences or
those of other cultures
2.3 The material promotes appreciation of positive customs and
culture (e.g. special days or occasions, cultural activities or
celebrations, etc.)
2.4 The material provides awareness of one's own country/of other
3. Developmental aspect
3.1 The story considers the developmental needs of children
4. Plot/ Story Line
4.1 The plot is clear and simple
4.2 The plot is made up of familiar objects, themes, actions
4.3 The plot stimulates critical thinking
4.4 The plot has logical flow that allows the child to anticipate the
outcome of events
4.5 The plot allows the child to connect with the emotion/s
4.6 The story ends with a positive or satisfying mood
5. Characters
5.1 The main character/s is/ are model/s of virtues
5.2 Each character's personality is interesting and clear
5.3 The supporting character/s enhance/s the dynamics of the
6. Visuals
6.1 The visuals illustrate and clarify the story
6.2 The images are easily recognizable
6.3 The images are appropriate to the reader's age and life
6.4 The images are artistically appealing
7. Language
7. 1 Vocabulary used is adapted to the child's experiences and
7.2 Language used plays on words
7.3 Direct and indirect quotations are interestingly combined
7.4 Sentences are clear, short, and simple
7.5 Sentence constructions are consistent and appropriate
8. Grammar
8.1 Sentences are grammatically correct and contain no
typographical errors
9. Prints
9.1 Size of letters is appropriate to the intended user
9.2 Font is easy to read
9.3 Spaces between letters and words facilitate easy reading
10. Book Design and Layout
10.1 Layout is appropriate to the child
10.2 Cover is attractive and pleasing to look at
10.3 Text and visuals are properly placed
10.4 Text and pictures convey exactly the

Rubric for Printed Instructional Materials

(Activity Sheets/worksheets, strategic intervention material, workbook, module) Legend:

4 – Very Satisfactory 3 – Satisfactory 2 – Fair 1 – Needs Improvement

Factor 4 3 2 1
1. Content
1.1 Content is suitable to the learners' level of development
1.2 Material contributes to the achievement of the competency lies of
the learning area and grade level
1.3 Material provides for the development of higher order thinking
skills, critical thinking, learning by doing, inquiry, problem solving,
and 21st Century Skills
1.4 Conceptual errors
1.5 Factual errors
1.6 Computational errors
1.7 Obsolete information
1.8 Learning material arouses interest of target learner or reader
2. Language
2.1 Presentation is engaging, interesting and understandable
2.2 There is logical and smooth flow of ideas
3. Vocabulary level are adapted to target reader’s experience and
4. Length of sentences is suited to the level of the learner
5. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and interesting to
the target reader.
6. Typographical and other related errors
3. Social Content
3.1 Material highlights the qualities of Filipino learners such as multi
-faceted individuals, respectful, diverse etc.
3.2 Material manifests the principles of the Filipino Nation and
Philippine Society.
3.3 Material promotes citizenship and social responsibilities.
3.4 Material upholds respect of individuality and social identities.
3.5 Material recognizes the different social institutions like family,
religious/faith groups and others.
3.6 Material portrays gender and sexual diversity.
3.7 Material demonstrates the importance of using different forms of
media and technology as means for communication and
expression of ideas.

Rubric for Model Making
Category Excellen Good Averag Needs
t 10 8 points e6 Improvmen
points points t 4 points
Visual Appropriate Right selection of Selection of not No proper
Appearance choosing of colors. Almost attractive colors. selection of
colors. close to the Not much clear colors. Lacking in
Dimension required with the basic pre-requisite
conisdered are dimension. requirement, knowledge.
mapped after
preparing a
Selection of Appropriate Appropriate Most materials Inappropriate
materials materials were materials were selected were materials were
selected. They selected. There appropriate. selected and
were creatively was an attempt to Construction contributed to a
portrayed in ways use materials in a demonstrated product that
that enhanced creative way. some effort, but 3 performed poorly.
understanding Construction was -4 details could Construction
about the subject careful and have been refined appears careless
matter. Great accurate for the for a more and many details
care was taken in most part, but 1-2 attractive need refinement
the construction details could have product. The for a strong or
process so that been refined for a student attractive
the model is neat more attractive demonstrates a product. The
and attractive. product. The basic student shows a
The student student understanding. minimal
demonstrates a demonstrates a understanding.
total proficient
understanding. understanding
Construction The model is The model is The model is The model is
, creativity, carefully carefully constructed with poorly
constructed with constructed, but little neatness constructed. It
materials that does not and creativity. lacks in neatness
showcase in creativity.
creativity and are
appropriate. creativity.
Relevance Model clearly Model represents Concepts and Model does not
represents concepts with connections to relate to the
concepts and is minor errors and real world concept nor make
scientifically shares applications are connections to
correct, having connections for unclear in the real world
connections to real world model. applications.
real world applications.


Rubrics for Diorama

Category Excellen Good Averag Needs
t 10 8 points e6 Improvmen
points points t 4 points
Creativity Project is Good creative Some attempt Little attempt to
excellently effort. Project is made to add color add color or
presented neat and shows and originality. originality. Project
reflecting evidence of time Project is neat. has sloppy
creativity and a spent on it. appearance.
lot of thought.
Design Objects are an Objects are an Objects are an Objects are of an
appropriate size appropriate size appropriate size inappropriate size
and interesting and interesting and shape, but and/or shape. It
shape and are shape and are the arrangement appears little
arranged well. arranged well. of items is not attention was
Care has been The diorama, very attractive. It given to designing
taken to balance however does not appears there the diorama.
the diorama appear balanced. was not a lot of
scene. planning of the
item placement.
Style & Display is Display is Some parts of the Display is
Organization interesting and interesting and display are uninteresting, not
attractive. attractive. interesting, not tidy. Materials are
Materials are Materials are try.. Some incomplete and
complete and complete and well materials are not organized.
organized to organized. complete Presentation has
present the ideas Presentation has organized. no sequence or
well. sequence and Presentation has plan evident.
plan evident. some sequence
and plan evident
Relevance to The student gives The student gives The student gives The student's
the Theme a reasonable a reasonable a fairly and explanations are
explanation of explanation of reasonable weak and
how every item in how most items explanation of illustrate difficulty
the diorama is in the diorama are how most items understanding
related to the related to the in the diorama are how to relate
theme and scene. assigned theme. related to the items to the
For most items, For many of the assigned theme. assigned theme.
the relationship is items, the
clear without relationship is
explanation. clear without
Content Facts The project The project The project The project
content is content is good content is content poor and
exemplary and and suggests the fair/poor and suggests the
suggests the student has suggests the student has not
student has discovered most student has not done sufficient
discovered the of the important discovered most
important ideas facts of his/her of the important
of his/her topic. topic. facts.

SOURCE: c.pdf

Well-done! You have just finished Lesson 2 of this module. Should there be some
parts of the lesson which you need clarification, please ask your teacher during your
consultation or virtual interactions.

Now if you are ready, please proceed to Lesson 3 of this module which will discuss
about Designing an Interactive Bulletin Board.
Lesson 3: Designing a Bulletin Board

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
● Apply principles of designing a bulletin board.
● Design an interactive bulletin board.
Time Frame: 1 week
Many teachers rely on bulletin boards both as classroom decorations and
instructional aids. These easily changeable classroom design pieces allow teachers to
create displays that are thematically tied to the lessons at hand. By surrounding students
with content material via bulletin boards, teachers can increase student’s familiarity with
the information and likely lead to better comprehension and retention. However,
designing a bulletin board is quite a laborious task. Thus, this lesson will explore about to
principles and strategies of designing a bulletin board.
Snapshot. Have a research of different examples of bulletin boards that have been utilized
in classrooms and take a close look at them. Choose one among them and paste it below
and describe the bulletin board.
The photo shown above is a bulletin board used in one the classroom of the
University of Ateneo. Even a prestigious is using a bulletin board because it does help
the students. The bulletin board is very clever because it has a "recently corner"
which shows what was have been discussed last meeting which really helps the
students who were absent that time and overall it is attractive and very informative.

1. What are the best parts of the bulletin board ?
The contentof the topic of course because it gives a hint to students on what will
be the discussion sooner or later which also helps the teacher to successfully
fulfill his/her lesson plan because her/his already have the idea about the topic.

2. What are the things that needs for improvement?

The design is very necessary to be improve because the more pleasant in the eye
and attractive the more it will get the attention of the students.

3. Do you believe that bulletin board is necessary in the classroom? Why?

I do believe that bulletin board is necessary in the classroom not only because it's
already have been used for how many decades but because it helps the students
to become artistic if they saw a bulletin board full of beautiful designs. It also give
them guidelines of what is the topic that will be discussed soon and many more
which really help the students academically.
Bulletin boards are one of the common things which are always present in our
classroom. Sometimes it is a hassle to change, keep current or to keep intentional.
However, if you use interactive bulletin boards, none of these things will be a problem.

Interactive bulletin boards are created with the intention of being used.
Specifically, these boards are made to be used by the students. So, students will be able
to work with the content that is on the board, constantly keeping it current and
Guiding Principles of Having a Bulletin Board
Below are the guiding principles of having a bulletin board in the classroom from
Harvard Graduate School of Education (2005).

1. Bulletin boards reflect a class or school’s identity. In and outside the classroom,
bulletin boards that make learning visible show what we value, offer opportunities for
reflection, help learners make connections within and across subject matter, and
contribute to a shared and public body of knowledge. Bulletin boards can also foster a
sense of belonging to a learning community.
2. Bulletin boards that make learning visible focus on what was learned as well
as what was done. They reveal the learning process as well as product, and balance
content learning with learning about learning. They often include what the adult learned
as well as the students. Here are some questions to guide you when deciding what to
include on your bulletin board:
● What is your goal in making the board and who is your audience?
● What kind of learning are you most excited about?
● What are your students excited about?
● What might you include that would promote additional learning?
● Is your commentary or interpretation supported by what you share on the board?
3. Bulletin boards span the range from simple to complex. If possible, try to find a
colleague with whom to work. Make sure to put your name, the age or grade of the
students, and date on the board (ideally in the same place on every board). Questions to
ask yourself:
● Does the board include students’ work, words, and photos?
● Does the board have a title (possibly phrased as a question or a quote from a
● Does the board include a brief context?
● Have you highlighted or otherwise set apart the phrases you consider most
4. Bulletin boards can have many audiences. Students, teachers, parents, and the
wider community are the audience of your bulletin board. Consider involving students in
what goes on the board:
● Ask students what part of their learning they most want to share with the school
community and what they most want to know from viewers. (Specific questions
elicit the most useful feedback.)
● Include students’ reflections on their learning: what was hard, surprising, or
● Involve students in putting the board together and/or reflecting on it once it is
5. Making learning visible in and outside the classroom are very different. Bulletin
boards can be created during or after a learning experience. Creating a board outside the
classroom requires sufficient context for viewers to make sense of the contents of the
board. But it also enables a dialogue and comparison of ideas, beliefs, and values about
learning and teaching that too infrequently takes place in schools.
Why do we need a Bulletin Board?
Here are 6 reasons shared by Wheaton (2018) to use Interactive Bulletin Boards in
your Classroom:
1. Improves Interaction. Bulletin Boards should be interactive. They should require
some sort of adaptation, utilization, reference, etc. So, if you create a bulletin board that
simply displays something and isn’t ever referenced or used, it is a waste of educational
space. With interactive bulletin boards, students are able to access the resources on the
board. They are able to use them, learn with them, apply their skills, improve their
knowledge, gain something from the board.
2. It is purposeful. Interactive bulletin boards are also purposeful. Because they will
be worked with, there is intention behind their use. You know that space is valuable. You
are going to put up a display that means something important to your students. This
bulletin board is designed to help students motivate each other throughout the school
year. The interactive component makes this resource purposeful in that it gives students
a task to complete and helps create a positive community.
3. Promotes Classroom Management. Interactive bulletin boards also help with
classroom management. They help establish routine and provide structure to their
activities. After modeling and practice, students will be able to complete interactive
activities with the displays on their own. They will understand the expectations, supplies
needed, process and activity. This is a major time saver!
4. Build Skills. Interactive bulletin boards are also meant to do what all instruction is:
build students’ skills. Each display in your room should have a purpose, like previously
mentioned. This purpose can be carried out through skill application. The more
opportunities students have to apply a skill, the more experience they will build with that
5. Enrichment. Many students in your classes will also benefit from opportunities
for enrichment. Bulletin boards offer the perfect location for that. Students can learn how
and when they can access the activities on the board. For example, students may have
mastered a concept or skill and need an activity that challenges them. They approach the
board, choose their task and begin working on it. They complete the activity at their own
pace, as it is only worked on during specific times. This allows you to work with students,
and still be confident the early finishers are challenged and on task.
6. Reinforcement. The last reason is about reinforcement. Interactive bulletin boards
are great for reinforcement of skills and concepts because students will be coming back
to them again and again. They will build their experience with the skills or activities that
are associated with the board. This will help reinforce their understanding and build their
Steps in Designing a Bulletin Board
Schreiner (2020) shared simple steps on how to create an Interactive Bulletin

1. Decide which topic. Decide which topic you would like to feature on your bulletin
board as the first step in the planning process. Avoid featuring more than one topic on
each board as mixing topics may be confusing to your students. Emphasize the central
theme. Eliminate clutter, overcrowding can turn people away from the bulletin board as
they do not know where to focus their attention.
2. Create a canvas for your bulletin board. Create a canvas for your bulletin board
by covering the surface in construction paper or fabric. It is important the material of a
bulletin board is durable and sturdy.
3. Pick engaging images to feature on the display. Pick engaging images to feature
on the display. To make your bulletin board attractive to students you must feature things
that students want to see.
4. Create a title. Create a title using pre-cut or hand-cut letters. By titling your bulletin
board, you can make the purpose of the board immediately clear to students. Select a
catchy title that relates to the contents of your bulletin board. When possible, use
alliteration or figurative language in your title to get students attention. See to it that your
title is aligned to the theme and content of your bulletin board.
5. Gather academic information to feature on the bulletin board. Gather academic
information to feature on the bulletin board. Place examples of student work related to
the topic on your board, as well as other media you think will engage your students like
pictures, charts, graphs or maps. By placing this academic information amongst the
engaging features of your bulletin board you can sneak learning in.
6. Up-to-Date. Keep it related to your teaching objectives. Change it frequently and
remove news and/or seasonal materials when its no longer relevant. Keep it fresh!
7. Add elements. Add elements to your bulletin board that require student’s
interaction. For example, place a student poll question in the corner of your board and
allow students to respond to the poll on the board surface. As students interact with the
bulletin board they will be more likely to take time to view the contents and gain
information from the topic covered on the bulletin board. Ensure that there is enough
space provided for their answers.
8. Put it at Eye Level. An interactive bulletin board does students no good if they
cannot reach it. When planning such a board, make sure that it is at their eye level and
easily accessible for young hands. Since most bulletin board frames are at an adult’s eye
level, you may need to prepare the area below the normal bulletin board section to make it
work, especially for Kindergarten or elementary.
9. Add Color. Visual interest is the key to keeping children engaged in interactive
bulletin boards. Plain, boring boards with little color or visual appeal will not hold
students’ interest. Even if the topic being covered is interesting, students will quickly
become bored and uninterested. Take the time to add coordinated colors and visual
appeal to your bulletin board presentation. But make sure that the colors are not too
much. Also, beware of your students who are sensitive to color or those students with
additional needs – they don’t like too much colors.
10. Make It Durable. If students will be manipulating items on the bulletin board itself
(i.e. – matching pictures of their classmates to hobbies they enjoy), make sure that the
material you use is sturdy enough to withstand a lot of handling. Laminate materials that
students will be touching and use the strongest Velcro or adhesive that you have
available. By creating the bulletin board with sturdy materials at the beginning, you will
save yourself time having to repair it over the course of the its’ display.
11. Provide Clear Directions. Interactive bulletin boards should have clear, concise
directions that are easy for your students to read and understand. If some of your
students need extra help with reading, consider recording the directions and allowing
students to play them back as needed. Ideally, an interactive bulletin board will be an
independent workstation for students, so take their ability levels into consideration when
planning activities and interaction requirements.
Variations and

Extensions Try…
● Revisiting the bulletin board with the learners…
● Creating a board about works-in-progress…
● Putting speech bubbles on a bulletin board…
● Involving students in making the board such as gathering information, taking
pictures and jotting down quotes…
● Taking a learning walk around the school with colleagues or students to see
what learning is being made visible and what the walls communicate about
the identity of the school…
● Pairing up with another classroom to read and respond to each other’s
bulletin boards…
● Posting an explanatory note to viewers that shares your “bulletin-board
● Asking students to give their parents a “bulletin board tour”…
Extra Tips
● Beware of including too much text.
● If you are feeling adrift in a sea of data, ask yourself “What is the learning I want to
make visible?”
● Often it is more powerful to document the experience of one small group or
learning moment than an entire lesson or unit.
● If you have time, “test” the board out on others to make sure it is readable.
● Think broadly: bulletin boards can be inside or outside the classroom, physical or
virtual (i.e., blogs, virtual classrooms, wikis, and/or newsletters)

Now you are filled with information, let us check your understanding about the
topic. Apply all the concepts you have gain and do the task assigned for you.
Select a topic for the week. Prepare your plan for the design of your bulletin board.
Design the bulletin board based on the topic you have choosen. Document the process
through a video presentation. Post the picture of your output in this module and
any of your social media (like facebook, linkdIn, Instagram, etc.). Let others comment
your work. Write a brief description about your bulletin board. You will be rated through
the given rubric.

Title of your Bulletin Board:


Description: The bulletin board I made was built from 1/2 Illustration Board. I printed out a lot of designs

Sample Picture of your Bulletin Board:

Rubric for Bulletin Board Designing

Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Novice (1)
Board presents Reader/observer Reader/observer
topical information Board presents has difficulty has difficulty
in logical, topical information understanding understanding
Organizatio interesting in logical topical information topical information
n sequence which because bulletin because bulletin
sequence which reader/observer board displays little board displays no
reader/observer logic or sequence logic or sequence
can follow.
can follow. of the information. of the information.
Demonstrates a
Demonstrates full Demonstrates minimal grasp of
knowledge more adequate knowledge by Fails to
Subject than required by knowledge by displaying demonstrate
Knowledge displaying topical displaying topical superficial facts knowledge of
information with information with with no topical information.
explanations and explanations but explanations or
elaboration. little elaboration. elaborations.
Graphics are Graphics are Graphics are
Graphics are
appropriate for somewhat inappropriate,
appropriate for
public display. appropriate and superfluous or no
public display and
Graphics explain and give little support to graphics, Source of
relate to topical
reinforce topical topical information. graphics is not
information. Source Some graphics do displayed. There
Source of graphics
of graphics is not have source are entries which
is displayed.
displayed displayed. are not relevant
The board is
The board is distractingly messy
The board is The board is
exceptionally or very poorly
Aesthetics attractive in terms acceptably
attractive in terms designed. It is not
of design layout attractive though it
of design, layout, attractive and
and neatness. may be a bit messy.
and neatness. crowded.
Bulletin Board has
Bulletin Board has
no more than two Bulletin Board has
Bulletin Board has four or more
Mechanics misspellings three misspellings
no misspellings or spelling errors
and/or and/or grammatical
grammatical errors. and/or grammatical
grammatical errors.

Well-done! You have just finished Lesson 3 of this module. Should there be some parts of
the lesson which you need clarification, please ask your teacher during your consultation
or virtual interactions.

Now if you are ready, please proceed to Module 3 of this course pack which will
discuss about Participation and Actual Transition Teaching.

Abbatt, F. R. (2000). Teaching for better learning: a guide for teachers of primary health
care staff. - 2nd ed. Humanity Development Library 2.0.

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