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Brain Tumor Classification and Detection

Vijay Ramdev Sahani Satyam Satanand Sahu

Research Scholar, MCA Research Scholar, MCA
Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career
Development & Research (TIMSCDR) Development & Research (TIMSCDR)
Mumbai, India Mumbai, India

Abstract - Brain tumors are a serious and aggressive in the brain, and secondary or metastatic brain
disease that can lead to a reduced life expectancy. cancer, which spreads to the brain from another part
Treatment planning is critical for improving a of the body.
patient’s quality of life. Many different imaging
techniques, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) and also
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly
ultrasound are used to evaluate tumors in different used to detect brain tumors and assess their
parts of the body, with a focus on using MRI images progression. MRI images provide detailed
for brain tumors. It is difficult and time consuming to information about the structure of the brain and can
scan the data generated by techniques such a MRI
which is huge. To overcome this limitation, automated detect abnormalities in brain tissue. Automated
classification methods are necessary to improve methods such as neural networks (NN) and support
diagnosis and prevent deaths. The task of vector machines (SVM) are used to detect and
automatically detecting brain tumors is particularly
classify brain tumors based on MRI images.
challenging due to the large spatial and structural
variability of the surrounding tissue. This work Recently, deep learning models have gained
proposes using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) popularity in the field of medical image analysis
for automatic brain tumor detection. The CNN because they can efficiently represent complex
architecture is designed using small kernels and
neurons with small weights. The results of the relationships without the need for a large number of
experiments show that the proposed method achieved nodes as in traditional architectures such as K-
a high accuracy of 97.5% with low complexity Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and SVM. It is gaining
compared to other state-of-the-art methods. popularity. As a result, it has become a cutting-edge
technology in various fields of health informatics,
Keywords–NeuralNetworks,MRI, Brain Image. such as medical image analysis, medical
informatics, and bioinformatics.

2. Related works
A brain tumor is a medical condition in which cells
in the brain grow uncontrollably, forming a mass In the field of brain tumor detection and
called a tumor. Brain tumors can be classified into classification, various techniques have been
proposed and implemented. These techniques
two main categories: benign and malignant. Benign include Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) segmentation,
tumors are noncancerous and do not spread to other wavelet feature extraction, and deep neural networks
parts of the brain. They may cause complications (DNNs) for high accuracy classification. However,
due to their location, and may require surgery or these methods often come with a high computational
radiation therapy. Malignant tumors, also known as complexity and poor performance.
brain cancer, are cancerous and can spread to other
parts of the body, leading to life-threatening
Another approach that has been proposed is a bio-
complications if left untreated. They require physico mechanical tumor growth modeling to
aggressive treatment. Brain cancer can also be analyze the step-by-step growth of tumors in
divided into primary brain cancer, which originates patients. This technique combines discrete and
continuous methods for tumor growth modeling, but with small weights. The experimental results show
it can have a high computation time. that the CNNs achieve a high accuracy rate of 97.5%
with low complexity compared to other state-of-the-
art methods.
Multi-fractal feature extraction and improved
AdaBoost classification schemes have also been
used for brain tumor detection and segmentation. 3. Proposed System
These methods have high complexity and are used The human brain is modeled using neural network
to extract the texture of brain tumor tissue. designs and implementations commonly used for
various tasks such as vector quantization,
approximation, data clustering, pattern matching,
Local independent projection-based classification optimization functions, and classification
(LIPC) and seeded tumor segmentation methods techniques. Neural networks can be divided into
have also been proposed, but they have low accuracy three main types based on connectivity:
and may require explicit regularization. Feedback, feedforward, and iterative networks.

Feedforward neural networks are further divided

A novel multimodal brain tumor segmentation into single-layer and multilayer networks. Single-
scheme has been proposed that combines different layer networks have no hidden layers, only input and
segmentation algorithms for improved performance, output layers. However, multilayer networks contain
but it also comes with a high complexity. an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. A
recurrent network is a closed-loop feedback
A survey of brain tumor segmentation methods has
been presented, including Region-based A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a type of
segmentation, threshold-based segmentation, fuzzy feedforward neural network designed specifically
C-Means segmentation, Atlas-based segmentation, for image processing. Unlike regular neural
MRF segmentation, deformable models, and networks, CNNs can process scalable images. That
geometric deformable models. The accuracy, is, it can accept a 3D input volume and produce a 3D
robustness, and validity of these methods have been output volume. CNN architectures typically include
analyzed. input layers, convolutional layers, Rectified Linear
Unit (ReLU) layers, pooling layers, and fully
connected layers.
Hybrid feature selection with ensemble
classification has been applied for the brain tumor A block diagram of CNN-based brain tumor
diagnosis process. The GANNIGMAC, decision classification is shown in Figure 1. 1. The CNN-
tree, Bagging C based wrapper approach has been based classification of brain tumors is divided into
used to obtain decision rules and simplify them by two phases: training and testing. The training phase
using a hybrid feature selection method. includes preprocessing, feature extraction, and
classification using a loss function to create a
predictive model. During the testing phase,
In another approach, fuzzy based control theory has predictive models are used to classify new images
been used for brain tumor segmentation and into different categories such as tumor brain images
classification. The Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is and non-tumor brain images.
a specialized technique used for brain segmentation
and supervised classification is used to create a The proposed CNN uses pre-trained models based
membership function of a fuzzy controller. on the ImageNet dataset for classification. Training
all layers from scratch can be time-consuming and
perform poorly, so the proposed method only trains
Adaptive histogram equalization and Gabor feature the last layer. A loss function is computed using the
extraction have also been used to improve the gradient descent algorithm and is used to measure
contrast of images and filter abnormal cells in the the quality of a given set of parameters and improve
brain, followed by fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor the accuracy of the model. The gradient of the loss
(KNN) classification. function is repeatedly evaluated to improve the
accuracy of classification.

Finally, a novel automatic brain tumor classification ● One of the key advantages of CNNs is their
method using convolutional neural networks ability to automatically and adaptively
(CNNs) has been proposed, with a deeper learn spatial hierarchies of features from
architecture design using small kernels and neurons input images. This is done by stacking
multiple layers of convolutional and The brain tumour image segmentation benchmark
pooling operations, which gradually extract (BRATS) 2015 testing dataset and Radiopaedia
higher and higher level features from the both feature real-world patient cases and tumour
input image. images, respectively.
● Another advantage of CNNs is their ability
to reduce the number of parameters that In this study, convolution neural networks are used
need to be trained, which makes them more to carry out effective automatic brain tumour
efficient and less prone to overfitting than detection.
traditional neural networks. This is Python is used to carry out the simulation.
achieved through the use of convolutional The accuracy is calculated and evaluated against
and pooling layers, which share the same all other cutting-edge techniques.
weights and reduce the spatial resolution of
The efficiency computation time is high and
the input image. accuracy is low in SVM-based tumour and non-
● In recent years, various architectures such tumor identification, according to calculations of
as VGGNet, ResNet, Inception, and
training accuracy, validation accuracy, and
DenseNet have been proposed to improve
validation loss.
the performance of CNNs on a wide range
of image classification tasks. These
architectures are designed to improve the
representational capacity of the network,
reduce overfitting, and improve the 1. The proposed brain tumor classification
gradient flow during training. method utilizing a CNN is represented in
● In addition to image classification, CNNs a block diagram
have also been applied to other computer
vision tasks such as object detection,
semantic segmentation, and image
● In the medical field, CNNs have been
widely used for image analysis, such as for
the segmentation and classification of brain
tumors, lung tumors, and breast tumors. By
using pre-trained models and fine-tuning
the model with a small dataset of medical
images, it can improve the performance
and reduce the computation time.
● In brain tumor classification, CNNs have
been shown to achieve high accuracy rates,
even when compared
Fig. 1. Testing phases

Algorithm for CNN based Classification 2. Accuracy of brain tumor classification

1. Apply the convolution filter in the first
2. Subsample the convolution filter to make
it less sensitive.
3. he activation layer regulates the signal
flow from one layer to another.
4. Shorten the training period by employing
rectified linear units (RELUs), which
connect every neuron in the layer below
with the neurons in the layer above.
5. To provide the neural network with
feedback during training, a loss layer is
included at the end.
Fig. 2. Model Accuracy
4. Results and discussion

Tumor and non-tumor MRI images were gathered

for our dataset from various web sources.
3. CNN based classified results
database for classification. The proposed system
requires training only the last layer and achieves
high accuracy while reducing computational time.
Raw pixel values, depth, width and height features
are extracted from the CNN. Accuracy is further
improved by using a gradient descent based loss
function. The training accuracy is 97.5%, the
validation accuracy is high, and the validation loss
is low.

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Since the feature value is directly obtained from the Imaging, 31(3) (2012).
CNN, the classification method using the proposed
CNN does not require a separate feature [6] Bjoern H. Menze et al, "The Multimodal Brain Tumor
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The goal of this project is to create an effective [9] Janani and P. Meena, "Image segmentation for tumor
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segmentation, texture and form features are
extracted, and the data is then classified using
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) or Deep Neural
Networks, according to conventional techniques for
diagnosing brain tumours (DNNs). These techniques
are simple, but they take a long time to compute and
are inaccurate.
To overcome these limitations, this work proposes
using a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based
classification system. CNN is a deep learning
technique that uses a set of feedforward layers. The
implementation is in Python and uses the ImageNet

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