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Week 10

• Research problem: Impact of macrobiotics on diabetes type 2?

• Research methods:

– Study design: quasi-experimental, before & after, with two groups (control &

– Sample & sampling: 300 Vietnamese people with diabetes type II, aged 60 and over;
convenient sampling

– Data collection: 1 pre-test (Random plasma glucose test), 1 post-test (Random

plasma glucose test)

– Data analysis: using SPSS (version 25)

– Procedure:

• Selection of participants from 4 hospitals in Vietnam

• Administering the Pre-test

• Dividing participants into 2 groups (control group & experimental group)

• Administering the intervention (macrobiotic diet) with experimental group for 2


• Administering the Post-test

• Analyzing the collected data


The study design for the research project on the impact of macrobiotics on diabetes type 2 was chosen
to be a quasi-experimental before-and-after with two groups (control and experimental) to evaluate the
effectiveness of the macrobiotic diet on managing diabetes type 2. The participants will be selected from
four hospitals in Vietnam, and the sample size will be 300 Vietnamese people aged 60 and over with
diabetes type II, selected through convenient sampling. While convenient sampling can be limiting, it
was chosen due to the practical limitations of the study.

Data will be collected through a pre-test and post-test, both of which will be random plasma glucose
tests. The use of this quantitative measure provides an accurate assessment of the participants' blood
glucose levels and allows for clear before-and-after comparisons. To analyze the data, SPSS (version 25)
will be used. SPSS is a commonly used statistical software program that allows for the analysis of large
datasets and is appropriate for the research question and study design.

The procedure for the research project on the impact of macrobiotics on diabetes type 2 begins with the
selection of participants from four hospitals in Vietnam. Participants will be recruited based on their
medical records and a diagnosis of diabetes type II. Once participants are selected, they will be informed
about the study and given the opportunity to provide informed consent. Following informed consent,
participants will undergo a pre-test to assess their baseline plasma glucose levels. Participants will be
randomly assigned to either the control or experimental group. The control group will continue with
their usual dietary intake, while the experimental group will receive a macrobiotic diet intervention for
two months. The macrobiotic diet intervention will involve providing the experimental group with pre-
prepared meals designed to meet the macrobiotic diet criteria, which emphasizes whole-foods, plant-
based meals that are high in fiber and low in fat. After two months, participants will undergo a post-test
to assess their plasma glucose levels. The pre-test and post-test will both involve a random plasma
glucose test. Once all data is collected, it will be analyzed using SPSS (version 25). The statistical analysis
will include a comparison of the mean plasma glucose levels between the control and experimental
groups, as well as an analysis of the changes in plasma glucose levels within each group.

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