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The tackle with British guns, German Blitzkrieg and the American smart bombs during the late

18th and 19th centuries pronounced a military revolution. Initiating with the French invasion of
Italy in 1494, the modern age made states choose between domination and oblivion. The gradual
process of this situation ameliorates,
1. Unstableness in the balance of power
2. The hegemony of the Western
3. Changes in the nature of State
4. Stimulus in the evoke of modern governments
5. Intransigent totalitarian states with vast bureaucracies,
These made incalculable rapid advancements within militaries of states by dint of information
technology and transformational technological developments. Technology is knowledge. Modern
economic growth, Simon Kuznets (1965) argued more than 30 years
ago, depends on the growth of useful knowledge. The consequence of changing production
technology was the rise of technological systems (Hughes, 1983, 1987).

The epoch of the First industrial revolution, revolutionized warfare connecting the 1856; end
of the Crimean war and 1914; the first World War. "When the first industrialization was
stimulated by coal and steam it created a chemical industry with no chemistry, an iron industry
without metallurgy, power machinery without thermodynamics. Engineering, medical
technology, and agriculture until 1850 were pragmatic bodies of applied knowledge in which
things were known to work, but rarely was it understood why they worked. This meant that often
people did not know which things did not work: enormous amounts of energy and ingenuity
were wasted on alchemy, perpetuum mobiles, the stones of the wise and fountains of youth" (Joel
Mokyr , Robert H. Strotz - The Second Industrial Revolution, 1870-1914), the second stood up
with oil and electricity. The second industrial revolution is dated from 1870 to 1914, marking
the germination of knowledge in science and technology. The period 1859-1873 has been
characterized as one of the most fruitful and densed innovations in history (Mowery and
Rosenberg, 1989, p. 22).

It was during the end of the Victorian period in the late 19th century where electricity was first
introduced.The initiative step of Benjamin Franklin's discovery of electricity was followed by
Alessandro Volta's invention of the electric battery and methane, André - Marie Ampère's
discovery of classical electromagnetism and Michael Faraday's contribution towards electro-
chemistry. These inventions exposed innumerable establishments which contributed many
genres. Electricity made several replacements which accelerated the quality of life of people.
"The second Industrial Revolution extended the rather limited and localized successes of the first
to a much broader range of activities and products. Living standards and the purchasing power of
money increased rapidly, as the new technologies reached like never before into the daily lives of
the middle and working classes." (Joel Mokyr Robert H. Strotz - The Second Industrial
Revolution, 1870-1914). Otto initially saw the four-stroke engine as a makeshift solution to the
problem of achieving a high enough compression and only later was his four-stroke principle,
which is still the heart of most automobile engines, acclaimed as a brilliant breakthrough
(Bryant, 1967, pp. 650-57) After receiving the German patent on the gasoline powered
automobile of Karl Benz in 1886, wagons, carriages and bicycles which were principal modes
of transportation were transposed by inventions like "—the carburetor, radiator, steering wheel,
crank-starter, pedal-brake control, pneumatic tire "(Boot.M, 2006, " War Made New:
Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History, 1500 to Today") Others were more in the nature
of marketing advantages, or even the ruthless pursuit of monopolies. Yet it should be stressed
that even with rise of giant corporations such as Carnegie Steel, Dupont, Ford Motors, and
General Electric in the U.S. and their equivalents in Europe, these firms employed but a small
fraction of the labor force and the typical firm in the industrialized West by 1914 remained
relatively small, a niche player, often specialized yet flexible and catering more often than not to
a localized or specific section of the market (Scranton, 1997; Kinghorn and Nye, 1995). This
invention led to the development of better transportation routes. The utility of automobiles can
be seen during the Battle of the Marne in 1914, where Paris taxi cabs were used to ferry French
soldiers to the battle. Thomas Crampton's company between Dover and Calais in 1851 laid the
first successful submarine cable. This technological victory dragged on for almost thirty seven
Following the late 18th and 19th centuries, it was complicated to communicate and command
with the maximization of the armies. The carry of supplies and messages by horseback lacked
reliability."Napoleon commanded six hundred thousand men when he invaded Russia in
1812—50 percent more than had served Louis XIV a century earlier, although only half were
Frenchmen—but he could not support that many in the field, and most of his Grande Armée did
not make it home (Boot.M, 2006, " War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of
History, 1500 to Today") "After six years spent refining his telegraph and petitioning Congress
for money to build a demonstration line, Morse in 1843 received an appropriation of $ 30,000 to
connect Washington and Baltimore, which he did in May 1844. Morse telegraph worked as he
had claimed and soon became a commercial success. By the Civil war the telegraph network
covered the country, and Moore's instrument had become synonymous with electric telegraphy in
the United States and throughout the world" (Hochfelder.D, 2012 ,The telegraph in America
1832-1920) Telegraph was able to dissolve the mechanical technologies and develop electrical
technologies which helped the armed forces communicate within a short period of time,
revolutionizing the method of getting information and communication. Purloining the strategy,
tactical and operational communication medium, the telegraph during the Civil war aided the
civilian officials to operate military operations successfully. The primitive reason why the
Western Union was able to apply greater power and control over the postwar workforce was that
because the war skyrocketed the demand of the telegraph and its consolidation. Indeed the
USMT network was one of the principal reasons for the northern victory. Telegraph was utilized
as a military tool as the commander was able to navigate his troops and communicate with them
in real time where it was the first time in history in virtual navigation of one's troop in the
battlefront. This made a drastic change within the military victories which aided the
communication between headquarters and divisions of the military. By 1886, the entire world
was connected through wires connecting Europe to West Africa. This enabled parallelly
advanced the spread of magazines and newspapers including the news on military activities for
distanced territories.

People had options of riding a horse or a horse-drawn carriage to get into destinations vis-à-vis
the mutilated routes travelling consumed extra hours. Use of water though nominated affordable
and fast had the issue of uncertainty due to weather conditions. This was then when the gasoline
motor marked its position above the other forms of engines. There were several advantages such
as affordability and diminutive shape but, above all of them was the primary advantage of a
seemingly inexhaustible source of energy which nominated it above all other sources of energies
used such as steam and electricity.

The oil discovery at the Spindletop Hill near Beaumont, Texas in 1901 is considered to be the
inauguration of the modern American petroleum industry which launched a primitive role of the
use of gasoline. While Texas experienced an acceleration within the production of oil, where
Northern and Eastern Texas platformed the germination of new fields of oil, coal gradually ran
into extinction.Although machinery was used, they were often limited to small- scale as energies
used were man power, wind or water. Oil mechanized much of the equipment used in agriculture
which grew efficiency and effectiveness in cultivation with less labor.
"Generally speaking war, monopoly, and high prices on the one hand, and peace, competition,
and low prices on the other, coincide.In any violent movement of prices, agriculture is likely to
suffer,and the peculiarities of agricultural production which account to such situations are well
known.( Benjamin H. Higgins,1940," Agriculture and War: A Comparison of Agricultural
Conditions in the Napoleonic and World War Periods").

"During the Revolutionary War, agriculture helped to feed the American forces, and in the
Continental Congress it saw U.S. commodity exports as a major lever in building alliances with
other nations, creating the model Commercial Treaty of 1777 ( Jefferson later sought to use the
curtailment of American agriculture exports, the embargo, to force Britain and France to change
their maritime policies toward the United States)"
e-and-war )

"By the end of World War II, the farm economy once again faced the challenge of
overproduction. Technological advances, such as the introduction of gasoline- and
electric-powered machinery and the widespread use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, meant
production per hectare was higher than ever.Despite the obstacles they faced, American farmers
were able to expand their crop acreage during the war, increasing harvested acres of corn, wheat,
and oats by 9 percent, 15 percent, and 22 percent respectively between 1940 and 1945, according
to data collected under the Census of Agriculture." (

Moderately the automobiles became widespread, where steamboats and railroads became
much cheaper options. Isothermal expansion turned out to be impossible, and the central feature
of Diesel. Engines today have remained compression-induced combustion, which Diesel had at
first considered to be incidental (Bryant, 1969).

Ship building accelerated drastically, rather than simply sailing ships, the second industrial
revolution improved the construction of clipper ships; "A clipper ship is a synonym for a
merchant ship from the 19th century that plied global routes and ferried cargo and passengers".
In the 1840s, a new kind of merchant navy vessel was created by American shipbuilders. It
facilitated faster transport of cargo through the oceanic waters. ( By Shilavadra Bhattacharjee
June 18, 2022 Maritime History ) This gravitated the global hegemonies to focus on important
shipping lanes for the inter-connectivity between states. Following the year of 1870, ships were
manufactured of steel which made possible of the construction of ships in large scale with much
power and speed.Gustav de Laval and Charles Parson's invention of the steam turbine during
1884 which produced extensive speed, efficiency, quietness and low maintenance stood above
the marine steam engines and made revolutions within the waves led by naval ships. Both
military Navies and merchant Navies of countries began to expand themselves, marking
territories on water for national security issues.

"Even more amazing was that by the 1930s numerous people were soaring through the clouds". (
Boot.M, 2006, " War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History, 1500 to
Today") Inspired by the vision of the Montgolfier brothers, Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
were certified to be the inventors of the aerial age with the world's first successful motor-
operated airplane, which was mounted from Kitty Hawk in the North Carolinian sky. The aircraft
which stood at a fundamental position since the mid-20th century, gradually manufactured as
Fighter aircrafts, Bombers, Attack aircrafts and helicopters. The aircraft manufacturing stepped
on a massive growth with new designing and longevity where it took rapid advancements. "In
1914 the typical airplane wasa biplane or triplane made of wood, cloth, and wire. By the war’s
end in 1918 all-metal monoplanes were being produced that were recognizably modern in
their design."( Boot.M, 2006, " War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History,
1500 to Today")

The electronic communication system benefited many arenas. The 1876 invention of
Alexander Graham Bell was brought under government ownership since the networks connected
many people and established the wealthiest economy during 1939. With the gradual evocation of
scientific management, forces were much more focused and organized.
In 1896 Guglielmo Marconi invented the "wireless telegraph" or the radio. Due to the
dominative cable telegraphy and wireless telegraphy within Britain, Germany's Telefunken,
France's Compagnie Générale de Télégraphie Sans Fil and the radio corporation of America
stood for their own free systems of networks. With the establishment of the world's first radio
system KDKA in Pittsburgh, the spread of broadcasting information flourished, but this on the
other hand gave a parallel growth empowering the rage within the public for war and sacrifice.
Two- way radio signals aided in updating coordinates for airplanes and ships and sending of
signals and stood supportive for navigation."Indeed, the radio first gained worldwide fame when
it was used to transmit news of the Titanic’s sinking in 1912. ( Boot.M, 2006, " War Made New:
Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History, 1500 to Today") Further, the introduction of
Air-traffic systems in the 1930s using radios minimized airplane crashes.

Airplanes and ships began to cover skies and waters, where people identified the interference
with transmissions. Robert Watson Watt's "Detection of Aircraft by Radio Methods" simply
overcame the issue. Then the location of airplanes were directly recorded on a television. This
system began to be known as the "Radar", this supported in both directing and attacking of
Airplanes. "Sonar" was then introduced to detect objects in the deep waters for ships to

These evolutions stood as a pathbreak to the European hegemonies dominating the world and
establish stable systems of defense.

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