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Are you feeling:

1. Scared, fearful, hateful, panicked, horrified, hostile

2. Loving, loved, tender, warm, devoted, adored or adoring
3. Or a mix of the two
In Sanskrit, “anahata” means unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten
The anahata chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion,
and joy.
Anahata is a bridge between the lower and upper chakras
Anahata is associated with the element air
The anahata chakra is associated with the color green, which represents
transformation and love energy.
When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment  You will feel open to all
experiences in life, and it will feel like challenges, especially in relationships,
flow through you and are resolved with ease.
The heart chakra directly affects the heart, lungs, chest, arms, and hands.
When misaligned, poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, and
other heart and lung conditions can result. 
 You may tend isolate yourself excessively

 You feel lonely

 You hold grudges against people you love

 You frequently feel jealous

 You’re overly defensive

 You have a fear of intimacy

 You put yourself in the role of the rescuer or victim

 You find it difficult to trust others

 Puppy Dog Pose (Anahatasana),

 Camel Pose | Ustrasana

 Cobra Pose | Bhujangasana
 Fish Pose | Matsyasana
 Wild Thing | Camatkarasana
 Half Camel Pose (Ardha Ustrasana)
 Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)
 Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
 Warrior 1 Pose With Heart Opening Backbend (Virabhadrasana I)
 Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
 Reverse Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)
 Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
 Eagle Arms Pose (Garudasana)
 Locust Pose or Grasshopper Pose (Salabhasana or Purna Salabhasana

 I am open to love
 I love and accept myself
 I live in balance and in a state of gratitude
 I am connecting with other beings
 All love resides in my heart
 I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
 I am wanted and loved.
 My heart is open to love.
 I forgive myself.
 I live in a state of grace and gratefulness.
 I value love above attachment.
 I am worthy of love.
 I love all beings equally.
 I am in harmony with myself and others.

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