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Are you feeling:

1. Bored, stuck, uncreative, uninspired, low libido, or lustful

2. Creative, in the flow, connected, inspired
3. Or a mix of the two

If you’re looking for a way to tap into your creativity, sensuality, and sexuality,
some people say to look no farther than your own body — specifically, the
sacral chakra.
These wheel-like energy points are associated with different physical and
emotional functions in the human body, affecting your overall well-being.
The sacral chakra is believed to be located below the navel, where the
perineum is. It’s said to be associated with the sex organs and the kidneys,
It’s also associated with the water element and portrayed as a vibrant orange
“The Sanskrit name [for the sacral chakra] is Svadhisthana,
In Sanskrit, Svadihsthana means “where your being is established.”
his chakra’s location can be best described as being situated in the lower
abdomen, four fingerbreadths below the navel.
This energy assists in letting go, accepting change, and transformation in life
Svadhishthana means “dwelling place of the Self”, supporting personal expansion
and exploration of sexuality, desires, and creativity.
 the sacral chakra is linked to pleasure, sexuality, and joy.

Whwn blocked These include:

 detachment
 isolation
 anxiety
 loneliness
 low libido
 lack of creative inspiration
A closed sacral chakra can make you feel detached from your own emotions
as well as the emotions of the people around you,

 Camel Pose
 Bound Angle Pose
 Garland Pose
 Kakasana
 Trikonasnaa
o Open angle pose ( Upavistha Konasana)

o Cow face pose (Gomukhasana)

o One-legged king pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

o Reclining bound angle pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

o Half frog pose (Ardha Bhekasana)

o Fire log pose (Agnistambhasana)

 Paschimottanasana

the following affirmations to balance the sacral chakra:

 “I trust my feelings. I trust myself.”

 “I am safe to express my sexuality.”
 “I allow my creativity to flow freely.”

 I am passionate.
 I am a creative being.
  I have boundaries that protect me.
 I am fulfilled in my passions.
 I embrace change as a healthy part of life. 
 I have an abundance of creativity.
 My emotions are in balance.

 you may notice a shift in your relationships with:

 people
 animals
 food
 spirituality
 nature

You may also start to develop:

 stronger intuition
 equilibrium in your emotions
 an increase in your creativity
 improved emotional health
 greater sexual intimacy

Common Health Problems from an Imbalanced Sacral Chakra 

 Chronic lower back pain

 Arthritis
 Genital or sexual problems
 Hip issues
 Anemia
 Joint problems
 Low energy
 Spleen and kidney issues
 Premenstrual Syndrome

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