Magnesium Matrix Composite Reinforced by Nanoparti

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ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5+;October 8, 2020;7:14]

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Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx

Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review
K.B. Nie a,b, X.J. Wang a,∗, K.K. Deng b, X.S. Hu a, K. Wu a
a State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
b College of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
Received 26 December 2019; received in revised form 22 July 2020; accepted 4 August 2020
Available online xxx

Significant progress has been made in magnesium-based composites during recent decades, especially for the appearance of magnesium
matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles. The nanoparticles added not only exhibit a good strengthening effect, but also maintain the
initial toughness of the matrix, effectively balancing the contradiction between the strength and plasticity in the traditional magnesium
matrix composites. The magnesium matrix nanocomposites with excellent mechanical properties have pushed the development of magnesium
matrix composites to a new stage. However, it is very difficult to disperse the nanoparticles in metal melt especially in magnesium melt
which is different from other metal melts and dangerous during the cast processing. This means that the preparation of magnesium matrix
nanocomposite is extremely challenging. Further, the magnesium matrix nanocomposites possess a distinctive characteristic in deformation
behavior, strengthening and toughening mechanism due to their special size effect of nanoparticles. Accordingly, this review will focus on
the new preparation technologies, deformation behavior, mechanical properties and strengthening and toughening mechanisms. The potential
applications, development trends and future research ideas of magnesium matrix nanocomposite are also prospected.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chongqing University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer review under responsibility of Chongqing University

Keywords: Magnesium matrix nanocomposite; Microstructure; Mechanical properties; Strengthening mechanism.

1. Introduction alloying element [9–12]. There are various types of partic-

ulate reinforcements available to prepare magnesium matrix
Light-weight magnesium which possesses extremely low composites (MMCs) such as carbides (SiC, TiC, B4 C, ZrC),
density, good machinability and structural properties, can oxides (Al2 O3 , TiO2 ), borides (ZrB2 , TiB2 ), nitrides (AlN,
meet the requirements of energy saving and emission reduc- BN, ZrN, TiN) and metals (Ti, Cu, Mo, Ni) [12–15]. It has
tion in the transportation sector and other automotive appli- been shown that the MMCs containing one or more tradi-
cation [1–3]. However, there are still some bottlenecks in a tional micron size particulate reinforcements and continuous
target application for magnesium such as low elastic modu- magnesium matrix have outstanding advantages over mono-
lus and ductility, poor creep and abrasion resistance and high lithic magnesium, such as high strength, high modulus and
corrosion rate [4]. To circumvent these limitations, the intro- wear properties [16–18]. However, there is a high probability
duction of alloying elements or reinforcements to magnesium that the addition of micron size particulate reinforcements can
has been adopted in previous studies [5–8]. In particular, the easily leads to particle cracking and void formation in the as-
addition of particulate reinforcements to magnesium matrix cast MMCs, which accelerates the failure during the following
has been proven to further improve the mechanical proper- secondary processing. For more than a decade the appearance
ties in addition to precipitation strengthening, grain refinement of magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles
strengthening and solid solution strengthening contributed by has showed that the addition of nanoparticles not only exhibits
a good strengthening effect, but also maintains the toughness

of the initial matrix, thus push the development of magnesium
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X.J. Wang).
matrix composites to a new stage. By adding less than 3 vol%
2213-9567/© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chongqing University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
( Peer review under responsibility of Chongqing University

Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5+;October 8, 2020;7:14]
2 K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx

nanoparticles, comparable or even superior mechanical prop-

erties can be achieved in the magnesium matrix nanocom-
posites relative to traditional magnesium matrix composites
[19,20], which better balance the contradiction between the
strength and plasticity.
However, to fabricate the magnesium matrix nanocompos-
ites with excellent mechanical properties, the main issue to
be faced is the low wettability between the ceramic nanopar-
ticles and molten magnesium matrix [21,22]. It is extremely
difficult to disperse the nanoparticles in metal melt especially
in magnesium melt, because the magnesium melt is easier to
burn relative to other metal melts, which is more dangerous
during alloy melting. This means that the preparation of mag-
nesium matrix nanocomposite is a huge challenge. The cast-
ing methodologies involving in either liquid based or solid
based techniques [23–28] have been explored for preparing
magnesium matrix composite containing nano-sized particle. Fig. 1. Two nanoparticle dispersion model.
Further, due to the special size effect of nanoparticles, there
is also a distinctive characteristic in the grain refinement, the
disintegrated melt deposition (DMD) [6], in situ synthesis
crushing of second phases, the improved distribution of re-
method [36], friction stir processing [37], powder metallurgy
inforcement and the dynamic precipitation for the magne-
[38], etc. Among them, the ultrasonic vibration, the combina-
sium matrix nanocomposite during the secondary processing
tion of ultrasonic vibration and semisolid stirring method and
such as extrusion or rolling [29,30]. Moreover, the relation-
the DMD method are most widely used.
ship between the mentioned microstructure and corresponding
strengthening and toughening mechanism of the magnesium
matrix nanocomposite has been explored in some literatures 2.1. Ultrasonic vibration
The present work will focus in detail on the important Solidification processing technologies, especially casting,
progress of lightweight magnesium matrix composites rein- is a cost effective to enable a high volume and net shape pro-
forced by nanoparticles in the preparation, forming, perfor- duction of magnesium matrix nanocomposites. Because the
mance and toughening mechanisms. The principles and appli- van der Waals force between the nanoparticles is strong and
cations of different preparation technologies for magnesium the wettability between the magnesium and the nanoparti-
matrix composites reinforced by nanoparticles will be pre- cles is very poor, a reliable casting process which enables
sented. The effect of different secondary processing methods efficient dispersion of nanoparticles in magnesium melt is
on the microstructure and mechanical properties as well as needed to develop high performance bulk magnesium ma-
the strengthening and toughening mechanisms will be also trix nanocomposites. In this situation, the ultrasonic vibration
reviewed. The potential applications, development trends and has been proven to be effective which combines the casting
future research ideas of magnesium matrix nanocomposite are technologies with transient cavitation and acoustic streaming.
also prospected. The ultrasonic vibration can produce transient micro-hot spots
of temperatures of ∼5000 °C, which reach pressures above
2. Preparation of magnesium matrix composite 1000 atm, and heating and cooling rates above 1010 °C/s [39].
reinforced by nanoparticles Such strong impact coupling with local high temperatures can
potentially clean the particle surface, break the nanoparticle
In order to improve the strength of the magnesium, micro- clusters.
size ceramic particles have been introduced into magnesium
matrix, but unfortunately, they severely degrade the plasticity 2.1.1. The theoretical feasibility of ultrasonic vibration
and machinability of magnesium. In this situation, the low In order to simulate the theoretical feasibility of ultrasonic
concentration of nanoparticles which have the potential to vibration on the dispersion of nanoparticles, two nanoparti-
improve strength while maintaining or even improving the cles agglomeration model in metal was built by Yang [40].
plasticity of magnesium, has been introduced to the magne- As shown in Fig. 1, the attractive forces between two nanopar-
sium matrix. However, it is difficult to disperse the nanoparti- ticles include Van der Waals force and capillary force. The
cles uniformly in magnesium matrix due to the strong van der two forces which were calculated based on the actual fab-
Waals force between the nanoparticles and the very poor wet- rication conditions were added together and then converted
tability with the magnesium matrix [32]. The commonly em- into pressure, which is the force required to separate two ag-
ployed processing techniques to synthesize magnesium matrix glomerated nanoparticles. By comparing the calculated force
nanocomposite includes ultrasonic vibration [33,34], the com- with the numerically calculated ultrasonic cavitation pressure,
bination of ultrasonic vibration and semisolid stirring [35], for the nanoparticles with a diameter of 30 nm, the acoustic
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5+;October 8, 2020;7:14]
K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 2. Schematic of the cavitation and streaming effects for nanoparticle dispersion and wetting in metal melts [33].

cavitation pressure more than 6000 atm was much higher rel-
ative to the calculated force of 650 atm required to separate
the two particles. The acoustic streaming can be also numeri-
cally simulated, which significantly affects the distributing of
nanoparticles inside the melt.
Fig. 2 shows the schematic of ultrasonic cavitation effect
and acoustic stream effect for nanoparticle dispersion and wet-
ting in metal melts [33]. When the intensity of ultrasonic
sound exceeds a certain limit, the state of the melt can be
changed by the interactions between the ultrasonic sound and
the melt [41]. Once the high-intensity ultrasonic waves spread
in the molten metal, a series of complex nonlinear phenomena
such as acoustic cavitation and acoustic streaming effects can
be generated in the melt [42]. Acoustic streaming as a liquid
flow resulting from acoustic pressure gradient can be used
to disperse the nanoparticles from macroscopic aspect. Under Fig. 3. Schematic of experimental setup for ultrasonic vibration of magne-
cyclic high-intensity ultrasonic waves, lots of micro bubbles sium melt.
would form in the melt. These bubbles can expand during
the negative pressure cycle and collapse to tiny bubbles dur-
when ρ is 1.59 g cm−3 , it can be assumed that the propaga-
ing the positive pressure cycle, leading to transient micro “hot
tion speed c of the ultrasonic wave in the magnesium melt is
spots”. This effect called “acoustic cavitation” can produce an
1.5 × 103 m s−1 [47]. Assuming that the ultrasonic processing
implosive impact and break up the clustered nano-size parti-
power is about 20 kHz, the titanium tool head and the mag-
cles [43]. Besides, the wettability between the particles and
nesium melt are completely wetted. When the amplitude of
the matrix alloy can be enhanced by this strong impact cou-
the ultrasonic wave is 12 and 30 μm, the ultrasonic intensity
pling with local transient high temperatures [44].
is 225 and 1400 W cm−2 , respectively [48], which is much
higher than the required ultrasonic intensity of 80 W cm−2 .
2.1.2. The actual application of ultrasonic vibration
Further, the ultrasonic vibration could increase the capil-
Fig. 3 shows typical experimental setup of ultrasonic vibra-
lary effect in the melt, promoting the penetration of the melt
tion. Theoretical calculations can be used to evaluate whether
into the nanoparticle agglomeration. In this situation, the crit-
the ultrasonic equipment used meets the requirements for dis-
ical osmotic pressure ps can be expressed as [49]:
persing nanoparticles. Ultrasonic intensity I stands for the
sound power per unit area, which can be expressed as in 6λσLG cos θ (ϕ − 1)
ps = (2)
the melt [45]: dp × ϕ
1 where dp is the average particle diameter, σ LG is the surface
I= ρc (2π f A )2 (1)
2 tension, φ is the volume fraction for particle porosity, λ is
where ρ is the density of molten melt, c is the ultrasonic ve- the geometric factor, θ is the contact angle between the parti-
locity, f is ultrasonic frequency of the ultrasonic generator, A cles and melt. For instance, in order to disperse the clustered
is the amplitude of the horn during the ultrasonic treatment. SiC nanoparticles, the critical osmotic pressure ps can be de-
Previous research has shown that when the ultrasonic intensity termined as 313 MPa in condition that the SiC nanoparticles
Iexceeds 80 W cm−2 , the cavitation effect is sufficient in the could be completely wetted with the magnesium melt [48].
aluminum or magnesium melt [45,46]. Since the density and Since the theoretical value is about 105 MPa for the ultrasonic
viscosity of the magnesium melt is equivalent to that of water, pressure caused by cavitation effect, which is much greater
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5+;October 8, 2020;7:14]
4 K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. TEM micrographs of SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite: (a) low magnification of SiC nanoparticles; (b) higher magnification of SiC nanoparticles; (c) electron
diffraction of SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite [34].

than the critical osmotic pressure needed to disperse the SiC

Take SiC particle reinforced AZ91 matrix composite as
an example of the actual application of ultrasonic vibra-
tion, as shown in Fig. 4, which gives transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) image of SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite fab-
ricated by ultrasonic vibration [34]. As shown in Fig. 4(a),
some SiC nanoparticles are well dispersed while some is
found to be agglomerated. At higher magnification, a homo-
geneous distribution of the SiC nanoparticles exists outside
the cluster as shown in Fig. 4(b). Moreover, the agglom-
erated SiC nanoparticles are dispersed by the matrix alloy.
The electron diffraction (ED) in Fig. 4(c) demonstrates that
the composition of the particle cluster is SiC nanoparticle. A
high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)
image is given in Fig. 5, which shows the interface between
the SiC nanoparticle and the matrix. There is no interfacial
reaction observed, indicating that the SiC nanoparticles bond
well with the matrix. Fig. 6 shows the tensile strength of the
as-cast AZ91 alloy and SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite fabricated
by simple ultrasonic vibration [34]. The values of ultimate
tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS) and elongation to
fracture for the nanocomposite containing SiC nanoparticles Fig. 5. HRTEM micrograph of interface between the SiC nanoparticle and
AZ91 alloy matrix [34].
were higher than the AZ91 alloy. This was very different from

Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

successfully achieved. With regard to the microstructure of

magnesium containing 14 vol% SiC nanoparticles [21], there
was a dense uniform dispersion of nanoparticles in the ma-
trix as shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b). Further, it confirms
that SiC nanoparticles were previously well dispersed and
self-stabilized in the molten magnesium before solidifica-
tion as schematically shown in Fig. 8(c). Besides, the bond-
ing between some SiC nanoparticles and magnesium can be
considered as semi-coherent (Fig. 6(d)), which provided a
convincing evidence that the interface between the partic-
ulate reinforcement and the magnesium matrix possesses a
strong bonding. Accordingly, the combination of ultrasonic
processing and evaporation provides a novel way to fabri-
cate magnesium containing a dense uniform dispersion of
SiC nanoparticles, which exhibits a simultaneous enhance-
Fig. 6. Tensile strength of AZ91 alloy and SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite [34].
ment in strength, stiffness, plasticity and high-temperature
stability, especially after subsequent high-pressure torsion
(HPT) a higher yield strength 710 ± 35 MPa and higher
specific modulus of 86 ± 5 GPa than almost all structural

2.2. The combination of ultrasonic vibration with semisolid


It is well known that stir casting involves mechanical stir-

ring and can be applied to produce large ingots of mag-
nesium matrix composites containing homogenous distri-
bution of micro-sized ceramic particles [50–54]. However,
mechanical stirring is not adequate to disperse the nanopar-
ticles with large surface-to-volume ratio and low wettability
in magnesium melt [55]. In contrast, acoustic cavitation and
streaming effects resulting from ultrasonic vibration has been
proven to successfully disperse nano-sized particles [33,34],
Fig. 7. (a) Schematic of the ultrasonic processing and (b) evaporation of
but it is still difficult to produce large ingots of the com-
alloy [21].
posites by the only use of ultrasonic vibration [33]. In this
case, the combination of stir casting with ultrasonic vibration,
which achieved a macroscopic and microscopic dispersion of
the composite reinforced with traditional micro-sized particles nanoparticles and the preparation of large-size nanocompos-
and fibers. Lan et al. also found that the nano-sized SiC par- ite, has been developed to fabricate the high-quality mag-
ticles were dispersed fairly well although some small clusters nesium matrix nanocomposite. Especially, SiC nanoparticles
still existed in the AZ91D magnesium matrix nanocomposite reinforced magnesium matrix composites ingots weighing up
fabricated by ultrasonic vibration [33]. to 20 kg have been successfully prepared by combination of
stir casting and ultrasonic vibration.
2.1.3. Mg containing a dense uniform dispersion of Fig. 9 gives the typical schematic of experimental setup
nanoparticles prepared by ultrasonic vibration for the combination of stir casting and ultrasonic vibra-
So far, it is very difficult to disperse high-content nanopar- tion [35]. The stir casting can be used to incorporate the
ticles in melts by the only use of ultrasonic vibration. There- nanoparticles while the ultrasonic vibration can be utilized
fore, the technology involving in the combination of ultrasonic to break nanoparticle clusters and clean the nanoparticle sur-
processing and evaporation has been developed by Chen et al. face. Magnesium matrix composites with varying nanoparti-
[21] to obtain a magnesium matrix nanocomposite containing cles or matrix alloy such as SiCp /AZ91 [35], SiCp /AZ31B
a dense uniform dispersion of nanoparticles. As shown in [56], TiCp /Mg-4Zn-0.5Ca [57], TiCp /Mg–2Zn–0.8Sr–0.2Ca
Fig. 7, in the first step ultrasonic processing was used to pre- [58] and (SiC+TiC)p /AZ91 [59] nanocomposites have been
pare the Mg-6 Zn matrix composite melt containing 1 vol% successfully fabricated by the combination of ultrasonic vibra-
SiC. The second step was to evaporate away magnesium and tion and semisolid stirring. For instance, for the SiCp /AZ91
zinc from the composite melt at 6 torr in a vacuum fur- nanocomposite, as shown in Fig. 10 [35], as the semisolid
nace. Finally, after evaporation and slow cooling, an Mg– stirring time was 5 min, the SiC nanoparticles were homoge-
2Zn matrix containing about 14 vol% SiC nanoparticles was nously dispersed in the SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite. The in-
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5+;October 8, 2020;7:14]
6 K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 8. (a)(b) SEM images of the Mg2 Zn (14 vol% SiC) at different magnifications; (c) the principle of thermally activated dispersion and stabilization, (d)
interface between a SiC nanoparticle and the magnesium matrix [21].

Fig. 9. Typical schematic of experimental setup for the combination of stir casting and ultrasonic vibration.

crease in the stirring time led to obvious agglomeration of given in Fig. 11. Bottom pouring was arranged for the cru-
SiC nanoparticles as shown in Fig. 10(c). TEM images at high cible. Two jets of argon were used to disintegrate the com-
magnification indicated that the agglomerated SiC nanoparti- posite melt. Due to the rapid solidification of the atom-
cles were still segregated by magnesium matrix as shown in ized melt, fine equiaxed grains, low porosity and uniform
Fig. 10(d). distribution of reinforcements can be obtained by the dis-
integrated melt deposition technology. Further, it has been
2.3. Disintegrated melt deposition reported that the melting and casting of 25 kg of magnesium
can be achieved by upgrading the DMD furnace, and an ex-
Disintegrated melt deposition (DMD) combines the advan- truded billet with width of 140 mm, thickness of 10 mm and
tages of spray processing and conventional casting, which length approximately 5 to 6 m can be produced. As shown
utilizes higher superheat temperatures and lower impinging in Fig. 12, the representative micrographs of the Mg/Y2 O3
gas jet velocities to produce bulk composite material [6]. nanocomposite synthesized by the disintegrated melt deposi-
Schematic diagram of disintegrated melt deposition setup was tion technology showed that the reinforcement appeared in-

Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 10. TEM images of SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposites fabricated by the combination of stir casting and ultrasonic vibration: (a)(b) stirring for 5 min; (c)(d)
stirring for 10 min [35].

dividually, and small clusters were visible in the matrix [60]. the in-situ magnesium matrix nanocomposites [36]. For in-
The main problem which DMD should be solved in future stance, the interfaces between the matrix and reinforcement
is how to incorporate high volume fraction of reinforcements are cleaner relative to external reinforcement, contributing to
(> 3% for nano-size reinforcements) due to an increase in a stronger interfacial bonding. The nanoparticles are thermo-
viscosity of the melt making it difficult to stir and homoge- dynamically stable, finer and more uniformly distributed, re-
neously distribute the reinforcements. sulting in improvement in mechanical properties both at room
and high temperatures. However, only a small amount of liter-
2.4. Other preparation technologies ature focuses on magnesium matrix nanocomposite processed
by in situ synthesis compared with its use in aluminum ma-
Other commonly preparation technologies to synthesize trix composite [61–65]. Fig. 13 shows the microstructures
magnesium matrix nanocomposite include in situ synthesis, of the as-cast in-situ AlN/Mg composite fabricated by bub-
friction stir processing and powder metallurgy, etc. bling nitrogen gas into a molten Mg–Al alloy [62]. The black
(Fig. 13(a)) and gray (Fig. 13(b) and (c)) block mass includ-
ing some long-fibered structures, were uniformly distributed
2.4.1. In situ synthesis method in the matrix, and the main composition of the block mass and
The nanoparticles reinforcement in the in-situ magnesium fibered-shape structures are determined as AlN nanoparticles.
matrix nanocomposites were synthesized by the reaction be-
tween the raw materials. There are many advantages for
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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8 K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx

SiC particles has been fabricated by FSP [37]. Most nano-

sized SiC particles dispersed singly in the AZ91D matrix.
This successful applications of FSP in producing fine-grained
structure and surface composite, demonstrated that FSP is en-
ergy efficient, environment friendly, and versatile, and can be
developed to be a generic metalworking technique that can
provide the localized modification and control of microstruc-
tures in the near-surface layers of processed magnesium [69].

2.4.3. Powder metallurgy

Powder metallurgy (PM) technique involves mixing the
metal powders and nano-reinforcements in the desired com-
position by simple blending or by mechanical alloying. In
general, extending the blending time at high rotational speed
or mechanical alloying using high energy ball milling can be
used to disperse the nanoparticles. The mixed powders were
then pressed to form green compacts and sintered using re-
sistance heating or microwave heating [70]. PM technique
was effective in adding different types of reinforcements and
higher volume fraction of reinforcements [71,72]. As shown
in Fig. 15, a ZK60 magnesium alloys reinforced by 0.05 wt%
of nano-size diamond has been successfully fabricated by PM
Fig. 11. Schematic diagram of disintegrated melt deposition setup [6].
[38]. HRTEM and selected area electron diffraction (SAED)
were used to analyze the distribution and interface structure
of the 0.05 wt% ND/ZK60 composite. It can be seen form
Fig. 15(a) and (b) that the ND particles were uniformly dis-
tributed in the matrix. Fig. 15(c) shows the interface structure
between ND and the ZK60 matrix. No interfacial reactions
can be observed which can ascribed to the chemical stability
of ND particles. This clean and atomic scaled interface led to
a performance improvement. In general, secondary processing
such as extrusion or rolling are required to further consoli-
date or shape the composite prepared by PM. Further, the PM
equipment is complicated, resulting in a high production cost,
and thus this preparation process is not suitable for the indus-
trial production of large-volume and complex-shaped parts.

3. Hot deformation of magnesium matrix composite

reinforced by nanoparticles
Fig. 12. Representative micrographs showing the distribution of nanoparticles
in a Y2 O3 /Mg nanocomposite synthesized by disintegrated melt deposition
[60]. It is known that the introduction of harden particle in mag-
nesium matrix can not only affect the occurrence of dynamic
recrystallization (DRX), but also influence the deformation
2.4.2. Friction stir processing behavior of magnesium matrix nanocomposite. More dislo-
During friction stir processing (FSP) large amounts of fric- cations can be generated during deformation process due to
tion heat can be generated by a hard tool which was forced the deformation mismatch between the harden particles and
into the metallic plates, raising the temperature of material magnesium matrix. Meanwhile, the appearance of particles
in the processed zone. The processed material can be broken also makes it hard for the movement of dislocations and grain
and mixed by the intense stir of rotating tool in FSP, thus it is boundaries. For the micro size particles with a diameter larger
able to add the particles to the plasticized matrix through the than 1 μm, the region with high-density dislocation and large
mechanical action of the tool [66,67], which is suitable for orientation gradient can be formed in the vicinity of parti-
the fast fabrication of high-performance metal matrix compos- cle owing to the deformation mismatch between the particle
ites [68]. Due to that the substrate does not melt by the heat and matrix, which is recognized as particle deformation zone
evolved, interfacial reactions were limited and the physical (PDZ) [73,74]. PDZ is about one diameter along the inter-
properties of the reinforcement particle had little influence on face between particle and Mg matrix, which enlarges with
the nature of the distribution. As shown in Fig. 14, an AZ91D increasing size of SiCp [11]. The recrystallization nucleation
magnesium alloy matrix composites reinforced with nano-size can be promoted by the high storage energy in PDZ, which
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5+;October 8, 2020;7:14]
K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

Fig. 13. Micrographs of the in-situ-prepared AlN/Mg–Al composite [62].

for the magnesium matrix nanocomposite. Previous works

have demonstrated that fine particles had a strong pinning
effect on grain boundary [75], and can promote the nucle-
ation of DRXed grains, which made the grains in Mg matrix
remarkably be refined after hot deformation for the magne-
sium matrix nanocomposites [76–78]. It was thought that the
nanoparticles could not only promote the generation of dislo-
cations owing to deformation mismatch of the particles with
matrix, but also lead to the increase of dislocation density due
to their pinning effect on dislocations. Thus, the nanoparticles
were considered to be beneficial to the nucleation of DRXed
Moreover, the occurrence of recrystallization is also re-
lated to the deformation temperature and strain rate, which
relates to the deformation methods. The common deforma-
tion methods available for the magnesium matrix composites
reinforced by nanoparticles include hot extrusion, hot rolling,
multidirectional forging, etc.

Fig. 14. TEM micrograph of the FSPed composite showing the distribution
3.1. Hot extrusion
of SiC nanoparticles [37].

For a common extrusion processing, a cylindrical billet of

was called as particle stimulated nucleation (PSN) mechanism a certain length and cross section, is forced to flow through
[73,74]. However, for the nanoparticles smaller than 100 nm, a die of a desired cross section, thus forming the billet to
the PDF size decreases significantly, thus PDZ has a negli- the new cross section. The extrusion is able to manufac-
gible effect on the promotion of recrystallization nucleation ture complex cross sections, which is uniform over the en-
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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10 K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 15. (a) TEM image and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and (b) HRTEM image of the 0.05 wt% ND/ZK60 composite [38].

Fig. 16. SEM images of as-extruded (a)(b) AZ91 alloy and (c)(d) SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite [50].

tire length. Similar to other forming processes, extrusion can trusion speed, etc. As can be seen in Fig. 16, the grain struc-
be performed either hot or cold. The biggest advantage of ture of the as-extruded SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite was refined
extrusion carried out at elevated temperatures is that it can as compared to the as-cast counterpart [80]. The as-extruded
reduce the extrusion force and improve the ductility of the AZ91 alloy was composed of coarse grains with refined pre-
material [79]. With reduced raw material wastage and high cipitates along the grain boundaries as shown in Fig. 16(a)
production rate, hot extrusion with low cost can be suitable and (b). By contrast, the SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite con-
for the deformation of brittle material. sisted of SiC nanoparticle bands and the refined-grain zones
There are some factors that affect the quality of extrusion as shown in Fig. 16(c). At high magnification, as shown in
such as extrusion ratio, billet temperature, lubrication, and ex- Fig. 16(d), fine grains with SiC nanoparticles along the grain

Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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Fig. 17. OM micrographs of as-extruded SiCp /AZ31B nanocomposites: (a) 1 vol%, (b) 2 vol%, (c) 3 vol% [48].

boundaries were presented in the SiC nanoparticle bands. The microstructure of the as-rolled AZ31 alloy and SiCp/AZ31
added SiC nanoparticles could introduce larger strain and re- nanocomposite sheets was given in Fig. 19 [85]. For the AZ31
tard the grain growth, resulting in the severer dynamic recrys- alloy, numerous fine grains were distributed in the vicinity of
tallization and refiner grains [81]. As shown in Fig. 17, when the initial grain boundaries as shown in Fig. 19(a). Moreover,
the volume fraction of SiC nanoparticles increased from 1% to there were a number of twin lamellas in the relatively coarse
3%, the grain size of the extruded SiC/AZ31 nanocomposites grains, which served as nucleation some recrystallized grains
was gradually decreased while the degree of recrystallization (Fig. 19(b)). The shear bands formed by the recrystallized
was increased [56]. Choi and Li et al. reported that the mi- grains within twin lamellas were at an angle of 30–45° with
crostructure of the Mg–1%SiC nanocomposites exhibited an the rolling direction. In contrast, the microstructure of the
obvious grain refinement and the occurrence of microbands nanocomposite with few coarse grains was more uniform and
that align the SiC nanoparticles parallel to the direction of ex- finer, which indicates that the added nanoparticles could pro-
trusion [82]. The optical microstructures of the as-cast and the mote the dynamic recrystallization during hot rolling. Besides,
as-extruded (SiC+TiC)p /AZ91 nanocomposites were given in there were some discontinuous nanoparticle bands along the
Fig. 18 [59]. It can be seen that the average grain size for rolling direction and no shear band formed in the nanocom-
the as-cast nanocomposite was ∼55.79 mm, which was sig- posite.
nificantly decreased to ∼0.82, ∼1.02 and ∼1.34 mm with in-
creasing the extrusion speed from 0.1 to 1 mm/s. 3.3. Multidirectional forging

3.2. Hot rolling In addition to the application of conventional thermo me-

chanical process, severe plastic deformation (SPD) has been
Rolling is another method often used for the hot defor- also used to achieve the exceptional grain refinement [87–
mation of magnesium based materials [83,84]. During hot 90]. Among the various SPD methods, multidirectional forg-
rolling, the deformation resistance is low so the amount of ing (MDF) possessed many advantages such as preserving
deformation can be increased by consuming less energy. After the shape, especially fitting for the brittle materials and rel-
hot rolling, certain defects in the cast metal can be eliminated, atively large samples [91–98]. The principle of MDF, i.e.
the compactness and mechanical properties of the metal will multidirectional forging operation, is repeating compression
be improved. However, the mechanical properties required for process with changing the axis of the applied strain x → y
the product cannot be controlled accurately and the proper- →z →x → . . . at each step. Redundant plastic strains can
ties of the hot rolled product are not uniform. Only a few be accumulated into the material as it is repeatedly de-
attempts of hot rolling have been done for magnesium matrix formed. Fig. 20 shows the optical microstructure of AZ91
composites reinforced by nanoparticles [85,86]. The optical alloy and SiCp/AZ91 nanocomposites subjected to different
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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Fig. 18. OM images of (SiC+TiC)p/AZ91 nanocomposites: (a) as-cast, and extruded at the speed of (b) 1 mm/s, (c) 0.5 mm/s, (d) 0.1 mm/s(Inserts are high
magnified OM micrographs of as-extruded (SiC+TiC)p/AZ91 nanocomposite) [59].

MDF passes [92]. As shown in Fig. 20(a), the AZ91 alloy the 0.5 wt%TiCp /Mg-4Zn-0.5Ca and 1 wt% (SiC+TiC)p /AZ91
exhibited an inhomogeneous microstructure, which is con- magnesium matrix composites, respectively. The YS, UTS
sisted of newly formed smaller grains and original coarse and elongation were improved for the 0.5 wt%TiCp /Mg-4Zn-
grains. In comparison, the nanocomposite after 1 MDF pass 0.5Ca nanocomposites relative to the Mg–4Zn–0.5Ca ma-
was characterized by slightly increased extent of dynamic trix composite reinforced by micron-size SiC particles [100].
recrystallization. With increasing the number of MDF passes, Furthermore, the 1 wt% (SiC+TiC)p /AZ91 nanocomposite ex-
the degree of recrystallization and the homogeneity of mi- hibited higher YS and UTS compared with the Mg–5Al–2Ca
crostructure were simultaneously increased for both the AZ91 matrix composite reinforced by micron-size SiC particles with
alloy and its nanocomposite. Furthermore, there was little average sizes of 1 μm, 5 μm and 10 μm [101]. Regarding
change in the grain size after 3 and 6 passes by compar- to the matrix alloys, for example, AZ91, pure Mg, ZK60A,
ing the nanocomposite containing SiC nanoparticles to the AZ31, Mg–8Al–1Sn and Mg–3Al–1Zn all reinforced by mi-
AZ91 alloy. This suggested that the inhibition of the recrys- cron or nano-sized particles, the YS of the both TiCp/Mg–
tallized grains growth caused by the added SiC nanoparticles 4Zn–0.5Ca and 1 wt% (SiC+TiC)p/AZ91 nanocomposite re-
would be impaired when the nanocomposite was subjected to mained higher relative to other magnesium matrix composites
MDF at high temperature. Similar microstructure evolution [102–107]. Besides, it can be seen that the nano-SiCp/AZ91
was found in a nano-TiCp /Mg-Zn-Ca composites after MDF composites in the as-cast and as-extruded conditions exhibited
at 270 °C [99]. reasonable elongation. As the volume fraction of SiC nanopar-
ticles increased, the YS and UTS of nano-SiCp/AZ31 com-
posites increased significantly while the elongation decreased
3.4. Mechanical properties of magnesium matrix composite gradually. With regard to the as-extruded Mg/1.1 vol% 50 nm
reinforced by nanoparticles after hot deformation Al2 O3 and AZ31B/C-F composites prepared by disintegrated
melt deposition [108,109], the YS and UTS were lower than
The mechanical properties of magnesium matrix compos- that of the nano-SiCp/AZ91 or nano-SiCp /AZ31 composites.
ite containing nanoparticles processed by different prepara- Li and coworkers reported that the YS and UTS of Mg/1%SiC
tion or deformation methods are given in Table 1, which fabricated by single ultrasonic vibration were also improved
are compared to some typical micro-size particles reinforced compared with pure magnesium [82]. The as-cast SiCp /AZ91
magnesium matrix composites. Refs. [34], [35] and [56] nanocomposite fabricated by ultrasonic vibration assisted stir-
are related to magnesium matrix composites containing SiC ring casting showed relatively high YS and UTS reported by
nanoparticles fabricated by the combination of ultrasonic vi- Li and coworkers [110]. The YS of as-extruded SiCp /AZ31
bration and stir casting. Refs. [57] and [59] correspond to nanocomposite fabricated by single ultrasonic vibration was
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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Fig. 19. Optical microstructure of the as-rolled sheets after for 4 passes (the horizontal is RD): (a)(b) AZ31 alloy, (c)(d) SiCp /AZ31B nanocomposite, (e)
grain size distribution of the nanocomposite [85].

comparable to the as-extruded SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite fab- by dispersed nanoparticles and grain refinement after HPT
ricated by the combination of ultrasonic vibration and stir can explain the remarkable yield strength of 710 ± 35 MPa
casting [111], while the UTS and elongation were lower than attained for the Mg2Zn (14 vol% SiC) sample, which is the
the SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite. Accordingly, the preparation highest yield strength reported for magnesium alloys and their
technology for the magnesium matrix nanocomposites can composites [21].
be further optimized to achieve refined grains and homoge-
nous nanoparticles distribution in the follow-up study. For
instance, ultrasonic vibration could be added during the so- 3.5. Deformation mechanism of magnesium matrix
lidification of magnesium matrix nanocomposites and the pre- composite reinforced by nanoparticles
treatment of the nanoparticles could be adopt for the nanopar-
ticles. Besides, secondary deformation at slow speed and low The hot deformation behavior of material is usually in-
temperatures could be applied to the magnesium matrix vestigated by the constitutive equation which represents the
nanocomposites. Dynamic precipitation and ultrafine grains relationship among flow stress, strain rate and temperature.
could occur in the magnesium matrix nanocomposites de- There are three constitutive equations including exponential,
formed at slow speed and low temperatures, which contributed power and hyperbolic sinusoids, which can be used to reveal
to the increased mechanical properties. Furthermore, advanced the high-temperature deformation behavior. According to the
detections such as neutron diffraction, in-situ SEM and TEM constitutive equation, the values of both the stress index n
as well as theoretic analysis in details using materials com- and deformation activation energy Q can be obtained, which
putation have still not yet been used in the research of mag- can be used to illustrate the deformation mechanism of the
nesium matrix nanocomposites. The combined strengthening material [11,112].
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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Fig. 20. OM micrographs after MDF at 400 °C: (a) 1, (c) 3, (e) 6 passes of the AZ91 alloy; (b) 1, (d) 3, (f) 6 passes of the SiCp /AZ91 nanocomposite [92].

Wang et al. [113] investigated the compression curves of variation in the strain rate affected the value of Q for the
nano-SiCp/AZ91 composite at 250–400 °C, and the calculated nano-Al2 O3p /Mg composite. The value of Q increased to
deformation activation energy Q of ∼185 kJ/mol for the com- 305 kJ/mol as the strain rate decreased, which was larger
posite was higher relative to the self-diffusion activation en- than the self-diffusion activation energy of pure magne-
ergy of pure magnesium (135 kJ/mol) [78]. The deformation sium (135 kJ/mol), and thus the deformation mechanism was
mechanism of nano-SiCp/AZ91 composite was considered as thought to be controlled by lattice self-diffusion [75]. The
dislocation climbing mechanism controlled by self-diffusion high-temperature deformation behavior of a 1.5 vol% nano-
[113]. Further research of Nie et al. found that the deforma- Al2 O3p /AZ31 composite fabricated by DMD method has been
tion ability of AZ91 alloy under high-temperature conditions investigated by Zhong et al. [112]. The grain boundary slid-
can be improved by the addition of nanoparticles [114]. Zhang ing which can be hindered by the existence of nanoparticles
et al. reported that the incorporation of SiC nanoparticles en- to some extent, was thought to have an important role in the
hances the high temperature (>655 K) workability of AZ91 as-extruded nano-Al2 O3p /AZ31 composite with fine grains.
by increasing the upper limit of the processing strain rate and
enables low temperature processing by decreasing the lower 4. Strengthening mechanisms of magnesium matrix
limit of the temperature [115]. composite reinforced by nanoparticles
An as-extruded 1 vol% nano-Al2 O3p /Mg composite has
been compressed at high temperature by Prasad et al. [75], In general, there are different strengthening mechanisms
and it was found that the values of deformation activation such as grain refinement strengthening, Orowan strengthen-
energy Q for the nanocomposite was close to the grain ing, Taylor strengthening and load transfer mechanism for
boundary diffusion activation energy (92 kJ/mol). Further, the the metal matrix composites. It has been shown that Hall-
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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Table 1
Mechanical properties of magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles processed by different preparation or deformation methods.

Materials 0.2%YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) EL (%)

1 vol% nano-SiCp/AZ91 (as-cast) [34] 88 222 8.1
1 vol% nano-SiCp/AZ91 (as-extruded) [35] 213 320 14.7
1 vol% nano-SiCp/AZ31 (as-extruded) [56] 225 300 8.3
2 vol% nano-SiCp/AZ31 (as-extruded) [56] 268 335 6.8
3 vol% nano-SiCp/AZ91 (as-extruded) [56] 313 380 6
14 vol% SiCp/Mg-2 Zn (HPT processed) [21] 716 – –
0.5 wt%TiCp /Mg-4Zn-0.5Ca (as-extruded) [57] 355.3 385.7 10.2%
1 wt% (SiC+TiC)p /AZ91 (as-extruded) [59] 345.6 397.2 5.2%
10 μm M-SiCp/Mg-4Zn-0.5Ca (as-extruded) [100] 250 330 6.8
1 μm M-SiCp/Mg-5Al-2Ca(as-extruded) [101] 254 307 4.5
5 μm M-SiCp/Mg-5Al-2Ca (as-extruded) [101] 243 313 11
10 μm M-SiCp/Mg-5Al-2Ca (as-extruded) [101] 235 300 12
S-0.2 + M −10 μm SiCp/AZ91(as-extruded) [102] 328.8 360.1 1.28
10 μm M-SiCp/AZ91(as-extruded) [102] 283.1 347.6 1.18
30–50 nm TiCp/Mg(as-extruded) [103] 125 190 20
50 nm TiCp/ ZK60A(as-extruded) [104] 184 309 11.6
40 nm SiCp/ Mg–8Al–1Sn(as-extruded) [105] 230 362 6.4
Nano-(Al2 O3 +SiC)/Mg–3Al–1Zn(as-extruded) [106] 230 322 4.32
Nano-Al2 O3 /AZ31(as-rolled) [107] 121 223 9
Mg/1.1 vol% 50 nm Al2 O3 (as-extruded) [108] 175 246 14.0
AZ31B/C-F (as-extruded) [109] 200 255 12.0
Mg/1%SiC (as-extruded) [82] 133 224 8.1
SiCp/AZ91 (as-cast) [110] 141 191 –
SiCp/AZ31 (as-extruded) [111] 220 299 12.8

Petch strengthening mechanism is the most important factor ticle reinforced magnesiume matrix composite, the increment
regardless of the type of the reinforcement for the magne- in the YS related to grain refinement can be described as:
sium matrix composites. Besides, this effect depends more
σHall−Petch = ky (dnc −1/2 − dm −1/2 ) (4)
on the volume fraction of the reinforcements relative to par-
ticle size. The Orowan strengthening has been reported to be where dnc and dm stand for the grain size of nanocomposite
not a major factor for the magnesium matrix composite re- matrix and the magnesium alloy, respectively.
inforced by micro particles. Due to that the Orowan bowing
can bypass the nanoparticles, Orowan strengthening becomes (2) Orowan strengthening mechanism
more favorable in magnesium matrix composites reinforced
by highly-dispersed nano-size particles (smaller than 100 nm) Orowan strengthening mechanism is considered to be an-
even for only a small volume fraction (<1%). Further, after other important mechanism for nano-sized particle reinforced
secondary processing such as extrusion, Orowan loops are ex- metal matrix composites, which is mainly due to that the
pected to exert a back stress on dislocation sources. Therefore, movement of dislocations could be impeded by the nanopar-
it is necessary to consider the Orowan strengthening for the ticle with small particles size and particles spacing. For the
Strengthening mechanisms of magnesium matrix composite nano-sized particle reinforced magnesiume matrix composite,
reinforced by nanoparticles. The above strengthening mecha- the increment in the YS due to Orowan strengthening be ex-
nisms can be calculated by the following formula. pressed as [120]:
0.13Gm b dp
(1) Grain refinement strengthening mechanism σOrowan =  1/3
 ln (5)
d p (1/2v p ) − 1 2b
The influence of grain refinement on the mechanical prop- where dp and vp are the diameter and volume fraction of the
erties can be described by rrain refinement strengthening nanoparticles, respectively, Gm and b are the shear modulus
mechanism. The Hall-Petch equation was generally used to and Burgers vector of the matrix, respectively.
calculate the increment due to grain refinement as follows
[116–119]: (3) Taylor strengthening mechanism
σy = σ0 + ky d (3)
The thermal expansion coefficients and elastic modulus
where σ 0 and ky are the initial strength and material constant, between the matrix and reinforcement were different, which
repectively, d is the grain size. It is well known that the en- would lead to generation of dislocation associated with work
abled slip systems is few for the magnesium, so grain refine- hardening or mismatch during the hot deformation. Taylor
ment plays a significant role in the mechanical properties of strengthening mechanism has been adopted to evaluate the
magnesium alloy and its composites. For the nano-sized par- effect of the dislocation on the strength of the material. For
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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16 K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al. / Journal of Magnesium and Alloys xxx (xxxx) xxx

metal matrix nanocomposite, the strength variation related to

the mismatch of elastic modulus and work hardening could
be negligible. Thus, the increment in the YS resulting from
thermal mismatch for the magnesium matrix nanocomposite
can be expressed as [121]:

σd = M βGm b ρ CTE (6)

where M and β are Taylor factor and constant, respectively,

Gm and b stand for the shear modulus and Burgers vector
Fig. 21. Diagram of theoretical/experimental strength values vs. experimental
of the matrix, respectively. ρ CTE represents for the density of values for different unimodal nanocomposites [31].
geometric dislocation and can be described by [122]:

σl = 0.5v p σm (10)
A α T v p
= (7) The commonly used methods for estimating the strength of
bd p
magnesium matrix nanocomposite include the simple sum of
strengthening contributions, the Zhang and Chen method, and
whereA is the geometric constants related to the geometric the Clyne method [31]. For the sum of strengthening contribu-
characteristics of the particles, α stands for the difference in tions method, each factor is considered as to be independent
the thermal expansion coefficient, T stands for the tempera- and the effect of different mechanisms on each other is ne-
ture difference, vp and dp were the volume fraction and diam- glected, so it is not applicable in most cases as more factors
eter of the particles, respectivley. Accordingly, the increment influencing the strength. With regard to the Zhang and Chen
of the YS of magnesium matrix composites resulting from method, only load-bearing, Orowan strengthening, and ther-
the thermal mismatch for the composite can be expressed as mal mismatch are considered. Thus, the precise predictions
[123]: of the Zhang and Chen method is less because some impor-
tant mechanisms such as Hall-Petch strengthening, modulus
 mismatch, and work hardening are not taken into account as
√ 12(Tprocess − Ttest )(αm − α p )v p these effects are obvious in some nanocomposites. The root of
σCTE = 3βGm b (8)
bd p the sum of the squares is used in the modified Clyne method,
which consider the contributions of different mechanisms into
the strength. The diagram of theoretical/experimental strength
where Tprocess and Ttest stand for preparation temperature and of composites vs. the experimental values is given in Fig. 21.
the performance test temperature, respectively. α m andα p rep- It can be clear seen that the calculated values by almost all of
resent thermal expansion coefficients of the magnesium alloy the methods are higher relative to the experimental strength.
matrix and nano-sized particulate reinforcement, respectively. This overestimated strength may be related to agglomeration
of particles, contaminations during the process and porosities
etc. which have a negative effect on the strength and not been
(4) Load transfer mechanism considered. Further, the values calculated by both the Zhang
and Chen method and modified Clyne method are consis-
tent with the experimental values, and the values predicted
by the modified Clyne method have the least deviation. For
When the interfacial bonding between the dispersed par- instance, by comparing the theoretic computation predicted
ticles and the matrix was good, the load applied could be by the modified Clyne method and related experiments, as
transferred from the material to the reinforcement. This load the volume fraction of nanoparticles was 1 vol%, the incre-
transfer mechanism can be expressed as [124,125]: ment in the YS of the nano-SiCp/AZ91 composites could be
mainly related to grain refinement mechanism and Orowan
 strengthening [48]. In contrast, for the 14 vol% SiCp/Mg–2Zn
(1 + t )A
σl = v p σm (9) nanocomposites, because fine intermetallic precipitates were
not observed and the densely dispersed nanoparticles was con-
sidered to be the main strengthening mechanism [21]. Before
where σ m stands for the yield strength of the magnesium ma- HPT, the contribution to the strengthening from dense dis-
trix, land t are the dimension and thickness of the nano-sized persed nanoparticles is about 360 MPa, the contribution by
particulate reinforcement, respectively. A = l/t, which repre- the mismatch of thermal expansion coefficient is 113 MPa and
sents the aspect ratio of the particles. The increment in the the rest of the strengthening contribution can be attributed to
YS due to load transfer can be described as [126]: the load-bearing mechanism. After HPT, Hall–Petch mech-
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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anism is the main contribution to the strength from HPT fatigue resistance over the entire range of maximum stress
processing. As stated above, the decrease in size and in- at both the tested load ratios. Thus, more attention can be
crease in volume fraction can lead to considerable increase paid to the above mechanical properties of magnesium ma-
in Orowan strengthening effect and dislocation strengthening. trix composites reinforced by nanoparticles in order to further
The load transfer mechanism contributes less due to small expand their application.
volume fraction of nanoparticles added. Thus, in order to
further improve the performance of the magnesium matrix
composites reinforced by nanoparticles, the high content of
nano-size particulate reinforcement should be added in com- 6. Potential applications of magnesium matrix composite
bination with subsequent secondary deformation. This can in- reinforced by nanoparticles
crease the Orowan strengthening effect, load-bearing mecha-
nism and the grain refinement strengthening provided that the As of now, the magnesium matrix composites reinforced
nanoparticles added can be dispersed evenly in the magnesium by nanoparticles are not commonly available. However, owing
matrix. to their lightweight, excellent dimensional stability and me-
chanical integrity, the development of new magnesium ma-
5. Other properties of magnesium matrix composite trix nanocomposites are considered as possible candidates
reinforced by nanoparticles in aerospace, automotive, electronics and biomedical sectors
for substituting traditional magnesium alloys and composites
The mechanical properties of magnesium matrix compos- [147]. In the automotive industry, fuel consumption will be
ites are determined from different strength tests, these in- reduced by 7% if the weight can be reduced by 10%. If
cludes tensile strength, compression test, three-point flexural the currently used automotive materials can be replaced with
strength, hardness test, impact strength etc. Literature search magnesium and its composites, there will be a reduction of
shows that there are limited studies regarding to the fric- 22–70% in the weight. Several AZ and AM alloys with good
tion, wear, fatigue, fracture, corrosion, damping etc. of the strength and ductility at room temperature have been applied
magnesium matrix nanocomposites reinforced by nano-sized as sheets or other automobile components in the automobile
particles while most literatures evaluating mechanical prop- sector [148]. For the developed magnesium matrix nanocom-
erties (including friction, wear, fatigue, fracture, corrosion, posites with good thermal and dimensional stabilities, it can
damping etc.) focus on the magnesium matrix composites re- be used as engine blocks in the elevated-temperature appli-
inforced by micro-sized particles [127–142]. Deepan et al. cations. The aerospace industry has the similar requirement
[143] investigated the strength and wear properties of Mg/SiC in weight saving, so magnesium is also an available can-
nanocomposite fabricated through FSP route. It was showed didate which can reduce the consumption of fuel, decrease
that the abrasive wear property of the Mg–SiC nanocompos- the aircraft weight and the CO2 emissions [149]. There has
ite was verified with respect to the FSP process parameters. been enormous improvement in ignition temperatures of sev-
Selvam et al. [132] reported the dry sliding wear behavior eral magnesium matrix nanocomposites [150], which shows
of a magnesium matrix composite reinforced with zinc oxide a potential advantage to be used in the aircraft industry. With
nano-particles. The wear rate of the Mg/ZnO nanocompos- regarding to consumer electronic industries, the electromag-
ite was found to increase with the load and sliding veloc- netic shielding capacity and the ability to withstand ambient
ity. Jabbari et al. [135] studied the high cycle fatigue (HCF) or outdoor temperatures are two key requirements for the use
behavior of AZ31B/1.5 vol.% Al2 O3 nanocomposite at ele- of an electronic equipment. Previous studies have been shown
vated temperatures. The results of HCF tests at 100 °C and that the electromagnetic shielding capacity of magnesium is
200 °C showed that enhanced ultimate tensile strength in the the same or even superior to that of aluminum alloys [151].
composite was the most important factor in modifying the Further, magnesium and its nanocomposite exhibit an excel-
HCF behavior at the higher temperature. Generally, magne- lent stiffness and the best specific damping capacities among
sium and its alloys experience galvanic corrosion in a physio- known structural materials [152], which is viable alternative
logical environment due to their anodic behavior when alloyed with a solid looking metallic touch. Furthermore, biomedical
with other metals. The addition of reinforcing nanoparticles application is also a potential application for magnesium ma-
has been reported to enhance corrosion resistance of magne- trix nanocomposites [153]. At present, more and more atten-
sium matrices [144]. The AZ91-fluorapatite (FA) nanocom- tion has been paid to bio-magnesium materials including mi-
posites presented increased corrosion resistance compared to croclips, implant materials and suture wires since magnesium
the AZ91 magnesium alloy and the corrosion resistance of was an abundant mineral in the human body. Some research
the AZ91-FA nanocomposites increased with an increase in suggests that excessive levels of magnesium ions introduced
FA content [145]. Futher, Srivatsan et al. [146] discussed the during the degradation or corrosion of magnesium implants
intrinsic influence of nano-alumina particulate (Al2 O3p ) re- could be easily excreted through urine [154–156]. Thus,
inforcements on microstructure, microhardness, tensile prop- the development of new magnesium matrix nanocomposites
erties, tensile fracture, cyclic stress-controlled fatigue, and with acceptable corrosion rate may be available to overcome
final fracture behavior of a magnesium alloy. The Al2 O3p the current limitations in magnesium alloys as biomedical
nanoparticle-reinforced composite revealed improved cyclic materials.
Please cite this article as: K.B. Nie, X.J. Wang, K.K. Deng et al., Magnesium matrix composite reinforced by nanoparticles – A review, Journal of Magnesium
and Alloys, https:// 10.1016/ j.jma.2020.08.018
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7. Prospects Structural-functional integration is an important trend in

the development of new magnesium matrix nanocom-
With the continuous advancement of nanotechnology and posites through coating, multilayer stacking, and gradi-
the urgent need for light weighting, the research and appli- ent combination. Further, the use of nanoparticles for
cation fields of magnesium matrix composites reinforced by welding is a field worth of further investigation, the ef-
nanoparticles will be also expanded. In order to further im- fect grain refinement caused by the nanoparticles could
prove the comprehensive performance of magnesium matrix significantly improving the welding quality.
nanocomposites and promote their research and industrializa-
tion, there are some aspects which deserve to make efforts as Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
(1) The present research on magnesium matrix compos-
ites is mainly focused on improving the dispersion Acknowledgments
of the reinforcement and interface bonding. There is
less attention on the composition optimization of ma- This work was supported by the National Natural Science
trix alloy. The current research on the low-alloyed Foundation of China [grant numbers 51671066, 51771129,
magnesium matrix nanocomposites has shown that YS 51771128], and the “Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi”
of 423.6 MPa along with UTS of 436.8 MPa can be [grant number 2015021067].
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