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The 24th World Congress of Architecture

Dates: Main Venue: Sub-Venues: Host:

Sunday, September 25 Saturday, October 1, 2011 Tokyo International Forum / Marunouchi District others Yoyogi National Gymnasium / National Olympic Memorial Youth Center, etc. International Union of Architects (UIA) / UIA 2011 TOKYO Japan Organizing Board (JOB)

*The programs are including the planning stage and are subject to change.
UIA 2011 TOKYO Japan Organizing Board JIA-Kan 2-3-18, Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 150-0001 Japan Tel: +81-3-5411-7271 Fax: +81-3-5411-1182

In this autumn 2011, Japan will host the 24th World Congress of Architecture UIA2011. The UIA World Congress is a major international event that attracts around 10,000 architects, engineers, researchers, students and others from some 130 countries and regions. The inaugural World Congress took place in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1948. Since then the event has been held in various cities at intervals of approximately three years. The first World Congress in Asia was held in Beijing in 1999. This year Tokyo will become the second Asian host city. The environment, communities, people Contemporary architecture is intimately linked to all activities on the planet and has a significant influence on those activities. In the 21 st century, architecture will be called upon to fulfill an even greater role and responsibilities in the creation of sustainable societies and attractive cities, and in the protections of human life and lifestyles. This is why DESIGN 2050 has been chosen as the theme for UIA2011. UIA2011 will bring together architects, engineers, researchers and students from every part of the world to create a vision for the future of architecture and cities, and to share the results of that work with the world. Japan has an international reputation for excellence in architecture design, construction technology and environmental technology. This is reflected in the steadily growing number of architects, engineers and researchers from other countries who are active in Japan. Hosted by Japan, a country where architecture is evolving beyond the barriers of nationality, ethnicity, religion and language, the 2011 UIA World Congress in Tokyo will be a touchstone of diving the future of global architecture. In addition to presentations by some of the worlds leading architects, the program for UIA2011 will also include technical sessions, international competitions, exhibitions, workshops, tours and many other activities. UIA2011 will be a highly significant event for the future of architecture. It will also be an excellent opportunity to experience the architecture and culture for which Japan is world-renowned. We look forward to seeing you at UIA2011 in Tokyo.

Main Theme

Contemporary architecture is intimately linked to all activities on the planet and has a significant influence on them. In the 21st century, architecture will be called upon to fulfill an even greater role and responsibilities in the creation of sustainable societies and attractive cities, and in the protection of human life and lifestyles.

That is why DESIGN 2050 has been chosen as the main theme for UIA2011 TOKYO with three sub-themes: Environment, Cultural Exchange and Life. The upcoming congress will bring together architects, engineers, researchers and students from every part of the world to create a future vision of architecture and cities of 2050 and beyond.

We will look at a wide range of environmental issues, including not only topics relating to the creation of a low-carbon society, such as global warming and energy, but also natural disasters, including tsunami and earthquakes, and the programs of water and architecture. This is a field in which Japan has built a substantial body of technology and has the opportunity to lead the world by presenting a clearly defined stance.

Cultural Exchange
We will debate the future of economic activities, cities, transportation and other facets of the global Internet-linked information society. We will also focus on wide-ranging cultural aspects of the information society, including cityscapes, historical heritage, cultural exchange and education.

This sub-theme will encompass a wide variety of topics relating to life and lifestyles in the 21st century, including explosive world population growth, demographic aging and birthrate decline in developed countries, the diversity of urban lifestyles, the role of agricultural and fishing communities, and health care. We will also focus on biodiversity and other issues affecting life on Earth.

Schedule of UIA2011 TOKYO

Main Programs Morning September 25th (Sun) Opening Ceremony Keynote Speech 1 Theme Session 1 Academic Program (Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works) Work Program 1, 2 UIA Commissions 1 Keynote Speech 3 Theme Session 3 Academic Program (Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works) Work Program 7-10 Presentation of UIA national sections Special Guest Lectures 2 Theme Session 4 (Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works) Work Program 14 UIA Commissions 2 Presentation of UIA national sections UIA Assembly UIA Assembly UIA Assembly UIA Council Meeting Afternoon UIA Assembly After Evening Welcome Party (National Olympics Memorial Youth Center : NYC Public Symposium


26th (Mon)

27th (Tue)

28th (Wed)

Keynote Speech 2 Theme Session 2 Academic Program (Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works) Work Program 3-6 UIA Commissions 4 Other programs Keynote Speech 4 Special Guest Lectures 1 Academic Program (Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works) Work Program11-13 Presentation of Student Competition Other programs Keynote Speech 5, 6 Theme Session 5 (Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works) Work Program 15-17 Presentation of UIA national sections Other programs UIA Assembly UIA Assembly UIA Council Meeting

Awarding Ceremony

Closing Ceremony Farewell Party (Nihonbashi District)

29th (Thu) 30th (Fri) October 1st (Sat)

* UIA2011 TOKYO, the 24th World Congress of Architecture will be held various programs at the Tokyo International Forum as main venue and other districts including Marunouchi, Nihonbashi, Roppongi, Yoyogi and Tokyo Big Sight.

Keynote Speakers
Christo (USA), Artist
Christo was born in the town of Gabrovo, Bulgaria, June 13, 1935. After graduating from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Christo studied in Vienna and Geneva before defecting in Paris in 1958. He met Jeanne-Claude in the autumn of the same year, after which they began creating unique works of art together. They moved to New York City in 1964. In later projects they often used cloth to transform urban and suburban scenery, as exemplified in The Valley Curtain, Rifle, Colorado, 1970-72, The Pont-Neuf Wrapped, Paris, 1975-85, and The Umbrellas, Japan-USA, 1984-91, The Gates, Central Park, New York City, 1979-2005. Ongoing works include The Mastaba Project for the United Arab Emirates, which began in 1977, and Over the River, Project for the Arkansas River, State of Colorado, which began in 1992. Christo still devotes himself to the completion of these two projects in spite of the sudden death of Jeanne-Claude on November 18, 2009.

Copyright: Christo and Jeanne-Claude, 2005, photo: Wolfgang Volz.

Jigmi Yoezer Thinley (Kingdom of Bhutan), Prime Minister of Bhutan President

Born in Bumthang, Jigmi Yoezer Thinley joined the civil service in 1974. In February 1987, Thinley was awarded the title of dasho (Order of the Red Scarf), and in 1990 became administrator of the Eastern Zone. In 1992, he became secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs before being appointed deputy minister of home affairs in January 1994, at which time he was also awarded the title of lyonpo (Order of the Orange Scarf). Later in 1994, he was named Bhutans permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva. Prior to democratic elections, he served as the kings prime minister twice, from 1998 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2004; minister of foreign affairs of Bhutan, from 1998 until 2003; and minister of home and cultural affairs. In March 2008 Thinley led Druk Phuensum Tshogpa, which won 45 of the 47 seats in the National Assembly of Bhutan, and became Bhutans first elected prime minister, charged with implementing the concept of GNH.

Photo from

Vladimr lapeta (Czech), Architect, Professor, Historian

Born 1947 in Moravia, Czech. After graduating from the University of Technology in Prague in 1972, he has taught at several universities and currently is a professor of the Faculty of Architecture at the Universities of Technology in Prague and in Brno, Czech. Visiting scholar of the Canadian Centre of Architecture (CCA) in Montreal, Canada (2000). Member of the Akademie der Kuenste in Berlin (1994). Awarded HonFAIA (1992) and HonFRIBA (1997). Well known for some authors including Czech Functionalism 1918 /1938 (AA London, 1987), Brno Functionalists (Helsinki, 1983) and Bata Architecture (Zlin, 1991). And he also published monographs of many Czech architects and of an Austrian architect, Adolf Loos.

archive Vladimr lapeta.

Christoph Ingenhoven (Germany), Architect

Born in 1960 in Dsseldorf, Germany. Studied architecture at Technical University RWTH Aachen and at the Academy of Art Dsseldorf from 1978 to 1984. Formed ingenhoven architects in 1985. For Main Station Stuttgart (under construction), Christoph Ingenhoven won the Global Holcim Award Gold for Sustainable Construction. Among his bestknown projects, all with top green rating certifications are Lufthansa Aviation Center (Frankfurt, Germany/2006), European Investment Bank (Luxemburg/2008), Breez Tower(Osaka, Japan/2008), Swarovski Headquarters (Zrich, Switzerland/2010) and 1 Bligh (Sydney, Australia, in progress).
Photo: H.G. Esch.

David Adjaye (United Kingdam), Architect

Born in 1966 in Dar-Es Salam, Tanzania. Studied at Royal College of Art and received MA Arch in 1993 and awarded the RIBA First Prize Bronze Medal that same year. Formed a partnership in 1994 and reorganized into Adjaye Associates in 2000, a London-based architecture firm. His recent projects include The Moscow School of Management Skolkovo (Moscow, Russia/2010) and The New National Museum of African American History and Culture for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., USA to be completed in 2015.
Photo: Ed Reeve.

Fumihiko Maki (Japan), Architect

Born in 1928. Studied and taught at the University of Tokyo and Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. The principal of Maki and Associates which covers projects in Japan, North and South America, Asia and Europe. The renowned projects in his early years include Hillside Terrace (1969-92) and Spiral (1985) both in Tokyo, Japan. The recipient of UIA Gold Medal and Pritzker Prize in 1993 and Japan Institute of Architecture Award in 2001.
Courtesy: Maki and Associates.

Speakers for Special Guest Lectures and others

Qiu Baoxing (China), Vice Minister, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, PRC
Dr Qiu Baoxing, a veteran in urban studies research and implementation, is the Vice Minister for Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and is in charge of urban planning, urban infrastructure construction, building energy saving and technology, natural and historical heritage protection, water pollution prevention and town and village development. He also holds positions as President of Chinese Society for Urban Studies and Chairman of IWA China Committee. He has been the major leader in Leqing County, Jinhua City, and Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province from 1984 and was Chairman of the 5th World Water Conference in 2006. He has received IWA Award for Outstanding Contribution. Dr Qiu studied in the Physics Faculty of Hangzhou University (now Zhejiang University), Institute of Economy of Fudan University and Architecture and Urban Planning Institute of Tongji University. He received his PhD in Economics from Fudan University and PhD in Engineering from Tongji University. He had also received training in Stanford University, University of Sydney, Environmental School of France Velia, University of Oxford and University of Cambridge, and participated in relevant research in Stanford University as a visiting scholar. He is a senior urban planner, as well as visiting professor, adjunct professor or PhD supervisor at Chinese Academy of Social Science, School of Management of Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, and Nanjing University of Finance and Economy. He has published over ten books and hundreds of academic papers. Selected publications include Chinas Urbanisation, Opportunity and Challenge, Property Ownership System Reform and Theoretic Research and Application, Let the Power Run Under Sunlight etc. Harmony and Innovation: Problems, Dangers and Solutions in Dealing with Rapid Urbanisation in China was published in China and Europe in Chinese and English versions. From

Kazuyo Sejika + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA (Japan), Architect

Ryue Nishizawa (left) and Kazuyo Sejima. Photo: Takashi Okamoto.

Kazuyo Sejima Born in 1956 in Japan. Studied architecture at the Japan Women's University before joining the practice of architect Toyo Ito. In 1987 launched her own practice and founded the Tokyo-based firm SANAA with Ryue Nishizawa in 1995. Ryue Nishizawa Born in 1966 in Japan. Studied architecture at Yokohama National University. Besides working with Sejima, he has maintained his own practice since 1997. Sejima and Nishizawa were jointly awarded the Golden Lion at the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2004. Their major works include 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa (Kanazawa, Japan/2004), The Toledo Museum of Art Glass Pavilion (Toledo,USA/2007), Christian Dior Building Omotesando (Tokyo, Japan/2003), The New Museum of Contemporary Art (NYC, USA/2007) and Rolex Learning Center, EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland/ 2010). Currently Louvre Museum in Lens, France is ongoing.

Tadao Ando (Japan), Architect (for public program)

Born in 1941 is one of the most renowned contemporary Japanese architects. Characteristics of his work include large expanses of unadorned architectural concrete walls combined with wooden or stone floors and large windows. Active natural elements, like sun, rain, and wind are a distinctive inclusion to his style. He has designed many notable buildings, including Row House in Sumiyoshi, Osaka, 1976, which gave him the Annual Prize of Architectural Institute of Japan in 1979, Church of the Light, Osaka, 1989, Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, St. Louis, 2001, Armani Teatro, Milan, 2001, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, 2002 and 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT in Tokyo, 2007. Among many awards he has received are; Gold Medal of Architecture, Academie d'Architecture (French Academy of Architecture) in 1989, The Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1995, Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects in 2002, and Gold Medal of Union Internationale des Architectes in 2005. Ando is an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects, the American Academy of Arts and Letters, as well as the Royal Academy of Arts in London. He was also a visiting professor at Yale, Columbia, UC Barkley, and Harvard Universities.

Kengo Kuma (Japan), Architect (Chair for UIA2011 TOKYO Student Competition)
Kengo Kuma was born in 1954. He completed his masters degree at the University of Tokyo in 1979. From 1985 to 1986, he studied at Columbia University as Visiting Scholar. He established Kengo Kuma & Associates 1990. He taught at Keio University from 2001 to 2008, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008, and in 2009, he was installed as Professor at the Graduate School of Architecture, University of Tokyo. Among Kumas major works are Stage in Forest, Toyoma Center for Performance Arts (received 1997 Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Award), Water/Glass (1995, received AIA Benedictus Award), Stage in Forest, Toyoma Center for Performance Arts (received 1997 Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Award), Stone Museum (received International Stone Architecture Award 2001), Bato-machi Hiroshige Museum (received The Murano Prize). Recent works include Great Bamboo Wall (2002, Beijing, China), Nagasaki Prefectural Museum (2005, Nagasaki), the Suntory Museum of Art (2007, Tokyo) and Nezu Museum (2009, Tokyo). A number of large projects are now going on in Europe and China, including an arts centre in Besancon City, France, and Granada Performing Arts Centre, Spain.

Courtesy: Kengo Kuma and Associates.

Main Programs
Keynote SpeechesSpecial Guest Lectures
The above-mentioned. Please refer to the pages for Keynote Speakers, Speakers for Special Guest Lectures and others.

Theme Sessions Towards a New Environmentcoordinator / Masao Koizumi

How can we create an environment that cradles human bodies and has an affinity with its surroundings? How is our view of our immediate environment linked to todays major concern, the global environment? Focusing on the Surface which is the contact point between our bodies and the surrounding environment, we will study the potential of architecture as a device to regulate our immediate environment, together with various specialists from domains such as apparel and landscaping, etc.

City 2.0 of TomorrowCoordinator / Ryuji Fujimura Since 1990s, globalization of the economy and implementation of the information infrastructure have been drastically restructuring urban space. Simultaneously, the world population has grown, the gulf between rich and poor, urban and rural has widened and energy consumption has been continuously increasing. In this session, making the most of the knowledge and technologies acquired through informatization, we will explore methodologies to re-distribute our limited resources and design a sustainable society. Notes on the Synthesis of LifeCoordinator / Hiroshi Ota Historically, both nature and human life have been fountains of our imagination and also the wombs of our man-made world. We will consider how contemporary cutting-edge technologies that could reach that mystery and its wisdom are affecting architecture, art and design. The panelists are specialists in materials, structure and meteorology, who will describe nature from the perspective of their own domains. (Currently in the process of selecting the final one from The Americas, taking geographical balance into account.) The Hope and Life of Great World CitiesCoordinator / Yasuaki Onoda Global economic progress has eroded regional autonomous economic spheres and also has demolished the intimate links between economy, life and habitation in the sphere ruthlessly; e.g. acute polarization such as gated communities and the homeless in developed countries, slums and refugees in developing countries, both of which are phenomena of constant deprivation of a humans right to a domicile. In this session, confronting those issues with sincerity, we will discuss the possibilities with regard to how to realize the desires for a domicile in the design of areas for habitation. Delirious ResponsibilitiesCoordinator / Osamu Tsukihashi Our society is currently in the midst of a global transformation and globalization of the economy, information and culture are progressing. Now that new types of social activists, such as philanthropists and social entrepreneurs, are being coveted, the roles and formats of contributions expected from architects and designers are diversifying. We will delve into the new image of architects in the 21st century, reflecting on the achievements in reconstruction activities in the aftermath of natural disasters and civic movements related to environment creation, etc.

Theme Exhibition
2050 EARTH CATALOG exhibition Under the theme of DESIGN 2050 at UIA2011 TOKYO, it will be held 2050 EARTH CATALOGUE exhibition to gather together current knowledge and wisdom to create a vision of society in 2050. This will require more than half-hearted ideas. On the contrary, we seek to paint a canvas that provides a great many hints as to where society in 2050 is heading, so that visitors to the exhibition can imagine life in 2050 for themselves. Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works Applications for Research Papers and Design Works have been closed. Academic Program received 490 (65 countries) for Research Papers and 249 (38 countries) for Design Works, and finished abstract referee of Research papers and Design works, and announced a result to participants. Those results will present Presentation / Poster Session of Research Papers and Design Works during congress.

Work Programs Sustainable Architecture: Architecture for a sustainable future / Renewable energy
sources Architecture and Society: Architecture and Children / Architecture for all Urbanization: Intermediate Cities Urbanization and Development / Tourism Habitat: Habitat / Action without Borders Cultural Identity: Heritage / Spiritual Places Facilities: Educational and Cultural Spaces / Public Health

Exhibition of UIA National Sections National Sections

France / Russia / Germany / Rumania / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Tunisia / Chad / Belgium / Hong Kong / China / Mongol / USA / Poland / Greece / Macedonia / Republic of Bulgaria / Belarus / Baltic States / Republic of Albania / Republic of Lebanon / Israel / Republic of Hungary / Republic of Turkey

Associated with UIA UIA / UIA Region / UIA Region V / UIA Work Program / UIA Commissions / UIA , CPD / UIA President Associations ARCASIA / CIALP / ACE Exhibition for Host Cities Host City for UIA2011 Tokyo Host City for UIA2014 Durban Host City for UIA2017 Singapore / Soul / Mexico City


Main Exhibitions
Archineering Design Exhibition (Architectural Institute of Japan)
The Archineering Design Exhibition has been named in recognition of engineering design that supports the design and production of architecture, hence the term Archineering Design (AND). It encompasses the relationship between art, architecture and engineering, providing a look at historical developments as well as providing pointers for the future. The main feature of the exhibition is models. From world heritage architecture to the latest cutting edge designs, various mechanisms and methods are deconstructed so that as many people as possible from the smallest child to expert architects can enjoy the exhibition and consider the future of architectural world heritage.

Metabolism Exhibition (Mori Art Museum)

Metabolism is the most globally well-known Japanese architectural movement, which is renowned for its various proposals for urban city planning. Mori Art Museum will open a large-scale exhibition that will give a broad perspective on the entire metabolism movement. Given the increasing global momentum in recent years towards a review of the metabolism movement, the exhibition will not seek to present a comprehensive picture of all developments, but instead will aim to revive an image of the original tenets of metabolism by taking a broad view that looks at its temporal context and content.

Heritage of the Future Exhibition (DOCOMOMO Japan)

In line with the overall theme of UIA2011TOKYO Design 2050, this exhibition will seek to convey the presence and appeal of Japanese modernist architecture to all visitors, including overseas architects, Japanese architecture experts and the general public. It will seek to verify the challenges for maintaining modernist architecture and ensuring its existence as heritage for the future. DOCOMOMO is a related organization to the UIA and aims for this exhibition to be one that will provide an invaluable insight into architectural history and culture that will be indispensable for UIA2011.

TOKYO Chair City Exhibition (JOB)

Applications for various life-size chair designs will be sought and displayed in and around the UIA2011 venue. The aim is to quell the distress of overseas visitors to Tokyo, who often complain that there is nowhere to sit, as well as seeking to bring the flavor and atmosphere of the congress to the citys streets. This will be an exhibition that reaches out from the congress venue to the streets and spaces in the vicinity as well as the venues for related events, pervading all areas of the city.

Visions of the Metropolis (Tokyo Wonder Site)

Twelve university research teams will be presenting their new visions for a metropolis, seeking to propose a future model for Tokyo as one of Asias largest cities in a mature society.

10,000 World Architects Exhibition (JIA)

The UIA2011 TOKYO: The 24th World Congress of Architecture will take place in Tokyo, Japan from September 26. This will bring together on estimated 10,000 architects from all over the world. Architects are invited to participate in the creation of this exhibition, which is open to all architects regardless of affiliation, which may be accessed online anywhere in the world 24 hours a day. Once you register and upload your image, they will be appear on the web exhibition at the same time. Posters for participating architects will be produced in sequential order and shown prior to UIA2011 TOKYO at various venues around Japan.


Programs for young architects and students

Youth Jamboree
Representing the international community, 120 young architectural professionals and students will work together to reflect upon architecture and the city of 2050 and present their practical visions for the future. The workshop theme will encourage participants to think about cultural and sports facilities, as well as the many institutions that support the functions of a city. Further information will be announced in early 2011. Dates: Check-in on September 22 (Thu), Orientation and Teaming on Sep. 23 (Fri), Workshop on Sep. 23 (Fri)-24(Sat), Review Meeting on Sep. 25 (Sun), Exhibition on Sep. 26 (Mon)-27 (Tue), Presentation and Closing Ceremony on Sep. 28 (Wed), Check-out on Sep. 29 (Thu). National Olympic Memorial Youth Center (Sep. 22-25 and 29), Nihonbashi district (Sep. 27-28) The International Union of Architects (UIA)

Venues: Host:

Left and right; Views of National Olympic Memorial Youth Center.

UIA2011 TOKYO Student Competition

The International Union of Architects (UIA) invites students who study architecture around the world to an international design competition under the theme DESIGN 2050 of UIA2011 TOKYO. The competition will seek the excellent design solutions to the following four themes. The winner of the competition will make presentation of their proposals in UIA2011 TOKYO scheduled to be held in September 2011.

Application Outline Themes: 1. Tsukuba Science City "Architectural Plan for International Medical and Nursing Center 2. Tsuchiura City New C.B.D. Sports and Transportation (Railroad/Port & Harbor) Hub Area Plan 3. Inashiki City New Ecological City Plan 4. Kasumigaura Southern Coastal Region (K.S.C.R.) Smart Region Plan Entry Fee: JPY 4,000Application Period: 9:00 A.M. Tuesday, December 21, 2010 6:00 P.M. Thursday, March 31, 2011 *JST Juries: Kengo Kuma (Chair), Young Ho Chang, Peter Hall, Kate Schwennsen, Nobuaki Furuya Advisor: Hidehiko Sasanami Host: UIA (The International Union of Architect) Implementation: UIA2011 TOKYO Japan Organizing Board (JOB) 12

One of the pleasures for the UIA Congress participants is joining the tours, which give them a chance to touch the unique culture and/or to look around the buildings and cities of the host country. UIA2011 TOKYO is currently planning a wide variety of tours; the following are a few examples of them. Further information on tours will be provided on this website in April 2011.

Tokyo One-day Trip (one day during The Congress)

Architecture tour (sustainable design, contemporary design) TOKYO waterfront tour Visiting urban-disaster research facilities in TOKYO

On-site Registration Trip (every day during The Congress)

Guided walk in MARUNOUCHI and YURAKUCHO district, the neighborhood of Tokyo International Forum Guided walk inside the main venue of Tokyo International Forum

Other tour in Tokyo (one day during The Congress)

Visiting Japanese architects' ateliers Visiting state-of-the-art laboratories of general contractors Visiting advanced building construction site Sightseeing in Tokyo

Post Congress Tour (after September 29, 2011)

Contemporary architecture in SENDAI and historic town of KANEYAMA (2-day and 1-night) Famous hot spring resort of KUSATSU and its traditional townscape (2-day and 1-night) MATSUMOTO and its reproduction projects (2-day and 1-night) Ancient capital of KYOTO (2-day and 1-night) Classic town of HIDA-TAKAYAMA and old castle town of KANAZAWA (3-day and 2-night) HIROSHIMA and its World Heritage sites OKINAWA and its World Heritage sites of the old castles Gusuku

GYRE by MVRDV (left) and Omotesando Hills by Tadao Ando (right), Omotesando, Tokyo.


Social Event / Party

Welcome Party
Date: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. September 25 (Sun), 2011 Venue: National Olympic Gymnasium

Left and right: Views of National Olympic Gimnasium (built by Kenzo Tange). Above: View of UIA2008 TORINO.

Opening Ceremony
Date: 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. September 26 (Mon), 2011 Venue: Tokyo International Forum, Hall-A

Awarding Ceremony
Date: 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. September 27 (Tue), 2011 Venue: Tokyo International Forum, Hall-A Awards: The UIA Gold Medal / The Auguste Perret Prize / The Sir Patrick Abercrombie Prize / The Jean Tschumi Prize / The Sir Robert Matthew Prize / The Vassilis Sgoutas Prize / The UIA Student Competition / The Golden Cube Prize

Left and right: Views of UIA2008 TORINO.

Closing Ceremony
Date: 6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. September 28(Wed), 2011 Venue: Tokyo International Forum, Hall-A

Left: Closing Ceremony, UIA2008 TORINO. Right: Farewell Party, UIA2008 TORINO.

Farewell Party
Date: 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. September 28(Wed), 2011 Venue: Nihonbashi District


Trade Show
10th ecobuild 2011
Theme: Global Environmental Solution for Architecture and Urban Development Date: September 26 (Mon)-28 (Wed), 2011 Venue: Tokyo International Forum Number of visitors (expected): 20,000 Organized: ecobuild Operating Committee / Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (IBEC) / Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. / (Business & Technology Daily News)

Left and right: Views of 9th ecobuild 2010 and Number of visitors: 9,157.

33rd Japan Home + Building Show

Theme: DESIGN 2050 Date: September 28 (Wed)-30 (Fri), 2011 Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Number of visitors (expected): 90,000 Organized: Japan Management Association (JMA) Co-organized: UIA2011 TOKYO Japan Organization Board (JOB)

Report of 32nd Japan Home + Building Show Exhibition Scale Total scale: 459 exhibitors (Domestic: 340 exhibitors / Overseas: 119 exhibitors) and 798 booths (Domestic: 636 booths / Overseas: 162 booths) Overseas: U.S.A, Italy, Egypt, Canada, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Germany, Philippines, Finland, Brazil, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Russia Number of visitors: 87,638

Left and right: Views of 32nd Japan Home + Building Show.


In order to take part in the UIA2011 TOKYO Congress, all participants will need to complete registration and pay the registration fee. Participants are able to take advantage of advance registration discounts by completing online registration before July 31, 2011.

Registration fees
Advance Registration (Online, before July 31, 2011) Regular Participant Accompanying person Student * JPY 40,000JPY 24,000JPY15,000On-site Registration JPY 50,000JPY 30,000JPY15,000-

* Students: Undergraduate students, Graduate students and Ph.D. candidates. A copy of your student ID is required. Please send it by FAX to the Registration Secretariat. Note: - Registrations are non-transferable. - Payment must be made on-line by credit card when you register. The following credit cards are accepted: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and JCB. Press: Please contact the Registration Secretariat by e-mail. A copy of your press ID is required when registering.

Registration Fee includes:

Regular Participant Ceremonies Programs and seminars Exhibitions Welcome Party Congress Kit Accompanying Person Student

*Further information: If you have any inquiries about the registration, please contact the Registration Secretariat; UIA2011 TOKYO Registration Secretariat, c/o Congress Corporation E-mail: Tel: +81-3-5216-6956 / FAX: +81-3-5216-5552


About UIA
The International Union of Architects (UIA) was founded in Lausanne, Switzerland on June 28, 1948 to unite the architects of the world, regardless of nationality, race, religion or architectural doctrine, and to federate their national organizations. From the 27 delegations present at the founding assembly, the UIA has grown to encompass the key professional organizations of architects in 123 countries and territories, and now represents more than 1,300,000 architects worldwide. Over time, the UIA has become an accomplished non-governmental organization, an incomparable professional network of architects that reaches all continents. The UIA is a federation of national professional organizations called Member Sections.

Three key activities and work programs

Through its commissions, the UIA contributes in three key fields, architectural education, professional practice and international competition, to the improvement of architecture and the architectural profession worldwide. The main venue of UIA2011 TOKYO, Tokyo International Forum, was designed by the world renowned architect, Rafael Vinoly, the winner of the UIA International competition. Within the framework of the UIA work programs, a full range of specialists delve into specific aspects of the architect's intervention in society and the built environment. 14 global work programs are structured according to six general themes: Sustainable Architecture, Architecture and Society, Urbanization, Habitat, Cultural Identity and Facilities.

Privileged network and partners

The UIA works in co-operation with high-ranking organizations around the world. International institutions of UNESCO, UN-HABITAT, UNEP, UNECE, UNIDO, WHO, WTO and IOC, officially recognize the UIA as the only organization in the field of architecture. The UIA also develops interdisciplinary relations with non-governmental organizations such as ISOCARP, IFLA, ICOMOS, ISC20 and DOCOMOMO.

UIA Gold Medals and UIA Prizes

The UIA Gold Medal and Prizes are awarded every three years during the UIA World Congress. The prestigious Gold Medal was initiated by the UIA Council in 1984, to honor an architect or group of architects having distinguished themselves through their work and professional practice by the quality of services rendered to man and society. The UIA Gold Medal has ever been awarded to nine architects including two Japanese architects, Fumihiko Maki in 1993 and Tadao Ando in 2005. The UIA Prizes such as The Sir Patrick Abercrombie Prize, The Auguste Perret Prize and The Jean Tschumi Prize are dedicated to the memory of one of the early Presidents of the Union.

UIA Headquarters
Address: Tel: Fax: Email: URL: Tour Maine Montparnasse - B.P. 158, 33 avenue du Maine 75755 Paris cedex 15, France +33-1-4524-3688 +33-1-4524-0278


History of the UIA Congress

Host Cities and Themes for the past UIA World Congress
Year 1. 1948 2. 1951 3. 1953 4. 1955 5. 1958 6. 1961 7. 1963 8. 1965 9. 1967 10. 1969 11. 1972 12. 1975 13. 1978 14. 1981 15. 1985 16. 1987 17. 1990 18. 1993 19. 1996 20. 1999 21. 2002 22. 2005 23. 2008 24. 2011 City, Country / Region Lausanne, Switzerland Rabat, Morocco Lisbon, Portugal The Hague, Netherland Moscow, Russia London, UK Havana, Cuba Paris, France Prague, Czech Buenos Aires, Argentina Varna, Bulgaria Madrid, Spain Mexico City, Mexico Warsaw, Poland Cairo, Egypt Brighton, UK Montreal, Canada Chicago, USA Barcelona, Spain Beijing, China Berlin, Germany Istanbul, Turkey Turin, Italy Tokyo, Japan Theme Architecture Faced with its New Tasks How Architecture is Dealing with Its New Tasks Architecture at the Crossroads Architecture and the Evolutions of Building Construction and Reconstruction New Techniques and New Materials Architecture in Underdeveloped Countries The Training of Architects Architecture and the Human Milieu Architecture as a Social Factor Architecture and Leisure Creativity and Technology Architecture and National Development Architecture, Man, Environment Present and Futures. Missions of the Architect Shelter and Cities Building Tomorrow's World Cultures and Technologies Architecture at the Crossroads Designing for a Sustainable Future Present and Futures. Architecture in Cities Architecture of the 21st Century Resource Architecture Grand Bazaar of Architecture Transmitting Architecture DESIGN 2050


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