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NoobsTeam Strategy

Players: No_Scary, Jace and TomUndercover

YT Channel - Danielle

P1: ACE PILOT, comander, gscout, gminigunner, shotgunner

P2: DJ BOOTH, comander, gscout, gminigunner, shotgunner

P3: FARM, comander, gscout, gminigunner, shotgunner

Player 1

Put first Ace Pilot up to lvl2

Put secondo Ace Pilot up to lvl2

Put Commander up to lvl 2 (must skip to Get upgrade In time 14 wave) use immediately and next
when needed

Put 3rd Ace Pilot – Now Focust to get 3 Ace Max at Wave 28 for balloons

You should get 3 Ace Max when balloons will be In the Middle of path

Get secondo Commander lvl2 – use when needed

Put More Ace Pilot and max them

Get 3rd commander On Wave 31 to wave 36 must Get All commander maxed and Chain Coa,

Put Miniguuners many as you can and max try put All In range of DJ

In last Wave you should Get max troops and max lvl on everyone of them

Important thing is to good Chain COA from wave 35 to 40

Player 2

Put G Scout lvl1

Put DJ and focus on max them on wave 25

Put GMini one by one and max them All must be In In range of DJ

You should Get max units and troops In last Wave

Player 3

Farm until wave 9

Skip wave 10

Put lvl0 G Minigunner on wave 11

Upgrade minigunner to lvl1 and the rest of the money put into farms

Wave 13 upgrade minigunner to lvl 2 for hiddens

Wave 14 second minigunner lvl0 and skip wave

Wave 15 upgrade second minigumnner to lvl 2

Continoue with farming

Wave 18 3rd Minigunner

25  Wave All farm Maxed

Put and max All MInigunners

Sell first 5 farm In wave 36 to increase firepower because this Wave is key

Sell 3 last farm on wave 37 and max All units

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