Technical Communication - Cloud Computing

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PH-291 Technical Communication, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee

Cloud Computing

Anirudh Kumar Verma, 21324003, MSP

Cloud Computing is a new technology in which all the computing resources like servers, storage and
services are provided over the internet. Unlike in classical computing, where all these computing
resources have to be present in the local system. Users can use cloud services for a variety of purposes
like storing and sharing data, availing some services on the internet, and application development. The
Cloud services are provided by the cloud service providers like Amazon web services(AWS), Google
cloud, etc, and they charge a fee depending on the use, for availing these services.
Cloud computing is divided into three groups, each on the basis of the deployment model and service
On the basis of the deployment model:
1. Public cloud model
Public cloud computing is a cloud model in which the computing services, networking services,
storage and virtual systems are accessible to the general public.
Benefits of the public cloud model is that
a) Cost effective, since the same resources are shared by a large number of people, the cost
per person reduces and also the customer has to pay for the service only when he uses the
b) Reliability and location independence
Since the public cloud uses a large number of resources installed at different locations, even
if any of them fails or stops working, the public cloud can use another server instead of the
failed one. And, since the servers are spread all across and provide service over the internet,
so using the service gives the same experience everywhere.
c) High Flexibility and scalability
Since the public cloud can be easily united with the private cloud, so it’s highly flexible
and also the public cloud can be scaled up or scaled down very easily.
Disadvantages of public cloud:
a) Security issue
Since it’s a public cloud model and the user data is shared publicly on the internet, it does not
ensure the same kind of security that the private cloud ensures.
b) Lack of Personalization
PH-291 Technical Communication, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee

Since the public cloud model is used by a mass of people so it cannot be customized according
to individual or personal demand.
2) Private cloud model:
The private cloud computing model offers the system and services to a single individual or a single
organization. In this model, only the organization has access to the infrastructure and services, but it
can be managed by the service provider if the organization wants.
Benefits of private cloud
a) Higher security and privacy
Since in private cloud data is shared only within the organization and it uses less number of
resources or servers, as compared with public cloud, so higher level of security is ensured, and the
other reason is that the organization has complete control of the servers, so it can modify the system
to make it more secure if it gets security threats.
b) Higher efficiency and customization
In a private cloud the resources are dedicated to the organization only, so all the tasks are
performed very fastly and efficiently. Also, the organization can customize the infrastructure
according to their needs.
Disadvantages of a private cloud:
a) Expensive
Setting up a private cloud needs an investment in infrastructure and hardware, and also it needs
b) Limited scalability
Since to scale up, further investment is needed and scaling down involves time and discussion,
so all this makes private cloud less scalable.
3) Hybrid cloud model
The hybrid cloud model is a combination of both the public cloud model and the private cloud model.
The organization uses a private cloud for critical and private data and uses a public cloud for less
critical data which are not very sensitive.
Advantages of a hybrid cloud model
a) It has both the features of higher flexibility of the public cloud model and security of the private
cloud model at the same time.
b) It is cost-effective as compared with the private cloud network. It also gives organizations the
freedom to choose between vendors for different clouds rather than sticking to just one vendor.
Disadvantages of the hybrid network
a) Networking issue
PH-291 Technical Communication, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee

Since the model involves both the kinds of clouds and (some times clouds services from the
different vendors have different level of working) so the networking becomes complex and it
also become a burden for the organization to segregate the public cloud data and private cloud
b) Data transfer latency
Since it depends on different cloud providers, there might come latency issues while
transferring data from the private cloud to the public cloud, which can lead to a bad user
On the basis of the service model:
1. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
As the name suggests, IaaS provides virtual computing resources and infrastructure, storage,
and services over the internet to its users. In addition to this, IaaS also provides virtual machine
disk storage, Ip address, load balancers etc. All these services are provided to the user by server
Benefits of using IaaS
a) Full control over computing resources via administrative access:
Consumers can give an administrative command to the provider the store the data and access
the data or installing new softwares in the rented servers.
b) Consumers avail the IaaS resources by paying a rent based on the time and quantity of resources
used, thus it can be easily scaled up or scaled down depending on the needs.
c) The initial investment and further maintenance cost for running the servers are also saved if
the physical servers were bought.
d) The IaaS providers also provide advanced technology and analytics tools which saves further
cost for the organization and increases efficiency.
Issues with IaaS
a) Dependency on the vendors
Since the consumer has a lot of data to the provider and shifting to other provider or to physical
infrastructure can become tough and also risk of data loss. Thus it makes the consumer
dependent on the service provider.
b) Residual data
Since the IaaS uses the virtual machines and disks so, when the previous consumer stops using
the server and it is allotted to new consumer, so data of previous consumer may still be residing
in the server, which can lead to lesser data availability and data complexion.
PH-291 Technical Communication, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee

2. Platform as a service (PaaS)

This is a cloud model which involves or offers its users the facility of developing and deploying
an application without having the access to high end servers, software and other hardware
resources, this is done by installing a cloud software pre-built by the service provider and all
that software ensures all the requirement to build the application. And the developer only needs
to focus on his code. One such service provider is Google’s app engine.
Benefits of PaaS
a) Lower administrative overhead
PaaS provides in built tools, software and framework which can be used by developers to build
the application, so developers do not need to worry about the administration and infrasturaure
management because that is taken care of by the provider.
b) Scalability and reliability
The service provider scales up or increases the computing resources when the demand for the
application goes high, and the provider also ensures maximum uptime for the applications. So
this helps businesses grow and gain more users.
c) Application updation
The service providers are responsible for fixing the bug and updating the applications. So this
reduces another burden from the developers.
a) Platform dependency
All the platform use the standard languages, but still the implementation of the each platform
varies with the other like file queue, or hash table interfaces vary for each platform which
makes the developer challenging to switch between the platform and also it reduces the
customization of the application.
b) Performance limitation
PaaS providers generally offer shared resources which can make the application slow
responsive, when there is a lot of traffic on the application.

3. Software as a service (SaaS)

It is a cloud model in which the software is offered to consumers over the internet without
being installed in their local system. This model is generally meant for the end users rather than
the organizations, as it has very less administrative powers. Some of the examples of SaaS are
emails, photo sharing and storage.
PH-291 Technical Communication, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee

Benefits of SaaS
a) Lower responsibility for the end users
The responsibility of software like maintenance, security, backup storage, and updating the
software to newer versions lies with the provider.
b) Software integration
SaaS application are generally developed in a way that it can work smoothly with other
SaaS application or local application, which make the work for user easy and flexible.
a) Network dependency
Since SaaS software are accessible via internet so it is necessary to have constant and high-
speed internet, otherwise the software will not work in its full potential.
b) Security risks
SaaS needs a browser to access, but if the user has to been to some vulnerable sites before using
SaaS, and the browser has been infected, and then the user uses SaaS applications, then the
user’s data may be at risk.
PH-291 Technical Communication, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee

1. 2010 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
Cloud computing: issues and challenges.

2. C. Pahl, "Containerization and the PaaS Cloud," in IEEE Cloud Computing, vol. 2, no. 3, pp.
24-31, May-June 2015, doi: 10.1109/MCC.2015.51.

3. Sheth, Mrs & Bhosale, Sachin & Kadam, Mr & Prof, Asst. (2021). Research Paper on Cloud
Computing. 2021.

4. Research Analysis of Cloud Computing G. Vijay Baskar, N. Satheesh Kumar, N. Karthick Department
of Computer Science & Applications, India, Department of Computer Science & Applications India,
Department of Computer Science & Applications, India

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