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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

Shan Ray J. Yugto, BSEd

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students would be able to:
a. Identify the Figurative Language used in the Poem;
b. Appreciate the essence of the lesson using the Figurative Language in creating poem;
c. Use Figurative Language in creating a poem.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Expressing Appreciation for Figurative Language Used
Lesson: Figurative Language
Skill: Literary Appreciation, Writing Skill, Reading Skills, Listening Skills
References: Book
Edgar Allan Poe P“Annabelle lee”
Materials: Laptop, Pictures, Visual Aids, and Chalk and Whiteboard Marker
Methods/Approach: Deductive Method
Values Formation: Cooperation and Collaboration

III. Procedure



1. Prayer

Everybody is requested to rise for our opening (All rise)


*Play Audio Visual Presentation *

2. Greetings

Good morning class!

All: Good morning, Sir!
How are you feeling today?
All: fine sir!
3. Checking of Attendance

Raise your hand once I call your surname Del mundo: Present!

Del mundo? Perez? Jenner? Perez: Present!

Very good! No one is absent for today, give Jenner: Present!

yourself a round of applause
All: Clap

4. Checking of Assignments

Last meeting, I gave you an assignment, right?

Now, get your assignment and let’s check

All: (exchange papers)
Okay exchange your paper, row one papers to
row three and row two to row four. Go!

Are you done checking? All: Yes sir!

Okay! Pass your paper without standing to All: (Pass the paper center isle forward)
center isle for ward

Thank your

5. Review

Before I introduce our topic for this morning, (Samantha raised her right hand)
what was our topic last meeting?
Samantha: Our topic last meeting Sir is all
Very good! Our topic last meeting is all about about poem.
(Jenny raised his right hand)
Then what is a poem?
Jenny: Poem is a piece of writing in which the
Very good! words are chosen for their beauty and sound
It means that you understood our topic very and are carefully arranged, often in short lines
well! which rhyme

And now we will jump into the new topic

which is connected to our previous discussion.
6. Motivation

But before that we will have an activity,

Are you all exited?

I know that you are very familiar with message All: Yes sir!
relay, right?

Yes of course you know it well,

(The teacher will group the class into two)

Two group must

I will send the message to the first person then

he or she will relay it to another person behind
without saying the word, instead use only your All: yes sir!
gestures, then if the message was relayed to the
last person in the line, he or she will then write
the received message to the board.


I’ll give you 5 minutes to do the activity

All: (participate in the activity)
In 3,2 1, go!

Okay thank you much for participating, please

All: clap
sit down now and let’s give a round of
applause to our selves

So, the message that was given is please all All: Figurative Language!

Very good!

And that is our topic for today’s discussion.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

(The Teacher will present a poem of Edgar

Allan Poe “Annabelle lee”)

We will have another activity here

I want you to group yourself into five and

collaborate with your group in doing the

From the poem "Annabelle Lee" read the poem

and underline any words or terms that caught
your attention and give your own
understanding and write it on the paper

Okay! I'll give you 10 minutes to read and

write your observation. Go!

Time is up!

Pass your outputs, here in front.

2. Analysis

(The teacher asks the students about Figurative


• The teacher let the students give their own

definition of Figurative Language before Samantha: base on the activity that we had sir
giving his. for me figurative language is language that is
not literal, it is hard to understand when you
Based on the Activity that we had, can we now first time reading the poem but when you look
define, what is Figurative language? into deeper meaning you will understand the
true message of the poem
Okay, Samantha what is Figurative Language?

Very good!

Figurative Language is the use of words in a

way that deviates from the conventional order
and meaning in order to convey a complicated
meaning, colorful writing, clarity, or evocative

It suggests a comparison to something else, so

that one thing is seen in terms of another.

Figurative Language is also observed in Poems

(The teacher asks the students what are the

types of Figurative language).
All: Personification, onomatopoeia,
What are the types of Figurative Language? Hyperbole, Alliteration, Simile, Idiom,
Very good! Metaphor.

The types of Figurative Language are,

Personification, onomatopoeia, Hyperbole, All: Yes sir!
Alliteration, Simile, Idiom, Metaphor
(The teacher presents one line of the Poem that
has Figurative Language)

Now! I'm going to show you a line of a poem

and you will give what is the type of Figurative
All: yes sir!
Language is present in the line

First line

Very good!
Next is colorful flowers

Very good!

This one, hug

Very good!

Next is noise

Very good!
Last one is scented candle

Very good! it means that you clearly All: (listen to the discussion)
understood, how to use and identify the
function of each senses.

3. Abstraction

( The teacher explains and elaborates further

about sensory images and their importance in
creating short stories )

Sensory imagery is an author's use of vivid and

descriptive language that appeals to one or
more senses to evoke a mental picture of
scenes. Author's use imagery in order to
enhance a reader's experiences and
understanding of the text by appealing to
human emotions and senses. All: (answer the activity)

4. Application

( The teacher will let the students create a short

story using sensory words and create a table
illustrating the sensory words used in the story)
All: (pass thier papers)
Get 1 whole sheet of paper and

Create a short story using sensory words and

create a table illustrating the sensory words
used in the story.

I'll give you 10 minutes to make your own

short story. Go!

Time is up!. Pass your outputs here in front.

IV. Evaluation

(The teacher will let the students read the story

“The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst” which All: (answer the activity)
evokes sensory images)

(The students will get at least ten sentences that

evoke sensory images in the story and identify
which sense these sentences appeal to)

I have an another activity here. Read the story All: (pass thier papers)
"The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, which
evokes sensory images. Get at least 10
sentences that evokes sensory images in the
story and identify what sense these sentences
appeal to.

I'll give you 5 minutes to answer. Go!

Time is up pass your paper, here in front.

Before we end our session for this morning,

let's go back to our learning objectives if we hit
All: yes sir!
our expectations from our discussion.

a. Identify the types of sensory images used in

the sentence;

We identify the types of sensory images right?

Okay next!

b. Appreciate the essence of the lesson using

sensory images in creating a short story;

We had an activity by making a short story

using sensory images

Then lastly!

c. Use sensory images in creating a short story.

This is our last activity that we had

It means that we hit our expectations for

today's discussion.

V. Assignment

(To reinforce students’ learning of the lesson,

and to expand literary appreciation, the
students this time will read Percy Bysshe
Shelley's “Ode to the West Wind, a poem that
uses rich imagery. They will underline the
words that helped them make a picture, then
draw per stanza, their visualizations to show
what happened in the poem)

For your assignment read Percy Bysshe

Shelley's “Ode to the West Wind, a poem that
uses rich imagery. Underline the words that
helped you to make a picture, then draw per
stanza, your visualizations to show what
happened in the poem.
Sam: when to pass the assignment sir?
Pass your assignment next meeting.

Any questions, clarifications, violent reaction?

If there's none.
All: none so far sir!
Everybody please stand for our closing prayer.

Who wants to volunteer for our closing prayer?

Sam: (raised her right hand)
Okay, Sam go ahead.

Thank you for your active participation and see

you next meeting.

Goodbye class! All: Goodbye and thank you Sir: Gamana!

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