Assignment 2

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Assignment No 1

Name: Asma Zahoor

Course Name: Academic Writing
Instructor Name: Mam Sobia
Semester: 03
Q1: Make outlines for “Root causes of poor governance and their socioeconomic
impact in developing countries”
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
2.1. Origin
2.2. Definition
2.3. Current Situation
3. Literature Review
3.1. Income Inequality and Governance
3.2. International Governance Indicators
4. Causes
4.1. Lack of Voice and Accountability
4.2. Political Instability
4.3. Corruption
5. Impact Of Bad Governance
5.1. Poor Economic Growth
5.2. Failed State
5.3. Corruption
6. Solution
6.1. Transparency
6.2. Dealing with Corruption
6.2.1. Introduction of New Laws and Institutions
6.2.2. Targeting Vulnerable Resources
6.2.3. Change Service at Grass Root Level Stopping of Bribes Using Technologies instead of Physical Officials Expand Choices
7. Conclusion and Recommendations
The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between a country's governance and its
impact on income inequality. The World Bank, the Economic Freedom Network, the Fraser
Institute and the World Economic Forum have defined and measured governance indicators. This
study shows that improving the level of governance cannot be achieved in a day or overnight and
has nothing to do with a department or institution. It is a process to establish fair and efficient
economic use of resources.

Human Development in South Asia (1999) found that South Asia is a region divided between rich
and poor, with the richest quintile earning about 40 percent of income, while the poorest quintile
earn less than 10 percent, the gap between Poor and rich in South Asia is huge. Rich and poor;
on the other hand, some parts of the region are among the worst governed in the world.

Bad government is the relationship between the ruler and the ruled and the result of decision-
making. Such unfavorable relationships are due to external factors or decisions, such as B.
Violations of fundamental or acceptable standards, such as B. that of a liberal democracy, and
bad economic policies: Bad governance is commonly referred to in the government and corporate
environment as governance. This is the opposite of good governance. Bad governance addresses
the issue of governance in a government environment, but bad governance and bad governance
are different concepts. Bad governance includes everything from corruption and fraud to the
adoption of unfair policies.

There is a large body of literature showing the negative effects of poor governance in areas such
as public health and people's access to drinking water, mainly in the form of corruption and lack
of property rights. Poor perceptions of government, including authoritarian rule, corruption and
economic decline, affect whether people vote and participate in the political process. The term
'governance' is not new, as South Asia Human Development (1999) notes, there is much debate
and writing on governance, particularly among scholars and international policy makers on the
subject of good governance. It has been argued that governance played an important role after
the fall of communism, when economies in transition found it difficult to cope with emerging
market economies.

Transitional economies face a lack of adequate institutions, broken contracts, weak legal
protections, weak insurance mechanisms, and weak civil societies. The governance goals of any
society must be social development and economic growth and prosperity. Income inequality is
the extent to which income is unequally distributed across the population. The more unequal the
distribution, the more unequal the income. Income inequality often goes hand in hand with
wealth inequality, i.e. the unequal distribution of wealth. Populations can be segmented in
different ways to represent different degrees and forms of income inequality, e.g. B. by gender
or race.
Government bodies that refuse to listen to the voices of those they govern and who are held
accountable for their actions lead to mismanagement. By ignoring the voices of the governed,
their views are no longer heard or considered by governing bodies. Poor governance is the result
of frequent changes in government or “political instability”. Instability in political institutions such
as democracy has been shown to coincide with poor governance. Bad governance is often
associated with corruption. Corruption occurs in many sectors, from the political to the economic
environment. Corruption can come in many different ways and forms. Corruption within a
governing body can lead to poor governance as officials put their personal interests ahead of

Poor governance can seriously hamper a country's per capita growth. African countries have been
hardest hit since World War II. A country's economic growth is significantly affected when
exposed to indicators of poor governance, but various indicators influence the magnitude of the
impact. Poor quality regulation, government inefficiency and lack of control over corruption are
associated with weak economic growth. States fail when public administration fails to deliver
many public services and citizens do not recognize their government as illegitimate. This event
caused the bloodshed and suffering of an entire nation. Corruption is not only a cause of poor
governance, it can also be a consequence of it. There is a clear correlation that higher levels of
government and a better business environment are affected by the presence of corruption in

There is a strong link between poor governance and corruption. Bad governance can be reduced
by curbing corruption within the governing bodies. Corruption can be reduced in three ways.
Corruption often occurs due to weak or non-existent anti-corruption laws and institutions. Poor
governance by government agencies is based on existing laws or regulations that lack anti-
corruption methods to avoid foreign criticism or to explain corruption. In these cases, corruption
can be monitored and contained by the introduction of stricter or new anti-corruption laws, or
by authorities changing or monitoring these old laws. The World Bank and macroeconomists tend
to treat corruption in government agencies as a whole, without considering the differences in
corruption vulnerabilities of different service sectors within an institution. Reforms to regulate
these personal services within anti-corruption agencies curb corruption. Laws and regulations
affect the process by which governing bodies deliver services. The more stages the process
involves, the greater the likelihood that those in power will delay and obstruct the process.

Bribery is one of the most common forms of corruption. The normal method of bribery occurs in
cash transactions. Such a transaction involves a face-to-face transaction between the two parties.
As the use of computers on the Service increases, the face-to-face element of the transaction will
be removed. This deprives officials of the opportunity to benefit from the bribe because they
have no opportunity to do so.
So, it is pretty clear that governance can play an important role in the growth of Country. They
should do their work with great determination and honesty. After all, it is there country also. It is
also a patriotic responsibility of an entity to do his/her work with great honesty. People should
also realize their responsibility. Always remember we have to clear every field from bottom to
top. Change should be amplify in every field.

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