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Lesson Plan

Learning subject group Foreign Language

Primary grade 4
Subject Code E14101
Subject English
learning unit 1 title Welcome back !
total study time 12 hours
learning plan 1 title Our trip
time 4 hours
semester 1 academic year 2023 instructor
Miss Ploipapat Ngonthong
1. Standard 1. Language for Communication
2. Learning standards/year grade indicators
FL1.1 G.4/1 Speak/write in an exchange in interpersonal

communication. FL1.2 G.4/2 Speak and write

appropriately to ask for and give data, explain, compare, and

express opinions about what has been heard or read.

FL.4.1 G.4/1 Accurately read aloud texts, tales, and

short poems by observing the principles of reading.

3. Learning Objectives
3.1 So that the learner can consider simple words in
communication. (K)
3.2 So that the learner can speak and write appropriately to
ask for and give data. (P)
3.3 So that the learner avidity for learning and know their
work or duty (A)
4. Core competencies of the learners

1. Career &
Personal 2. Critical Thinking 3. Communication
……1.1 self- …….2.1 Critical Thinking ……3.1 Conscious
reflection. …….2.2 Systems reception and decoding
……1.2 goal setting Thinking for understanding
and goal meeting. …….2.3 Creativity …….3.2 Communication
……1.3 identifying …….2.4 Problem solving based on understanding
personal strengths thinking and respect for different
and abilities and opinions and cultures
using them in …….3.3 Appropriate
various settings. selection of
……1.4 Problem and communication
Crisis management. strategies in
consideration of social
responsibility to achieve
4. Teamwork & 5. Global Citizenship 6. Innovation
……4.1 Be a good ……5.1 Citizens know …….6.1 Understanding
team member and and respect their rights. phenomena that occur
have leadership. ……5.2 Citizens on earth and in the
……4.2 Responsible for Their universe.
Collaborative Roles …….6.2 Linking the
working process. ……5.3 Citizens relationship of
……4.3 Building Participate Critically mathematics and
good relationships ……5.4 Change-making science for sustainable
and conflict citizens coexistence with nature.
management. …….6.3 Creating, using
and knowing about
…….6.4 Having
mathematical and
scientific attributes for
understanding natural
systems and their
sustainable coexistence.

5. Desirable Characteristics Assessment

…….5.1 Love of nation, religion, and king …….5.2 Honesty
and integrity
…….5.3 Self-discipline …….5.4 Avidity for
…….5.5Observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy
in one's way of life
…….5.6 Dedication and commitment to work …….5.7Cherishing
6. Gospel Value
.... 6.1 Faith .... 6.8 Humility .... 6.15 Service
.... 6.2 Truth .... 6.9 Honesty .... 6.16 Justice
.... 6.3 .... 6.10 Simplicity/ .... 6.17
(Reflection/Prayer) Sufficiency Peace/Reconciliation
.... 6.4 Conscience/ .... 6.11 Love .... 6.18 Forgiveness
Discernment/ Moral .... 6.12 Compassion .... 6.19
Courage .... 6.13 Gratitude Unity/Community
.... 6.5 Freedom .... 6.14 Work/Duty .... 6.20
.... 6.6 Joy Wonder/Conservatio
.... 6.7 Respect/Dignity n
.... 6.21 Hope

7. Summary

Speak/write in an exchange in interpersonal communication.

8. learning content

8.1 Speak
8.2 Write
8.3 Communication
9. Emphasis on quality development of learners 21st Century
(Skills 3r x 8c)
3R 8C
…….R1 …….C1 Critical Thinking and …….C5 Cross-cultural
Reading Problem Solving  Understanding
…….R2 …….C2 Creativity and …….C6 Computing and
Writing Innovation   ICT Literacy 
…….R3 …….C3 Collaboration Teamwork …….C7 Career and
Arithmetic’s and Leadership  Learning Skills 
…….C4 Communication …….C8 Compassion 
Information and Media Literacy 
10. learning management process (HOLY GO)
learning Media/ measureme
g competenc Evaluatio
process Innovat nt method
techniq y n criteria
step ion (KSA)
1. Engage Learners can - Hello observe Evaluate
Heart/Hap ment meditate. song behavior according
py - to actual
- warm up questio condition
- stimulate n s
2. Learning Role Learner can - - oral answer Passed
- active Playing speak and Powerpo - check the the
learning (Pair) write in an int worksheet criteria of
learning Media/ measureme
g competenc Evaluatio
process Innovat nt method
techniq y n criteria
step ion (KSA)
activities. exchange in - Countries 95% or
interpersonal workshe more
communicati et
3. Goal Learner can - - oral answer Passed
- Discuss Speak and Exercise - check the the
for reflex write simple Countri exercise criteria of
thinking words in es Countries 95% or
- construct communicati more
knowledge on
- do
4. Overall Learner can -Post - answer the Passed
- Speak and test questions. the
summarize write simple - Say the criteria of
- apply words in sentences. 95% or
- create communicati -Check the more
on pos test
11. Notes after teaching
11.1 Cognitive Behavior (K)
11.2 Behavior in the skill range (S)

11.3 Affective/Attitude behavior(A)

12. Problems/Obstacles

13. Suggestion

Sign Instructor
(Miss Ploipapat
Date Month

14. Opinion of the Head of Academic Administration

( ) can be used to teach
( ) should be improved before being used to
Other suggestions
(Miss Rapeepan Chongwarin)

Head of Academic

Director's comments
( ) approve
( ) disapprove
Other suggestions
(Miss Kantinan Saentumna)
Opinion of the signatory on behalf of the licensee
Approve/Acknowledge/Take Action/Other Suggestions

(Pastor Buathong Boonthod)
The signatory on behalf of the licensee
1. knowledge sheet
2. Exercise
3. Worksheet
Countries, We’re going to…
4. Post test
Countries, We’re going to…

5. learning management method

knowledge sheet (Countries)

worksheet Countries
We’re going to ……………
้ จง : ให้นักเรียนเขียนประโยค We’re going to (ชื่อประเทศ) และวาดภาพ


exercise Order


We’re going to……………..

Pre test

Choose the correct answer.
1. We’re going to ……..?
a. are
a. The U.K.
b. is
b. America
c. am
c. Japan
d. we
d. China

2. We’re going to ……..?

a. Brazil
b. America
c. Japan
4. Jenny : We going
d. China
to Korea
A : Where you going? a. are
B : We’re going to Korea b. is
c. am c. . Yes, we are. We’re
d. we going to Spain.
d. No, We’re not. We’re
5. not going to Mexico.
A : Are you going to Spain?
B : ...............................
a. Yes, we are. We’re
going to Mexico.
b. No, We’re not. We’re
not going to Spain.

Post test
Choose the correct answer.
1. We’re going to ……..? f. America
g. Japan
e. The U.K.
h. China
a. are
2. We’re going to ……..?
b. is
e. Brazil
c. am
f. America
d. we
g. Japan
h. China
A : Are you going to Spain?
A : Where you going?
B : ...............................
B : We’re going to Korea
a. Yes, we are. We’re
going to Mexico.
a. are
b. No, We’re not. We’re
b. is
not going to Spain.
c. am
c. . Yes, we are. We’re
d. we
going to Spain.
d. No, We’re not. We’re
not going to Mexico.

4. Jenny : We going
to Korea
learning management method
1 hour
Step 1: Heart/Happy: Consolidate your mind with peace of
mind/Review your previous knowledge.
1. learners meditate.
2. Learners sing the 1 2 3 Left and perform gestures.
Step 2 Learning: activities Learning.
Teaching Technique: Group Learning (Collaborative Learning
1. The instructor opens the lesson. Show a picture of the
Countries, let’s learner look at them, then ask students to repeat
of the words.
2. Let’s learners’ group together and then listen to the
PowerPoint about Countries and then let’s them pronounce
follow the words in the slides.
3. Then ask them to pronounce the words one by one.
Step 3 Goal: Evidence of Practice KPIs to the goal
Step 4 Overall: Apply to remember/consider to society
2 hour
Step 1: Heart/Happy: Consolidate your mind with peace of
mind/Review your previous knowledge.
1. learners meditate.
2. Learners sing the 1 2 3 Left and perform gestures.
Step 2 Learning: activities Learning.
Teaching Technique: Group Learning (Collaborative Learning
1. The instructor shows the Power Point of the Countries again.
2. After that explain the sentence of the Countries.
3. Let’s the learner role play in pair to ask and answer.
4. Let’s the learner do the worksheet
Step 3 Goal: Evidence of Practice KPIs to the goal
Step 4 Overall: Apply to remember/consider to society.
3 hour
Step 1: Heart/Happy: Consolidate your mind with peace of
mind/Review your previous knowledge.
1. learners meditate.
2. Learners sing the 1 2 3 Left and perform gestures.
Step 2 Learning: activities Learning.
Teaching Technique: Group Learning (Collaborative Learning
1. The instructor shows the Power Point of the Countries again.
2. then let’s the learner of each groups summarize what they
learn from this lesson.
3. Let’s they do the exercise.
Step 3 Goal: Evidence of Practice KPIs to the goal
Step 4 Overall: Apply to remember/consider to society
4 hour
Step 1: Heart/Happy: Consolidate your mind with peace of
mind/Review your previous knowledge.
1. learners meditate.
2. Learners sing the Hello song and perform gestures.
Step 2 Learning: activities Learning.
Step 3 Goal: Evidence of Practice KPIs to the goal
Teaching Technique: Group Learning (Collaborative Learning
1. The instructor asks learners to work in pair then ask and answer
the questions with friends
2. The learners ask questions to find out about the friends are
talking by using the example that the instructor explains to the
learner before. Likewise, the learners can do the post test.
3. Students do exercises.
Step 4 Overall: Apply to remember/consider to society.
Teaching Technique: Group Learning (Collaborative Learning
1. Learners can role play of the sentence.
2. Learners do the post test.
้ ัด
ภาคเรียนที่ 2 ปี การศึกษา 2565
รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ รหัสวิชา อ 14101 ระดับชัน
้ ประถมศึกษาปี ที่ 4
ชื่อครูผู้สอน นางสาวพลอยปภัส โง่นทอง
สาระที่ มาตร ตัวชี ้ น้ำ จำนว ระดับพฤติกรรมที่วัด (K) ทัก จิต รวม
ฐาน วัด หนัก น จำนวนข้อสอบ ษะ พิสัย
การ (ร้อย ข้อ (P) (A)
เรียนรู้ ละ) รู้-จำ เข้าใ ประยุก วิเคร ประเมิน คิด
ตัวชี ้ จ ต์ใช้ าะห์ ค่า สร้างส
วัด รรค์
1 ต 1.1 ป.4/1 40 2 - - - 2 - - - - 2
ต 1.2 ป.4/2 40 2 - - - 2 - - - - 2
3 ต 4.1 ป.4/1 20 1 - - 1 - - - - - 1
รวม 5 1 4 5
(ร้อย 100 20 80 100

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