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Questions for preparation

1. Methodology in foreign languages teaching as a science

2. General and special methodology
3. Modern methodology in foreign languages teaching: stages of its development
(critical analysis)
4. Aims of foreign languages teaching methodology
5. The main methodological categories
6. Approaches in foreign language teaching methodology
7. Student-centered approach in foreign language teaching
8. Classroom management. Foreign language lesson planning
9. Communicative-cognitive approach in foreign language teaching
10. Teaching listening comprehension: listening as a communicative skill,
difficulties of listening, three-phase framework of teaching listening, types of
11. Bologna process and transition into Competency-based education
12. The main characteristics, techniques of Desuggestopedia method
13. Peculiarities of teaching foreign language pronunciation and Intonation: the
role of teaching pronunciation in FLT, Methods of teaching pronunciation, types of
exercises for teaching pronunciation, typical pronunciation mistakes
14. Task-based learning. Theoretical background. Definition of Task-based
15. Extra-curricular activities in foreign language teaching
16. Teaching reading: reading as a communicative skill, reading strategies, three-
phase framework of teaching, types of activities
17. Innovative technologies in foreign language teaching
18. Teaching speaking: speaking as a skill, communicative activities in teaching to
speak, simulation activities, three-phase framework of teaching speaking
19. Peculiarities of teaching foreign language grammar: subject of grammar, the
role of teaching grammar in FLT, a goal of teaching grammar
20. Difficulties in teaching grammar, procedure of teaching grammar, types of
grammar activities, assessment of grammar
21. Intercultural communicative competence as a final result in foreign language
teaching, its essence and competences
22. Teaching writing: writing as a communicative skill, types of writing, three-
phase framework of teaching writing, types of activities
23. Comparative characteristics of different forms of assessment in foreign
language teaching
24. Types of tests for evaluation Intercultural communicative competence
25. The role of Internet in foreign language teaching
26. Characteristics and peculiarities of using role-playing technology in foreign
language teaching
27. Interactive technologies in foreign language teaching
28. Characteristics and peculiarities of using project technology in foreign
language teaching
29. Case study as one of the main technologies in teaching FL professional
30. Characteristics and peculiarities of using debates in foreign language teaching
31. Communicative language teaching. The history of its development.
(N.Chomsky, D.Hymes, E.I.Passov, N.D.Galskova, S.S.Kunanbayeva)
32. Use of video in foreign languages education: stages of work, types of activities
33. The role and peculiarities of using group work in foreign language teaching
34. Characteristics and peculiarities of using round table technology in teaching
foreign language communication
35. Profile-oriented foreign language teaching, its essence, aims, content and
technologies in formation of professional foreign language communication
36. CLIL as a technology in teaching foreign language and subject
37. The role of pedagogical practice in the professional development of future
foreign language teacher
38. The impact of culture in foreign language teaching
39. Model of professional-pedagogical competency of foreign language teacher
40. TED Talks technology in teaching foreign language public speech of the

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