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Quantifiers (much, many, a lot of, few, little, some, any)

Quantifiers (much, many, a lot of, few, little, some, any)

Прізвище ім'я по батькові учня Клас Дата

Питання №1
We haven't got _____ petrol. We need to stop and get some.

much many
А) Б)

В) little

Питання №2
We had ________ rain last autumn.
much many
А) Б)

В) a lot of

Питання №3
There was ________ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
А) little Б) a little
В) few

Питання №4
You travel a lot. Have you been to _____ countries?
much many
А) Б)

В) few

Питання №5
It costs _____ money to give your children a good education.
much many
А) Б)

В) a lot of

Питання №6
There was ________ space for all the people who came
А) very little Б) very few
В) many

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Quantifiers (much, many, a lot of, few, little, some, any)

Питання №7
"Have you got any coins for the vending machine?" "Yes, I have ________.”
А) a little Б) a few
В) few

Питання №8
We need to go to the greengorcer's. There are _____ potatoes left.
А) few Б) a few
В) a little

Питання №9
There was _____ traffic so we arrived very early.
А) a little Б) a few
В) little

Питання №10
Are there ______eggs in the fridge?
А) some Б) any

Питання №11
Can I have ______tea, please?
А) some Б) any

Питання №12
My brother took_____ interesting photographs.
А) some Б) any

Питання №13
Don't worry, I don't need_____help.
А) some Б) any

Питання №14
There were _____ people on the beach because it was raining.
А) few Б) a few
В) a little

Питання №15
We have very _______ money, so we can't afford to buy a new car.

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Quantifiers (much, many, a lot of, few, little, some, any)

А) a little Б) little
В) few

Питання №16
Uncountable nouns вживаються з:

(вибери декілька варіантів)

А) little Б) few
В) a lot of Г) many
Д) much Е) any
Є) lots of Ж) some

Питання №17
Countable nouns вживаються з:

(вибери декілька варіантів)

А) little Б) few
В) a lot of Г) many
Д) much Е) any
Є) lots of Ж) some

Питання №18
Countable та uncountable nouns вживаються з:

(вибери декілька варіантів)

А) little Б) few
В) a lot of Г) many
Д) much Е) any
Є) lots of Ж) some

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