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Leader: Sagud, Alexandrea Krizel M.
Assistant Leader: Librando, Khen Ivan M.
Boter, Jeff Mark V. Borio, Lheamae D.
Dela Cruz, Cody Colt R. Hallig, Samantha L.
Red, Mark Dave C. Lezada, Ashlee S.
Sultan, Mohammad E. Rabi, Rosemarie G.
SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Cypruss Beo
Gamma rays and X-rays are both electromagnetic radiations, and since they overlap in the
electromagnetic spectrum, the terminology varies between scientific disciplines.
In some fields of physics, they are distinguished by their origin: Gamma rays are created by nuclear decay
while X-rays originate outside the nucleus. In astrophysics, gamma rays are conventionally defined as
having photon energies above 100 keV and are the subject of gamma-ray astronomy, while radiation
below 100 keV is classified as X-rays and is the subject of X-ray astronomy.

An X-ray, also known as X-radiation, is a type of high-energy electromagnetic
radiation that penetrates the body. The wavelength of most X-rays ranges from
10 picometers to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies ranging from
30 petahertz to 30 exahertz (31016 Hz to 31019 Hz) and energies ranging
from 145 eV to 124 keV. X-ray wavelengths are shorter than UV wavelengths
but typically longer than gamma wavelengths.
X-ray is an imaging technique that has been used since 1895 to show up
abnormalities in bones and certain body tissue, such as breast tissue.
An X-ray machine can produce short bursts of X-rays that pass easily through fluids and soft tissues of
the body but are blocked dense tissue such as bone.

A gamma ray, also known as gamma radiation, is a type of electromagnetic
radiation that is produced by the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. It is
made up of electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths, which are
typically shorter than those of X-rays. It imparts the most photon energy at
frequencies above 30 exahertz (301018 Hz).
Gamma rays produced by radioactive decay have energies ranging from a
few kilo electron volts (keV) to about 8 teraelectron volts (MeV), which
correspond to the typical energy levels in nuclei with relatively long lifetimes. Using gamma
spectroscopy, the energy spectrum of gamma rays can be used to identify decaying radionuclides. Very
high-energy gamma rays with energies ranging from 100 to 1000 teraelectronvolts (TeV) have been
observed from sources such as the Cygnus X-3 microquasar.
The primary sources of gamma rays on Earth are radioactive decay and secondary radiation from
atmospheric interactions with cosmic ray particles. Other rare natural sources, such as terrestrial gamma-
ray flashes, produce gamma rays through electron action on the nucleus. Fission, such as that which
occurs in nuclear reactors, and high energy physics experiments such as neutral pion decay and nuclear
fusion are notable artificial sources of gamma rays.
Wilhelm Roentgen, a physics professor in Wurzburg, Bavaria,
accidentally discovered X-rays in 1895 while testing whether
cathode rays could pass through glass. His cathode tube was
wrapped in heavy black paper, so he was taken aback when an
incandescent green light escaped and projected onto a nearby
fluorescent screen. He discovered through experimentation that
the mysterious light could pass through most substances but cast
shadows on solid objects. He called the rays 'X,' which means 'unknown,' because he didn't know what
they were.

The clinical application of X-rays flourished, with little regard for the potential side effects of radiation
exposure. Scientists such as Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and William J. Morton expressed early
concerns, reporting injuries they believed were caused by X-ray experiments. However, early use of X-
rays was widespread and unrestrained, even to the point where shoe stores offered free X-rays so
customers could see the bones in their feet during the 1930s and 1940s.

We now have a far better understanding of the risks associated with X-ray radiation and have developed
protocols to greatly minimize unnecessary exposure. And while X-rays remain a cornerstone of modern
medicine, their discovery paved the way for the development of today’s broad spectrum of imaging
techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), ultrasound,
echocardiography, and many others -- some of which avoid the use of radiation altogether. Not a bad
legacy for an accidental discovery.
The radioactive decay process known as gamma decay was the first gamma-ray
source discovered. An excited nucleus emits a gamma ray almost immediately
after formation in this type of decay. In 1900, Paul Villard, a French chemist,
and physicist discovered gamma radiation while researching radiation emitted
by radium. Villard was aware that his described radiation was more powerful
than previously described types of radium rays, which included beta rays, first
noted as "radioactivity" by Henri Becquerel in 1896, and alpha rays, discovered
by Rutherford in 1899 as a less penetrating form of radiation.

Villard, however, did not consider naming them as a different fundamental

type. Later, in 1903, Ernest Rutherford recognized Villard's radiation as being
of a type fundamentally different from previously named rays and named
Villard's rays "gamma rays" by analogy with the beta and alpha rays that Rutherford had differentiated in
1899. The "rays" emitted by radioactive elements were named using the first three letters of the Greek
alphabet in order of their ability to penetrate various materials: alpha rays are the least penetrating,
followed by beta rays, and finally gamma rays are the most penetrating. Rutherford also observed that
gamma rays were not deflected (or were not easily deflected) by a magnetic field, which distinguished
them from alpha and beta rays.

Gamma rays, like alpha and beta rays, were initially thought to be mass particles. Rutherford initially
thought they were extremely fast beta particles, but their inability to be deflected by a magnetic field
proved that they had no charge. In 1914, gamma rays were observed to be reflected from crystal surfaces,
proving that they were electromagnetic radiation. As soon as the latter term became widely accepted, this
was recognized as providing them with more energy per photon. A gamma decay was later discovered to
typically emit a gamma photon.
Gamma radiation is often used to kill living organisms, in a process
called irradiation. Applications of this include the sterilization of
medical equipment (as an alternative to autoclaves or chemical
means), the removal of decay-causing bacteria from many foods,
and the prevention of the sprouting of fruit and vegetables to
maintain freshness and flavor.
Despite their cancer-causing
properties, gamma rays are also
used to treat some types of cancer, since the rays also kill cancer
cells. In the procedure called gamma-knife surgery, multiple
concentrated beams of gamma rays are directed to the growth in
order to kill the cancerous cells. The beams are aimed from different
angles to concentrate the radiation on the growth while minimizing
damage to surrounding tissues.
Gamma rays
are also used for diagnostic purposes in nuclear
medicine in imaging techniques. A number of
different gamma-emitting radioisotopes are used.
For example, in a PET scan, a radiolabeled sugar
called fluorodeoxyglucose emits positrons that are
annihilated by electrons, producing pairs of
gamma rays that highlight cancer as cancer often
has a higher metabolic rate than the surrounding
The most
common gamma emitter used in medical applications is the nuclear
isomer technetium-99m which emits gamma rays in the same energy
range as diagnostic X-rays. When this radionuclide tracer is
administered to a patient, a gamma camera can be used to form an
image of the radioisotope's distribution by detecting the gamma
radiation emitted (see also SPECT). Depending on which molecule has
been labeled with the tracer, such techniques can be employed to
diagnose a wide range of conditions (for example, the spread of cancer
to the bones via bone scan).

They're mainly used to look at the bones and joints, although they're sometimes used to detect problems
affecting soft tissue, such as internal organs. Problems that may be detected during an X-ray include bone
fractures and breaks. tooth problems, such as loose teeth and dental abscesses
X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and
organs on film or digital media. Standard X-rays are performed for many reasons, including diagnosing
tumors or bone injuries
What are the 3 types of X-rays?
A plain x-ray is painless and usually takes less
than 15 minutes. It can be done in a hospital
or private radiology practice. X-rays are done
by a radiographer or medical imaging
technologist. The images are reviewed by a
specialist medical doctor called a radiologist.
scan is a
imaging procedure that uses a combination of X-rays and computer
technology to produce images of the inside of the body. It shows
detailed images of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles,
fat, organs, and blood vessels.
Fluoroscopy is an imaging technique that uses X-
rays to obtain real-time moving images of the
interior of an object
Types of Fluoroscopy

Musculoskeletal Fluoroscopy.
 Barium Swallow.
 Fluoroscopic Enterocolitis.
 Fluoroscopic Defecography. Fluoroscopic
Small Bowel Follow Through.
 Fluoroscopic IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram).
 Fluoroscopic VCUG (voiding
 Fluoroscopic HSG (hysterosalpingogram).
Ionization Dangers
Ionization from gamma rays can cause three different reactions in living
cell tissues. A cell can either perfectly repair itself and continue unharmed,
it can die in the process of reproduction or it can repair itself imperfectly,
causing it to reproduce abnormally or become radioactive. When a cell
repairs itself imperfectly or becomes radioactive, it can develop into
leukemia or a solid tumor.
Gamma Ray Bursts
If a gamma-ray burst hit the Earth at
high intensity, it would negatively interact with the upper atmosphere,
creating nitrogen oxides that would lead to the destruction of the
Earth's ozone layer. After a few centuries, the after-effects would
cause a storm of cosmic rays to destroy everything on the surface of
the Earth.
Cell mutation
You were exposed to lower radiation levels with X-
rays discussed in the advantages section. As a result,
we are in control of the side effects. However, the
statement is no longer valid as X-ray frequency
In higher doses, X-rays emit ionizing radiation
Cancer can be caused by high doses. Cells’ DNA can be altered by it, thus altering them. This leads to
cancer as a result of a loss of control over cell division.
Absorbed radiation
The radiation emitted by X-rays is absorbed in different ways by different
body parts. Hence, radiographic images of dense bone appear white because
it absorbs more radiation. Radiation is absorbed less by soft tissues, making
them appear gray.
There is nothing but air in the black area of the image. In the worst-case
scenario, calcium absorbs a greater amount of radiation and may lead to
fractures and growth arrests.
Due to the presence of elements with higher atomic numbers, bone absorbs a
great deal of radiation. Radiation passes through soft tissues that absorb less
radiation. As a result of the bone’s greater ability to absorb radiation, it can
also make diagnostic data less visible.
When X-rays are taken in this manner, information that may be helpful in
treatment planning may be blocked, which defeats the purpose of doing so.
Less information
As compared to other imaging tests, X-rays provide relatively little
information. It is also possible that some tests will require multiple radiographic images. Each image
exposes the viewer to a higher dose of radiation, resulting in high radiation exposure. In order to reduce
the exposure while improving the treatment process, medical professionals must seek alternatives.
Affects tissues
Medical conditions can be diagnosed with X-rays in small doses. The dose, however, can harm living
tissue if it is applied repeatedly over time. Vomiting and bleeding are common side effects of radiation

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