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TNU Teknik Telekomunikasi

dan Navigasi Udara

Tx Radio Pemancar
Ade Irfansyah, ST, MT
TNU Teknik Telekomunikasi
dan Navigasi Udara

Part 1
Teori gelombang radio
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Electromagnetic Waves
• Electromagnetic waves are signals that oscillate; i.e., the
amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields vary at a
specific rate.
• The field intensities fluctuate up and down, and the
polarity reverses a given number of times per second.
• The electromagnetic waves vary sinusoidally.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Electromagnetic Waves
• Their frequency is measured in cycles per second (cps) or
hertz (Hz).
• These oscillations may occur at a very low frequency or at
an extremely high frequency.
• The range of electromagnetic signals encompassing all
frequencies is referred to as the electromagnetic
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Electromagnetic Waves
• A radio signal is called an electromagnetic wave because it
is made up of both electric and magnetic fields.
• Whenever voltage is applied to the antenna, an electric
field is set up.
• At the same time, this voltage causes current to flow in
the antenna, producing a magnetic field.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Electromagnetic Waves
• The electric and magnetic fields are at right angles to each
• These electric and magnetic fields are emitted from the
antenna and propagate through space over very long
distances at the speed of light.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Magnetic Fields
• A magnetic field is an invisible force field created by a
• An antenna is a type of electromagnet.
• A magnetic field is generated around a conductor when
current flows through it.
• Fig. 1 shows the magnetic field, or flux, around a wire
carrying a current.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Magnetic Fields
• Although the magnetic field is a continuous force field, for
calculation and measurement purposes it is represented
as individual lines of force.
• This is how the magnetic field appears in most antennas.
• The strength and direction of the magnetic field depend
upon the magnitude and direction of the current flow.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Magnetic Fields
• The strength of a magnetic i eld H produced by a wire
antenna is expressed by
H = I / 2d
where I = current, (Ampere)
d = distance from wire, (meter)
The SI unit for magnetic field strength is ampere-turns
per meter.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Figure 1
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Electric Fields
• An electric field is also an invisible force field produced by
the presence of a potential difference between two
• A common example in electronics is the electric field
produced between the plates of a charged capacitor (Fig.
• Of course, an electric field exists between any two points
across which a potential difference exists.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Electric Fields
• The strength of an electric i eld E is expressed by
E = q / (4d2)

where q = charge between the two points, (Coloumb)

 = permittivity
d = distance between conductors, (meter)
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Electric Fields
• Permittivity is the dielectric constant of the material
between the two conductors.
• The dielectric is usually air or free space, which has an 
value of approximately 8.85 3 10-12 r, where r is the
dielectric constant of the medium.
Teknik Telekomunikasi
TNU dan Navigasi Udara

Figure 2
TNU Teknik Telekomunikasi
dan Navigasi Udara

Terima kasih
Berlanjut ke Part 2

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