Debate - Teacher - S Script

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Script for debate

This debate will come to order.
The topic before us today is:
Arguing for (the proposition team) the above topic is Team _____, the first
speaker ____________ and the second speaker __________________.
Arguing against (the opposition team) the above topic is Team ____, the first
speaker _____________ and the second speaker _________________.

A speaker from each team will deliver a 1-minute opening speech, which will
then be followed by questions and responses from each team member, after
which the debate will end with closing speeches by a speaker from each team.
There will be no shouting, interrupting or heckling. Are there any questions
regarding the rules?

The topic before us today is: __________________

Opening remarks
I call upon the first speaker from the proposition team to introduce their case
for 1 minute. (student 1A)
(student 1A speaks)

Thank you ____________ for your remarks.

I call upon the first speaker from the opposition team to introduce their case
for 1 minute. (student 2A)
(student 2A speaks)

Thank you ____________ for your remarks.

Teams now have 2 minutes to agree on questions for the opposing team.

Q and A Section
I call upon the first speaker from the proposition team to ask a question of the
opposition team. (student 1A to student 2B)
(student 2B responds)

I call upon the first speaker from the opposition team to ask a question of the
proposition team. (student 2A to student 1B)
(student 1B responds)
I call upon the second speaker from the proposition team to ask a question of
the opposition team. (student 1B to student 2A)
(student 2A responds)

I call upon the second speaker from the opposition team to ask a question of
the proposition team. (student 2B to student 1A)
(student 1A responds)

Closing Statements
Teams now have 2 minutes to prepare for closing statements

I call upon the speaker from the proposition team to make a closing statement
(student 1B)
Thank you _______________ for your remarks
I call upon the speaker from the opposition team to make a closing statement
(student 2B)
Thank you _______________ for your remarks

That ends this debate for today, the judges will now tally their scores and the
winning team will be announced shortly. Thank you.

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