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Precious B.Villanueva.

Date of submission: April 18, 2023

Creative Writing

Title: Photo Essay

Ashivianna Fate Takashi 17 years old , she have a long hair, her eyes color
blue like a ocen and also tall girl.She lived in Takashi Village and also the
owner and she’s the youngest daughter of mr and ms.Takashi they always
call her attention seeker, Bitch, Ugly because of her outfit.Her family doesn’t
know what hppend to her beacause they always busy in there company and
He’s brother doesn’t care about her.Even she’s rich but the world can’t give
her a happy family.She always wear a smile to hide pain in her heart.I really
felts sad because many people in this world are not useless in eyes of their
bestfriend they feel no one’s love them..That the case ashivianna one day she
go went to the park to enjoy andd to watch children.She is so sad because she
see a whole family are laughing each other.That kind of feel that she wanted
but the world cannot give to him.Until she felt not feeling well until her eyes
become blurred and slowly falling on the ground.She woke up and notice
that she’s on the hospital and also her parents are already there while crying
she ask what happned?Her parent said you have a 7 days left to live.In my
opinion love that person before its too late to apologies.Give attention she
wanted let him feel the loved that she never feel before.Everytime you see
people happy but deep inside is she hide pain.

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