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实验 13 二层链路聚合的配置


 首先 interface Bridge-Aggregation XXXX 为创建二层聚合组 XXXX。

 然后 interface range 进入端口范围执行:

 port link-mode bridge,为网桥口。

 port link-aggregation group XXXX,将端口聚合进二层聚合组 XXXX。

 然后再进入 interface bridge-Aggregation XXXX,即可设置 trunk。

 检查二层聚合端口配置 display interface Bridge-Aggregation brief。

 display link-aggregation summary 和 display link-aggregation member-port。

 实验组网图

 实验任务:二层链路聚合配置
步骤 1:建立物理连接,搭建网络拓扑。

H3C 的链路聚合遵循标准 IEEE 802.3ad(即 LACP,链路层聚合控制协议)

步骤 2:配置 SWA、SWB 的 VLAN

[SWA]vlan 10 [SWB]vlan 10

[SWA-vlan10]exit [SWB-vlan10]exit

[SWA]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 [SWB]interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

[SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1]port access vlan 10 [SWB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]port access vlan 10

[SWA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] [SWB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]

步骤 3:SWA、SWB 上创建二层聚合组,并添加端口到聚合组,同时设置聚合组为 Trunk

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[SWA]interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 [SWB]interface Bridge-Aggregation 1

[SWA-Bridge-Aggregation1] exit [SWB-Bridge-Aggregation1]exit

[SWA]interface range G 1/0/21 to G 1/0/23 [SWB]interface range G 1/0/21 to G 1/0/23

[SWA-if-range] port link-mode bridge [SWB-if-range] port link-mode bridge

[SWA-if-range] port link-aggregation group 1 [SWB-if-range] port link-aggregation group 1

[SWA-if-range]exit [SWB-if-range]exit

[SWA]interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 [SWB]interface Bridge-Aggregation 1

[SWA-Bridge-Aggregation1]port link-type trunk [SWB-Bridge-Aggregation1]port link-type trunk

[SWA-Bridge-Aggregation1]port trunk permit vlan all [SWB-Bridge-Aggregation1]port trunk permit vlan all

步骤 4:检查聚合的结果。

注意聚合成功后的链路名称为 link aggregation,这是链路聚合的关键词!!!

aggregation 的英文意思为集合

<SWA>display link-aggregation summary

Aggregation Interface Type:

BAGG -- Bridge-Aggregation, BLAGG -- Blade-Aggregation, RAGG -- Route-Aggregation

Aggregation Mode: S -- Static, D -- Dynamic

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Actor System ID: 0x8000, 4a9f-7bb7-0100

AGG AGG Partner ID Selected Unselected Individual Share

Interface Mode Ports Ports Ports Type


BAGG1 S None 3 0 0 Shar

<SWA>display link-aggregation ?

load-sharing Link aggregation load sharing

member-port Display member(s) of link aggregation group

summary Summary information

verbose Display verbose information of link aggregation group

<SWA>display interface Bridge-Aggregation 1

步骤 5:测试 VPC1 与 VPC2 之间的连通性。

此时 VPC1 与 VPC2 之间可以跨交换机、同一 VLAN 互通。

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