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STUDENT ID: 2021105237




Table of Contents
Introduction of ICT in education....................................................................................................3
Role of ICT in education................................................................................................................5
Advantages of ICT in education....................................................................................................6
Planning for ICT integration into classroom................................................................................7
Relationship between education and ICT....................................................................................8

Introduction of ICT in education
Information and communication technology (ICT) is a powerful engine of change in the
twenty-first century, influencing and reshaping every aspect of life. A person will not be able
to perform anything without the help of technology in their everyday job routine. Between
evidence-based policy decisions, learning, and the continually changing world of technology,
ICT in education thrives. The truth is that while technology has supplied everyone with basic
life skills, it has also caused individuals to shift. People now must adapt to the currents of
technological growth by changing themselves.
The world economy will transform into a digital economy in the future, thus education should
prepare individuals to gain ICT skills. As a result, it should be the responsibility of national
education to equip instructors to use ICT as one of the platforms for continuing learning
sessions. Teachers have a critical role in implementing ICT so that everyone may get the
skills and knowledge required by the communication society. He stated that in the realm of
education, the growth of teachers' professional domains in ICT and adequate academic
skills are quite vital.
The integration of information and communication technology (ICT) has sped up the rate of
change in the educational system, despite opposition to change. Several projects have been
launched to include ICT in learning and teaching sessions, however, many are focusing on
or receiving attention. The development of ICT abilities in teacher education is critical to their
ability to use ICT in instructional approaches. The influence of quality as a teacher educator
in utilizing ICT on teacher educators' confidence and competence is critical in ensuring that
ICT remains an integral element of the teaching-learning process. The use of ICT has a
considerable impact on teacher education, particularly in the areas of mathematical
knowledge, problem-solving, writing, and layout, which will assist successful learning and
functioning in everyday life.
ICT integration in education is a method of analyzing the complete learning process, as well
as planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating instructional techniques and their
management. It is a reality that technology not only reshapes the student learning sector by
engaging students in hard activities, but it also provides new responsibilities for students and
instructors, allowing them to be professional and create a culture that fosters learning both
inside and outside the classroom. As a result, developing an engaging teaching and learning
process takes time. To give chances for ambitious pupils, technology and instructors must
collaborate. The use of ICT in teacher education programs can result in advancements that
will improve learning sessions. Even students will be fortunate, and they will grow wiser and
more engaged in their studies.
Some educators feel that using ICT in teaching and learning can help students and the
educational system overcome a variety of learning issues. Other groups of educators claim
that using ICT allows educators to acquire new and simpler ways to do work, as well as
impart basic skills and knowledge that students need to know and acquire. The Association
of Educational Communication and Technology, founded in 1994, highlighted five areas
where technology is now used in education. Design, development, deployment, assessment,
and management are the five areas of this technology.

No question incorporating ICT into the educational system is critical, as evidenced by the
fact that ICT is a superior tool for processing data. The new generation must be able to
utilize it effectively and acquire the necessary skills. At all levels of the educational system,
ICT should be a basic management tool in the learning and teaching process. As a result,
educational institutions should do more in-depth research into the practices and teaching
materials available to build a more effective and efficient learning environment and increase
students' lifetime learning abilities and habits.
The reality is that information and communication technology (ICT) may be used in the
educational system to improve the learning and teaching process, which will help to support
long-term economic development and social transformation. ICT may also be used to
improve the quality of education by increasing students' grasp of what they are studying.
Knowledge and sharing can help to shift the educational system away from stereotyped
teaching and toward current ICT-integrated teaching approaches.
Furthermore, as an educator, learning how to use ICT to promote teacher education at
government teacher training institutes is a must. Its goal is to improve the use of ICT in
teaching methods and to integrate ICT-based training programs. The goal of this study is to
assess how ICT is currently being used. Its goal is to investigate the link between teachers'
knowledge of teaching techniques and their knowledge of how to utilize ICT in the learning
and teaching process, as well as to improve integrated ICT training for educators.

Role of ICT in education
Information and communication technology (ICT) is an electronic instrument for gathering,
processing, storing, and disseminating data. The numerous sorts of tools and technical
resources used to transmit, generate, transmit, store, and manage information are referred
to as information technology (ICT). Computers, the internet, broadcasting technologies such
as radio and television, and even telephones are among these technologies. ICT is a
comprehensive technology that encompasses all areas of information management and
In the late 1980s, information technology supplanted the word computer, which denoted a
concentration on the capacity to store and retrieve information or data in terms of computing
technology. Around 1992, the phrase "information and communication technology" was
coined. ICT is defined by the United Nations Report 1999 as the provision of services such
as the internet, equipment, and information technology services, media and broadcasting,
libraries and documentation centers, commercial information providers, network-based
information services, and other communications activity-related information.
Although the terms IT and ICT are frequently interchanged, they are less generally
recognized outside of education. In general, schools think of IT as equipment and
infrastructure technology, but ICT is what we do with it, such as the topic and how it is
utilized to enhance learning. Because there are so many devices now, the phrase is
sometimes pluralized, such as "information and communication technology." ICT is an ever-
evolving and diversified network that spans a wide range of roles and possibilities.
Educational technology is utilized to achieve educational goals methodically. The use of ICT
to achieve educational objectives is growing by the day, and numerous tools are also being
utilized to improve the education system to attain a high level of quality. ICT has a variety of
implications for educational goals. ICT integration offers educators numerous promising
options to fulfill educational objectives by providing new, modern, systematic, and orderly
techniques for instructional design and education. The use of ICT in the educational system
has altered the teaching and learning process. The incorporation of ICT in education has
transformed the teaching and learning process, as well as the teaching paradigm.
ICT provides a tool for bringing about the revolutionary change that is required by society's
evolutionary transition. As a means of assisting in the learning process. ICT holds the
possibility of fresh solutions to the educational system's problems.
ICT's function in education must also be tied to educational requirements. In many nations,
there is a relation between the role of ICT and educational attainment, as well as the
necessity of using ICT to help students establish a strong learning strategy or process. The
second element is that ICT is utilized in teaching and learning to promote personality
The use of ICT in the educational process strives to achieve educational goals, but it has a
revolutionary influence in teaching and education by allowing students to utilize numerous
tools to help in teaching sessions. It is suggested that the technology-related abilities of the
personnel concerned, particularly teachers and trainees, be upgraded. The reality is that the
integration of information and communication technology has altered the way education is
done, allowing for greater learning opportunities.

Advantages of ICT in education
The paradigm of education and teaching has shifted as a result of ICT. Through the use of
ICT technologies and communication methods, it gives the finest possibility to boost
perception and comprehension. The use of new technologies necessitates both ICT
adaptation to the educational environment and a cultural shift in the role of teachers and
other stakeholders in the educational system. Educational technology has the potential to
alter the location or location of schools in underdeveloped countries, as well as the teaching
and learning process.
One of the benefits of ICT in education is that it allows us simple access to knowledge and
allows us to exchange knowledge for mutual gain while also making it simpler to grasp
others' thoughts. The use of technology in education is a novel concept, and educators must
be open to new teaching approaches. Technology's incorporation into educational
techniques, such as machine teaching and technological tools, is extremely beneficial for
lifelong learning. Improvements in the field of ICT can modify the applications and uses
throughout time, which might have an indirect impact on the teaching and learning process
in education. It can also help to promote sustainable development and a healthy
atmosphere, as well as improve learning capacities.
Furthermore, one of the benefits of ICT in education is the utilization of computers. The use
of various technologies and the internet in the classroom has given the ideal learning
environment for the current generation of students, allowing them to complete their work or
tasks more efficiently. New skills and the incorporation of ICT in education are critical in the
age of digital literacy. Mentions the benefits of ICT and their effects on native expansion,
local position, institutional framework, teacher education, learning environment, cooperation,
and individual results and outcomes.
Moreover, technical instruments like audio-visual aids, computers, the internet, USB drives,
multimedia, and CD-ROMs have shown to be highly useful in the teaching and learning
process. These techniques may also be used to revolutionize teacher education by training
and educating educators. Educational digitalization is a way used by the education system to
encourage instructors and trainees to acquire new educational practices. This benefit, the
availability of information, is critical for the integration of ICT in education. In the modern
educational system, the robust integration of ICT into the teaching and learning process is
closely tied to the performance of qualified instructors and students. Students benefit from
the use of information and communication technology in the classroom because it allows
them to be self-directed or independent learners, as well as the ability to establish their own
opinions based on their requirements. The influence of ICT on learning accomplishment in
the educational system is improving at a rapid pace.
ICT integration in the educational system allows students to not only access and search for
information, but also to study according to their requirements. Rapid advancements in ICT
can assist students in locating materials and achieving customized learning goals that suit
their needs as students. The integration of ICT into the educational system has certainly
changed the required capabilities in the workplace and professional knowledge. In several
fields of employment and professions, ICT has also transformed the nature of work and the
sorts of skills necessary. The character of their instruction is strongly determined by their
access to methodological materials.

Planning for ICT integration into classroom
Any communication equipment or application, such as radio, television, mobile phones,
hardware, computer software, and networks, as well as many types of services and
applications associated with it, such as video conferencing and distance learning, is included
in ICT. The introduction and integration of ICT via the education system are some of the
principles of education system reform going place all over the world. The effectiveness of
ICT integration in the classroom necessitates careful planning and, more importantly, an
increase in understanding and comprehending the dynamics of the integration.
However, ICT should be used with other conventional methods, such as print and broadcast
radio, to improve student accomplishment effectiveness. Skilled instructors require the
abilities that they have acquired via their education and training. This demonstrates that ICT
is not only a teaching instrument but also a technological skill learned as a means of
achieving one's objectives or gathering information. Students are also taught how to choose
and use many digital programs to fulfill various tasks. Overhead projectors, multimedia
presentations, video conferencing, word processing or spreadsheet software, network
drawing programs, and other technology applications that can be used as communication
tools will be able to support any curriculum and can be assimilated to become teachers who
conduct core practices.
Overall, incorporating ICT into the classroom provides several advantages for both students
and the learning process. When ICT is used in the classroom, it may be detected. Allowing
content to be delivered in multiple mediums for learning objectives through numerous
channels is one of the impacts. Second, it can encourage and engage pupils in a successful
learning process. Bringing an abstract idea of life into play, on the other hand, can improve
critical thinking, intellectual processes, and higher-order abilities. It also allows students to
practice basic skills at their speed and on their own time. Allowing pupils to apply the
knowledge they've gathered to solve issues, as well as forming new issues and describing
the world around them clearly and simply, as well as providing access to global information
resources. Finally, it is a cost-effective means to bring the world into the classroom. In fact, it
provides a platform for instructors and students to connect with colleagues from all over the
world; it can also extend research and function if there are no geographical constraints.
Also, the use of ICT in the classroom increases students' information and knowledge, and it
also incorporates technology tools into learning activities. According to an overview of the
effects of ICT integration in the classroom, access to ICT-supported educational experiences
has the potential to provide students with excellent chances to gain new skills and
competencies needed to function effectively in the twenty-first century.
The employment of electronic tools in the classroom has provided a high-quality learning
environment, allowing students to attain excellent academic accomplishment. The difficulty
of incorporating ICT into classroom learning sessions has prompted teacher educators to
participate in continual curriculum improvement to prepare teachers to fulfill the diverse
demands of the school environment.
The use of ICT in the classroom provides a systematic mechanism for explaining topics in a
way that meets the demands of the classroom, for implementing educational models,
teaching approaches, and for connecting theory and practice. Within the school system,
instructors may also play a vital role in lowering kids' social, emotional, and behavioral
difficulties by using daily routine procedures such as creating a good classroom atmosphere
and providing specific feedback for appropriate actions.

Relationship between education and ICT
Technological advancements have sparked a discussion over the link between information
and communication technology (ICT) and education. The role of the teacher, as well as the
process of learning, teaching, and professional growth, are the most significant components.
Information technology will radically alter the way we think and learn, resulting in a shift in
education and curriculum.
For a long time, ICT and education have had a strong association, and digital literacy is a
vital necessity of the digital age. The effectiveness of instructors and the amount of progress
in student performance are linked to the usage of ICT in teaching and learning approaches.
ICT also adds to the possibility or long-term component for adult training to be able to better
adapt to the job in the world of technology. The argument for the interaction between ICT
and education has suggested that knowledge will be shorter in a society of part-time
knowledge because the rising specialization of knowledge will be more necessary to work in
As part of the basic education that must be learned to live comfortably, the community must
be prepared to undertake lifelong learning activities and be taught the fundamentals of
collaboration and projects. If these new needs are to be satisfied, learning innovation in
basic education is required. This innovation should have a strong pedagogical focus on a
didactical approach that brings students together, and it will increasingly be targeted toward
ICT-enabled students, with instructors serving as trainers and educators.
Furthermore, computers, software, the internet, CD-ROMs, video, and technical tool
applications have altered the structure of society, resulting in the perception of the world as a
global village. ICT may also aid communication between students, as well as develop an
individual's personality and duties within the educational system. It makes no difference if
teachers utilize ICT in their teaching and education practices; it has been proven to improve
teaching techniques and give students learning chances.
To summarize, technological advancements and applications are causing a fundamental
shift in society, causing people to learn new information and update teaching and
educational approaches. To attain educational goals, the link between ICT and education
requires time. The relationship between ICT and education is a challenge for the
international community in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and
Education For All (EFA), making it unrealistic to expect traditional delivery mechanisms to
ensure equal and fair quality and educational opportunities for all at an affordable cost. The
most difficult issue for the educational system is to provide training or lifelong learning
opportunities to all people, particularly traditional groups who are underused or
underrepresented, such as women and girls who encounter impediments to education.
Overcrowded rural communities attend regular schools to obtain a cost-effective education
with affordable class sizes, as do children from poor or extremely poor families, as well as
special needs groups or people with disabilities who do not have access to centers of
education or learning, and so on.

Finally, as a vocation, ICT is an essential technology in the educational system. The use of
ICT in distant learning, the recording of student performance and other important information
in databases and storage media, and the use of ICT technologies in the classroom, such as
projectors, are all examples of ICT applications. Since the introduction of the internet and the
widespread use of computers, achieving the goal of education has been much easier. It also
entails administering ongoing evaluation, grading assessments, providing feedback to
students, and verifying the originality of ideas expressed in assignments and test replies.
Overall, the effect of ICT in educational institutions will make school life impossible without
ICT for those who are accustomed to utilizing ICT in their daily lives, as well as for students
who choose to utilize ICT as a learning connection.
In addition, ICT in education can assist students and instructors enhance their performance
in learning sessions to some level. This is because modern technology, such as ICT, may
alter how information is delivered, learned, and solutions to tasks assigned to students by
allowing students to access only the information that they need to know or seek to utilize ICT
We may also study via ICT without having to meet students or teachers face to face, in other
words, we can study through online distance learning (ODL). It is critical when a crisis or
catastrophe affects a country or the entire planet. As we all know, the globe is now
experiencing an epidemic that requires us to maintain a safe distance from one another to
protect ourselves from sickness or strangers, and it is known as the covid-19 virus. So, in
today's society, when the entire world is ravaged by an epidemic that necessitates taking
precautions to avoid becoming infected, technical systems such as ICT enable us to learn
from a distance, a concept known as ODL. It is extremely beneficial and productive; students
may learn in a new setting, and teachers can teach more effectively and efficiently.
The use of ICT in education has drawbacks, one of which is that it will cost a lot of money.
This is because ICT users require ICT technology instruments such as laptops, PCs, reliable
internet connectivity, and a fast internet speed, among other things. The tools employed in
the ICT system are not worth it with the notes that were always used before the
establishment of ODL, which will be a problem for students whose family money is poor. As
a result, this is one of the difficulties faced by students who do not have a solid financial
The materials should then be put to use by educators, policymakers, administrators, and
teacher preparation and professional development programs. Collaborate with all
stakeholders, including families, researchers, cultural organizations, and others. The group
will be able to minimize inefficiencies, go beyond traditional classroom boundaries, and form
strong collaborations to enhance learning wherever and wherever it occurs.
In education and learning, the existence of technology does not guarantee justice and
accessibility. It also can reduce the impediments that stand in its way. Students will be able
to access resources, experiences, planning tools, and information that may be used as a
reference to build skills inconceivable in earlier generations, regardless of their perceived
ability or physical location.

Overall, it can help educators improve their knowledge, abilities, and competence in
teaching. To go beyond typical static and dated assessment scores, tools and data systems
may be easily connected to offer information on advances in students' learning progress.
Learning dashboards, as well as collaboration and communication technologies, can make it
easier to link instructors and students' families. It is created under the direction of a solid and
powerful vision, as well as leadership at all levels, from teacher leaders to school
administrators to state administrators. This function is also one of the technologies that
enable improved communication, resource sharing, and even better practices to have a
vision to those who are devoted to assisting each individual in the learning improvement
system for each student. This is an exciting time in terms of technological advancements to
help to learn.




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