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Matric No 2021105237

Group N4AM1102A




A job description not just to outlines the tasks of the role, but it also lays the groundwork for

attracting, developing, and keeping talent, as well as setting the scene for optimum work

performance by outlining responsibilities, anticipated outcomes, and performance appraisal.

It is also an essential element of guaranteeing legal compliance and sustaining a fair

compensation plan. In accordance with the annual performance review cycle, the

documentation should be evaluated and modified.

The job description provides enough detail to define primary duties and vital tasks as they

currently existing. They share accurate information required to categorise the position, not the

individual; as a result, they are "inhabitant neutrality" and are not dependent on most any

specific attribute of an incumbent, such as knowledge, skills, talents, productivity, devotion,

loyal, length of experience, or education. The documentation should not cover every detail of

how and what work is done in order for it to be usable even if small modifications occur.

Career paths can be prepared collaboratively by the employer and employees, but the

supervisor must approve.

First, let's talk about responsibilities and tasks. This subsection contains a summary of the

job's tasks and responsibilities, often known as the fundamental functions. They define the

basic essence of the job, which takes up a major percentage of the worker's time. Incorporate

explanatory sentences that explain why, how, where, and how frequently the activities and

obligations are carried out. Concentrate on the conclusion of operations. Refer to proposal

areas where one will have an effect or impact. Determine whether you have active or passive

accountability. Describe the scope and nature of your budgeted or financial obligations.

Specify the interactions, the persons contacted, and the extent to which the incumbent will

communicate with others both inside and beyond the College. List work tasks that represent

the role criteria and are not dependent on the ability of any one person.

Second, consider the proper skills. This part specifies the amount of job expertise necessary, such as

education, experience, knowledge, skills, and talents. This report concentrates on the "bare minimum"

qualities required for an individual to be productive and successful in this profession. Education, to

determine the academic qualifications that an employee must have in order to fulfil the job tasks and duties

properly. Describe your educational qualifications in terms of academic fields and or the sort of education

or focus that would equip you with the expertise needed for this role. Experience, to determine the minimal

couple of years of complete thing necessary and the type of work experience required for a worker to be

eligible for the position. If internships, undergraduate job experience, and graduate assistantships are

acceptable levels of experience, this must be specified. When defining needed knowledge, Knowledge,

Skills, and Abilities include the amount or depth of knowledge required for admittance into the position.
There are the Preferred Qualities, which are an enlarged list of the Needed Credentials that

may be utilised to judge a person's capacity to be productive and successful in this position.

These Desirable Qualities are "great to have," but they are not required to perform the job's

day-to-day tasks. Finally, working conditions must be identified in order to be in compliance

with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes identifying the working

circumstances and physical demands that are specifically linked to the key job role and

responsibilities. Explain the type, severity, recurrence, and length of physically or

emotionally talents needed.



The practise of constantly pursuing for, discovering, and employing individuals for a given

post or career is known as recruiting. The recruiting concept encompasses the complete

recruiting process, from initial screening through the integration of the prospective recruit in

to firm. Job searchers, on either hand, are looking for associations that could hire them.

Recruiting is a connecting activity that brings together those who are employed and those

who are searching for work. Simply said, recruitment is the act of discovering sources out of

which potential employees can be selected. A scientific recruiting method provides benefits

such as increased production, better wages, improved morale, decreased labour turnover, and

a positive reputation. It motivates people to apply for jobs, which is a good thing.

The first is to keep corporate operations running smoothly. The hiring process guarantees that

your organization's day-to-day operations run smoothly. It offers organisations with all of the

human resource department they require on a regular basis for a variety of employment jobs.

Personnel from a range of backgrounds are chosen for the recruiting process to fit the

demands of the organisation.

The secondary goal is to boost the organization's legitimacy. A successful recruitment

procedure improves the value of a company organisation. It evaluates the legitimacy of job

postings and represents the company's competence and genuineness. A company's

implementation of a good application technique will help to increase the trustworthiness of

job seekers. This, in turn, raises the awareness of top suitable individuals to your firm.
Towards its foundation, recruitment is a simple concept: it comprises finding people and

employing those to fulfil job vacancies. In contrast, effective recruitment is a combination of

art and science. On the one hand, it demands the use of reproducible techniques that generate

consistent results. Brainstorming to find your ideal candidate, on the other hand, benefits your

organisation in the long term since it ensures a smooth employee experience. Despite the fact

that recruiting is a very essential and formal process, it is critical that we acknowledge the

relevance of personality characteristics in recruiting.



Employee performance review is critical in motivating your staff, enhancing the quality of

the product, and maintaining them engaged on a daily basis. There is no dispute that

evaluating employee performance is an important part of any organization ensures. It isn't

just the main choice for understanding how their team is performing, but it is also a

convincing test for collecting input on how their organisation operates overall, whether your

employees are contributing positively to accomplishing your objectives, and what you'll do to

enhance job satisfaction. It also serves as the basis for deciding compensation increases and

career planning for personnel as well as their growth.

Many organisations and employee assessment systems has adopted peer review as a strategy

to improve the traditional evaluation process. Review process is the practise of receiving

anonymized input about a worker from co-worker’s, teammates, and peers on certain

elements of that staff job. It gives a unique chance to investigate a worker's talents and

capacities and aids in identifying a participant's connecting, leading, professional, and

collaborative skills inside a business. Given the complexities of working relationships, this

technique offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to discover each worker's advantages and

disadvantages and utilise this important data about long term planning, teamwork, and career

Second method of evaluating employee performance, self-evaluation is an essential action for

improving the efficiency of your assessment process. Whenever implemented right, it may

give a number of critical insights more about company. This assessment approach allows

workers to participate actively in their appraisal process. Workers are therefore given a voice

instead of merely becoming the recipients of managerial input. When consciousness is made

an intrinsic component of the review process, it motivates workers to assess themselves on a

frequent basis all year, resulting in greater attainment of the organization's success. Workers

that actively participate in the evaluation process are more likely to be engaged with this

procedure. When consciousness is made an intrinsic component of the review process, it

motivates workers to assess themselves on a frequent basis all year, resulting in greater

attainment of the organization success.

Finally, performance assessments are more than just a review of a person's performance with

rewards and penalties as a result. Instead, it aims to align and enhance an individuals personal

skills in order to meet the larger corporate aim.

Question 4


Employee Discipline seeks to promote flexibility between workers so that they can alter

themself according to the organisational strategy. It also seeks to facilitate employees to

behave in the desired manner, to respect their superiors, to obey the rules, rules and regs, and

processes, to enhance productivity at the lowest possible cost, to work more effectively, to

make each other gain confidence, to enhance human interactions, to dissuade employees from

violating guidelines and restrictions, and many more.

First and foremost, to achieve the aim. An organisation maintains disciplines in order to

obtain voluntary adoption of the organization's rules, policies, and operations in order to

achieve organisational goals. In reality, all efforts oriented it towards the preservation of

restraint must result in the attainment of organizational goals; otherwise, the imposition of

discipline would be futile.

Second, to improve staff relations. The primary goal of discipline is to establish positive

employee relations within the organisation. Discipline concerns can generate significant

tension in collective bargaining ties. Nonetheless, by an impartial and open grievance action,

unions are persuaded of the fairness of the process and gain their future participation in


The next step is to lessen monitoring. Employee Engagement seeks to provide strict oversight

in firms. Workers gain self-discipline as a result of the disciplinary policies and systems,

which eliminates the need to regularly monitor their motivation and achievement. As a result

of regulation, employers can reduce costs of monitoring while sacrificing its effectiveness.
Finally, to boost motivation levels. Every organization's primary goal is to improve employee

motivation and morale through a fair punitive system. When workers believe that their

organization's punishment procedure is reasonable and genuine, they will strive difficult to

prevent punitive proceedings. On the opposite, whenever an incident of poor discipline is

punished fairly and quickly, kids are proud of their disciplined behaviour. This mood gives

employees with a sense of fulfilment, inspiration, and devotion. It soon leads to better in


Likewise, discipline ensures that employees act appropriately at work and follow the

organization's norms and regulations. Discipline is essential in the workplace because it

guarantees that employees act properly and that the workplace maintains its decorum.


A personnel manager is a manager who is in charge of administrative responsibilities such as

recruiting, task analysis, job appraisal, pay and salary management, based learning, dispute

resolution, labour law compliance, and other related tasks. Personnel manager is a more

conventional job, mostly an administrative responsibility. The primary responsibility of a

personal manager is responsible for managing the workers or personnel of a company.

First, consider the function of leadership. Employees benefit from his leadership and

direction. A people manager also fosters excellent interaction inside the business and pushes

workers to strive toward the organization's goals. A management job needs you to handle

people, situations, and stuff in an effective and ethical manner. Although leadership roles can

be official or informal, every component and kind of leadership within an organisation serves

to shape and guide the company. Leaders are those who can use their expertise, influence,

and position to assist a project or organisation progress. A leadership position may assist you

in applying and honing the transferable skills and interpersonal abilities required for success

in both your career and personal life.

Second, there is judgement role. That is a crucial decision-maker in living thing matters. He

also develops and creates success of the entire policies and initiatives. Decision-making is

described as the process of picking the best and most effective course of action among two or

more possibilities in order to achieve a desired goal. The core of administration is decision-

The next position is that of a representative. The personnel manager is also responsible for

representing the firm and communicating management policies that affect employees. This

function is best suited to him because he has a more comprehensive understanding of the

firm's management. A delegate is someone who has been chosen to act or make choices on

behalf of another individual or group of individuals. A fair representation is a small gathering

of people chosen to consider the needs of a collective.

Finally, there is the research function. He keeps track of all personnel in the organisation. He

also conducts study on numerous personnel issues such as absenteeism, alcoholism, labour

turnover, and so on. Following the research, he suggests appropriate actions to high

management to assist remove them. A Researcher, sometimes known as a Research Fellow, is

in charge of supervising research programmes in order to achieve certain goals. Their

responsibilities include formulating research objectives, developing techniques, and arranging

finances for the company for which they work.

Finally, competent people management is in charge of developing and sustaining a pleasant

working atmosphere. This involves making sure that the company's salary and benefits plan

fosters success, as well as establishing employee disciplinary and dissatisfaction processes,

communication skills, and strong safety regulations.


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