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What Drives the Digital Customer Experience and Customer

Loyalty in Mobile Short-Form Video Shopping? Evidence
from Douyin (TikTok)

Type Exploratory

Questions What drives the digital customer experience and customer loyalty in mobile short-
form video shopping?
Argument The rapid development of mobile devices has grown the impact of digital-based
content on app users, which leads to the outcome that e-commerce activities witness
an incredible change, especially in engaging with customers and improving their

Following the development, Douyin has utilized its own design so that the content will
be likely to capture customers’ purchasing intentions after interacting with the
product’s content, in which short-form videos are the most. The business of shopping
online could be driven with even better opportunities if providers were able to focus
on factors contributing to the content’s quality.

Framing The research explains and improves the understanding of customers’ stickiness and
loyalty behaviors in the context of mobile short-form video shopping regarding
content-related factors and seller-customer relationship-related factors

Theoretical Key literature related to this paper:

Lens The studies of Chen; J.V.; Ruangsri, S.; Ha, Q.A.; Widjaja, A. (2021)
The studies of Liang, T.P.; Ho, Y.T.; Li, Y.W.; Turban, E. (2011)
The studies of Hu, T.; Dai, H.; Salam, A.F (2019)
The studies of Kim, Y.; Wang, Q.; Roh, T. Do (2021)
The studies of Ferm, L.E.C.; Thaichon; P. (2021)

The consensus of existing literature:

High-quality content is beneficial for customers as it increases their perceived value
and helps them to make informed decisions when buying from MSFV shopping.
Previous research has measured relationship quality as a multidimensional construct
that includes trust, commitment, and satisfaction, which are critical in influencing
customers’ stickiness and loyalty.
Also, many researchs has proven followers’ stickiness with digital influencers based on
a psychological perspective.
Regarding loyalty, many schoolars has considered it both from attitudinal and
behavioral perspective. The findings of Oedarto demonstrated the association
between two types of those and confirmed that attitudinal loyalty was the driving
force behind behavioral loyalty.

Theoretical Mathematical- analytical.

Hypothese H1. Content quality of MSFV shopping is positively associated with the customer-seller
relationship quality.
H2. Relationship quality of MSFV shopping is positively associated with customer
H3. Content quality of MSFV shopping is positively associated with customer
H4. Customer stickiness to MSFV shopping is positively associated with attitudinal
H5. Customer stickiness to MSFV shopping is positively associated with behavioral
H6. Attitudinal loyalty is positively associated with behavioral loyalty.

Constructs Title with the name of paper and authors

Literature Review and Theoretical Framework
Hypotheses Development and Research Model
Research Methodology
Data Analysis and Results
Discussion and Implications for Research and Practice
Limitations and Future Research Directions

Context The increase of mobile devices and Internet users has contributed to the growth of
MSFV. Besides, such applications transform how e-commerce providers do business
and therefore customer-targeting is considered significantly while mobile e-commerce
providers must effectively induce customer purchasing intention and improve
customer loyalty.

Douyin is an app from China, as known as TikTok on the global market, experiences
considerable achievements with customer relationships and keeps developing in a
promising process.
Unit of A collaborative group of two people from Jiaxing University (China) and Dongguk
Analysis University (Korea)
Sampling From a survey conducted via an online survey provider.
Sample  Population: users who use the leading MSFV app in China
 Sample framing: customers with MSFV shopping experience
 Collecting method: random sampling
 Sample size: 778 users

Measures Class Construct Description Range Type

IV Gender The gender of user Male, Female Discrete
IV Age The age of user 0-100 Discrete
IV Monthly income The amount of Less than 2000 Discrete
income user earns – above 10,000
in a month
DV Time duration User has used Less than 1 Discrete
since using mobile mobile short-form year- more
short-form video video shopping for than 3 years
shopping how long (by year)
DV Monthly spending The amount of Less than 1000 Discrete
on mobile short- money user spends – above 4000
form video on mobile short-
shopping form video
shopping in a month
Empirical This research model is based on the literature that the quality of content and
Model relationship with customers would provide their stickiness to MSFV shopping. In
addition, customers’ stickiness is associated with both their behavioral and attitudinal
loyalty as well as such factors show an influential relationship respectively.

Findings Content and relationship quality positively influence customers’ stickiness to MSFV
shopping. Moreover, stickiness positively mediates the indirect link between content
quality and customer loyalty as well as relationship quality and customer loyalty.

Contributions For research:

The findings demonstrated the importance of content quality (in terms of vividness
and diagnosticity) in facilitating customer stickiness and developing customer loyalty
in MSFV shopping. One thing more is that the relationship quality (in terms of
commitment, trust, participation, and recommendation) shows a significant
relationship toward content quality. The result also strengthens the mediating effect
of stickiness among content quality, relationship quality, and customer loyalty.
For practice:
MSFV shopping operators need to make greater efforts to develop more mechanisms
to enhance information content quality, emphasized on trust-building and emotionally
provoking as it resulted to be a critical predictor of relationship quality and customer
stickiness. The ultimate goal is to allow customers to interact and share their
The relationship between vendors and customers also needs to be focused. The
operator could develop effective promotional strategies that build a last-long
commitment to have higher engage customers.

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