Reaction Paper - Energy Sources

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Reaction Paper

Based on my understanding from the video given, the system of our energy sources
consists of production, transmission, and distribution. The first one tackled was production, it is
the amount of primary energy extracted from nature by a country. This is the sum of all primary
fuels and primary energy fluxes harvested. Note that production takes into account both
imports and exports and totals what is taken from nature. The total primary energy supply, or
TPES, is the primary energy available for use by a country after imports and exports, and can be
thought of as an energy mix. Then, it will go to transmission, the mass movement of electrical
energy from a generating facility, such as a power plant, to an electrical substation. A
transmission network is made up of interconnecting wires that allow for this movement. This is
distinct from the local wire that connects high-voltage substations to customers, which is
known as electric power distribution. The electrical grid, which includes both transmission and
distribution networks, is used to distribute electricity. Finally, demand resources that are
connected to the electric grid are known as distributed energy resources, or DERs. They are
power generation resources that are typically located near load centers and can be used
separately or in combination to generate grid value. Electric loads that can be changed,
lowered, or disconnected on demand are known as demand response resources. Homeowners
in some areas, for example, have the option of participating in demand-response programs. For
example, the utility or program manager installs remotely controlled disconnect switches on
participating homeowners' air conditioning units or electric water heaters. To lessen the burden
on the electric system, each individual air conditioner or water heater can be turned off as
needed. Larger virtual DERs combine hundreds or thousands of households. As a result, a
resource the size and function of a small power plant has been created.

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