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Curriculum Development and Evaluation

Stress’s Effect on the Body

Elisheva Rothstein, RN

All parts of the nursing program and practice can utilize system thinking to look over,

reorganize, and reinforce to provide the best possible achievements. All together the project

should build up based on the parent organization's mission, philosophy, statements and the

program's objectives and goals.

Part I: Content Overview

I understood that the nursing educational programs should create a mission and follow

through that complements the parent organization. A well written philosophy can help the

educator complete this mission. Philosophy is a set of ideas that relate to the specific field and

guide the mission and goals. Nursing curriculum is directly related to the major program

elements and goals. The curriculum goals are broad statements that identify the curriculum

elements and guide the learner to know what the desired expected outcomes are. I saw how the

mission statements and goals from previous weeks tied in to this week because the nursing

programs mission statement sets the direction for the content, activities and outcomes.

Furthermore, the learning theories from previous modules tie in as well because it serves as a

basis for selecting specific strategies in the curriculum to follow the mission statement.

Curriculum development is an important factor in the educational program. Faculty and

teachers need to be cognizant of the different types of curricula they can use. This way they can

utilize the best of each type of curriculum. The correct planning and organization of the

curriculum development will help achieve desired outcomes. The educator should be aware of all

the regulations and guidelines and future healthcare system changes so their development can

include all of these elements. The curriculum development process and nursing education

specifically needs to take into consideration the external factors that impact the type of program.

The educator should maximize current structures, processes and resources for their program

development. A curriculum design needs to show how the mission philosophy and program

outcomes all come together.

Personal Experience with Content

I learned a new aspect of curriculum development. I understand that a curriculum needs

to match the program's mission statement, goals, and philosophy, while still following the parent

organization. I also learned that there are many types of curriculum to choose from and the

course can include different aspects from each type. I now know that I can consider hybrid

structures and methods to accommodate the learners and their specific learning characteristics.

Content Application to your Healthcare Teaching Project

External Factors related to my project are patients' other priorities, their schedules,

financials, and availability of resources Internal Factors are students’ Competence, Class:

Schedule, Size, Environment, Learning Facilities and technology.

In this project, there are strong-influence and weak-support stakeholders. Strong influence

supporters are the educators helping design the program and financial supporters. They have high

capability to impact the project. Providers can be influencers in that they can give written orders

for the program which will give the patient a feeling of importance toward the project; if the

patients are encouraged by the medical providers, the program will be recognized and not

ignored. The family members must partake in the program willingly to support the patients.

Ultimately, it is up to patients for the results of the whole program to fall on them. 

The financial support will come from the dermatology practice that will supply materials,

equipment, educator salary, and facilities. My project is not connected or follows an

organization. Therefore, there is no recognized mission or structure for this paper.


Great job this week with your background summary and organizing information. You followed the content
area of curriculum development and evaluation. You did an excellent job explaining your personal
experience with good examples. You have a wonderful grasp on how to apply these principles to your
Healthcare teaching project.

Does the dermatology clinic have a mission, vision, value statement? Please let me know if you have any
questions. Keep up the good work.


Weekly Teaching Application Papers Grading Rubric

Description: Weekly Concept papers demonstrate progressive content acquisition
and application. Because communication and critical thinking are essential to nurse
educators, this assignment also assists students to develop quality writing skills in
addition to content acquisition. Weekly papers are divided into two parts: 1)
background content acquisition where you will describe what you have learned from
the lecture, readings and class discussions; and 2) Part II represents the application
of what you learned (described in Part I) to your Healthcare Teaching Project. These
weekly papers will serve as the primary basis for the final Healthcare Teaching
Project assignment. Because this represents your understanding and application, it
will be written in first person narrative.
POINT Points
Part I: Accurately summarizes the assigned weekly target 8 POINTS
concept, theory, and/or assessments gleaned from the
background readings, lecture, videos, and student discussions.
Represents what was learned in general by completing the
weekly module written from your personal perspective (no
direct quotes from text). (8 points: 4 points accuracy, 4 points
- clear articulation).
Part II a: Provides a background of your past experience 2 POINTS
with the weekly content and how that affects your concept
application. Personal example reflects the assigned content (2
Part II b: Effectively communicates the specific application 10 POINTS
of the weekly targeted concept, theory, and/or assessments to
the Healthcare Teaching Project. Provides specific examples.
(3 points - clear association between the topic and project
topic/learners; 3 points – accuracy, critical thinking; 2 points
- provides an example of the application). Content each week
should align/incorporate content from previous weeks in a
progressive fashion. (2 points)
Submits on time; adheres to page limit (Up to 20 POINTS can
be deducted if submitted late; see syllabus).
Adheres to the basic paper format/structure. Body of paper
extends beyond 2.5 pages in length (one point per page after 3
pages). Attaches grading rubric as an addendum to the paper
(does not count in page length) (one point deduction).

Includes student name in the filename (e.g.: Jones-Wk1-

Concept Paper) (one point deduction). Adheres to the rules of
grammar, spelling, and paragraph development (Up to 10
points can be deducted for writing errors). Follows APA
format* (title on first page, headings, double spaced, running
head, references) (up to 5 points deducted for APA errors).
Total Points Possible: 20 POINTS
Faculty Feedback:

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