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Datukon, Jahn Avery The Interest Expense deducted by petitioner

  represents interests paid on various loans from PCI

Metro Inc. v. CIR Bank, Metrobank, and Citibank.
CTA Case No. 6356|June 9, 2009, |Castañeda JR, J
PETITIONERS: Afisco Insurance Corporation, 40 Ratio:
other Insurance Corporations. Delfin Ma. V. Cruz, Jr. vs. The Court of Tax Appeals
and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, provides
RESPONDENTS: Court of Appeals, Court of Tax that in order for interest expense to be
Appeals, Commissioner of Internal Revenue considered as a deduction from gross income,
the foremost requirement is that the obligation
Doctrine: must be in writing.
 The term partnership includes a syndicate,
group, pool, joint venture or other Section 30(b) of the Tax Code. Interest-
unincorporated organization, through or by 1. In general. — That amount of interest
means of which any business, financial paid or accrued within a taxable year on
operation, or venture is carried in pursuant with indebtedness incurred in connection with the
Sec. 24 of the NIRC. (1977) taxpayer's profession, trade or business,
except on indebtedness incurred or
continued to purchase or carry obligation the
interest upon which is exempt from taxation
 Metro Inc. is a domestic corporation organized
as income under this Title.
and existing under the laws of the Republic of
the Philippines with a principal office located at Pursuant to the above-cited provision of the Tax
La Fuerza compound, Alabang-Zapote Road Code, the following requisites must concur to validly
Almanza, Las Piñas, Metro Manila. claim deductibility of interest payment, to wit:
 Metro Inc. received from CIR the Final
Assessment Notice for alleged deficiency taxes 1. There must be an indebtedness;
in the total amount of P50,036,801.71 for the 2. The indebtedness must be that of the taxpayer;
taxable year of 1997. 3. The indebtedness must be connected with the
 The Assessment Division of BIR Revenue business, trade or profession of the taxpayer;
Region 8 received a letter from Metro Inc., 4. The interest must have been paid or accrued
formally protesting the deficiency tax during the taxable year; and
assessments pursuant to Section 228 of the 5. The interest must have been stipulated in writing
NIRC of 1997, and requested that the same be
reconsidered or reinvestigated for lack of factual Art. 1956 of the Civil Code: No interest shall be due
and legal bases. unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing.
 Metro Inc., through its external auditors,
submitted to CIR additional supporting This further proves that the written agreement of the
documents to bolster its arguments against the indebtedness is an indispensable requirement to
subject assessments. support a claim of deductibility of interest payment.
1. Whether or not the Interest and bank Metro Inc. presented bank certifications from
charges were correctly disallowed by the Metrobank and Equitable PCI Bank, and credit
CIR? YES. (In this case madaming advices from Citibank to prove its interest payments,
disallowed na expenses pero focus lang sa however, the vital document for evidence is the loan
interest expense since yun topic) agreement.

NOTE: The mere certification of the alleged creditor as to

With regard to Interest and Bank Charges, the the existence of the debt and/or as to the payment of
disallowed amount of P4,886,275.00 is composed the interest thereon cannot dispense with the
of: requisite of presentation of the written agreement of
 Bank Charges- P2,018,141.03 indebtedness.
 Interest Expense- P2,868,133.97
Metro Inc. submitted promissory notes to support the
its other interest payment to Citibank, and the Court
held that it may be considered as valid proof of
indebtedness. However, Metro Inc. failed to prove
that that the corresponding loan proceeds were
used in connection to its business.

(Proceeds of the loan were used to pay for its

foreign currency or working capital requirements and
to pay for the import cost of goods or services
necessary in the production of its goods, but no
documentary evidence was presented)

With regard to Bank charges, the verification of the

Independent CPA Report and Metro Inc’s supporting
documents show that the amount of P1,578,330.03
is deductible against Metro Inc’s gross income.
Thus, only the amount of P439,811.00 should be
disallowed and subjected to deficiency income tax.

In sum, only the amount of P3,307,944.97 shall

be disallowed for interest expense and bank

RULING: Metro Inc. availed of the Tax Amnesty

under RA No. 9480 therefore all assessment for
deficiency taxes were canceled except those for
Expanded Withholding taxes because WHT is not
covered by said RA.

Metro Inc. was only ordered to pay P18,218.47 plus

20% delinquency interest.

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