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Name: Kyla Joy C.

Nuevo Course: BEE-EGE 1-2

Contact No. 09506846781 Email Address:
FB Account name: Kyla Cabullos


a) Abstract or Capsulized Published Research/es (online or journal sourced) which is
related to the topic.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rabije Murati
April 2015

Abstract: Realization of educational work in schools is complex activity. The difficulties

of achieving educational work in schools stand in the fact that education is a category that
refers to human - individuals. Starting from the fact that each individual has its own
peculiarities which differ from one another then, the educational approach is different for
everyone and is implemented differently. The teacher is the one who has the leading role
in the realization of educational work in school. The teacher as an important factor in the
realization of educational work is analyzed in several dimensions. From his professional
development in relation of individual change as professional and educational protagonist
also in the dimension of changing the schools as an organized educational institution.
This makes us know that our problems or attention focuses on: the teacher as personality,
teacher to student attitude, style and his way of working, strategies and methodology that
everages teaching or teacher selects his educational work education ....Therefore his
professional and moral preparation level should be pleasurable so that he can successfully
accomplishes its work. If we could look at the development of the school and the
teacher's role in historical terms, we see that the function and the role of the teacher has
changed as society has changed, along with the running of the school.


Dr. Ajaykumar S. Kolhe and Dr. Vasantrao P. Pawar
February 2011

Abstract: The role of the teacher is of paramount importance of all who are concerned
with education. The teacher to perform responsibility and role of development of
personality, Multifarious and National Development. The teacher must actively and
feelingly associate himself, as an essential responsible partner, in the great task which
face the nation.


Dr. Danijela Makovec
August 2018

Abstract: The text addresses the theme of teachers’ professional development. The role
of a teacher is defined by cultural and social events and the environment, and they
influence the differences that occur in the concept of teacher roles within different
cultures, societies, including the geographic environment. Thus, in the first part of the
paper, based on an analysis of the literature, we identify factors that significantly
influence teachers’ perception of their role and consequently, determine their professional
identity. In the second part, based on the results of the empirical research, we show that
factors such as teachers’ beliefs about their own qualifications, as well as years of work
experience and subject area, statistically significantly influenced the development of the
teachers’ professional identity. The main findings of the study are that teachers with
several years of service experience feel better qualified to perform their duties (tasks
related to planning and teaching were rated the most highly) than teachers with less work
experience, and that teachers with more work experience evaluated the claims related to
their educational activity statistically significantly higher. An important finding is that
teachers define their professional identity and consequently, their role through their
personality traits, which shows that we must not ignore teachers’ personality traits, as
they play an important role in teachers’ professional development and identity.
b) Insight from the Published Research/es.
 The abstract of Professor Rabije Murati, 2015, states that the teacher must know
his/her role in terms in educational work. Realizing that every individual has their
own characteristics, the teacher will be able to understand and be prepared on
his/her way of teaching. On this abstract of Professor, the teacher is the one who
will lead to achieve the development of his/her student.

 The role of a teacher is importance, they perform responsibility and a leader of

each students. The teacher is the one who will lead and the one who will build the
knowledge of every students.

 On this abstract, the author states that the role of a teacher is defined by cultural
and social events and the environment. The paper is all about the role of the
teachers, their beliefs about their own qualifications. In terms of their work-
experienced, the paper states that the teachers with several years of service
experience feel better qualified to perform their duties than teachers with less
work experience. Every teacher has their own characteristics and kind of way of

c) Learning Outcomes of the topic

Explain what teaching is and describe the various roles of a teacher.

d) Introduction

The role of a teacher is to help the young ones by imparting knowledge that they
need to know, and give experience that will help the young ones to grow. Teachers are
also a leader, they are the one who will lead the young people, by teaching them the right
learning and experience it will help the young people to be prepared on the challenges
brought by ever-changing world. The role of a teacher is to be a good leader that will give
the young ones an inspiration, encouragement and motivation to achieve their dreams in
life. Teachers must know his responsibilities for being an educator so that he can teach

e) Enriched Discussion Proper

The Role of a Teacher

1. As a Person - Understanding the teaching profession requires deeper appreciation of
the lives of teachers as individuals in society. Teachers are given high regard in
society for the multiple roles they perform aside from teaching. Hence, Teacher
Education Institutions TEIs) should embrace the challenge of preparing teachers who
will carry the task of preparing the young generation to meet the different challenges
brought by an ever-changing world. This will prepare them to become effective
professionals in all tasks in various communities, where they will be assigned to

2. As a Professional - By virtue of Republic Act 7836, amended by Republic Act 9293,

teaching was professionalized and thereby requiring teachers to take the Licensure
Exam for Teachers (LET). As professionals, teachers are bound to preform specific
duties to society specially to schools and students guided by a professional code of
ethics. Teaching is always regarded as a vocation by many people. However, the
government deemed it necessary to recognize teaching as a profession giving the
highest regard to teachers as professionals. This does not in any way make teaching a
profession or a job to earn money but it enables us to regard teaching in grand
manner, a noble profession for individuals who are willing to dedicate their lives and
service in the development of future citizens and leader of the country.

3. As a Community Leader and Social Advocate – Educators play an important role

in the development of people and communities. Jan and Ed Philpot (1994)
Concretized this idea by encouraging a stronger link between home, school and
community through effective programs developed and implemented by teachers. The
life of a teacher is neither confined in the four corners of the classroom nor is limited
inside the school campus for a teacher is an active leader in the community. Teachers
always take leadership roles in their communities especially in activities and projects
related to the education and welfare of young children. They also provide leadership
roles in various cultural development programs in their communities. Finally,
teachers provide technical and professional assistance in the local communities where
they belong.

4. As a Model of Character – Since ancient times, Teachers are recognized as

examplars of good character, attitude and values. They are keepers of values and
traditions of different cultures around the world. Many people consider them as
prophets, spiritual leaders and great mentors. For Christians, Jesus is the prefect kind
of teacher and leader to emulate. For the Chinese, the teachings and values of
Confucius are always put in a very high regard. The prophet Muhammad is also the
most influential teacher-leader for the Muslims. The life and teachings of Buddha are
also very influential among the Buddhists. Plato and Aristotle are regarded as great
teachers during the time in Greece. They stand on their principles and beliefs, as they
faithfully perform their duties at all times, This simply shows that amidst the ups and
downs of teacher qualities, the society has never stopped producing great teacher who
continue to serve as models and molders for students across generations.

5. As an Expert – since ancient times, teachers are recognized as sources of wisdom

and information in every society. Aside from teaching, they serve as guides,
counselors, judges and spiritual leaders in the society. Through the knowledge they
share, they attract attention from many students and individuals. They are given
prominent position in royal courts, giving expert opinions and advise to kings and
other community leaders. They enjoy political influence in every community where
they belong in the history of mankind. Though teachers no longer hold any political
power today still, there are many teachers who became leaders and citizens in all
generations. The need for teachers to be experts in various field in the academe serves
the purpose to prepare students to respond to myriad of challenges brought by 21 st

f) Assessment/Activity

Direction. Answer the following questions.

1. On your own opinion, what is a teacher?

2. Give the five role of a teacher.
3. On the RA 7836, why is it important to take the Licensure Exam for Teacher (LET)?

g) Self Reflection

In this topic, I learned that being a teacher is not easy, you need to learn the code
of ethics first so that teaching is more useful. I learned and studied the various role of
teacher, for being as a person, as a professional, as a community leader and social
advocate, as a model of character, and lastly as an expert. With this various role of
teacher, it will help the future educators to understand the importance of being a teacher
in the nation. Teachers are also a leader, they lead the young children by imparting
knowledge that will help them grow.

h) References

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