Mega Mega Ultra Mega

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Every individual has their own legacy to mother earth.

Me as a student, my legacy is to take

good care of my surroundings and maintain cleanliness like throwing trashes to the proper place,
joining different programs that will help for the betterment of the society. Another is we need to
protect our mother earth from toxic chemicals like burning of plastics and containers that may
cause thinning of the ozone layer. With these simple practices, it will be a great help in achieving
our goals when it comes to the beautification of our environment. Someday...Others will
remembered me as a responsible & helpful person who did her best in keeping the surroundings
clean. I will help in planting trees by helping a plantation that is a large area of land where crops
are grown & harvested.

Respecting people is a must, we should know our limitations so that we can build strong
communication with others. In this present generation we should always keep in mind that in
order to have a peaceful community  we should follow all the rules and regulations that our
government had implemented, in this way we can guarantee a more sustainable and futuristic
community. Remember that cooperation, self-confidence and the socializing with others is the
key for better life. The Legacy that I want to leave to other people as a future teacher is a good
education. My parents always told me that the only thing that I could inherit from them is a gift
of Quality Education that no one could ever take away from me.

When I gain my profession, I will dedicate my knowledge, time and effort in doing volunteer
works to Educate community people and specially helping the out of school youth. I may not be
remembered forever but the learning will last longer more than my existence.

My family is very important to me, they serve as the treasure that I will not replace by anything.
So as my mother and father’s daughter, I will try my best to make them happy always and will
not do things that will make them sad. Following their decisions and sharing my feelings to them
so that we can build a strong connection with each other. And also, I will love them very much in
every single day so that when the time comes that I am going to leave them they will remember
me with a smile in their hearts and not by a painful past.

It's very simple. You need to have their trust. Especially,  it begins from helping, respecting ,
loving , caring and obeying them. Every family needs to have this basic things to have their bond
be strong . We know that our family is where we start how to act humanly and develop our social
skills through them. We first learn from them. So to leave a legacy for your family just be
yourself let your mind and heart be heard every thought just share it to them. Be good and follow
those 12 commandments from God. Don't break your families heart

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