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How To Handle Objections Like A P

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The truth is most of your prospects whom you're going to be pitching your products or
opportunities to are not in their Ready-To-Buy mood and it's even possible you're meeting them
for the very first time.

As a result, they may throw some hot punches of rejection at you.

Instead of getting emotional or cursing at them, all you need do is put on your ​Headgear of
Objection Killers​ and drop a finishing lines of response to dissolve all their objections.

I might be giving more than one response for some objections, just pick one that you are most
comfortable with and use it.

1. Objection: ‘’I don’t have time’’

This objection arises from the fact that the person already has a full day job and no time to try
something new as part time career.

Response 1:​ ​‘’Would you do it if you had the time?’’ (This will get to the real objection as time
might not be the real objection. When they say yes, you say…) ‘’Great, let’s figure out how I can
help you make time. We all have 24 hours a day and lots of people partnered with [Insert
company name] said the same thing as you but they found time because their (health/financial
freedom) was important to them’’

Response 2:​ ​‘’How much time do you think it takes?’’ (​ This question is a qualifier because the
prospect might not even know how much time it takes to build a side business. Once they
respond, show them how their answer is inaccurate)

Response 3:​ ​‘’Do you want to put in lots of hours and effort to make your boss richer or do you
want to work for yourself and retire at 40, with enough money in your account to take care of
your bills and lifestyle? If you prefer the later, let me know and I will guide you on how to
achieve that’’

2. Objection ‘’I don’t have the money’’  

Response 1:​ ​‘’Can I ask you a straight forward question [Prospect’s First Name]?’’ ​(Then follow
it up with the next question after they respond).
‘’For how long has not having enough money been a problem to you?’’ ​(Ask this question with a
concerned heart and then you say…)

‘’Don’t you think that this money issue will continue for long if we don’t do something urgent
about it?’’ ​(Wait for their response. Sometimes you will get silence, then ask)

‘’So can I get a commitment from you then that we will find a way to start, and that money isn’t
going to be a barrier?’’ I have a few suggestions to help you raise the money to get started.
(You can suggest to them to cut down expenses, or take a loan from family friends. If its really
important to them, they will make the commitment and find a way. If they are not willing to take
your suggestion, then they are not really serious so let them be.

Response 2:​ ​‘’When I was presented with this opportunity, I also didn’t have the money but I
had to find a way because I realized that if I kept doing what I was doing that was keeping me
broke, things may never change in the future. So let me be ask you [prospect name], if you keep
doing what you are doing now that is keeping you broke, do you think your finances is going to

Response 3:​ ‘’The fact that you don’t have money right now is the more reason why you need
to get started so that a year from now, when you are presented with an opportunity that can
change your life, money won’t be a barrier’’

3. Objection ‘’Let me think about it’’  

Response 1:​ ‘’[prospect name], when people say they will think about it, it is either they are not
clear on some aspect of the business and they need more information or they are simply not
interested, which one are you?’’ ​(This will bring out what the real objection is. If they need more
info you can provide them with that but if they are not interested, you let them go so they don’t
waste your time.

Response 2:​ ‘’What exactly do you want to think about?’’​ (This will help to bring out exactly
what’s holding them back from making the decision)

4. Objection ‘’Is this a pyramid scheme?’’  

Response 1:​ ‘’ mean pyramid where only people at the top make money?’’ ​(They’ll say yes.
You then say… )​ ‘’Absolutely, it’s a pyramid just like every other major corporation. Every
company has a top, middle and bottom. I am not at the top and I make (mention how much you
currently earn) and I can show you how, too. Our company is legally registered with the
corporate affairs commission of Nigeria’’.
5. Objection ‘’I tried it before it didn’t work for me’’

Response 1:​ ​‘’What specifically didn’t work?’’​ (Once you ask this question, pause and go silent.
This will give you an opening to lead them. With this question, you want them to pin-point what
exactly didn’t work. This alone will most likely lead to a confession that did not do the work
required for the business to give them their desired results).

Response 2​: ​‘’Are you confident in yourself enough that you can make money if you have the
right system?’’​ (There is no one who will say no to this question. So, just go ahead and show
them how your company is the right system)

6. Objection ‘’Only people at the top make money’’  

Response:​ ​‘’Some people say that until they realized it’s not just true. I am not at the top and I
make good money. You’re right if you want to make millions, only people at the top do that, and
in every corporation only people at the top make millions, so it’s same. If you want to make an
extra few dollars every month, I can show you how you can do that’’.

7. Objection ‘’The products are too expensive’’

Response 1:​ ​‘’The products are expensive compared to what?’’​ (Pause and listen carefully.
Sometimes they will want to compare it with other products similar to yours in the marketplace,
just list the features of your products that makes it superior over others)

Response 2:​ ​‘’Your are right! It’s expensive and high value. High value because (then elaborate
on the benefits of your products for the customers. Then say…) There are other cheap products
out there but the chemicals that are used to produce those products are harmful for your health.
If you want a quality product, you should get [your product name] otherwise keep your money
and don’t buy those cheap products out there.

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