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‫روی نیمکت پارک نشسته بود‪ .

‬بهترین لباسی که در کمد داشت ‪ ،‬پوشیده‬

‫بود‪ .‬او منتظر بود‪ .‬منتظر دیدن عزیزترین فرد زندگیش بود ‪ .‬فرزندش‬
‫را از ال به الی غبار خاطرات گذشته جستجو می کرد‪ .‬جستجویی که هر‬
‫لحظه اش با خاطره ای زیبا همراه بود‪.‬کاش هیچوقت اینقدر از هم جدا‬
‫نمی شدند‪ .‬کاش آن روز به رفتن تمام وجودش رضایت نمی داد‪ .‬او می‬
‫خواست که فرزندش به برترین درجات برسد‪.‬او یک مادر بود‪ .‬مادری که‬
‫برای پرواز فرزندش به سوی موفقیت هر کاری را انجام می داد‪ .‬اما نمی‬
‫دانست تحمل این جدایی چقدر سخت است‪ .‬ساعتش را نگاه می کرد زمان‬
‫نمی گذشت ‪ ،‬یاد آن روزی افتاد که معلم فرزندش ‪ ،‬او را به مدرسه‬
‫دعوت کرده بود‪ .‬او یک برگزیده بود‪ .‬بین تمام بچه ها او را برای رفتن‬
‫به فضا انتخاب کرده بودند‪ .‬مادر نمی دانست بعد آن چه تصمیمی برای‬
‫فرزندش بگیرد‪ .‬او بین دو راهی قرارگرفته بود‪ .‬آیا باید به تصمیم دلش‬
‫توجه می کرد و از فرزندش جدا نمی شد‪ .‬یا که پرواز او را به آسمان‬
‫علم و دانش تماشا می کرد و غم جدایی او را تحمل می کرد‪ .‬به زمان‬
‫دیدار نزدیک می شد باید بهترین تصمیم را می گرفت‪ .‬او به خاطر‬
‫فرزندش از عشق به او گذشت و آن محبت پایان ناپذیر را در قلب خود‬
‫نگه داشت‪ .‬حاال زمان دیدن فرزندش فرا رسیده بود‪ .‬زمان نمی گذشت تا‬
‫او بتواند فرزندش را در آغوش بگیرد‪ .‬اشک های پر از غمش زمان‬
‫دیدن فرزندش را نزدیکتر می کرد‪ .‬آرام آرام اشک هایش را از گونه‬
‫هایش پاک کرد‪ .‬درست می دید فرزندش چه بزرگ شده بود فضایی ها به‬
‫قولشان عمل کرده بودند‪ .‬او از جایش بلند شد به طرف فرزندش دوید تا‬
‫او را در آغوش بگیرد اما از دور صدای انفجار آمد و خون همه جا را‬
‫فرا گرفت‪ .‬او برزمین نشست‪ .‬زندگی برای او هم به پایان رسیده بود‪.‬‬
she was sitting on the park bench. She was wearing the
best clothes she had in her closet. she was waiting She
was waiting to see the dearest person in her life.she was
looking for his son through the dust of past memories. A
search that every moment was accompanied by a
beautiful memory. I wish they would never be so
separated. I wish he had not consented to her leaving
that day. She wanted her child to reach the highest level.
She was a mother. A mother who would do anything for
her child's flight to success. But she didn't know how
hard it was to bear this separation. She looked at her
watch, time didn't pass, she remembered the day her
child's teacher invited her to school. he was a chosen
one. Among all the children, he was chosen to go to
space. The mother did not know what decision to make
for her child after that. she was between two ways.
Should she have paid attention to her heart's decision
and not separated from her child? Or who watched his
flight to the sky of science and knowledge and endured
the sadness of his separation. It was getting close to the
meeting time, she had to make the best decision. She
gave up her love for her child and kept that unending
love in her heart. Now it was time to see his son. Time
did not pass until she could hold her child in her arms. His
tears of sadness brought the time to see his child closer.
She slowly wiped her tears from her cheeks. She could
see that her child had grown up, the aliens had fulfilled
their promise. She got up and ran to her son to hug him,
but the sound of an explosion came from a distance and
blood was everywhere. She sat on the ground. Life was
over for her too.

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