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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 113 (2020) 110041

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Physical modelling of dynamic evolution of metallurgical slag foaming T

Ruifang Wang, Bo Zhang , Chengjun Liu, Maofa Jiang
Key Laboratory for Ecological Metallurgy of Multimetallic Ores (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China


Keywords: The dynamic evolution of metallurgical slag foaming is vital for the efficiency and safety of the metallurgical
Slag foaming processes. Based on the similarity principle via Morton number, the dynamic evolution of Basic Oxygen Furnace
Foam structure (BOF) slag foaming was studied through physical modelling in this investigation. The steady-state structure
Dynamics evolution characteristics and the dynamic evolution of slag foaming were analyzed under the different of superficial gas
Superficial gas velocity
velocity (us). It was found that the foaming height increased first and consequently decreased as the us increased,
while the four different types of steady-state foam structure characteristics were summarized and the dynamic
evolution of slag foaming was analyzed. At 0.08 mm∙s−1 < us ≤ 0.50 mm∙s−1, the foam system presented two-
layer structure (called Partial Foaming I), while the foaming height increased linearly with the us increased;
following gas supply interruption, the foam decayed at a uniform rate. At 0.50 mm∙s−1 < us < 10.00 mm∙s−1,
the foam structure evolved into the Entire Foaming I, which was stacked by the spherical bubbles and the
deformed bubbles; also, the decaying rate of the foam decreased as the liquid level decreased following the gas
supply stop. When us was 0.60 mm∙s−1, the foam had the maximum stability, because its structure was in close
proximity to densest packing of spherical bubbles. At 10.00 mm∙s−1 ≤ us ≤ 16.67 mm∙s−1, the foam structure of
Entire Foaming II occurred, while the liquid level fluctuated sharply due to the poor stability of the polyhedral
bubbles with high size at the upper levels. Moreover, the foaming height reached the peak value; in addition, the
liquid level rapidly decreased due to the polyhedral bubble breakage after gas supply interruption. At
16.67 mm∙s−1 < us < 53.33 mm∙s−1, the foam structure evolved into the Partial Foaming II, due to the strong
disturbance of high-speed air flow, while the foaming height decreased with the rise of us. As the us further
increased, the high-speed gas flow penetrated the liquid phase, leading to the foam disappearance.

1. Introduction quantitatively characterize the slag foaming [7–13], as expressed in Eq.

(1). In fact, Δh reflects the gas fraction of the foam system, an important
Slag foaming is a dynamic and complex process of multiphase in- parameter of the foam structure. When the gas fraction exceeds a cer-
teraction, which plays an important role during the Basic Oxygen tain value, the foam structure will evolve from the spherical foam to
Furnace (BOF) steelmaking process [1]. Moderate slag foaming is polyhedral foam.
beneficial to the kinetic conditions improvement of chemical reactions Δh = h − h 0 (1)
[2], smelting effectiveness and energy utilization efficiency [3]. How-
ever, insufficient or excessive slag foaming might deteriorate the where, Δh is the foaming height (m), h is the liquid level of steady-state
smelting effectiveness and even induce severe accidents such as (m) and h0 is the initial height of liquid height (m).
splashing outside the furnace [4,5], consequently resulting in the Due to the characteristics of high temperature, multiphase and dy-
human injuries and equipment damage [6]. Therefore, it is vital for namics, it is extremely difficult to observe and sample slag foaming
efficient and safety production to precisely control the slag foaming of during smelting. Cold physical modeling has evolved into the main
metallurgical processes. method to study slag foaming [9–13]. In slag foaming studies, the su-
Slag foaming has attracted research attention in recent years. perficial gas velocity (us) usually is defined as the ratio of the gas flow
During actual metallurgical production, the foaming height (Δh) is a rate to the cross-sectional area of the container, as presented in Eq. (2).
key parameter to control foaming, which is usually applied to Guthrie et al. [14] indicated that the us played a decisive role in the

Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory for Ecological Metallurgy of Multimetallic Ores (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819,
E-mail address: (B. Zhang).
Received 16 September 2019; Received in revised form 12 December 2019; Accepted 8 January 2020
Available online 09 January 2020
0894-1777/ © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 113 (2020) 110041

foaming height through the cold physical modelling method. Ghag et al.
[10] conducted foaming experiments with compressed air as the gas
source along with glycerol solution to simulate metallurgical slags. The
results indicated that Δh increased with the increase of us. A model of
slag foaming was developed by Wu et al. [9,11], which adopted the
silicone oil to simulate metallurgical slag. The model revealed that Δh
increased first and consequently decreased as us increased. Many pre-
vious studies [9–11,14] had demonstrated that us had a significant
impact on Δh, but these were merely focused on the steady-state of slag
foaming. In fact, the slag foaming is a complex dynamic evolution
process [15,16]. Nevertheless, the generation → development-stabi-
lity → decaying process of slag foaming was hardly reported in previous
us = Q A (2)

where, us is the superficial gas velocity (m/s), Q is the gas flow rate
(m3/s) and A is the cross-sectional area of the container (m2).
Fig. 1. Mo number of Basic Oxygen Furnace slag.
At present, BOF has become the main steelmaking method. The BOF
slag is mainly composed of CaO-SiO2-FeOx-MgO with the functions of
removing harmful elements, absorbing inclusions, and improving heat stabilizing valve, respectively. The us increased from zero, until in-
transfer, etc. The foaming process of BOF slag arose from the huge creased to no foaming phenomenon. A ruler was attached to the outside
carbon oxide is very typical. Furthermore, the splashing accident wall of the vessel to measure both Δh and bubble size. The videos were
caused by the improper foaming of BOF slag remains to be resolved. taken to record the foaming process of the glycerol solution with a
Thus, the foaming phenomenon of BOF Slag will be the research em- camera (type: Nikon-3400; Japan), from which the Δh could be directly
phasis in this study. obtained according to the ruler attached on the vessel after experi-
The dynamic evolution of slag foaming highly depends on the cor- ments. In addition, a video captures was saved from the video, and then
responding structure characteristics (bubble shapes, bubble sizes, bub- imported into the Image-Pro Plus 6.0 software. The image scale was set
bles numbers and gas fraction). In this investigation, the structure with the ruler attached on the vessel presented in the video captures.
characteristics of foaming slag were analyzed, while the dynamic evo- The bubble diameter was measured using the function of the statistical
lution of slag foaming process was explored under the different con- size of Image-Pro Plus 6.0.
ditions of us through physical modelling. The research results could
provide reference for the accurate control of slag foaming. 3. Results and discussion

2. Material and methods 3.1. Classification of slag foaming types

In present experiments, the glycerol solution was employed to si- A foam constitutes a dispersion system, consisting of gas as the
mulate BOF slag. The physical properties of the BOF slag and the ex- dispersed phase (discontinuous phase) and liquid as the dispersion
perimental glycerol solution are listed in Table 1 [17]. Considering that medium (continuous phase) [20]. The foaming process could be simply
the physical properties (viscosity and surface tension) had a significant described as follows. The bubbles in the liquid always rise rapidly, due
influence on slag foaming behavior [9,18–20], the Morton (Mo) number to the density difference between gas and liquid, forming the bubble
was selected to meet the similarity between the BOF slag and glycerol aggregates (foam), separated by a liquid film at the liquid surface.
solution. Its calculation method is expressed in Eq. (3). The Mo number Fig. 3 presents the liquid level changes under different conditions of
of experimental glycerol solution was 6.7 × 10−4, located within the us. It was observed during the experimentation that the steady-state
Mo number range of the BOF slag, as presented in Fig. 1. structure characteristics and Δh changed constantly with increasing us.
Fig. 4 presents the steady-state Δh variation with us. With the foam
Mo = (μ4 g ) (σ 3ρ) = (v 4ρ3g ) σ 3 (3) structure characteristics and the change rule in the Δh as the main
where, μ and v are the viscosity (Pa∙s) and kinematic viscosity (m2∙s−1) baseline, the slag foaming of different us was classified the four foaming
of the liquid phase, respectively; ρ is the density of liquid phase types, namely Partial Foaming I, Entire Foaming I, Entire Foaming II
(kg∙m−3); σ is the liquid surface tension (N∙m−1) and g is the gravity and Partial Foaming II. The dynamic evolutions of different foaming
acceleration (m∙s−2). types presented the considerable differences.
The schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus is presented
in Fig. 2. The plexiglass vessel had a bottom length of 0.05 m and a 3.2. Partial foaming I
height of 1.00 m. The initial height of glycerol solution (volume:
250 mL) was 0.10 m to create the slag foaming per experiment. Com- When the us was too low, a low amount of tiny bubbles rose slowly
pressed air was injected into glycerol solution through a silicon oxide within glycerol solution. Certain scattered clusters of bubbles as-
filter dispersion (pore size: (16–30) × 10−6 m) above the gas chamber. sembled on the liquid surface, but no foam layer or liquid level change
The flow rate (0–8000 mL/min) and pressure (0.2 MPa) of the com- were observed. The minimum superficial gas velocity um for onset of
pressed air were controlled through a rotameter and a pressure foaming was defined to correspond to the situation when only a single

Table 1
Physical properties of BOF slag and glycerol solution.
Temperature (oC) Density (kg∙m−3) Viscosity (mPa∙s) Surface tension (mN∙m−1)

Slag 1350 2800–3200 50–400 200–600

Glycerol solution 25 1209 68 63

R. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 113 (2020) 110041

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus. (1-Air compressor; 2-Gas tank; 3-Pressure stabilizing valve; 4-Flow meter; 5-Chamber; 6-Silicon oxide filter; 7-
Flange; 8-Glycerol solution; 9-Plexiglass cylinder; 10-Video camera).

Fig. 4. Variation of foaming height at different us (Points- Experiment results;

Lines-Fitting results).

layer of packed bubbles would be accumulated on the free surface [21].

Pilon et al. [21] predicted the um by a function of the physico-chemical
properties of the two-phase and the operating conditions. The results
showed that the um was 0.08 mm/s in this experimental condition,
beyond which the multiple layers of foam would be formed.
At 0.08 mm∙s−1 ≤ us ≤ 0.50 mm∙s−1, the foam system presented
two-layer structure, as presented in Fig. 5. The bubble-dispersed phase
was located at a lower layer, whereas a foam phase formed in the upper
layer, composed of stacked spherical bubbles. This state was defined as
Partial Foaming I. The Δh of Partial Foaming I increased linearly with
Fig. 3. Variation of liquid level with time during foaming evolution. (a) With as the us increased, as presented in Fig. 6. The relationship between Δh
the continuous gas injection; (b) Foam decay curve following gas interruption. and us is presented in Eq. (4) (R2 = 0.988). It was verified again that um

R. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 113 (2020) 110041

Fig. 5. Foam structure of Partial Foaming I (us = 0.30 mm∙s−1).

Fig. 7. Foam structure of Entire Foaming I (us = 3.33 mm∙s−1).

participated into the formation of foam phase with the bubble-dispersed

phase of lower layers disappearing. This was defined as Entire foaming
I, while its foam structure is presented in Fig. 7. The relationship be-
tween Δh and us is presented in Eq. (5) (R2 = 0.94). The Δh expanded to
2–3 times of the initial liquid level. The structure characteristics of foam
presented apparent inconsistency at different heights. The gas fraction α
of all foaming types could be approximately equal to Δh/h, as Eq. (6)
presented [22]. Assuming the ideal condition that all bubbles were the
same size and spheres, a structure of sphere closest packing would be
formed when the volume fraction of these spherical bubbles was 74.1%.
Therefore, the spherical foam would evolve into polyhedral foam at a
Fig. 6. Relationship between foaming height and superficial gas velocity of gas fraction α higher than 74.1% according to the foam geometry.
Partial Foaming I. Accordingly, the critical Δh from the spherical foam into polyhedral
foam should be 2.86 times of the initial liquid level. Consequently, it
should be 0.08 mm∙s−1, when the Δh approached zero. was observed that the spherical foam was transformed into the non-
Partial Foaming I spherical foam when the ΔΔh approached and exceeded 28.6 cm at
0.50 mm∙s−1 < us < 10.00 mm∙s−1. As the height increased, the
Δh = 32.87 × us − 2.79 (4)
bubble morphology turned from the spherical to deformed (non-sphe-
where, Δh is the foaming height (mm) and us is the superficial gas ve- rical), while the bubble size gradually increased.
locity (mm∙s−1). Δh = 2.33 × us − 17.94 (5)
When Partial Foaming I (0.08 mm∙s−1 ≤ us ≤ 0.50 mm∙s−1) oc-
curred, it was observed that small bubbles (diameter: where, Δh is the foaming height (mm) and us is the superficial gas ve-
0.35 mm–1.26 mm) detached from the silicon oxide filter, slowly rose locity (mm∙s−1).
to the free surface, becoming accumulated into the spherical foam
α = Vg /V = (V − Vl )/V ≈ (h· A− h 0 ·A) (h·A)≈(h − h 0) h ≈ Δh h (6)
layer. Also, the bubbles of the top layer continuously collapsed. It could
be observed from Fig. 3(a) that the liquid level increased slowly as
where, α is the gas fraction of foam system (%); Vg and Vl are the vo-
bubbles gradually becoming accumulated within the liquid phase.
lumes of the gas and liquid in the foam system, respectively (m3); V is
When the rate of bubble generation on the silicon oxide filter equaled to
the sum volume of the gas and the liquid (m3); h and h0 are the liquid
the rate of bubble collapse on top foam layer, the liquid level stopped
level and the initial liquid level (m), respectively and A is the cross-
increasing. Subsequently, the foaming system went into a state of dy-
sectional area of the container (m2).
namic equilibrium (steady-state as aforementioned). As presented in
When Entire foaming I (0.50 mm∙s−1 < us < 10.00 mm∙s−1)
Fig. 3(b), the foam decayed at a uniform rate subsequently to gas supply
occurred, it was observed that the liquid level rose rapidly, and still
fluctuated during dynamic equilibrium stage, as presented in Fig. 3(a).
The liquid fluctuation mainly attributed to the structural instability of
3.3. Entire foaming I the large non-spherical bubbles, which can be explained by the Ostwald
ripening effect [23,24]. Assuming that the pressures outside the ad-
At 0.50 mm∙s−1 < us < 10.00 mm∙s−1, all free liquids jacent bubbles were the same, the gas pressure inside the smaller

R. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 113 (2020) 110041

bubbles was higher than that in adjacent larger bubbles according to

Laplace Equation (see Eq. (7)). This difference in gas pressure would
drive the gas diffusion from the smaller bubbles into the adjacent larger
bubbles. This caused the larger bubbles to grow at the expense of
smaller bubbles, which further resulted in the instability of foam
structure. As a result, Δh fluctuated from 29.4 cm to 34.2 cm
(us = 6.67 mm/s), due to the Ostwald ripening effect in the non-
spherical foam structures.
ΔP = 2σ r (7)

where, ΔP is the pressure difference inside and outside the bubble (Pa),
σ is the surface tension of the liquid (N/m) and r is the radius of the
bubble curvature (m).
As presented in Fig. 3(b), the decaying rate of the foam decreased as
the liquid level dropped following the gas supply interruption. When
the us was 0.60 mm∙s−1, the decaying duration of foam was the longest.
It was inferred that the foam had the maximum stability, because its
Fig. 9. Bubble size distribution of different heights (us = 10.00 mm∙s−1).
structure was in almost similar to the densest packing of spherical
occurred, the increase in the liquid level ended with a sharp drop (see
3.4. Entire foaming II Fig. 3(a)), caused by the formation of polyhedral bubbles at upper
layers. The liquid level fluctuated sharply (see Fig. 3(a)), due to the
When the us further increased to poor stability of the large polyhedral bubbles at the upper levels. As
10.00 mm∙s−1 ≤ us ≤ 16.67 mm∙s−1, the lower layers remained aforementioned, the Ostwald ripening effect and the drainage behavior
spherical, while the upper layers were polyhedral foam, as presented in of the Plateau boundary were the main reasons of the polyhedral foam
Fig. 8(a). This was defined as Entire foaming II. instability. Moreover, the Ostwald ripening effect of the bubbles of
The Δh expanded, exceeding more than four times of the initial li- different heights opened a gas passage, resulting in a dramatic foam
quid level, reaching a peak value. It was observed that the polyhedral collapse.
bubbles at upper layers were generated by the coalescence of smaller As it could be observed from Fig. 3(b), the foam decaying rate (slope
bubbles. In this polyhedral foam structure, every three adjacent poly- of the decaying curve) of Entire foaming I and II was quite higher
hedral bubbles formed a triangular concave Plateau boundary [25–27], compared to Partial foaming I, indicating that the structure of spherical
as presented with a red circle in Fig. 8(a). In addition to the Ostwald foam was significantly more stable than the non-spherical foam struc-
ripening effect as mentioned above, the drainage behavior of the Pla- ture. In addition, the liquid level of Entire foaming II rapidly decreased,
teau boundary [25,26,28–30] was another important reason for the due to the polyhedral bubble breakage subsequently to gas supply in-
instability of the polyhedral foam structure. Fig. 8(b) presents the terruption. Moreover, the foam decay rate of Entire foaming II appar-
Plateau boundary morphology. Due to the different radius of curvature, ently decreased with the liquid level drop following the gas supply
the pressure on the bubble film was higher than on the Plateau interruption, which was highly related to the bubble sizes at different
boundary. This would cause the liquid to be drained from the bubble heights. As presented in Fig. 9, the bubble sizes significantly decreased
film (Point A) towards the Plateau boundary (Point B). As a result, the as the height dropped. It was observed that the foam decayed from the
Δh of Entire foaming II sharply fluctuated from 40 cm to 51 cm top to the bottom following the gas supply interruption. As a result, the
(us = 13.33 mm/s), due to the poor instability of the polyhedral foam decay rate of foam slowed down as the bubble size decreased.
When Entire foaming II (10.00 mm∙s−1 < us ≤ 16.67 mm∙s−1)

Fig. 8. Foam structure of Entire Foaming II (us = 10.00 mm∙s−1).

R. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 113 (2020) 110041

Fig. 10. Foam structure of Partial Foaming II (us = 40.00 mm∙s−1).

3.5. Partial foaming II

At 16.67 mm∙s−1 < us < 53.33 mm∙s−1, the foam structure is

presented in Fig. 10. A few polyhedral foams were still located at the
upper layers, while the bubble-dispersed phase reappeared at lower
layer. This state was defined as Partial foaming II. Compared to the Fig. 11. High-speed stream penetrating the liquid phase (us = 53.33 mm∙s−1).
Partial Foaming I, the number and size of the bubbles apparently be-
came higher. In addition, the boundary between the foam phase and where, μ is the dynamic viscosity of the liquid phase (Pa∙s).
bubble-dispersed phase was no longer clear or regular during Partial When us ≥ 53.33 mm∙s−1, the high-speed gas flow penetrated the
Foaming II. liquid phase, leading to the disappearance of the foam, as presented in
In this us range, ΔΔh decreased continuously with the increase of us, Fig. 11. A low amount of bubbles originated from the break-up of the
as presented in Fig. 4. The fitting result between Δh and us was pre- high-speed gas stream.
sented in Eq. (8) (R2 = 0.91). It was observed that the larger bubble In summary, the foaming phenomena order of appearance was
size and strong disturbance became significantly large at extremely Partial Foaming I → Entire Foaming I → Entire Foaming II → Partial
high values of us, which would further result in the acceleration of Foaming II in turn, as the us increased. Fig. 12 presents the foam
bubbles rising and collapse. The rising velocity of single bubble is ex- structures of all foaming types. Zhu et al. [9,11] also observed two types
pressed as Eq. (10), as derived through the force balance of bubble (Eq. of Partial foaming and Entire foaming through physical simulation of
(9)). The velocity increase of bubbles would increase squarely with the slag foaming. Zhu et al. [31] found the similar phenomenon through X-
bubble sizes. Therefore, the bubble residence time was significantly Ray observation of high temperature slag foaming. However, in pre-
shortened, while the disturbance of the high-speed air flow was vious studies, the structure characteristics of foaming slag were not
strengthened under the extremely high us. As a result, the lower layer analyzed, without including the relation between slag structure and
was transformed into the bubble-dispersed phase, while the foaming dynamic evolution of slag foaming.
height also reduced accordingly. This study results indicated that the us adjustment would be a useful
and executable method to control the slag foaming. In the actual me-
Δh = −0.90 × us + 52.10 (8)
tallurgical production process, the us varies over a wide range, in which
where, Δh is the foaming height (mm) and us is the superficial gas ve- the considerable differences of the structure characteristics of foaming
locity (mm∙s−1). slag and dynamic evolution of slag foaming have shown in this study.
The us can be changed through the oxygen lance position of BOF, ma-
1 6·πd3ρl g − 1 6·πd3ρg g = ρl /2·CD Aub2 (9) terials addition, and other process parameters to avoid the improper
slag foaming.
where, the first and second terms on the left are buoyancy and gravity,
respectively; the left term is resistance force; d is the bubble diameter; ρl
and ρg is the liquid and gas density, respectively; A is the projected area 4. Conclusions
of bubble in the motion direction; ub is the motion velocity and CD is the
drag coefficient, equal to 24/Re (Re = ρl ub d μ ). In this study, the Morton number was employed to measure the
similarity between BOF slag and glycerol solution, while the physical
ub = (4 3CD )·[(ρl − ρg ) ρl ]·gd model of slag foaming was established. The structure characteristics of
foaming and the slag dynamic evolution of slag foaming was analyzed
= 1 18·[(ρl − ρg ) ρl ]·(gρl d 2 μ) ≈ 1 18·(gρl d 2 μ) (10) systematically under us. The results demonstrated that the foaming

R. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 113 (2020) 110041

Fig. 12. Foam structures of different foaming types (a) us < 0.08 mm∙s−1; (b) us = 0.08 mm∙s−1; (c) 0.10 mm∙s−1 ≤ us ≤ 0.50 mm∙s−1; (d)
0.50 mm∙s−1 < us < 10.00 mm∙s−1; (e) 10.00 mm∙s−1 ≤ us ≤ 16.67 mm∙s−1; (f) 16.67 mm∙s−1 < us < 53.33 mm∙s−1; (g) us ≥ 53.33 mm∙s−1.

height increased first and consequently decreased as the superficial gas interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
velocity increased. The different structure characteristics of foaming ence the work reported in this paper.
slag and dynamic evolution laws of slag foaming were presented.
(1) In the range of 0.08 mm∙s−1 < us ≤ 0.50 mm∙s−1, the foam Acknowledgments
layer began to form and expanded slowly, while the foaming system
presented two-layer structure (Partial foaming I). The bubble-dispersed Financial support to this project is provided by National Key R & D
phase was in the lower layer, while the spherical bubbles were stacked Program of China, China, Grant No. 2017YFC0805100; National
into a foam phase on upper layers. The foaming height increased lin- Natural Science Foundation of China, China; Grant No. 51774087;
early with the rise of us. The foam decayed at a uniform rate following Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, China, Grant
gas supply interruption. No. 2019-MS-123 and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
(2) In the range of 0.50 mm∙s−1 < us < 10.00 mm∙s−1, Entire Universities, China, Grant No. N180725008.
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