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Second Periodical Examination

Mathematics 9
S.Y. 2022 – 2023 /50
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Grade 9 - ______________________ Teacher: _______________

Directions: Read and analyze questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer .

1.There is __________ whenever a situation produces pairs of numbers in which their ratio is
A. Direct Variation C.Joint Variation
B. Inverse Variation D.Combined Variation
2.The cost of c varies directly as the number n of books is written as
A. c=kn C. n=
B. k=cn D.c=
3.Which is an example of a direct variation?
A. xy=15 C.y=10x
7 7
B. y= D. =x
x y
4.If y varies directly as x and y=12 when x=4, find y when x=12.
A.3 C.36
B.4 D.48
5.y varies directly as x and y=32 when x=4. Find the constant of variation.
A.8 C.28
B.36 D.128
6.Occurs whenever a situation produces pairs of numbers whose product is constant.
A.Direct Variation C.Joint Variation
B.Inverse Variation D.Combined Variation
7.The speed r of a moving object is inversely proportional to the time t travelled is written as
A.r=kt C.t=kr
k r
B.r= D. =r
t k
8.If y varies inversely as x and y=10 when x=2, find y when x=10.
A.8 C.4
B.6 D.2
9.If y varies inversely as x and y= when x=9, find y when x=-3.
A.5 C.
1 3
B. D.-
3 5
10.y varies inversely as x and y=6 when x=18. Find the constant of variation.
A.98 C.118
B.108 D.128
11.The statement a varies jointly as b and c means a=kbc, or k= , where k is the constant of
A.Direct Variation C.Joint Variation
B.Inverse Variation D.Combined Variation

12.The area A of a parallelogram varies jointly as the base b and altitude h is written as
A.A=kbh C.k=Abh
bh Ab
B.k= D.h=
A k
13.Find the equation of variation where a varies jointly as b and c, and a=36 when b=3 and c=4.
A.a=3bc C.a=5bc
B.a=4bc D.a=6bc
14.If h varies jointly as j2 and i and inversely as g, and h=50 when j=2, i=5, and g= , find h when j=4,
i=10, and g= .
A.25 C.800
B.100 D.805
15.The mass of a rectangular sheet of wood varies jointly as the length and the width. When the
length is 20 cm and the width is 10 cm, the mass is 200 grams. Find the mass when the length is 15
cm and the width is 10 cm.
A.100 grams C.200 grams
B.150 grams D.250 grams
kx ty
16.The statement t varies directly as x and inversely as y means t= , or k= , where k is the
y x
constant of variation.
A.Direct Variation C.Joint Variation
B.Inverse Variation D.Combined Variation
17.The pressure P of a gas varies directly as its temperature t and inversely as its volume v is written
kt V
A.P= C.P=
V kt
B.t=kPv D.v=kPt
18.If z varies directly as x and inversely as y, and z=9 when x=6 and y=2, find z when x=8 and y=12.
A.6 C.2
B.4 D.0
19.Y varies directly as x and inversely as the square of z is written as
kx z
A.Y= 2 C.Y=
z kx
B.z2=kxY D.k=xYz2
20.The electrical resistance of a wire varies directly as its length and inversely as the square of its
diameter. If a wire 30 meters long and 0.75 mm in diameter has a resistance of 25 ohms, find the
length of a wire of the same material whose resistance and diameter are 30 ohms and 1.25 mm,
A.150 meters C.50 meters
B.100 meters D.25 meters
21.What is the simplified form of 30 −4 0 +4 +3+100 ?
A.1 C.10
B. 8 D.7
22.Which of the following is true?
1 1 1 2
A.5 2 +5 3 =55 C.(3 3 )2=9 3
1 −2
3 1
B. 1
=2 9
D.4 = 2
2 3 4
23.What is the result when we simplify b5▪b3?
A.b8 C.b6
B.b7 D.b5
24.What is the equivalent of √ 4 + √ 2 using exponential notation?
3 5

1 1
A.4 3 +2 5 C.6 8
B.43+25 D.6 8
25.Which of the following radical equations will have x=6 as the solution?
A.√ x -2x+7=0 C.√ x =9
B.√ 2 x−3=x-3 D.3√ x =5
26.What is the result after simplifying 2 √ 3+ 4 √ 3−5 √3 ?
A.-√ 3 C.11 √ 3
B.√ 3 D.21√ 3

27.What is the result when we simplify ?
3−√ 7
A. 2(3+ √7) C. 3+ √ 7
B. 3−√ 7 D.2(3−√ 7)
28.What is the simplified form of
√3 ?
√15 C.√ 3
B.√ 15 D.
29.Simplify the expression 81 .

A.3 C. 27
B.9 D. 40.5
30.Simplify the expression ¿.
A.4 C.6
B.5 D.7
31.Which of the following is a radical equation in one variable?
A.√ m=2 C.2 x √ 5+3 y √3=10
B.√ 12=5 D.√ 12+ √30=7
32.What is the exponential form 2 √ a+3 √ b?
1 1
A.2 2 a+3 2 b C.¿
1 1
B.2 a 2 +3 b 2 D.¿
33.Which of the following is an incorrect characteristic of a radical in simplest form? fraction as radicands radical appears in the
denominator of a fraction. radicands with variable radicands have perfect square
factors other than 1.
34.Simplify: 2 √ 3−5 √ 2+ 10 √ 3+14 √ 2−3 √ 2
A.34√ 5 C.6 √ 2+12 √3
B.18√ 5 D.12 √ 2+6 √ 3
35.What value of k will make the equation √ k + 4=√2 k + 3 true?
3 3

A.4 C.2
B.3 D.1
36.Which of the following is the simplified form of (2+√ 5)( 2-√ 5)?
A.1 C. 9
B.-1 D. -9
37.Which of the following is true?
A.100 +10=11 C.2√ 3 ¿
B.20+2√ 55=22 √ 55 D.10 - 2√ 5+5 √ 5−5=15−3 √ 5
38.What is the simplified form of ?
√5 x
C. √
4 √5 x 5 4 x 2+ x
5x x
D. √
4x +x
B.5x√ 4 x
39.What is the index in the radical expression : √ 4 x ?

A.2 C.4
B.3 D.x
40.A number or expression inside the radical symbol.
A.radicand C.radical
B.exponent D.index

For itemts 41-50, Solve the following radical equations.

41.√ x=10
A.x=10 C.x=1000
B.x=100 D.x=10000
42.√ 2 m=2

A.m=8 C.m=2
B.m=4 D.m=16

43.−5 √ b=−50
A.b=10000 C.b=100
B.b=1000 D.b=10

44.√ n+2=3
A.n=7 C.n=9
B.n=11 D.n=13
45.√3 2 s+10=4
A.s=54 C.s=64
B.s=27 D.s=128
46.√ x−1=4
A.x=15 C.x=17
B.x=16 D.x=18

47.√ x−3=3
A.x=2 C.x=8
B.x=4 D.x=12
48.√ 3 a+9=√3 6 a+15

A.a=-1 C.a=-3
B.a=-2 D.a=-4
49.√ 5 m−14=1
A.m=1 C.m=5
B.m=3 D.m=15
50.Simplify : √ √ 64
A. √ 8 C.4 √2
B.2 √ 2 D.4

“MATH is about becoming a creative and critical thinker, not a CALCULATOR.”

Good Luck and God Bless!

Second Periodical Test
Grade 9 Mathematics

1.A 11.C 21.B 31.A 41.B

2.A 12.A 22.D 32.B 42.B

3.C 13.A 23.A 33.B 43.C

4.C 14.C 24.A 34.C 44.A

5.A 15.B 25.B 35.D 45.B

6.B 16.D 26.B 36.B 46.C

7.B 17.A 27.C 37.A 47.D

8.D 18.C 28.A 38.A 48.B

9.D 19.A 29.B 39.A 49. B

10.B 20.B 30.A 40.A 50.B

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