Unit Test Health 8 Q4

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Manuel G.

Araullo High School

U.N. Avenue corner Taft Ave. Ermita, Manila

Unit Test in Health 8

4th Quarter
I. Multiple Choice: Read the following statements carefully. Write only the
letter with the best answer.
1. Drugs which open doors for non-drug users to try and experiment on more
drugs are called __________.
A. Depressant Drugs B. Gateway Drugs
C. Narcotic Drugs D. Stimulant Drugs
2. There are around 4,000 deadly chemicals found in cigarette smoke. Which
chemical was used as a pesticide.
A. Acetone B. Benzene
C. Nicotine D. Tar
3. The plant where cigarette and its other products come from is called
A. Cannabis Sativa B. Nicotiana Tabacum
C. Papaver Somniferum D. None of the above
4. The addictive component in cigarette and tobacco products is _________.
A. Nicotine B. Smoke
C. Tar D. Tobacco
5. How can a teenage avoid smoking caused by peer pressures?
A. Say “I hate smoking, it develops bad breath and foul body smell.”
B. Say “I’m going to the library, would you like to go with me?”
C. Say “No thanks, I have more important things to enjoy than smoking.”
D. All of the above
II. Identification: Identify what is being asked on the following question.
Choose your answer on the box. Write your answer on the space provided.
Tobacco Stimulation Smoker Oral
Gratification Smoker
Pleasure-relaxation Smoker Tension-reducer Smoker Habitual
Lung Damage Heart Diseases Fertility
Weakened Immune System Vision Problems Poor Oral
Mainstream Smoke Secondhand Smoke Thirdhand

_______________6. The smoke directly inhaled through the burning cigarette

by the smoker.
_______________7. Exhaled mainstream smoke, the smoke breathed out by the
smoker from his/her lungs.
_______________8. Smoke consists of the tobacco residue from cigarettes,
cigars, and other tobacco products that are left behind smoking.
_______________9. Smoking cigarettes affects lung health because of a person
breathes in not only nicotine but also a variety of additional chemicals.
_______________10. Smoking cigarettes can damage the heart, blood vessels,
and blood cells.
_______________11. Smoking cigarettes can damage a female’s reproductive
system and make it more difficult to get pregnant.
_______________12. Smoking cigarettes can weaken a person’s immune
system, making them more susceptible to illness.
_______________13. Smoking cigarettes an cause eye problems including a
greater risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
_______________14. People who smoke have double the risk of gum disease.
_______________15. He/she is a kind of smoker smokes to liven up his/her life.
_______________16. The cigarette gives oral gratification just like a baby who
needs to stuck his/ her bottle of milk.
_______________17. For some smoker, cigarette gives them a feeling of
contentment, achievement, and victory.
_______________18. There some people who smoke when under stress, anger,
fear, or anxiety. Smoking offers them the escape from these feelings.
_______________19. This type of smoker feels uneasy and nervous without
cigarette in his/ her hand. He/she is a chain smoker.
_______________20. It is a type of gateway drugs initially used by people and
may eventually lead to the abuse of illegal drugs.
III. Enumeration: List down or enumerate what are being asked on each
column. Write your answer on the space provided.

Why people do not smoke Why people smoke

21. 26.

22. 27.

23. 28.

24. 29.

25. 30.

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